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PA 203

Second semester, 2020- 2021

Other student outputs

Due June 30, 2021

• Reflections on modules
• Final exam
Requirement 2
Module Reflections (20% of grade)
During self- paced learning period:
• Read course references on the modules/ topics
• For each module, prepare and submit reflections and insights on
your learning, preferably in the context of the agency, LGU you
work with
• Not more than 3 pages (inclusive of all modules) – single -spaced
• Cite your references
• Submit not later than June 30, 2021 by email to
Final exam
PA 203
Final Exam - Prepare a concise essay that
incorporates the concepts you learned.
A. ESSAY - Choose a government agency, LGU or an NGO and study its
administrative system and PODSCORB processes. Incorporate the
1. Describe the relevance of one PA theory to this agency/ LGU/ NGO.
2. Give one good PA practice of the said organization, and describe
briefly the effects of this good practice on public service.
3. Give one area of PA that this organization should improve on and
give a way for this weakness to be addressed.
B. EVALUATION FEEDBACK on the COURSE – to help improve it
1. Comment on the learning approach used (motivation, course
organization, methods, etc.)
2. Comment on the IFSU library, LMS and resources.
3. Comment on self (contribution to class discussion).
4. What did you like best?
5. What should be improved?

• No more than 3 pages, single spaced
• Essay is 35% of grades
• Cite sources (references, key informants)
• Submit not later than JUNE 30, 2021 to

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