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Term 3 & 4 Design Criterion D Report

● Design Specification Testing Methodology:

Design Design Specification Requirements Methodology of Testing

Aesthetic Specific: The original idea was to develop a game using C++ with simple colors, lines, In regards to testing the
shapes, and spaces). An ideal color scheme will reduce the interference with the flashing quality of the output’s
colors to ensure that the target audience feels comfortable when playing. Moreover, the aesthetic, a random
rest are arranged in a triangle to appear in a wide space, because when these three aspects sampling throughout will
are in a dense state, the target audience may encounter visual problems. be conducted in a form of
questionnaire. A random
Measurable: When the integrated design does not use flashy colors, less disruptive lines sampling questionnaire
and is also organized in a vast space, the ideal design that has been built previously has has been chosen to
already met the standard. The product must use C++. As that consumer satisfaction is evaluate the product’s
affected by aesthetics, design is of the utmost importance. aesthetic underlying the
customer of the product
Achievable: Although difficulties are encountered due to personal preferences, these targeting all members of
obstacles can be overcome by constantly including initial concepts. In addition, feedback is the society. Therefore, a
also a beneficial method, as it allows me to gain insights from others. Therefore, this can questionnaire was
be achieved. selected to reduce bias
and get the opinion of the
Relevant: This design product can be realized by keeping in mind my consistency target audience from
throughout the development process. The development of this project requires consistency different age groups. In
of thought and commitment regarding time management skills. Therefore, the timeline on the questionnaire
the calendar is a beneficial element for the successful completion of this project. addressed to each
respondents, there will be
Time: After completing the "Design Criteria B" report and outlining the final design, you questions covering
should begin the game creation process. The final design and feedback process will be colours, lines, shapes and
completed within 2 weeks. space of the final

Cost Specific: Based on the aesthetics of design, this product will be built using a C ++ To examine whether the
approved platform. The software itself is a coder and a platform that users can access for final output satisfies the
free. However, there are external costs such as internet connection. actual design
specification in terms of
Measurable: Despite C ++ being free paid software, in the entire project, the only fee that its cost, a self-evaluation
needs to be paid is the Internet subscription fee. The mobile data internet subscription fee test will be conducted. A
is within Rp. 100,000-150,000. Therefore, when the total cost reaches Rp or more. It is self-evaluation method
inferred that the project exceeded the budget allocation by 150,000. has been chosen in
comparison to other
Achievable: The cost will be within the allocated budget by creating the final document. methods as the audience
All results used in the entire game creation process must be recorded and ensured that it does not have any
does not exceed Rp. 150,000. Once the expansion is close to reaching its allocated budget, infomraiton regarding the
alternatives should be considered. manufacturing cost of
production. In the self-
Relevant: Although achievable, there may be challenges when connecting to the Internet. evaluation process, as the
The higher the usage of the Internet, the higher the cost of subscribing to Internet quotas. manufacturer, there will
Therefore, the timetable is a solution. be an evaluation whether
the overall outcome is
Time: Due to the use of Internet quotas for a long time, resulting in increased production within the allocated Rp.
costs, the time required for this project is relatively short. The estimated time is about 10 to 150,000 or not.
14 days for the process. Therefore, you will save time and money.

Customer Specific: The game is a universal platform and media for all ages. Target audiences are When evaluating whether
people of different age groups with access to social media. Therefore, I think that everyone the output of this project
in society wants to enjoy the game. has satisfied the target
customer, a qualitative
Measurable: Under the considerations of the product of this project is limited to Rupiah. testing method is
150,000 budget. So, there is no budget allocated for promotion. As a result, there has been desirable in the form of
a limit and narrow targets. open-ended questions
within the questionnaire.
Achievable: Keeping in mind that games are digital products is a bit easier, asking people An open-ended question
to play games. I ask people to try the game by providing a soft copy of the game to all was chosen as a
target audiences. qualitative testing
approach that will
Relevant: The game is a digital product, so it can actually be achieved. With the internet provide a better
and computer, you can access your games anywhere, so there are no interruptions to understanding of whether
Covid-19. Therefore, all target audiences are experiencing this game. it meets the right target
market rather than a
Time: It takes a short time to quickly deploy the game to each target customer. The simple questionnaire
estimated time is about 10 minutes for each participant involved. Therefore, more question saying yes or no.
participants can participate and use it as feedback.

Manufacturing Specific: After the first three initial designs have been created, the manufacturing process In evaluating the
continues when the final design is designed from the design overview. Due to the lack of manufacturing processes,
coding skills, it can take 10 to 14 days to complete everything. This is the estimated time the same self-evaluation
to make the game. method wouldbe selected.
This testing method is
Measurable: There are limitations due to lack of coding skills, but you can measure them most relevant considering
all within 14 days and complete them all within the predicted time frame. So, if the time only myself as the creator
exceeds 14 days, you can conclude that the team assignment has failed. knew exactly the
manufacturing process
Achievable: Information via the internet meets all the requirements in a digital era, and the behind the creation of the
project can be completed by 14 days. If you don't know the code or instruction to use, you product. By employing
can search online. this method I will
scrutinize whether the
Relevant: There is so much information on the internet that I think we can complete manufacturing process is
everything within 14 days of time. successful between the
allocated time available.
Time: In reality it is possible to complete everything within 14 days.

Safety Specific: Games are media that have two positive and negative consequences. Positive To examine the product’s
results are interesting and negative results are addictive. Therefore, the game requires at safety, an open-ended
least education or less addiction to the user. question in a survey is the
best testing approach.
Measurable: It can be measured when it fits the age category without causing game Such testing methodology
addiction. However, less addictive games can reduce the quality of the game. During a has been selected as an
feedback session for your target audience, they shouldn't play that long. open-ended question that
provides qualitative
Achievable: There may be challenges in the clear future as the main nature of the game explanation allowing
makes something fun. But when creating educational games, more research is needed to myself as the creator of
find information online. the game to gain an
insight in specific from
Relevant: As the essence of this game is educational, it’s possible to create a positive one. the target market. Thus,
the open-ended question
Time: Apart from the other aspects of the design dossier, safety takes the most time as it is will be placed in the
likely to reflect the overall state of the game. This may require up to 3 days of questionnaire.
● Design Specification Testing Methodology Results
A. Aesthethic:

To evaluate the effectiveness and the quality of the game’s aesthetic, I have spread a questionnaire to five
respondents. Based on the result of the questionnaire, there has been a positive indication showing a positive
outcome in regards to the product’s aesthtics. All respondents have agreed upon the strength of the product’s
aesthetic as three out of five respondents have rated 8/10 and two from five respondents have given a rating of 9/10.
Therefore, the findings have inferred that I have developed and designed a satisfying design based on the aesthetic
of the final game. Yet, as most of the ratings didn’t reach a scale of 10, I believe there are improvements that could
be made in the future.

B. Cost:

In comparison to aesthetics, I have decided to conduct a self-evaluation regarding the cost of production in creating
this game as only myself as a creator knew about it. Based upon the initial plan, the allocated budget for this game
was Rp. 150,000. When I have finished developing the game, it turned out that it cost no money to complete
everything. I believe when creating this product there were no expenses as I have utilized all of the platforms
available at home efficiently. As an illustration, during the development process, I used my own wifi, pc and other
resources available. Thus, it can be concluded that the cost of production is within the allocated budget.

C. Manufacturing:

Based on the initial plan designed in criterion B, to complete everything the allocated time was between 10 to 14
days of completion. Corresponding to the actual development process time, in total, I was able to complete the
whole product within 12 days of time. It took me 2 days to develop my final plan, 8 days to complete the rough
working and the remaining 2 days to fix any errors and final touches. Hence, based on the initial plan and the actual
execution of the product, 12 days of time is within the allocated time showing this project is a success.
D. Customer & Safety:

Examining the customer and safety concerns of the product has been preceded by employing an open-ended
qualitative questionnaire to evaluate whether those two elements have satisfied the actual product. Those two
elements have been unified considering it correlates with each other. In regards to the questionnaire, all of the five
respondents have pointed out that the game developed is suitable for all age categories. There are several aspects in
common underlying their stance such as the game is free from harm, nudity and violence. Moreover, all age
category seem to be have access and can play this game due to its simplicity.

● Final Product Evaluation:

A. Product’s Strengths:

After conducting the survey and having a self-evaluation in regards to the product’s strength, there are sufficient
strengths regarding the game. Firstly, based on the questionnaire that was given to five respondents, the game is
suitable for all ages. This game is considered appropriate for all age categories considering this game is free from
sexual, nudity and violence aspects. As a result, this turned out to be an advantage as this game could be played by
individuals from different age groups. Apart from the eligibility for all age groups to play this game, the final
product’s strength is that the product is educational and not addicting which have low drawbacks.

B. Product’s Weaknesses:

Despite the strengths inherited by the video game that previously has been constructed, there are remaining
drawbacks preventing the game’s successs. In the same vein with the previous questionnaire that has been
distributed to five respondents, three out of five people have mentioned that they have encountered several glitches
and lags when playing this game. Thus, this drawback should be improved in the future to reduce any forms of
drawbacks and poor quality to ensure the target audience’s comfort when playing the game.

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