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UNIT NINE + audio file


Prepared for GE Class

Dr. Azadeh Asgari
1. Since the dawn of history human beings have been challenged by their
susceptibility to emotional instability and mental suffering. To relieve this
agony humans have resorted to many means and have invoked the help of
variety of powers both natural and supernatural. Across the wide range of
cultures and irrespective of local beliefs and traditional practices religion has
enjoyed a central place in the promotion of mental well-being and in the
alleviation of mental disorders.

dawn: become light; begin, start; become clear; start to understand ‫فزش‬/ ‌َ‫ذٖ‌‌د‬١‫عپ‬/ ‫ع‬ٍٛ‫‌اغا ‌ص‌ط‬،/ ‌‌ْ‫‌اغاص‌ؽذ‬
susceptibility: vulnerability; emotional sensitivity; inability to resist a particular external influence, impressionability ‫اعتؼذاد‬/ ٟ‫ ‌اِادگ‬/ ‌‫ت‬١ٍ‫‌لات‬،‌
emotional: full of feeling, passionate, sentimental ‌ٝ‫اصغاعات‬/ ‫ذ‬١ِٙ
instability : unsteadiness, shakiness, lack of firmness; changeability, tendency to behave erratically ‌ٞ‫اس‬ٛ‫ٔااعت‬/ ‌‌ٟ‫‌‌حثات‬ٟ‫ت‬
agony; : torment; struggle before death ‫دسد‬/ ‌‫‌سٔذ‬/ ‫تمال‬/ ‌‫ عىشات‌‌ِشگ‬/ ‌‌ْ‫‌رأىٕذ‬،
resort: have recourse, utilize a source of help ٖ‫‌پٕا٘گا‬،‫ق‌ٍِزا‬ٛ‫‌پات‬،‌‫‌ِاللات‌‌ِىشس‬،/
invoke: summon a spirit through witchcraft; request, make an appeal; pray ‌ٗ‫دػا‌وشدْ‌‌ت‬/ ْ‫ طٍة‌‌وشد‬/ ‌‌ٓ‫اعت‬ٛ‫‌تاٌتّاط‌‌خ‬
supernatural: not conforming to known natural forces or laws, beyond what is natural or normal; magical ٟ‫ؼ‬١‫ساء‌‌طث‬ٚ‫ ِا‬/‌‌ٖ‫ق‌‌اٌؼاد‬ٛ‫‌ف‬
irrespective : without regard to, unconnected to ‌‫طشف‬١‫ت‬/ ‌‫‌‌ادب‬ٟ‫‌ت‬/ ‫‌اصتشاَ‌ٔگزاس‬، / ‫ْ‌‌ِشاػات‬ٚ‫‌‌تذ‬،
promotion : advancement, furthering, encouragement; initiative, enterprise ‌‫غ‬١‫ تشف‬/ ٟ‫ تشل‬/ ‌‫ؾشفت‬١‫‌پ‬،‌/ ٞ
‌ ‫‌أذاص‬ٍٛ‫ر‬/ ‌‌‫ذ‬٠ٚ‫تش‬
alleviation: soothing, relief; easing, lessening ٓ١‫‌تغى‬،/ ‌‫ف‬١‫‌تخف‬/‌‌‫ٔؾغت‬ٚ‫‌فش‬،
2. An interesting therapeutic in ancient Egypt for example „‟temple sleep‟‟. It
was associated with the name of I-em-hotep the earliest known physician in
history the vizier of the pharaoh Zoser (2980-2900BC) and later regarded as
the patron saint and god of medicine. Treatments were greatly influenced by
the psycho-religious climate of the temples by the profound confidence people
had is the supernatural powers of the deity and by the suggestive techniques
carried out by divine healers. All through the ages various civilization have
developed within socio-cultural and religious context comparable therapeutic
systems for the treatment of mental illness.

therapeutic: pertaining to the treatment of a disease or disorder; serving to restore good health, curative ‌‌ٟٔ‫دسِا‬/‌ٟ‫اتغتٗ‌تٗ‌‌دسِاْ‌‌ؽٕاع‬ٚ / ‌‌‫ِؼاٌذ‬/
temple: place of worship, shrine, church, synagogue; flattened region on either side of the forehead ٖ‫‌پشعتؾگا‬،‫‌ِؼثذ‬،/ ٗ‫م‬١‫ ‌ؽم‬/‌‌ٖ‫زگا‬١‫‌گ‬،‌
vizier: high ranking executive officer in Muslim countries ‫ش‬٠‫ص‬ٚ
patron: supporter; regular customer; sponsor; guardian, legal guardian ‌،‫صافظ‬/‌‌ِٟ‫ صا‬/ ‫ذاس‬ٙ‫ٔگ‬/ ‌ْ‫ثا‬١‫پؾت‬
greatly: very much, extremely ‌‫ تضسگ‬/ ُ١‫ش‌ػظ‬١‫‌وث‬، / ‌ُِٙ‌/ ‌‫‌ٕ٘گفت‬/ ،‫اد‬٠‫ ‌ص‬/ ‌،‫ِٕذ‬ٛ‫ت‬
confidence: secret; trust; faith in oneself; certainty ْ‫ٕا‬١ّ‫‌‌اط‬، / ‫ اػتماد‬/ ‫ اػتّاد‬/ ‌ٟ٠ٛ‫ساصگ‬/ ‌‫ت‬١ّ١ّ‫‌ف‬
deity: God, divine being, supreme being ‫خذا‬
suggestive: evocative, reminiscent; implied, not described in detail ٖ‫‌‌اؽاسٖ‌‌وٕٕذ‬،/ ‌‌ٖ‫دالٌت‌‌وٕٕذ‬/ ‌‫ض‬١ِ‫عٗ‌‌ا‬ٛ‫ع‬ٚ
comparable: similar, able to be compared ‫ش‬٠‫اط‌‌پز‬١‫ل‬/ ‌‌ٗ‫غ‬٠‫لاتً‌‌ِما‬
3.Is there a place for these institutions in a modern psychiatric system?

4. Fundamentally man seeks guidance from religion and hops to find

truth there. Within religious systems ethical values and inherited
doctrines constitute the framework for accepted codes of behavior for
personality formation and for moral development. In time of mental
stress beliefs customs traditions and religious institutions constitute
basic resources for help and rescue.

psychiatric: of psychiatry, of the diagnosis and treatment mental illnesses ‌‌ٟ‫أپضؽى‬ٚ‫اتغتٗ‌‌تٗ‌‌س‬ٚ
fundamentally: in a fundamental manner, basically, essentially ‌‌ٞ‫اد‬١ٕ‫ت‬
guidance: instruction; direction; management, leadership ‌ٟ٠‫سإّ٘ا‬/ ‫ت‬٠‫ ٘ذا‬/ ‫‌سإّ٘ا‬،‌/ ‌ٞ‫‌س٘ثش‬/ ‫د‬ّٕٛ٘‫‌س‬،
truth: verity, fact; true statement, truism; fundamental reality, basic fact ‌ٟ‫ ساعت‬/ ‌‫فذق‬/ ‌‫مت‬١‫‌صم‬/ ٟ‫‌‌دسعت‬،/ ‌‫فذالت‬
ethical: moral, pertaining to values and principles ‫اتغتٗ‌‌تٗ‌‌ػٍُ‌‌اخالق‬ٚ
inherited: received by legal right at a person's death; received as a legacy; transmitted genetically ‌ْ‫شاث‌‌تشد‬١ِ‌‌ٗ‫ت‬/ ْ‫اسث‌‌ؽذ‬ٚ /‌‌ْ‫ٓ‌‌ؽذ‬١‫رأؾ‬،‌
doctrine: something which is taught; belief, tenet; teachings of a religion or branch of knowledge ٖ‫ذ‬١‫ػم‬/ ‫ي‬ٛ‫‌اف‬،‌‌،/ ‌‫صىّت‬/ ُ١ٍ‫‌گفتٗ‌‌‌تؼ‬،
constitute: comprise, form, make up; establish, found ‌ْ‫ً‌‌داد‬١‫تؾى‬/ ْ‫ظ‌‌وشد‬١‫ ‌تاع‬/ ‌ْ‫ة‌‌وشد‬١‫‌تشو‬،‌
personality: character, disposition, identity ‌‫ت‬١‫ؽخق‬/ ‫ت‬٠ٛ٘‌‌‌‫ات‬١‫ف‬ٛ‫‌خق‬ٚ‌‌‫‌اخالق‬،‫د‬ٛ‫ر‬ٚ‌،/ ‫‌‌ؽخـ‬،
formation: forming, making; structure, arrangement; configuration ‌ً‫ؽى‬/ ‌ْ‫عاختّا‬/ ‌‫الت‬١‫ ‌تؾى‬/ ‫‌‌اصذاث‬،
rescue: deliverance, act of saving from danger or injury, act of freeing from risk ٟ‫ خالف‬/‌‌‌ٟ٠‫‌س٘ا‬،‌
5. A depressed person may entertain suicidal thoughts yet there is an
inner force which stops him from taking his life. Some of these patients
when interviewed at the appropriate phase of treatment clearly stated
they remembered the „‟words of god‟‟ and this factor stopped them from
committing suicide. The patient may or may not remember the exact
words or the verse of the Koran which commands the Moslem believer.
„‟Do not kill thyself for god is merciful to you‟‟. But he does appreciate
that suicide is against his religious belief and that he should therefor
refrain from doing it. The Islamic approach to such a complex problem
as alcoholism is another good example of the preventive role of
entertain: interest, amuse; host; hold or maintain in the mind ْ‫ عشگشَ‌وشد‬/ ٓ‫‌داؽت‬ِٟ‫گشا‬،‌،‌ / ‌ٓ‫ضداؽت‬٠‫ػض‬/ ‌ْ‫ش‌داد‬٠‫تفش‬
suicidal: causing suicide, leading to suicide; extremely dangerous, destructive ‌ٟ‫دوؾ‬ٛ‫ً‌‌تٗ‌خ‬٠‫ِتّا‬
thought: idea, concept, product of the mind ‫فىش‬/ ‫‌افىاس‬/ ‌‫اي‬١‫‌خ‬/ ٖ‫ذ‬١‫‌ٔظ ‌ش‌ػم‬،/ ‫عش‬،‫‌لقذ‬/
interview: question formally, evaluate through questioning; meet with in order to question; be interviewed ٗ‫ ِقاصث‬/ ٖ‫‌ِزاوش‬/‌‌ْ‫‌ِقاصثٗ‌‌وشد‬
appropriate: suitable; fitting, proper ‫س‬ٛ‫دسخ‬/ ‫ِٕاعة‬،/ ‌‌ٟ‫ِمتض‬
suicide: act of destroying one's own interests; one who commits suicide ٟ‫دوؾ‬ٛ‫‌ا‌خ‬، / ‫ٔتضاس‬/ ْ‫‌‌وشد‬ٟ‫دوؾ‬ٛ‫‌خ‬،
appreciate: esteem, regard highly; raise the value, become more valuable ْ‫ش‌وشد‬٠‫‌تمذ‬،/ ْ‫ ‌دسن‌‌وشد‬/ ‌ْ‫‌اصغاط‌وشد‬
religious : devout people, pious people, ‌ٟ‫ِز٘ث‬/ ٗ‫ سا٘ث‬/ ‫ا‬١ٔ‫‌تاسن‌‌د‬
merciful: compassionate, forgiving; characterized by or exercising mercy ‫ سصّت‬/ ‫ض‬١ِ‫‌ا‬/ ٖ‫شتاْ‌‌‌تخؾٕذ‬ِٙ‌،
approach: access; incoming, drawing near ٟ‫‌‌ِؾ‬،/ ‌‌ْ‫ه‌‌ؽذ‬٠‫ٔضد‬
preventive: safeguard, means of prevention, something used to avert an unwanted situation or event ‫ش‬١‫ؼ‌‌گ‬١‫پ‬/ ‌ًِ‫ػا‬/ ‌‫‌ِّأؼت‬
Mass Therapy

6. Regular religious meetings and congregations in churches, mosques

and temples have their promotive mental health role as well as
providing an opportunity for collective social interactions. In some
countries, these meetings have been utilized for health education or for
community involvement in specific mental health problems.

congregations: coming together, assembling; gathering of people ‫ رّاػت‬/ ٗ‫‌دعت‬،‌ٖ‌ٚ‫‌گش‬،‌‌‫غا‬١ٍ‫‌صضاس‌دس‌و‬،
promotive: ‌ٟ‫ز‬٠ٚ‫تش‬
opportunity: chance, occasion; opportune moment ‫ فشفت‬/ ‫‌ِزاي‬،‌‫ت‬ ‌ ‫اف‬٠‌‌‫‌دعت‬،‌‌‌‫‌فشاغت‬،
collective: combined; communal, common; obtained ٗ‫عت‬ٛ١‫ُ‌‌پ‬ٙ‫ٖ‌ت‬ٛ‫‌أث‬،‌ٟ‫‌اؽتشاو‬،‌‌،
interaction: mutual action, reciprocal action ‌‫‌أفؼاي‬ٚ‌ً‫‌فؼ‬،‌ًِ‫تؼا‬
involvement: inclusion; participation, connection, association; complexity ٞ‫ش‬١‫ دسگ‬/ ‌‌ٞ‫‌گشفتاس‬،‌
7. An important feature of the mass meeting in a religious The context is
that the believers are harmoniously united Pomer while their presence
in a holy place reinforces emotional sentiments and augments the sense
of devotion. In. Payer famous places of pilgrimage, such as Lourdes in
the French Pyrenees, where the place is overshadowed by the idea of
vision and miraculous healing, it is not surprising that, among the
crowd of people, spontaneous cures of a psychological nature may take
place. This in itself will further support the emotional interaction
among the of crowd of people and facilitate the release of psychological
tension and mental stress.

harmoniously: in agreement, compatibly; melodiously, tunefully, with a pleasant sound ،‌‫ػ‌إ٘گ‬ٛ‫خ‬/ ‫افك‬ِٛ‌‫س‬ٛ‫تط‬
presence: attendance, state of being at hand; outward appearance, air, demeanor ‫دسٔظش‬/ ٖ‫تىشا ‌س‌ِزغُ‌‌وٕٕذ‬ٚ‌‌‫ع‬ٛ‫ل‬ٚ‌،/ ‌‫س‬ٛ‫‌صض‬
reinforce: strengthen, fortify, support; increase ْ‫ت‌‌وشد‬٠ٛ‫ تم‬/ ْ‫‌ِضىُ‌‌وشد‬،‌/ ‌ْ‫‌ِذد‌وشد‬،‌
sentiment: feeling, emotion; attitude, opinion; tender emotion ‌‫ اصغاط‬/ ٗ‫‌ػاطف‬،/ ‌ً٠‫ تّا‬/ ‌‫ت‬١ٔ‌،/ ‫د‬ٛ‫‌ِمق‬، /
overshadow: located in the shadow of, cast in darkness ‌ْ‫ه‌‌وشد‬٠‫تاس‬/ ‫‌ِغٍظ‌ؽذْ‌‌تش‬/ ْ‫ٗ‌‌افىٕذْ‌‌تش‌‌تضت‌‌اٌؾؼاع‌‌لشاس‌داد‬٠‫عا‬،
miraculous : amazing, marvelous ‫ِؼزضٖ‌‌اعا‬
spontaneous : instinctive, natural; not premeditated ‫د‬ٛ‫د‌تخ‬ٛ‫ خ‬/ ‫ض‬١‫د‌أگ‬ٛ‫ ‌خ‬/ ‫اس‬١‫‌‌اخت‬ٟ‫‌ت‬،
emotional: full of feeling, passionate, sentimental ،‌ٝ‫ اصغاعات‬/ ‫ذ‬١ِٙ
psychological : of psychology; of the mind, of mental and emotional conditions ٝٔ‫ا‬ٚ‫ات‌س‬١ٍّ‫ ػ‬/ ،‌ٝ‫أؾٕاع‬ٚ‫ط‌تٗ‌س‬ٛ‫ِشت‬/ ٝٔ‫ا‬ٚ‫س‬
facilitate: make easy, assist forward, promote ‌ْ‫اعاْ‌‌وشد‬/ ْ‫ً‌‌وشد‬١ٙ‫ ‌تغ‬/‌‌ْ‫‌وّه‌‌وشد‬،‌
8. In other situations, a priest or a sheikh may address a large mass of
people. In the case of the Coptic priest of Ghion, in Ethiopia, people
crowd in their hundreds, full of hopes and expectations for a spiritual
cure and for a solution to some social problem. A number of subtle
psychological reactions often take place and individuals may be
influenced to the point where they pass into a dissociative state of mind
and a trance state. This will generally provide a temporary relief to
emotional tension and neurotic states. Furthermore, the seriously
mentally ill person, such as the schizophrenic, the brain-damaged
patient, the epileptic, will benefit from the social support and interaction
in group activities.

priest: clergyman, minister; one who performs religious rites ‫ؼ‬١‫‌‌وؾ‬،/ ‫ذ‬ٙ‫ِچت‬/ ٟٔ‫صا‬ٚ‫‌‌س‬،
expectation: hope, anticipation, longing or waiting for ‫أتظاس‬/ ‫‌چؾُ‌‌داؽت‬/‌‌‫لغ‬ٛ‫‌ت‬،‌
influence: affect, impact; impel, control ‫ر‌وشدْ‌‌تش‬ٛ‫ ٔف‬/ ‌‌ْ‫د‌لشاس‌داد‬ٛ‫ر‌خ‬ٛ‫‌تضت‌‌ٔف‬/ ‫ش‌وشدْ‌تش‬١‫تاح‬/
dissociative: pertaining to dissociation; pertaining to disunion ٖ‫ٗ‌کٕٕذ‬٠‫تزض‬
temporary: impermanent, passing, brief ٟ‫لت‬ِٛ‌،/ ‌ٟٔ‫ ا‬/ ،‫د‌گزس‬ٚ‫‌ص‬
neurotic: anxious person, one who obsesses, affected by neurosis ٟٔ‫ادَ‌‌ػقثا‬/ ‌ٟ‫‌دچاس‌اختالي‌‌ػقث‬،‌/ ٟ‫‌ػقث‬،‌‌،
schizophrenic: suffering from schizophrenia ‌‌ٟٔ‫ا‬ٛ‫ْ‌‌ر‬ٕٛ‫ِثتال‌تز‬
epileptic: suffering from epilepsy; of or pertaining to epilepsy ٟ‫‌فشػ‬ٞ‫‌صٍّٗ‌ا‬،‌‌ٟ‫‌غؾ‬،
tension: tautness, strain, nervousness, agitation, apprehension, ‫‌‌وؾؼ‬،‫ٖ‌‌أثغاط‬ٛ‫‌ل‬،‫‌تّذد‬،‫‌اِتذاد‬،
Rhythm and Harmony
9. A number of techniques and methods have traditionally been used to
potentiate and invigorate group and mass therapy. A central element in
some religious therapy is the use of rhythmic drumming; this occurs in
such magic practices as the Zar cult in Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan, or in
some religions in countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

traditionally: customarily, in traditional form, in accordance with tradition ‌‫ج‬٠‫ِطاتك‌اصاد‬/ ‫تمال‬
potentiate : increase strength, increase intensity; increase ability, increase capability ٓ‫ِٕذ‌عاخت‬ٚ‫ش‬١ٔ/ ‌‌ٓ‫‌ِمتذس‌عاخت‬،‌
invigorate: energize, enliven; arouse; strengthen; animate ْ‫‌داد‬ٚ‫ش‬١ٔ / ‌ْ‫ت‌‌داد‬ٛ‫‌ل‬،‌/ ْ‫ذ‬١‫س‌‌تخؾ‬ٚ‫‌س‬،‌‌،
rhythmic : having a regular beat ‌‫ا‌إ٘گ‬٠‌‌ْ‫ص‬ٚ‌‌ٞ‫داسا‬/ ‌‌‫اخت‬ٛٔ‫‌پش‬،
drumming: playing the drums ً‫طث‬/ ً٘‫‌‌د‬،
cult: system of religious rituals; extreme religious sect ٟٕ٠‫ٓ‌‌د‬١٠‫ا‬/ ،‫ِىتة‌‌تفىش‬،‌
10. The use of rhythmic prayers within religious circles is universally
known. Repeated prayers, such as the “prayer of the heart" of the Eastern
Orthodox Church and the Zikr (remembrance) of some Moslem sects,
are examples of religious traditions which facilitate meditation and
induce a sense of inner and outer harmony.

universally: comprehensively, generally, inclusively “‫ِا‬ّٛ‫ػ‬
remembrance: memory, saved mental impression; memento, keepsake, souvenir ‌ٞ‫س‬ٚ‫ادا‬٠/ ‫‌تزوش‬/ ‫‌خاطش‬،/ ٓ٘‫ ر‬/‌‌ٞ‫ادگاس‬٠،‌
sect: faction, schism, party ٗ‫فشل‬/ ‌‫‌ِغٍه‬،‌/ ‫‌صضب‬/ ‌ٗ‫‌دعت‬
sense: feeling, perception, sensation ‫‌صظ‬،/ ‌‫اصغاط‬/ ‫ػ‬ٛ٘‌،
induce: cause, bring about, set in motion; influence ْ‫‌اعتٕتاد‌‌وشد‬،/ْ‫ه‌‌ؽذ‬٠‫‌تضش‬/ْ‫ذ‌‌ؽذ‬١١ٙ‫‌ت‬،‌
harmony: unity, agreement, accord ِٟٔٛ‫ ٘اس‬/ ‫ك‬١‫ ‌تطث‬/ ْ‫اص‬ٛ‫‌ت‬،‌‌،
outer: external; extreme; distant ٟٔٚ‫ش‬١‫ت‬
11. A remarkable feature of religious institutions is the strong spiritual
attachment of believers to the burial places of famous saints. A striking
example can be seen in Meshad, the most popular religious city of Iran. The
name Meshad denotes the “place of the Martyrdom of Reza" the eighth Imam,
who was buried there in the ninth century A.d. Since then, Meshad has become
a famous holy place. All the year round, pilgrims both old and young,
overwhelmed and moved by religious emotions, crowd around the sacred tomb.
Apart from a formal supplication recited singly or in groups, many hold fast to
the shrine, kissing and embracing it and addressing the saint directly with their
worries, misfortunes and longings . .
spiritual: of the spirit world, incorporeal; of or pertaining to the spirit or soul ٟٔ‫صا‬ٚ‫‌‌س‬،/ ‌ٕٞٛ‫ ِؼ‬/ ‌‌ٟ‫ص‬ٚ‫ ‌س‬/ ‌ٞ‫ش‌ِاد‬١‫غ‬
attachment: emotional bond; connection; confiscation ‫عت‬ٛ١‫پ‬
saint: person canonized by the Christian church for his holy qualities; extremely holy person ‌‫ِمذط‬/ ‌‌‫اء‬١ٌٚ‫ا‬
striking : arresting, noticeable, tending to draw attention ،/ ٗ‫ر‬ٛ‫ ‌لاتً‌‌ت‬/ ،‫حش‬ِٛ‌،‌/ ٖ‫شٔذ‬١‫‌گ‬/ ٗ‫‌تشرغت‬/ ‌‌ٖ‫‌صٕٔذ‬
pilgrim: Christian who has traveled to a sacred place; one who makes a journey for religious reasons ‫اس‬ٚ‫ص‬/ ‫ِغافش‬
sacred: holy, worthy of reverence; sanctified ‫‌ِمذط‬،/ ٟٔ‫صا‬ٚ‫‌س‬/ ‌‫‌خاؿ‬،‌/ ‫ف‬ٛ‫ل‬ِٛ‌‌،
supplication : earnest request, humble entreaty, petition ‌‫اٌتّاط‬/ ‌‫ تضشع‬/ ‌‫اعتذػا‬
recite: tell, recount, relate; read ْ‫أذ‬ٛ‫ اص‌تشخ‬/ ‌‌ْ‫أذ‬ٛ‫ْ‌‌خ‬ٚ‫ص‬ِٛ‌‌ٟ٠‫‌تا‌فذا‬
singly: individually, separately; without help from others, alone ‌‌‫ه‬٠‌‌‫ه‬٠/ ْ‫ىا‬٠‌‌ْ‫ىا‬٠‌‌،/ ‌‫رذا‌رذا‬/ ‌‫فشدا‌فشد‬/
misfortune: bad luck, tragedy, hardship, disaster, adversity ٟ‫ تذتخت‬/ ‌ٟ‫چاسگ‬١‫ت‬/‌‌ٟ‫‌تذؽأغ‬،
shrine: receptacle for sacred items; alcove containing a religious image ‫ِؼثذ‬/ ‌‫‌‌ِمذط‬ٞ‫ را‬/ ‌ٖ‫استگا‬٠‫ص‬
12. The psychological effect of this communication with the saint, and the
emotional release associated with the invocation, can be clearly seen in the
mental state of the faithful and their general behavior. As may be expected, the
psychological influence of such religious experiences differs with individuals.
The majority may not show undue reactions, but a few go into fits of
emotional upheavals or appear to enter trance-like states .The mental relief
after communing whit the saint is clearly substantial and the experience is
often repeated with keenness, devotion, dedication.

release : set free, liberate, emancipate; loosen a hold ْ‫ س٘ا‌وشد‬/ ‌ْ‫‌اصاد‌وشد‬/ ْ‫‌‌ِشخـ‌‌وشد‬،
invocation: cry, supplication, prayer; request, earnest appeal ‌‫ؼ‬٠‫ا‬١ٔ
influence : effect, impact, action of a person or thing which affects another ‌،‫ر‬ٛ‫ٔف‬/ ‌‫ش‬١‫تاح‬/ ‫ اػتثاس‬/ ٞ‫ تشتش‬/ ‌‫ق‬ٛ‫‌تف‬
majority: greater part or number, number greater than half of the total ‫ت‬٠‫ اوخش‬/ ٓ١‫ؾ‬١‫ ‌ت‬/ ‌ْ‫ؾا‬١‫‌ت‬،‌
upheaval: sudden disruption or disturbance, elevation ‫ش‬١١‫تغ‬/ ‌‫ي‬ٛ‫‌فاصؼ‌‌تض‬/ ‫‌‌أمالب‬،
substantial : having substance; firm, solid; real; wealthy ٟ‫رات‬/ ‌ّٟ‫رغ‬/ ٟ‫ اعاع‬/ ُِٙ‌/ ‌ُ‫‌ِضى‬
keenness: sharpness; pungency; cleverness ،‌ٜ‫تٕذ‬/ ‌ٜ‫ض‬١‫ت‬/ ‌‫ت‬ٚ‫رکا‬، / ‌‫ت‬١‫صغاع‬
devotion: faithfulness, dedication ‌‫لف‬ٚ/ ‌‫ـ‬١‫تخق‬/ ‫ت‬١ّ١ّ‫‌ف‬،‌‌،
dedication: setting apart; devotion; inscription ‌‫ا٘ذاء‬/ ‌‫ـ‬١‫ تخق‬/ ‌‌ٞ‫فذاواس‬
Religious Healers
13. In many developing countries the religious healer has an important role
to play. The pir or Fakir (Afghanistan, Pakistan and India), the Sadhu
(India), the Fekki and the Sheikh (Sudan), the Mutawee (United Arab
Emirates), the Mullah-all these are commonly known for their religious
healing practices. As community leaders, in addition to their therapeutic
function, such persons are often consulted on other social issues. They
enjoy the advantages of being readily accessible and generally acceptable.
With their knowledge, prestige, leadership and close contact with the
community, religious healers can be very effective in imparting health
education and disseminating useful information. They apply their
knowledge and kills within the socio-cultural context and in close harmony
with patients and relatives sentiments and expectations.
Fakir: Hindu ascetic; Muslim monk ْ‫اِغٍّا‬٠‌ٜ‫ؼ‌ٕ٘ذ‬٠ٚ‫دس‬
Sadhu : hindu holy sage, indian ascetic holy man, indian monk, hindu holy beggar
Sheikh: leader, chief, tribal patriarch ‌‫خ‬١‫ؽ‬/ ٍٗ١‫ظ‌‌لث‬١‫ سئ‬/ ٖ‫اد‬ٛٔ‫ظ‌‌خا‬١‫‌سئ‬،‌‌،
consult: advise; ask advice; talk with; consider ‌ْ‫‌‌وشد‬ٞ‫ ّ٘فىش‬/ ْ‫‌‌وشد‬ٟٔ‫ض‬٠‫ سا‬/ ْ‫‌وٕىاػ‌‌وشد‬،‌‌،
leadership : position or duties of a leader; management ability; guidance, direction ‌‌ٞ‫س٘ثش‬
impart: give, grant; disclose, reveal, divulge, tell ‌ْ‫اْ‌‌وشد‬١‫ ت‬/ ْ‫ُ‌‌داد‬ٙ‫ ع‬/ ٓ‫شٖ‌ِٕذ‌عاخت‬ٙ‫‌ت‬،‌
disseminate: scatter, spread, disperse, distribute ْ‫ِٕتؾشوشد‬
14. An essential feature in the religious healers approach is that it is
based on faith and is holistic. He is concerned with the person as a
whole-physically, psycho-socially and spiritually. There is a striking
difference here between this approach and some modern therapy, where
more attention is given to the treatment of symptoms. Yet, the patient
needs more than a mere chemical drug or physical therapy to remove the
symptoms of illness. He or she needs social and spiritual support, and this
explains why some patients find more comfort with religious healers.

Healer: medicine, remedy, healing agent; one who heals sicknesses of the mind or body ٖ‫ ؽفا‌دٕ٘ذ‬/ ‌‌ٖ‫اَ‌‌دٕ٘ذ‬١‫‌اٌت‬،‌
faith : belief in a particular thing or person; religion; trust, confidence; loyalty ‌ْ‫ّا‬٠‫ا‬/ ٖ‫ذ‬١‫ ‌ػم‬/‫‌اػتماد‬،‌
holistic: of or pertaining to holism; focusing on the connection between parts of a whole; ‫کً‌ٔگش‬
spiritually: in a spiritual manner; as a supernatural being ٟٔ‫صا‬ٚ‫ س‬/ ‌ٕٞٛ‫‌ِؼ‬/ ‌ٟ‫ص‬ٚ‫س‬/ ‌ٞ‫ش‌ِاد‬١‫غ‬
symptom: sign, indication, manifestation ْ‫ ٔؾا‬/ ٗٔ‫ ‌ٔؾا‬/ ،‫‌احش‬/ ً١ٌ‫ ‌د‬/ ‫‌ػالئُ‌‌ِشك‬،‌
15. On the other hand, certain religious practices which based on wrong
concepts, such as spirit possession, may lead to harmful results, but
these are readily being given up as religious healers increasingly come
in contact with modern system of mental health care. I can hardly
exaggerate the need to study and evaluate traditional religious
practices. It is certainly vital that greater efforts be made to study their
weaknesses as well as their strengths, and to make the best use of all
useful cultural resources.

spirit : abduct, remove secretly; invigorate ‫س‬ٚ‫‌‌س‬،/ ْ‫اْ‌‌را‬ٚ‫‌س‬،/ ‫‌سِك‬، / ٗ١‫ص‬ٚ‫‌س‬،‌‌،
possession: custody, tenure; property; asset; control; ownership ‌‫تقشف‬/ ٟ٠‫‌داسا‬، / ‫ت‬١‫‌ِاٌى‬،‌/ ‫ت‬ٚ‫‌حش‬،‌
readily: with pleasure, willingly, eagerly ‌‫ٌت‬ٛٙ‫ع‬/ ٟٔ‫آعا‬
exaggerate : overstate, make something seem greater or more important than it really is ْ‫ض‌وشد‬١ِ‫اغشاق‌ا‬/ ْ‫الغ‌‌ؽشس‌‌داد‬ٚ‌‫ؼ‌‌اص‌صذ‬١‫‌ت‬،‌/ ‌‌ْ‫‌ِثاٌغٗ‌وشدْ‌‌وشد‬،‌
evaluate: appraise, judge the worth or quality ْ‫‌کشد‬ٝ‫ات‬٠‫اسص‬/ ‌ْ‫ُ‌کشد‬٠ٛ‫تم‬،‌
16. In many of the developing countries traditional practitioners,
including religious healers, out-number the professional mental health
workers. and let us not forget that in those countries there is an average
of only one psychiatrist to more than half a million population. Indeed
religious healers may be the only available resources for the majority of
the people ,who willingly seek their help.

practitioner: professional, one who works in a profession or career ‌ً‫ؽاغ‬/ ‌‌‫واٌت‬ٚ‫ا‬٠‌‌‫‌ؽاغً‌‌ِماَ‌‌طثاتت‬،
psychiatrist: medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses ‌‌‫أپضؽه‬ٚ‫س‬
indeed: truthfully; actually, really ٟ‫‌ساعت‬،/ ‫متا‬١‫‌صم‬/ ‌،‫الؼا‬ٚ‌
willingly: gladly; voluntarily; agreeably, readily; eagerly ً٠‫ِا‬/ ‌ٟ‫‌ساض‬/ ‫صاضش‬/ ْ‫ا٘ا‬ٛ‫‌‌خ‬،
A. Read the following sentences and decide if based on the information
provided in the text they are true or false. Then show your choice by
writing T (for true) or F (for false) in the blank space next to each
----1.Human beings are emotionally unstable when they are challenged.
----2.supernatural forces are more able to relieve mental disorders.
----3.Religion plays a promotive healing role mainly in underdeveloped
----4.confidence in supernatural powers was a requisite for treatment in
ancient Egypt.
----5.Religious people commit suicide less often than non-religious people.
----6.The author doesn‟t approve of the way Islam deals with suicide and
----7.Religious meetings are used for health education in some countries.
----8.The harmonious unity forces people to ignore their problems.
p. 92
----9. A priest or a sheikh when addressing a large mass of people tries to
dissociate people from their ordinary concerns.
----10. The best cure for a seriously mentally ill person is to take part in a
religious congregation.
----11. Rhythmic prayers are practiced all over the world.
----12. Imam Reza is an example of a famous saint in Iran.
----13. People go to Meshad merely to address their Imam with their
worries and misfortunes.
----14. Most people are completely changed when they visit a holy place.
----15.The most suggests the evaluation of traditional practices to remove
the superstitions contained in them.

p. 92
B. Read the following sentences carefully and decide which one of
the four options (a, b, c, or d) best completes each item.

1.The first paragraph states that ---------- .
a. People used to suffer less from mental disorders.
b. The history of emotional disorders is as old as the history of mankind
c. Supernatural powers have been more influence in human life than natural forces.
d. People throughout the world have had the same emotional problems.

2.The writer refers to emotional instability and mental suffering as ---------- .
a. distress or discomfort b. susceptibility
c. a challenge d. psychosis

3. According to the last sentence of the first paragraph, religion ---------- .
a. is not respected in some societies
b. is more powerful in some communities than others
c. plays a major rile in healing mental troubles worldwide
d. has affected local beliefs and traditional practices all over the world. p. 93
4.The second paragraph ---------- .
a. rejects the ideas expressed on mental disorders in the first paragraph
b. provides more information about emotional instability and mental disorders
c. supports the idea of promoting mental well-being through religion
d. deals with the practice of medicine in the ancient world

5. “Temple sleep” was the practice ----------
a. which was set up by I-em-hotep
b. which people had to do at night
c. by which mentally ill people were treated
d. without which nobody could be treated

6.Religious system may affect all of the following except ---------- .
a. an individuals attitude b. people mental development
c. personality d. property inheritance

7.A factor mentioned in preventing people fro committing suicides ----------
a. fear of death b. religious belief
p. 93
c. prompt access to sacred places d. superstitious ideas
8. “the appropriate phase of treatment”…paragraph5
Refers to the time the patient is ---------- .
a. going to leave the hospital b. taken to the hospital
c. under stressful conditions d. out of danger

9.In paragraph 5 the writers attitude toward Islam is ---------- .
a. positive b. negative c. critical d. impartial

10.According to the writer going to the church or mosque is ---------- .
a. time-consuming b. unsystematic
c. unnecessary d. advantages

11.According to paragraph 7 the sense of devotion can be reinforced through

---------- .
a. Reliance on a holy place
b. Harmonious unity of believers
c. The relief of psychological tension and mental stress
d. Disbelief in supernatural forces and miraculous healing
p. 94
12.The writer believes that spontaneous cures in a holy place ---------- .
a. is of a miraculous nature b. cannot be attribute to natural phenomena
c. is something that can be expected d. cannot be documented scientifically

13.The topic of paragraph 6,7and 8 is the role of ---------- .
a. a religious leaders in people life b. religion in psychological & mental tension
c. holy palaces in uniting people d. retuals in people‟s health

14.The rhythm and harmony mentioned by the writer are ----------c .

a. Restricted to great religions such as Islam and Christianity
b. More common in underdeveloped countries
c. Practiced more or less throughout the world
d. Effective when they are practiced in holy place

15.Meshad is mentioned by the writer because of all of the followings except -------.
a. the burial of a famous saint
b. a comparison between a saint in Islam and in other religious
c. pilgrims` invasion throughout the year
p. 94
d. people`s begging for mercifulness
16. According to paragraph 12 ---------- .
a. most people achieve what they want when they turn to a saint
b. people experience more or less the same when gathering in a holy place
c. most of the people experience disappointment when returning from a holy
d. what people experience when turning to a saint can be shown in their

17. religious healers are very influential in most developing countries due to
their ---------- .
a. therapeutic functions and people`s belief in superstition
b. medicinal knowledge in curing patients
c. popularity in dealing with social and health problems
d. financial and social authority in the community

18. One of the reasons religious healers are successful is that they ---------- .
a. are the most knowledgeable people in their community
b. devote most of their time treating and helping the needy people
c. have understood the real requirements of people and their satisfactions
p. 95
d. pay attention to people`s attitude and their expectations
19. According to paragraph 14 the writer believes that ---------- .
a. modern therapy can be complemented by religious healers` approaches
b. the removal symptoms of illness is achieved better through traditional
c. the holistic approach of the religious healers is preferable to modern therapy
d. the traditional religious approaches are likely to replace the use of chemical

20. „‟yet‟‟ in paragraph 14 line 5 means all of the followings except ---------- .
a. however b. but c. nevertheless d. until now

21. According to paragraph 15 ---------- .
a. religious healers resist modem systems of mental health care
b. religious practices are full of wrong concepts
c. the writer has overestimated the role of faith in healing
d. religious practices are part of cultural resources that can benefit us
22. The tone of the author`s language in this article is ---------- toward faith.
a. positive b. biased c. impartial d. indifferent
p. 95
C. Discussion Question
1. Why do you think people turn to supernatural powers despite great
advances in modern technology and medicine? Believing supernatural
powers have been shown to help promote a positive mental attitude.

2. Do you think adhering to supernatural powers is inherited from the

past? Yes, I think our ancestors adhered to supernatural powers and now we
inherit that belief from the past.

3. How can religion from personality and develop morality? I think it is

impossible for people to be moral without religion because the person who
hasn`t any religion permitted himself to do everything

4. How does religion prevent people from wrong doing? Does it happen
only by ordering people in doing something and avoiding others? Religion
serves as a protective factor that prevent people from wrong doing. No, it is
more complicated. Religious people spending more time at churches or
mosques and religious events and this reduces the chances of wrong doing. p. 96
5. What are the causes of spontaneous cure(healing) in some holy places?
Do you think it is within the patient himself or it is due to external
forces? May be, Positive expectation of cure causes of spontaneous cure. I
think it`s external forces that help the patient to calm down and hop to cure.

6. The writer says that the rhythmic and harmonious religious practices
(rites) enhance therapeutic effects. Do you agree? Why or why not? Yes I
agree. Ritual has some important functions for example emotional support,
stability… these have a big effect on patients.

7. Can technology free human from supernatural forces some day? I

don`t have the same idea. I think humans always need a divine power to
resort to helping.

p. 96
D. Read the following sentences carefully and decide which one of
the four options (a, b, c, or d) best completes each item.

1. The problem with some drugs that may have serious side-effects is that they
are very ---------- in all parts of the city they are easily found and sold
a. potentiate b. accessible c. essential d. universal

2. The situation was very complex for me to appreciate. So I remained silent

because I had nothing to ---------- .
a. potentiate b. devote c. denote d. impart

3. Most people thought that the president`s speech had been prepared in
advance and he had planned to reveal such facts :in fact it was rather ---------- .
a. spontaneous b. entertaining c. appropriate d. striking
4. A report recently suggested that sugary foods ---------- breast cancer. All
people specially women are advised to consume less sugar.
p. 96
a. promote b. remove c. treat d. relieve
5. When he found doctors can`t find any cure for his illness he ---------- supernatural
a. refrained from b. utilized c. resorted to d. evaluated

6. By not making a decision the president is just prolonging the ---------- .
a. therapy b. agony c. keenness d. rescue
7. His desperate situation made him turn to ---------- . He believed that holy saints
could help him.
a. dedication b. association c. exaggeration d. invocation
8. Nowadays, children ---------- did in the past when they were more obedient.
a. respect their parent's authority far more than they b. reinforce
c. expect d. challenge

9. The way you deal with this confusing situation is not logical. I think you must
change your ---------- .
a. doctrine b. approach c. features d. supplication
p. 96
10. Nobody can deny the ---------- are cured of mental and physical disorders through
using them.
a. healing properties of some plants. Many people b. traditional
c. depressing d. spiritual

11. She was given a shot of morphine to ---------- the pain. After a while he felt no
pain and slept soundly.
a. heal b. relieve c. augment d. release

12. The healing power of religion is ---------- , especially in treating mental disorders.
The congestion of people in holy shrines provides good evidence to this.
a. temporary b. doubtful c. substantial d. deleterious

p. 97
E. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the words given in
the list.


depress depressant depressing depressingly
depression depressed
heal healer healthy healthily
healing healing
induce induction, induced ---------
practice practice practical practically
promote promotion promotive ---------

p. 97
induce drowsiness.
1. Pills for sickness often ---------------
2. The student got very --------------- because her score was low.
practical experiences always advantageous.
3.Qualifications are important but ---------------
4. The healing power of traditional religious --------------- can't be denied. healing
5 .Preventive medicine is concerned with preventing diseases whereas ---------------
medicine is concerned with ---------------.
inducement to silence.
6. The gift was meant as a/an -----------------
7. He is suffering from work --------------- stress.
8. The modern medicine can't deny the --------------- health role of religion.
depressant .
9. Don't use alcohol; it is a/an ---------------
10. Greenpeace works to --------------- awareness of the dangers that threaten our
planet today. Promote
11. His broken heart will take a long time to----------.
p. 97
12. Researchers have not found a --------- for the common cold.
13. Spiritual------------ is an ancient practice.
practices are respected very much in developing countries.
14. Religious-------------
depressed of cancer. depressed
15. After a year she was ----------------
16. Tiredness, apathy, loss of appetite, lack of energy and sleeping problems are
classic symptoms of----------------.
17. She is suffering from a --------------disorder.
practicing a dentist?
18. How long have you been-------------as
healed today.
19. Many illnesses which once killed people are ------------
promotion of world
20. There are many scientists who are also working for the-------------
depressed because the baby was three weeks overdue.
21. She was---------------
22. Spending another evening at home on my own is a very-------------prospect.
induction labor pregnant women.
23. There are different views on the --------------of
24. Doctors are trying to save him, but there's little they can do -----------.
p. 98
F. Cloze Practice: Fill in the blank using the words in the list.
invocations community peculiar shines
take part constitute services therapeutic
saints healer healing well-being

The religious therapy which has been observed at Meshad is self-elected and self-
administered; there is no religious healer to guide or advise the believer. This is not
peculiar to Meshad. Wherever there are Shrines of famous saints, people pay
homage to the holy place and take part in the prayers' supplications and
invocations for guidance, social help and mental well-being.
But some religious healers make use of the popular shines and adapt the place for
therapeutic purposes, like the Mia Sahib Healing Centre. Nangahar in Afghanistan.
Several villages in Sudan have long been known for their traditional and religious
healing facilities. These occupy a central place in the villages and constitute an
important feature in the life of community. Some of these institutions have been
well-established for more than 200 years, and were founded long before the
development modem psychiatric services in the country. p. 99

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