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Good Day and welcome. My name is Lujelle Ann Bermejo and I am your panel
moderator. Today, we are going to talk about the Distance Learning here in the
Philippines during this Pandemic.

Let me introduce to you our wonderful guests today. First, we have Ms. Ciara
Bermejo. She’s currently taking up Bachelor of science in social work at Christ
the King College. Also, she aspires to be a change agent in the future, wanting to
help the poor and vulnerable. In addition, she also engaged herself in community
driven activity in the barangay.

Next, we have Ms. Sheena Mae Jabinar. She’s currently a senior high school
student of Motiong National High School taking up Humanities and Social
Science strand. She’s also a Supreme Student Government officer and she
aspires to take up Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

And they are our panelists for this discussion. So let’s start we some few light
questions. When the government began to implement its distance education last
year, it was met with uncertainty and worry from parents, students, and teachers.
How did you guys adjust and cope up with the current setting of schooling
which is distance learning?


Since the start of Distance learning, teachers and students have been forced to
switch to online education, and in order to do this, several platforms were used
for our assistance in learning. In your opinion, what are the best distance
learning platforms?


Online platforms have its pros and cons. Earlier, you guys have mentioned your
best online learning platforms which obviously have helped you with your
studies. Online platforms become useful among students during this pandemic,
but most of the students became dependent on it. For you, what are the
disadvantages of being dependent to these online platforms.


Here in the Philippines, self-learning modules are being developed for the
modular distance learning delivery among grade schoolers. Self-learning
modules have answer keys at the back portions for learners/parents to evaluate
their answers right after each activity and it seems that the students have also
became dependent on these answer keys. How can we avoid academic
dishonesty in this case?


Under the conditions of the corona virus, most countries tended to use the
method of distance education using various method of distance learning
including e-learning platforms and social media. It’s true that there are many
challenges facing this type of education, including with regard to methods of
student evaluation, since the traditional test many not work properly.

In your opinion, what student assessment method work best in the distance
learning to fully evaluate the students’ knowledge?


The school year 2020-2021 is about to end. Do you think that this school year is
a success? Is distance learning as effective as face-to-face classes?


In this upcoming school year, would you still want to have a face-to-face classes,
or you'll stick with the distance learning?

What do you think is the future of distance learning? Do you think it will still be
active after we overcome this pandemic?


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