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Facebook is the world¶s largest social network, with over 500 million users.

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network
for Harvard students. It was a huge hit: in 2 weeks, half of the schools in the Boston area began
demanding a Facebook network. Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin
Moskowitz and Chris Hughes to help build Facebook, and within four months, Facebook added
30 more college networks.

The original idea for the term Facebook came from Zuckerberg¶s high school (Phillips Exeter
Academy). The Exeter Face Book was passed around to every student as a way for students to
get to know their classmates for the following year. It was a physical paper book until
Zuckerberg brought it to the internet.

With this success, Zuckerberg, Moskowitz and Hughes moved out to Palo Alto for the summer
and rented a sublet. A few weeks later, Zuckerberg ran into the former cofounder of Napster,
Sean Parker. Parker soon moved in to Zuckerberg¶s apartment and they began working together.
Parker provided the introduction to their first investor, Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal and
managing partner of The Founders Fund. Thiel invested $500,000 into Facebook.

With millions more users, Friendsterattempted to acquire the company for $10 million in mid
2004. Facebook turned down the offer and subsequently received $12.7 million in funding from
Accel Partners, at a valuation of around $100 million. Facebook continued to grow, opening up
to high school students in September 2005 and adding an immensely popular photo sharing
feature the next month. The next spring, Facebook received $25 million in funding from
Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital, as well as previous investors Accel Partners and Peter
Thiel. The pre-money valuation for this deal was about $525 million. Facebook subsequently
opened up to work networks, eventually amassing over 20,000 work networks. Finally in
September 2006, Facebook opened to anyone with an email address.

In the summer of 2006, Yahooattempted to acquire the company for $1 billion dollars. Reports
actually indicated that Zuckerberg made a verbal agreement to sell Facebook to Yahoo. A few
days later when Yahoo¶s stock price took a dive, the offer was lowered to $800 million and
Zuckerberg walked away from the deal. Yahoo later offered $1 billion again, this time
Zuckerberg turned Yahoo down and earned instant notoriety as the ³kid´ who turned down a
billion. This was not the first time Zuckerberg turned down an acquisition offer; Viacom had
previously unsuccessfully attempted to acquire the company for $750 million in March, 2006.

One sour note for Facebook has been the controversy with social network ConnectU. The
founders of ConnectU, former classmates of Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard, allege that Zuckerberg
stole their original source code for Facebook. The ordeal has gone to court, and has now been

Notwithstanding this lingering controversy, Facebook¶s growth in the fall of 2007 was
staggering. Over 1 million new users signed up every week, 200,000 daily, totaling over 50
million active users. Facebook received 40 billion page views a month. Long gone were the days
of Facebook as a social network for college students. 11% of users are over the age of 35, and
the fastest growing demographic is users over 30. Facebook has also seen huge growth
internationally; 15% of the user base is in Canada. Facebook users¶ passion, or addiction, to the
site is unparalleled: more than half use the product every single day and users spend an average
of 19 minutes a day on Facebook. Facebook is 6th most trafficked site in the US and top photo
sharing site with 4.1 billion photos uploaded.

Based on these types of numbers, Microsoft invested $240 million into Facebook for 1.6 percent
of the company in October 2007. This meant a valuation of over $15 billion, making Facebook
the 5th most valuable US Internet company, yet with only $150 million in annual revenue. Many
explained Microsoft¶s decision as being solely driven by the desire to outbid Google.

Facebook¶s competitors include MySpace, Bebo, Friendster, LinkedIn, Tagged, Hi5, Piczo, and
Open Social.

Cambridge, Massachusetts (2004)
Mark Zuckerberg
Chris Hughes
Dustin Moskovitz
Eduardo Saverin
Palo Alto, California, U.S. (main
headquarters; serves the Americas)
Dublin, Ireland (headquarters for
Europe, Africa, Middle East)
c Seoul, South Korea (headquarters
for Asia)
Wellington, New Zealand
(headquarters for Oceania),
Hyderabad, India(Headquarters for
South Asia)
Mark Zuckerberg (CEO)
Chris Cox (VP of Product)
Sheryl Sandberg (COO)
 c US$800 million (2009 est.)
"! c
1700+ (2010)
#$ c facebook.com
!%cc ŷ 2 (November 2010)
c&c$c Social network service

Main articles: History of Facebook and Timeline of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg wrote Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook, on October 28, 2003, while
attending Harvard as a sophomore. The site represented a Harvard University version of Hot or
Not, according to the Harvard Crimson. According to ‘ 
, Facemash "used
photos compiled from the online Facebook¶s of nine Houses, placing two next to each other at a
time and asking users to choose the 'hotter' person".

Mark Zuckerberg co-created Facebook in his Harvard dorm room.

To accomplish this, Zuckerberg hacked into the protected areas of Harvard's computer network
and copied the houses' private dormitory ID images. Harvard at that time did not have a student
directory with photos and basic information, and the initial site generated 450 visitors and 22,000
photo-views in its first four hours online. That the initial site mirrored people's physical
community²with their real identities²represented the key aspects of what later became

The site was quickly forwarded to several campus group list-servers but was shut down a few
days later by the Harvard administration. Zuckerberg was charged by the administration with
breach of security, violating copyrights, and violating individual privacy, and faced expulsion,
but ultimately the charges were dropped. Zuckerberg expanded on this initial project that
semester by creating a social study tool ahead of an art history final by uploading 500 Augustan
images to a website, with one image per page along with a comment section. He opened the site
up to his classmates and people started sharing their notes.

? !!" 

Mark Zuckerberg
Founder and CEO, Board Of Directors
Bret Taylor
David Ebersman
Chris Kelly
Chief Privacy Officer
Sheryl Sandberg
David Fischer
VP of Advertising and Global Operations
Joanna Shields
Lori Goler
VP Human Resources, Recruiting





The Orkut homepage

' c
""$!(c Yes
c&c$c Social network service
)$$c Required
$!!c!))*+c Multilingual (48)
,c Google Inc.
cc Orkut Büyükkökten
'-c January 22, 2004
!%cc 81 (October 2010)
cc Active

 is a social networking website that is owned and operated by Google Inc. The service is
designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationships. The website is named
after its creator, Google employee Orkut Büyükkökten. Although Orkut is less popular in the United
States than competitors Facebook and MySpace, it is one of the most visited websites in India and
Brazil. As of April 2010, 48.0% of Orkut's users are from Brazil, followed by India with 39.2% and
United States with 2.2%.

Originally hosted in California, in August 2008 Google announced that Orkut would be fully managed
and operated in Brazil, by Google Brazil, in the city of Belo Horizonte. This was decided due to the
large Brazilian user base and growth of legal issues.

As of October 2010, Alexa traffic ranked Orkut 81st in the world; the website currently has more than
100 million active users worldwide. Anyone 18 years old or older can join Orkut.




United States 51.36%

Japan 7.74%

Brazil 5.16%

Netherlands 4.10%


Other 27.92%


Brazil 48.0%

India 39.2%

United States 2.2%

Japan 2.1%
Pakistan 1.0%

Other 5.3%

An Orkut user can also add videos to their profile from either YouTube or Google Video with the
additional option of creating either restricted or unrestricted polls for polling a community of users.
There is an option to integrate GTalk (An instant messenger from Google) with Orkut enabling
chatting and file sharing. Currently GTalk has been integrated in Orkut - users can directly chat from
their Orkut page.



Facebook and Orkut are the most widely used social networking websites. Both of these social
networking websites are very popular. However, Facebook and Orkut have their own special feature,
that makes one different from the other.

When talking about the differences between the two, Facebook can be said to have a professional
look. On the other hand, Orkut can only be said to have an amateurish look. While Facebook gives a
finished look, the Orkut gives an unfinished look. Some say that the outlook of Facebook is lively, but
that of Orkut is dull.

One of the differences that can be seen between Orkut and Facebook is that the former allows a rating
for each person, like hotness and sexiness. On the contrary, Facebook does not give such a rating.
Orkut also allows one to categorize their friends into groups, like close friends, acquaintances, other
friends etc. Facebook does not have any categorization; it is just friends in Facebook.

Another difference between these two social networking websites is that Facebook has many
applications, which are not seen for Orkut. While Orkut allows one to see who has been viewing their
profile, Facebook does not have such a feature.

Orkut does not give any privacy. It is open for all, which means that you can see a person¶s profile,
and also see everything he writes down. On the other hand, Facebook is not that open. You can only
view a person¶s profile if he, or she, adds you to his/her list. There is a bit of privacy in Facebook.

Well, another feature that comes with Facebook, is that one can decide which people can see their
profile. Though this option is also available in Orkut, there are certain limitations.

Another difference that can be seen between Facebook and Orkut is that the Mini Feed feature in
Facebook helps to keep you updated with the latest happenings within one¶s network. However, this
feature is absent in Orkut.

1. Facebook has a professional look. On the other hand, Orkut has an amateurish look.

2. Orkut allows one to categorize their friends into groups, like close friends, acquaintances, other
friends etc. Facebook does not have any categorization; it is just friends in Facebook.

3. Orkut allows one to see who has been viewing their profile; Facebook does not have such a feature.

4. Unlike Facebook, Orkut does not give much privacy.


Dear responded,

I am a student of BBA-3rd SEM RT1910; i am studying a paper of QT in which i need to conduct a

survey to know whether the public prefer the Facebook and Orkut.


GENDER- Male...... Female........

AGE- 15-18........... 19-21............

22-24.......... if other specify............


Contact No.-

Rc Which one you prefer according to your satisfaction

-Facebook -Orkut




Rc Which of the two is easily available to you

-Facebook -Orkut




Rc Which of the two is better in promotion

-Facebook -Orkut




Rc Which of the two has better market strategy

-Facebook -Orkut




Rc State your opinion about Facebook and Orkut

Rc Which of the two is faster in service





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