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A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan on

Describing Sample Size and Procedure (Grade 12)

Time frame: 60 minutes

I. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of:

1. Quantitative research designs
2. Description of sample
II. Performance Standard: The learner should be able to:
1. Describe adequate quantitative research designs, sample, instrument used,
intervention (if applicable), data collection and analysis procedure.
III. Most Essential Learning Competencies:
1. Chooses appropriate quantitative research design. CS_RS12-IIa-c-1
2. Describes sampling procedure and sample. CS_RS12-IIa-c-2
IV. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
 Know the different sampling procedures used in quantitative research
 Identify the sampling techniques to be used in the proposed research study
 Conduct sampling procedure of the proposed research study
V. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Learning from Others: Review of Related Literature
B. References:
a. Amorado, Ronnie V. Quantitative Research a Practical
Approach for Senior High School. Mutya Publishing House Inc.
105 Engineering Road, Araneta Unviersity Village, Potrero,
Malabon City. 2017.
b. Gaddi, Zarren Aleta. Research for 21st Century Learners. Golden
Cronica Publishing,Inc. Greater Lagro, Quezon City. 2017.

VI. Materials: Pictures, PowerPoint Presentation and Sample of research title

VII. Learning Procedures:

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review

B. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students on how they conduct survey. The teacher will
affirm and lead the students to consider who will answer the survey and ask the
following question:

a. What do you call the people who will answer your survey?
b. Why wouldn’t you ask all the people related to a survey topic to
answer a survey?
c. What do you call the entire group of people that you are interested in
asking questions about your survey?
d. Does it matter which people you asked to answer your survey?
Tell The students that today’s lesson will focus on sampling research

C. Lecture Proper
1. Definition of Population and Sample
The teacher will ask the students to differentiate Population and Sample
and the teacher will present examples and ask students to identify if
population or sample.
2. Determining the Sample Size
The teacher will give example to compute using the Slovin’s formula
3. Importance of Sampling
4. Sampling Techniques: Probability and Non-Probability
The Teacher will ask the students how would they choose their
respondents and identify the difference between probability and non-
probability technique.
5. Probability Sampling Procedure
The teacher will present example to the students on the different
probability sampling techniques
6. Non-Probability sampling Techniques
The teacher will present example to the students on the different non-
probability sampling techniques

D. Application

1. The teacher will ask the student using their study to

determined and write the appropriate sampling procedure for
their study.
E. Evaluation:
The student’s output will be graded basing from the rubric for article
Rubric for the Output

Description Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Research The research The research The research The research
Problem problem is well problem is problem is not problem is
developed fairly well well badly written
developed constructed
Statement of the The research The research The research The research
Problem problem is problem is problem is not problem is no
clearly stated and fairly well clearly stated, evidence that
supported by stated with and it lacks supports the
high quality good evidence quality problem.
evidence for support evidence for
Respondents The research The research The research The research
respondents were respondents respondents respondents
clearly stated and were stated and were not were not stated
described. describe described. and described.
Sampling The sampling The sampling The sampling Sampling
Procedure procedure are procedure is procedure is techniques is
clearly stated, stated, and they stated but not appropriate
and they connect connect well does not to the research
very well with with the connect well problem.
the research research with research
problem. problem. problem.
Sample Size The researcher The researcher The The researcher
clearly provided provided a researcher did not provide
an accurate calculation of provided a the calculated
calculation of the the sample size calculation of sample size.
sample size of of the the sample
the population population size of the
using prescribe using correct population
formula and sampling with some
sampling procedure errors in
procedure computation.

Prepared by:


Teacher 1

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