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SEEN 30173 essentially played a “watchdog” function and has often

CAMPUS JOURNALISM taken an adversarial stance against government. The

LESSON 1 - LINKING JOURNALISM AND THE freedom enjoyed by Philippine press (media),
CAMPUS PAPER however, has become a double-edged sword. The
press (media) began to be criticized for being
Unit 1 – Foundational Concepts of Journalism
rambunctious and sensational. Being commercial in
Read articles on History of Newspaper in the World, in nature, the press is dependent on advertising as its
the Philippines. lifeblood.

1. History of Newspaper 3. What is Journalism?

The term newspaper became common in the 17th Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing,
century. However, in Germany, publications that we creating, and presenting news and information. It is
would today consider to be newspaper publications, also the product of these activities.
were appearing as early as the 16th century. They
Journalism can be distinguished from other activities
were discernibly newspapers for the following reasons:
and products by certain identifiable characteristics and
they were printed, dated, appeared at regular and
practices. These elements not only separate
frequent publication intervals, and included a variety of
journalism from other forms of communication, they
news items (unlike single item news mentioned
are what make it indispensable to democratic
above). The emergence of the new media branch was
societies. History reveals that the more democratic a
based on the spread of the printing press from which
society, the more news and information it tends to
the publishing press derives its name. Historian
Johannes Weber says, "At the same time, then, as the
printing press in the physical, technological sense was Journalism - Something that embraces all forms in
invented, 'the press' in the extended sense of the word which and through which the news and comments on
also entered the historical stage." The German- the news reach the public. All that happens in the
language Relation aller Fürnemmen und world, if such happenings hold interest for the public,
gedenckwürdigen Historien, printed from 1605 and all the thought, actions, and ideas which these
onwards by Johann Carolus in Strasbourg, was the happenings stimulate become the materials for the
first newspaper. journalist. -F. Fraser Bond
2. The Print Media: A Tradition of Freedom by Ramos Unit 2 - The Campus Paper and the Publication
R. Tuazon Staff
History of Newspaper in the Philippines Campus journalism is defined as “that enjoyable
activity of the staff of the campus paper in collecting,
The Philippine press was born and nurtured amidst a
organizing and presenting news, writing editorials,
climate of political reform. The early Philippine
columns, features, and literary articles, taking pictures,
newspapers played critical role in the nation’s quest for
cartooning, copy reading, proofreading, dummying &
freedom and independence. Thus, the pantheon of our
writing headlines.”
national heroes include such journalists as Jose Rizal,
Graciano Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce, Antonio Luna, ✓ To define Campus Journalism
to name a few. Their writings inspired the Philippine ✓ To state what R.A 7079 is
revolution against Spain, the first challenge by an ✓ To explain why there is an amendment made in the
Asian people against western colonials. This law
nationalistic fervor is to be ingrained in the spirit of ✓ To reflect on your practices in school in connection
with the Campus Journalism Act
succeeding Filipino journalists throughout our nation’s
✓ To internalize the essence and impact of the said
history. Perhaps equally dramatic as the Propaganda law to you as a future teacher is “that enjoyable activity
Movement during the Spanish regime was the struggle of the staff of the campus paper in collecting,
of the so-called alternative press during the Marcos organizing and presenting news, writing editorials,
regime, whose collective vision saw fulfillment in the columns, features, and literary articles, taking pictures,
EDSA People Power Revolution in 1986. The cartooning, copy reading, proofreading, dummying &
politicization or conscientization of the Filipinos were writing headlines”.
✓ Legal- They should know their rights and the rights
fired up by journalists, many of whom were women,
of each individual, and they should be sure they are
who like their noble predecessors, risked their lives for compliant with legal issues. This will ensure there is no
freedom and democracy. The Philippine press is intrusion on matters of confidentiality and privacy.
known as the freest and liveliest in Asia. Because of ✓Social- It is the duty of a journalist to make sure the
the libertarian and free enterprise principles information is presented in a fair, balanced and truthful
institutionalized by the American colonizers, it manner
✓ Professional- A journalist has a professional 6. Filipino Editor. This is an optional staff function or
responsibility to present an accurate portrayal of position; nonetheless, his/her prime job is to write the
events as they occur. This usually is accomplished editorial of the Filipino section.
through excellent and thorough research. A
professional journalist will present only the facts, 7. Feature Editor. The feature editor gives out
leaving out her own opinions. assignments to feature writers, He/ She then receives
✓ Ethical- Journalists are bound to a code of ethics. and edits feature articles preparatory to the submission
An ethical journalist will provide the audience with of the same to the chief editor.
meaningful information, but she also will know when
information is too sensitive to be reported. 8. Exchange Editor. For beginning school paper
✓ R.A. 7079 One of the most powerful law that system, this is an optional function.Sometimes, the
promotes the rights of the youth, yet also one of the functions of exchange editor are accomplished by the
most disregarded law circulation manager. Nevertheless, the exchange
✓ Train students on journalism editor makes up a list of school papers sent by other
✓ Provide students an avenue to practice truth , school.
fairness , and balance
✓ Safeguard democracy at the campus level 9. Layout Section Editors. They are assigned to cause
✓ Approved on July 5,1991 the assignment of the school’s official photographer to
✓ It is “ An act providing for the Development and take pictures on school’s activities for the month or for
Promotion of Campus Journalism” a specified time.
✓ It aims to promote the development and growth of
10. Layout Artists. They take change of designing and
Campus Journalism as a means of: (section 2 )
formatting of all pages in the paper. As such, they label
1. strengthening ethical values
or properly identify all pictured made available for
2. encouraging critical and creative thinking
3. develop moral character and personal discipline of
the Filipino youth 11. The Reporters. The life of the contents depends on
✓ The state shall undertake various programs and the skills of the reporters. They secure the cold and
projects aimed at improving the journalistic skills of raw facts of an assigned event and write articles out of
students concerned and promoting responsible and the same.
free journalism
1. Division Schools Press Conference
2. Regional Schools Press Conference LESSON 2 - JOURNALISTIC WRITING SKILLS
3. National Schools Press Conference
(Section 4 , Student Publication ) Unit 1 – The News: A Backgrounder
✓ “ a student publication is published by the student
body through an editorial board and publication staff Characteristics of an Effective and Credible Paper
composed of students selected by fair and competitive
✓ Timeliness
✓ Responsiveness
✓ Balanced Treatment of Issues
1. The chief editor supervises the editorial staff of the ✓ Sustainability
paper. Usually, he/ she writes the editorials of the ✓ Credibility and Integrity
organ after consultation with the members of the ✓ Creativity
editorial staff. ✓ Observance of Ethical Standards
✓ Responsibility
2. The associate editor edits the articles in cooperation ✓ Freedom and independence
with the chief editor. Also, he/she may be delegated to ✓ Accuracy and truthfulness
write editorials of the organ. He prepares assignments ✓ Sincerity
of section editors in consultation with the chief editor. ✓ Impartiality and fair play
✓ Decency
3. Acting as the hand of the board, the managing
editor brings articles to the press for typesetting. As
Unit 2 – Stairway to News Writing: Techniques and
such, he/she also checks articles for typographical
errors. Principles

4. As the nomenclature suggests, he/she is assigned 9 Elements of News (There are nine elements of news
in ensuring the release and distribution of the paper. which enhance the news value.)
He/ She also guarantee the smooth flow of the passing
of articles from reporters to section editors.  Immediacy

5. News Editor: Assigned as the reporter to cover Immediacy or timeliness is an important requisite of
events relevant to the school activities, he/she own news. A reporter usually places emphasis on the latest
initiative in consultation with the latter. angles of, an event. The words ‘today’ and ‘tomorrow’
are related in most of the news stories. Occasionally a
story may concern events that happened in the past. In
this case, the reporter discusses some present aspect It involves any significant change for the betterment of
of a past event. humanity. It may also refer to an achievement in the
laboratory, industry or a legislative body etc.
 Proximity
A number of factors modify the importance of news
Proximity or nearness refers to geographic nearness. elements in actual practice; the policy of a news
Normally a reader is more interested in an event medium may increase or decrease the importance of a
geographically nearer than the one which has taken story. The class of readers, listeners and viewers that
place in some remote part of the world. dominate the audience of a paper, radio or television
determines largely what is going to be presented. The
 Consequences amount of space available to a paper or the amount of
time available on radio or television determines
A reporter should emphasize the angle of a story that whether a story is to be told briefly or in detail. Time
will interest most readers, listeners or viewers in terms often alters the value of a story and finally the previous
of consequences. presentation of a story, on any medium, changes its
 Prominence
Unit 3 – Getting Started: Crafting the Good Lead
Prominence means persons, places, things and
situations known to the public for their weather, social
Tips for Writing a Lead
position, achievement or previous publicity. The
reporter should always add as many prominent names
1. The Five W’s and H: Before writing a lead, decide
and places in news stories, as possible. The more
renowned a particular name, place event or situation, which aspect of the story – who, what, when, where,
the more interest the news will create among its why, how – is most important. You should emphasize
readers. those aspects in your lead. Wait to explain less
important aspects until the second or third sentence.
 Drama
2. Conflict: Good stories have conflict. So do many
It also promotes the value of a news story. A reporter
always tries to find picturesque background and good leads.
dramatic action for his news.
3. Specificity: Though you are essentially summarizing
 Oddity information in most leads, try to be specific as
possible. If your lead is too broad, it won’t be
Oddity or queerness always helps to make facts informative or interesting.
interesting. The greater the degree of oddity in a story,
the greater is its value as news. 4. Brevity: Readers want to know why the story
 Conflict matters to them and they won’t wait long for the
answer. Leads are often one sentence, sometimes
It is one of the most important of news elements. It is two. Generally, they are 25 to 30 words and should
inherent in nearly all news of sports, war, crime, rarely be more than 40. This is somewhat arbitrary, but
violence and internal disputes and in all stories it’s important – especially for young journalists – to
involving difference of opinion. Generally, the news of
learn how to deliver information concisely.
conflict also involves other news values as drama and
oddity and therefore, has an emotional impact, a factor
5. Active sentences: Strong verbs will make your lead
that appeals to many people. Many types of stories
have conflict as their underlying element the struggle lively and interesting. Passive constructions, on the
against odd. Here are some of these types other hand, can sound dull and leave out important
information, such as the person or thing that caused
1. Man’s struggle with nature the action. Incomplete reporting is often a source of
passive leads.
2. Struggle between individual and organized society

3. Struggle between political and economic groups i.e. 6. Audience and context: Take into account what your
wars, campaigns, strikes reader already knows. Remember that in today’s
media culture, most readers become aware of
 Sex breaking news as it happens. If you’re writing for a
print publication the next day, your lead should do
It is an integral part of human life. Sex is a vital news
element in stories of romance, marriage, divorce and more than merely regurgitate yesterday’s news.
other illicit relationships among members of opposite
sexes as readers want their emotions stirred. 7. Honesty: A lead is an implicit promise to your
readers. You must be able to deliver what you promise
 Progress in your lead.

What to Avoid
1. Flowery language: Many beginning writers make the Examples of Leads:
mistake of overusing adverbs and adjectives in their
leads. Concentrate instead on using strong verbs and Summary lead:
County administrator faces ouster By Tony Cook for
2. Unnecessary words or phrases: Watch out for The Cincinnati Post, Jan. 14, 2005 Two Hamilton
unintentional redundancy. For example, 2p.m. County Commissioners plan to force the county’s top
Wednesday afternoon, or very unique. You can’t afford administrator out of office today.
to waste space in a news story, especially in the lead.
Commentary: This lead addresses the traditional who,
Avoid clutter and cut right to the heart of the story.
what and when. If this information had been reported
3. Formulaic leads: Because a lot of news writing is on TV or radio the day before, this lead might not be a
done on deadline, the temptation to write tired leads is good one for the print edition of the newspaper;
strong. Resist it. Readers want information, but they however, if the reporter had an exclusive or posted this
also want to be entertained. Your lead must sound information online as soon as it became available, then
genuine, not merely mechanical. this lead would make sense. Note that it is brief (15
words) and uses an active sentence construction.
4. It: Most editors frown on leads that begin with the
word it because it is not precise and disorients the Summary lead:
Lobbyists flout disclosure rules in talks with
Types of Leads commissioners

1. Summary lead: This is perhaps the most traditional By Tony Cook and Michael Mishak for the Las Vegas
lead in news writing. It is often used for breaking news. Sun, July 13, 2008
A story about a city council vote might use this “just the
On more than 170 occasions this year, lobbyists failed
facts” approach. Straight news leads tend to provide
to file disclosure forms when they visited Clark County
answers to the most important three or four of the Five
commissioners, leaving the public in the dark about
W’s and H. Historically this type of lead has been used
what issues they were pushing and on whose behalf.
to convey who, what, when and where. But in today’s
fast-paced media atmosphere, a straightforward Commentary: This lead is more representative of the
recitation of who, what, when and where can sound less timely, more analytical approach that some
stale by the time a newspaper hits the stands. newspapers are taking in their print editions. It covers
who, what and when, but also why it matters to
Some newspapers are adjusting to this reality by
readers. Again, it uses active verbs, it is specific (170
posting breaking news online as it happens and filling
occasions) and it is brief (35 words).
the print edition with more evaluative and analytical
stories focused on why and how. Leads should reflect Anecdotal lead:
Tri-staters tell stories of the devastating tsunami By
2. Anecdotal lead: Sometimes, beginning a story with a Tony Cook for The Cincinnati Post, Jan. 8,2005
quick anecdote can draw in readers. The anecdote
must be interesting and must closely illustrate the From Dan Ralescu’s sun-warmed beach chair in
article’s broader point. If you use this approach, Thailand, the Indian Ocean began to look,oddly, not so
specificity and concrete detail are essential and the much like waves but bread dough.
broader significance of the anecdote should be
explained within the first few sentences following the Commentary: This article is a local angle on the
lead. devastating tsunami that struck Southeast Asia in
2005. As a result of the massive death toll and
3. Other types of leads: A large number of other worldwide impact, most readers would have been
approaches exist, and writers should not feel boxed in inundated with basic information about the tsunami.
by formulas. That said, beginning writers can abuse Given that context, this lead uses an unexpected
certain kinds of leads. image to capture the reader’s attention and prepare
them for a new take on thetsunami. Again, it is brief
These include leads that begin with a question or (23 words).
direct quotation and those that make a direct appeal
using the word you. While such leads might be Question lead:
appropriate in some circumstances, use them sparsely
and cautiously. Same lobbyist for courts, shorter term, more money By
Tony Cook for the Las Vegas Sun, June29, 2008
What’s increasing faster than the price of gasoline? You should open a quote with the name of the person
Apparently, the cost of court lobbyists. District and who made the statement, followed by their relevant
Justice Court Judges want to hire lobbyist Rick Loop title. For example:
for $150,000 to represent the court system in Carson John Smith, a university lecturer, said: “We are excited
City through the 2009 legislative session. During the by this new investment.” Always use the word ‘said’
past session, Loop’s price tag was $80,000. before your quote rather than a synonym such as
‘exclaimed’ or ‘announced’. These are very good for
Commentary: Question leads can be useful in creative writing but not appropriate for a news story.
grabbing attention, but they are rarely as effective as Also, always use a colon prior to opening the quote, as
other types of leads in terms of clearly and concisely seen above.
providing the main point of a story. In this case, the
Remember, at the end of the quote, full stops always
second paragraph must carry a lot of the weight that come inside the quote marks. Ideally any article over
would normally be handled inthe lead. 150 words will have quotes from at least two sources.

Unit 4 – In Focus: Writing the Whole Story

Unit 5 – Creativity Matters: Writing Feature Articles
 Headline
Types of Feature Articles by Tony Rogers (July 15,
Writing headlines can be tricky. Too long and the 2019)
reader will lose interest – too short and you’re not
giving enough information away to tease the reader Just as there are different kinds of hard-news stories in
into the article. Fragment grammar is strongly journalism, there are several types of feature stories.
suggested as writing a whole sentence can lessen the Often described as "soft news," a feature story doesn't
impact of the headline. It needs to be punchy, include deliver the news directly, as a hard-news story does. A
the most important facts and convey what the story is feature story, while containing elements of news, aims
about. A word of warning, be sure that a headline isn’t to humanize, add color, educate, entertain, and
defamatory. illuminate, says These stories often
build on news that was reported in a previous news
 Intro paragraph cycle.
The opening of the news story is the most important Examples of feature stories include news features,
bit. It should have impact to catch the reader’s profiles, spot features, trend stories, and live-ins.
attention and make them want to read on. It should be Feature stories can be found in the main news section
sharp and snappy but conform to regular sentence of a newspaper, especially if they profile a person or
structure and grammar rules. It should be no longer group currently in the news. But they are also likely to
than 25 words and must include: who, what where, be found in sections farther back in the paper—in
when, why and how. lifestyles, entertainment, sports, or business sections.
They also can be found in other news formats, such as
 Put the most newsworthy information at the
radio, television, and the Internet.
 News Feature
The newest and most significant information goes at
the top of a news article, with the background or The news feature is just what the name implies: a
smaller details of the story nearer the bottom. You feature article that focuses on a topic in the news.
don’t need to explain all the new information at the top, News features are often published in the main news,
this isn’t always possible due to how long it would take, or "A" section, or the local news, or "B" section, of a
just so long as you mention it – you can explain it in full paper. These stories focus on hard-news topics but
further down the article. aren't deadline stories. They bring a softer writing style
to hard news. These articles often are people stories,
This is also helpful when it comes to cutting down the
focusing on individuals behind the news, and they
length of an article if it is too long because you know
often seek to humanize a set of statistics.
the paragraphs down the bottom of the article are the
ones you can probably cut. After your introduction, no A news feature could claim, for example, that a
sentence should be more than 35 words if possible. community is experiencing a methamphetamine
Also, in a news story each sentence should be a new epidemic. It would begin by citing facts such as arrest
paragraph. statistics from local, state, or federal authorities or
treatment numbers from area hospitals and drug
 Quoting
counselors. Then it might include quotes and
The first quote in your story should ideally come in information from people involved in different aspects of
your fourth but no later than fifth paragraph. This is the the story, such as police, emergency room doctors,
perfect place to put a quote because it helps to drug counselors, and meth addicts.
balance the facts of the opening paragraphs with an
This kind of feature story focuses not on a single
emotive quote.
crime, drug-induced death, or meth-related arrest;
instead, it briefly tells the story of one or more of the
above-mentioned characters, such as recovering meth cult following, or a show on an obscure cable channel
addicts. The news feature seeks to put a human face that's suddenly hot.
on a crime statistic to bring the story to life for readers
and inform them of potential problems with the issue. Trend stories take the pulse of the culture at the
moment, looking at what's new, fresh, and exciting in
 Profile art, fashion, film, music, high technology, cooking, and
other areas. Trend stories are usually light, quick,
A profile is an article about an individual, such as a easy-to-read pieces that capture the spirit of whatever
politician, celebrity, athlete, or CEO. Profiles seek to trend is being discussed.
give readers behind-the-scenes looks at what a person
is like, warts and all, behind the public persona. Profile  Live-In
articles provide background about the individual:
education, life experiences, and challenges faced in The live-in is an in-depth, often magazine-length article
getting where he or she is now, as well as basic that paints a picture of a particular place and the
information such as age, marital status, and family people who work or live there. Live-in stories might
details, including the number of siblings and children. appear in the lifestyle section of the paper or in a
magazine that the paper publishes occasionally, such
A profile can appear in any section of the paper, from as once a week or once a month.
the "A" section to the business section. For example,
in 2016, The Orange County Register ran a feature Live-ins have been written about homeless shelters,
story on Carl Karcher, the late founder of Carl's Jr. The emergency rooms, battlefield encampments, cancer
story, written by reporter Nancy Luna, described how hospices, public schools, and police precincts. Live-in
Karcher started the fast-food restaurant, which pieces are often a day-in-the-life or week-in-the-life
specializes in hamburgers, on July 17, 1941, by selling stories that give readers a look at a place they
10-cent hot dogs, tamales, and chili dogs out of a cart probably wouldn't normally encounter.
on a street corner in Los Angeles, California. "He
financed a $326 food cart by mortgaging his Plymouth Reporters doing live-ins must spend a lot of time in the
Super Deluxe for $311," Luna wrote. "He paid the rest places they're writing about, hence the name live-in.
in cash." That's how they get a sense of the place's rhythm and
atmosphere. Reporters have spent days, weeks, even
The remainder of the article told how Karcher rose months doing live-ins (some have been turned into
from being a "poor Ohio farm boy with an eighth-grade books). The live-in in some ways is the ultimate feature
education" to the owner of one of the most successful story: an example of the reporter—and, then, the
fast-food chains in the country. Karcher had passed reader—becoming immersed in the topic.
away in 2008, so Luna interviewed a restaurant official
to obtain background information. Though they might have different names, depending
on the medium, these types of stories are just as likely
 Spot Feature to appear on a TV screen, radio station, or Internet
website, serving readers, listeners, and viewers in
Spot features are feature stories produced on deadline much the same way as they do newspaper readers: by
that focus on a breaking news event. They are often adding depth, humanity, color, and entertainment to
used as sidebars to the mainbar, the deadline news the news of the day.
story about an event. Suppose a tornado hits a
community. The mainbar would focus on the five W's Unit 6 – Scuffle of Opinions: Writing Editorials
and H of the story—the who, what, when, where, why,
and how—including the number of casualties, the CHARACTERISTICS OF EDITORIAL WRITING
extent of damage, and rescue efforts. Complementing
the mainbar, the paper might publish one or more spot An editorial is an article that presents the newspaper's
features focusing on various aspects of the event. One opinion on an issue. It reflects the majority vote of the
story might describe the scene at an emergency editorial board, the governing body of the newspaper
shelter where displaced residents were housed. made up of editors and business managers. It is
Another might reflect on past tornadoes that have usually unsigned. Much in the same manner of a
devastated the community. Yet another might examine lawyer, editorial writers build on an argument and try to
weather conditions that led to the storm. persuade readers to think the same way they do.

The paper could publish dozens of spot features Editorials are meant to influence public opinion,
depending on the severity of the event. While the main promote critical thinking, and sometimes cause people
news story would be written in a hard-news style, the to take action on an issue. In essence, an editorial is
spot features would convey a softer feature style, an opinionated news story.
focusing on the human toll of the tragedy.
Editorials have:
 Trend
1. Introduction, body and conclusion like other news
The trend story would likely appear in the lifestyle, stories
fashion, cooking, high-tech, or entertainment section. 2. An objective explanation of the issue, especially
These stories explore trends such as a new look in complex issues
women's fall fashions, a website or tech gadget that 3. A timely news angle
everyone's going nuts over, an indie band attracting a
4. Opinions from the opposing viewpoint that refute I. Lead with an Objective Explanation of the
directly the same issues the writer addresses Issue/Controversy.
5. The opinions of the writer delivered in a professional
manner. Good editorials engage issues, not Include the five W's and the H. (Members of Congress,
personalities and refrain from name-calling or other in effort to reduce the budget, are looking to cut
petty tactics of persuasion. funding from public television. Hearings were held …)
6. Alternative solutions to the problem or issue being
criticized. Anyone can gripe about a problem, but a • Pull in facts and quotations from the sources which
good editorial should take a pro-active approach to are relevant.
making the situation better by using constructive
criticism and giving solutions. • Additional research may be necessary.
7. A solid and concise conclusion that powerfully
II. Present Your Opposition First.
summarizes the writer's opinion. Give it some punch.
As the writer you disagree with these viewpoints.
Four Types of Editorials Will: Identify the people (specifically who oppose you.
(Republicans feel that these cuts are necessary; other
1. Explain or interpret: Editors often use these cable stations can pick them; only the rich watch public
editorials to explain the way the newspaper covered a television.)
sensitive or controversial subject. School newspapers
may explain new school rules or a particular student- • Use facts and quotations to state objectively their
body effort like a food drive. opinions.
2. Criticize: These editorials constructively criticize
actions, decisions or situations while providing • Give a strong position of the opposition. You gain
solutions to the problem identified. Immediate purpose nothing in refuting a weak position.
is to get readers to see the problem, not the solution.
3. Persuade: Editorials of persuasion aim to III. Directly Refute The Opposition's Beliefs.
immediately see the solution, not the problem. From
the first paragraph, readers will be encouraged to take You can begin your article with transition. (Republicans
a specific, positive action. Political endorsements are believe public television is a "sandbox for the rich."
good examples of editorials of persuasion. However, statistics show most people who watch
4. Praise: These editorials commend people and public television make less than $40,000 per year.)
organizations for something done well. They are not as
common as the other three. • Pull in other facts and quotations from people who
support your position.
Writing an Editorial
• Concede a valid point of the opposition which will
make you appear rational, one who has considered all
1. Pick a significant topic that has a current news angle
the options (fiscal times are tough, and we can cut
and would interest readers.
some of the funding for the arts; however, …).
2. Collect information and facts; include objective
reporting; do research IV. Give Other, Original Reasons/Analogies
3. State your opinion briefly in the fashion of a thesis
statement In defense of your position, give reasons from strong
4. Explain the issue objectively as a reporter would to strongest order. (Taking money away from public
and tell why this situation is important television is robbing children of their education …)
5. Give opposing viewpoint first with its quotations and
facts • Use a literary or cultural allusion that lends to your
6. Refute (reject) the other side and develop your case credibility and perceived intelligence. (We should
using facts, details, figures, quotations. Pick apart the render unto Caesar that which belongs to him …)
other side's logic.
7. Concede a point of the opposition — they must have V. Conclude With Some Punch.
some good points you can acknowledge that would
make you look rational. Give solutions to the problem or challenge the reader
8. Repeat key phrases to reinforce an idea into the to be informed. (Congress should look to where real
reader's minds. wastes exist — perhaps in defense and entitlements
9. Give a realistic solution(s) to the problem that goes — to find ways to save money. Digging into public
beyond common knowledge. television's pocket hurts us all.)
10. Encourage critical thinking and pro-active reaction.
11. Wrap it up in a concluding punch that restates your • A quotation can be effective, especially if from a
opening remark (thesis statement). respected source
12. Keep it to 500 words; make every work count;
never use "I" • A rhetorical question can be an effective concluder as
well (If the government doesn't defend the interests of
children, who will?)
A Sample Structure
Unit 7 – Personal Viewpoint: The Publication Staff

The Publication Staff

The chief editor supervises the editorial staff of the does, in fact, clearly and accurately depict a given
paper. Usually, he/ she writes the editorials of the situation.
organ after consultation with the members of the
editorial staff. The associate editor edits the articles in This is how we do so: Opinions, especially politically
cooperation with the chief editor. Also, he/she may be relevant ones, get their own special page labeled
delegated to write editorials of the organ. He prepares “Opinion” and that’s where they stay. News doesn’t get
assignments of section editors in consultation with the put there, though some of the opinion pieces might
chief editor. reference facts you could find in news reports. But
because they’re on the opinion page, the authors of
Acting as the hand of the board, the managing editor those pieces are free to give their opinion about those
brings articles to the press for typesetting. As such, facts. You, too, are free to disagree with the authors
he/she also checks articles for typographical errors. and write in your opinions as a letter to the editor,
which would also appear on the opinion page.
As the nomenclature suggests, he/she is assigned in
ensuring the release and distribution of the paper. He/ There are two kinds of opinions you’ll find on opinion
She also guarantee the smooth flow of the passing of pages: columns and editorials. Editorials, like this one,
articles from reporters to section editors. represent the official view of the newspaper that’s
publishing them. It’s as if the
News Editor: Assigned as the reporter to cover events
relevant to the school activities, he/she own initiative in Progress sent you a statement on letterhead saying
consultation with the latter. “this is what we think.” In our case, the

Filipino Editor. This is an optional staff function or Progress puts a “standing” headline that marks an
position; nonetheless, his/her prime job is to write the editorial like this as “our viewpoint” so there’s no
editorial of the Filipino section. confusion.

Feature Editor. The feature editor gives out Columns, on the other hand, do not necessarily
assignments to feature writers, He/ She then receives represent the opinions of the editorial board or even
and edits feature articles preparatory to the submission other members of the Progress’ staff. They are instead
of the same to the chief editor. the opinions of the columnists who write them, like
syndicated columnists Dave McNeely and Steven
Exchange Editor. For beginning school paper system, Roberts or Jacksonville’s own local columnists Matt
this is an optional function. Sometimes, the functions Montgomery and Mike McEwen. Given that the
of exchange editor are accomplished by the circulation columnists regularly take opposite positions, it would
manager. Nevertheless, the exchange editor makes up be hard never to disagree with them! But we believe
a list of school papers sent by other school. it’s important to represent a variety of viewpoints so
that you, the reader, can decide which analysis you
Layout Section Editors. They are assigned to cause find most compelling and discover the strong points of
the assignment of the school’s official photographer to an argument you disagree with. We mark columns with
take pictures on school’s activities for the month or for a photo of the columnist, or a byline if a photo isn’t
a specified time. available, and you’ll find a summary of the columnist’s
expertise in small, bold print at the end of a column.
Layout Artists. They take change of designing and
formatting of all pages in the paper. As such, they label Editorial and Columns:
or properly identify all pictured made available for
publication. Editorial Proper: The article that is considered to be
soul of a newspaper or magazine of the editorial board
The Reporters. The life of the contents depends on the on the hottest issue of the day.
skills of the reporters. They secure the cold and raw
facts of an assigned event and write articles out of the Column: A column is a recurring piece or article in the
same. paper. It is primarily written by a columnist who is well
acquainted with the subject.
What’s the difference between a column, editorial and
news story? By CNHI , Jan 28 2020 LESSON 3 - WRITING A CAMPUS PAPER

Most, if not all, news outlets publish more than just FUNCTIONS and PARTS OF CAMPUS PAPER
news. You’ll hear both the hourly news reports and the
“talking heads” on the radio, the one pretty much Functions of Campus Paper:
sticking with the facts and the other freely giving
opinions. TV is filled with both regular news segments The campus Paper is the version of the national
and personality centered talk shows. And of course, newspaper within an academic institution. In other
newspapers have editorials and columnists in addition words, it is a pioneer in the publishing industry as free
to news reports. newspaper of the students and for the students and for
the students to circulate within the academic
But in newspapers, we try very hard to keep the two community. The Campus Paper may broaden its reach
separate. That way our readers of all political stripes like the community and other agencies in the society.
can remain confident that what we publish as news
According to Jesus Valenzuela in the History of 4. make known the achievements of the school to the
Journalism in the Philippine Islands (1933) and John community.
Lent in the Philippines Mass Communication (1964), C. Others:
the history of campus journalism in the Philippines ✓ Information disseminator
started when the University of Santo Tomas published ✓ Marketplace of ideas
El Liliputinse on 1890. ✓ Tool for education
✓ Entertainment
Oscar Manalo, Narciso Matienzo, and Vigilio ✓ Influential venue for a cause or crusade
Monteloyola in Ang Pamahayagan (1985) argued that ✓ Voice of its publishers
the history of campus journalism in the country started Sections of a Campus Paper
when the University of the Philippines published The A. News Section
College Folio, now The University Collegian, in 1910. B. Editorial Section
Whatever came first, Carlos Romulo y Peña edited C. Features/Literary Sections
The Coconut, the official student publication of Manila D. Columns: Sports, Fashion, etc.
High School, now the Araullo High School. It was E. Review
published in 1912. And it is now considered the first
and oldest high school newspaper in the country. Parts of a Campus Paper

A campus paper may be mimeographed or printed, Nameplate. The nameplate is the engraved or printed
published or released by an organization or school name, logo or symbol of the newspaper. More often
whose name or logo appears in the masthead or in the than not, the nameplate also bears the scope of the
editorial box. publication, that is, the date when the articles were
taken. It also includes the volume and number of the
General Functions of Campus Paper particular release.
-Information Function. This is the function of the news Ears. Ears are little boxes either or both sides of
in the campus paper, this is the function most likely nameplate. Ears usually contain advertisements or
performed by any campus paper. announcement.
-Opinion Function. Through the editorials and editorial Banner (Head). The banner is the principal headline
columns, editors have the chance to post their opinion which is usually written in the boldest and biggest font.
regarding current events inside the school and the It is the title of the most important news for the day.
community. The main purpose for this is to persuade This most important news is called banner news.
the reader toward a certain point of view. The campus
paper. Therefore can stir the emotions and Running Head. The running head is a type of head
convictions of the reading pubic – the members of the having two or more lines.
academic community.
Headline. Headline refers to any title of any news.
-Education Function. This is one of the primordial
functions of a campus paper. Since students and Deck. A deck is a subordinate headline or head which
teachers alike are expected to read the school paper, is immediately placed below its mother head to give
which showcases topics that may be intensively and more information about it.
extensively discussed, the reading public may
somehow be educated. Lead. Lead refers to the beginning of news story. This
means that a lead could be a word, a phrase, a
-Watchdog Function. The school paper serves as the sentence or even a paragraph.
harbinger of truth in the campus. In other words, the
writers are the eyes of the readers to see what is News Story. The news story is the whole story or a
happening in the school and to guard the right of the part of the whole story about the news which is
young ones. composed of the lead and the text supporting and
elaborating the lead.
-Documentation Function. The paper also serves as a
posterity tool of worthy and must-be remembered Columns. They are horizontal divisions of the parts or
occasions in the campus. texts of a newspaper. The number of columns varies
from one kind of a paper to another, that is, a
Other Functions: newsletter has smaller number of columns as
A. Aid to the students compared to a broadsheet.
1. provide an opportunity for interesting writing;
2. give students the opportunity to learn how to read Columns Rules. Column rules are vertical lines that
newspapers; indicate the divisions of the columns. In modern
3. act as a stimulus to better work. journalism, these lines are substituted with a space (a
4. develop students’ power of observation and blank column rule). Space column rules or more
discrimination formally known as sunken rules and are usually one
B. Aid to the School & Community em wide. With the advent of digital lay- outing, the
1. educate the community as to the work of the school printer may adjust the column rule easily and quickly.
2. publish school and community news;
3. create & express school opinions; Fold. It is the imaginary horizontal line that divides the
paper into two. The purpose of the fold is primarily
rooted from the lay- outing rule that the fold should not publication, that is, the date when the articles were
overlay or rub against the banner head. Should the taken. It also includes the volume and number of the
fold run over the banner head, the layout is considered particular release.
Ears. Ears are little boxes either or both sides of
Byline. A byline is the signature, name or pseudonym nameplate. Ears usually contain advertisements or
of the reporter who prepared the news. It can be seen announcement.
in various forms: by Ruben Balacbac, (Ruben
Balacbac), R. Balacbac, R.B. Banner (Head). The banner is the principal headline
which is usually written in the boldest and biggest font.
Box. Any news material enclosed by line rules is a It is the title of the most important news for the day.
boxed story. This most important news is called banner news.

Cut. The cut is a metal plate bearing the newspaper’s Running Head. The running head is a type of head
illustration having two or more lines.

Cutline. A cutline is the text accompanying photos or Headline. Headline refers to any title of any news.
other art works. It is commonly known as caption. If the
text shoes above the photo, it is called over line. Deck. A deck is a subordinate headline or head which
is immediately placed below its mother head to give
Over line. It is a type of cutline written or shown above more information about it.
the photo.
Lead. Lead refers to the beginning of news story. This
Kicker. A kicker is a tagline above but smaller than the means that a lead could be a word, a phrase, a
headline. It gives stimulating but small details about sentence or even a paragraph.
the headline, and this is why it is called teaser.
News Story. The news story is the whole story or a
Hammer. A hammer is a type of kicker but the part of the whole story about the news which is
difference is that a hammer is bigger than headline. composed of the lead and the text supporting and
elaborating the lead.
Credit Line. A credit line is line given to pay respect to
the source of the story or illustration printed. This is Columns. They are horizontal divisions of the parts or
done usually for stories or illustrations imported or texts of a newspaper. The number of columns varies
borrowed from other printed materials or people. from one kind of a paper to another, that is, a
newsletter has smaller number of columns as
Op-ed: An op-ed, abbreviated from opinion-editorial compared to a broadsheet.
page (though often believed to be abbreviated to be
abbreviated from opinion- editorial), is a newspaper Columns Rules. Column rules are vertical lines that
article that expresses the opinions of named writer indicate the divisions of the columns. In modern
who is usually unaffiliated with the newspaper’s journalism, these lines are substituted with a space (a
editorial board. blank column rule). Space column rules or more
formally known as sunken rules and are usually one
Letter to Editor: Letter to the editor sometimes em wide. With the advent of digital lay- outing, the
abbreviated LTTE or LTE is a letter sent to a printer may adjust the column rule easily and quickly.
publication about issues of concern to its readers.
Usually, the letter or the letters are intended for Fold. It is the imaginary horizontal line that divides the
publications. paper into two. The purpose of the fold is primarily
rooted from the lay- outing rule that the fold should not
Editorial Cartoon. An editorial cartoon, also, known as overlay or rub against the banner head. Should the
a political cartoon, is caricature containing a political or fold run over the banner head, the layout is considered
social message that usually relates to current events faulty.
or personalities.
Byline. A byline is the signature, name or pseudonym
Folio. Usually written on top of the page, this is of the reporter who prepared the news. It can be seen
composed of the page number, date of publication and in various forms: by Ruben Balacbac, (Ruben
name of the newspaper. Notably, this part through all Balacbac), R. Balacbac, R.B.
the sections in the campus paper.
Box. Any news material enclosed by line rules is a
Masthead. This is also called. It shows the boxed story.
publication’s name, the volume and number of staff
and their respective positions. Cut. The cut is a metal plate bearing the newspaper’s
Unit 2 – Creation of a Campus Paper
Cutline. A cutline is the text accompanying photos or
Guidelines in Writing a Campus Paper other art works. It is commonly known as

Nameplate. The nameplate is the engraved or printed caption. If the text shoes above the photo, it is called
name, logo or symbol of the newspaper. More often over line.
than not, the nameplate also bears the scope of the
Over line. It is a type of cutline written or shown above As such, he/she also checks articles for typographical
the photo. errors.

Kicker. A kicker is a tagline above but smaller than the As the nomenclature suggests, he/she is assigned in
headline. It gives stimulating but small details about ensuring the release and distribution of the paper. He/
the headline, and this is why it is called teaser. She also guarantee the smooth flow of the passing of
articles from reporters to section editors.
Hammer. A hammer is a type of kicker but the
difference is that a hammer is bigger than headline. News Editor: Assigned as the reporter to cover events
relevant to the school activities, he/she own initiative in
Credit Line. A credit line is line given to pay respect to consultation with the latter.
the source of the story or illustration printed. This is
done usually for stories or illustrations imported or Filipino Editor. This is an optional staff function or
borrowed from other printed materials or people. position; nonetheless, his/her prime job is to write the
editorial of the Filipino section.
Editorial Proper: The article that is considered to be
soul of a newspaper or magazine of the editorial board Feature Editor. The feature editor gives out
on the hottest issue of the day. assignments to feature writers, He/ She then receives
and edits feature articles preparatory to the submission
Column: A column is a recurring piece or article in the of the same to the chief editor.
paper. It is primarily written by a columnist who is well
acquainted with the subject. Exchange Editor. For beginning school paper system,
this is an optional function. Sometimes, the functions
Op-ed: An op-ed, abbreviated from opinion-editorial of exchange editor are accomplished by the circulation
page (though often believed to be abbreviated to be manager. Nevertheless, the exchange editor makes up
abbreviated from opinion- editorial), is a newspaper a list of school papers sent by other school.
article that expresses the opinions of named writer
who is usually unaffiliated with the newspaper’s Layout Section Editors. They are assigned to cause
editorial board. the assignment of the school’s official photographer to
take pictures on school’s activities for the month or for
Letter to Editor: Letter to the editor sometimes a specified time.
abbreviated LTTE or LTE is a letter sent to a
publication about issues of concern to its readers. Layout Artists. They take change of designing and
Usually, the letter or the letters are intended for formatting of all pages in the paper. As such, they label
publications. or properly identify all pictured made available for
Editorial Cartoon. An editorial cartoon, also, known as
a political cartoon, is caricature containing a political or The Reporters. The life of the contents depends on the
social message that usually relates to current events skills of the reporters. They secure the cold and raw
or personalities. facts of an assigned event and write articles out of the
Folio. Usually written on top of the page, this is
composed of the page number, date of publication and A. Editorial Policy
✓ Anchored in the School’s vision, mission, and goals
name of the newspaper. Notably, this part through all ✓ Independence
the sections in the campus paper. ✓ Priority thrust
Masthead. This is also called. It shows the ✓ Planning
publication’s name, the volume and number of staff Human Resources, Funds, Time, Topics, Equipment
✓ Organizing
and their respective positions. Assignment of Functions
Assignment of Working relationships
The sports section of a newspaper features Assignment of duties
information on local sports events, like high school ✓ Leading/Activating
sports teams. Mobilizing the staff, Communicating, Motivating, Inspiring
✓ Controlling
Imposing deadlines, Editing, Evaluating
The chief editor supervises the editorial staff of the C. Editorial Policy
paper. Usually, he/ she writes the editorials of the ✓ Anchored in the School’s vision, mission, and goals
organ after consultation with the members of the ✓ Independence
✓ Priority thrust
editorial staff. D. Press Production Process
The associate editor edits the articles in cooperation ✓ Planning the issue
with the chief editor. Also, he/she may be delegated to ✓ Giving of assignments
write editorials of the organ. He prepares assignments ✓ Data gathering
✓ Compiling Notes
of section editors in consultation with the chief editor. ✓ Writing
✓ Preparation of Visuals
Acting as the hand of the board, the managing editor
brings articles to the press for typesetting.

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