Supplier Product: R2 : Lab 1: Algebraic Query Language

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Lab 1 : Algebraic query language

We have the database consist of 5 relations:

Product (ProductCode, Name, PurchasePrice, SellPrice, Type,


Supplier (SupplierCode, SupplierName, Address)

Employee (EmloyeeID, FullName, Gender, BirthDate, Address)

Invoice (InvoiceID, SellDate, EmployeeID)

InvoiceLine(ProductCode, InvoiceID, Quantity)

Exercise 1: Write expressions of relational algebra to answer the

following queries:

a. Find name and sell price of televisions supplied by Samsung.

R1 :  Name, SellPrice  type 'television' and SupplierName  'Samsung'  Product  Supplier  

b. Find name and address of all suppliers who supply television product.

R2 :  SupplierName  type 'television'  Product  Supplier  

c. Find name of all employee who were born in 1983.

R3 :  FullName   BirthDate '01/01/1983' and BirthDate '31/12/1983'  Employee 

d. Find name and type of all products sold in ‘23/05/2018’.

R4 :  Name, Type   SellDate '23/05/2018'   InvoiceLine  Invoice   Product  

e. Find name of female employees who sold televisions.

R5 :  FullName  Gender  'female' and Type 'Television'    InvoiceLine  Invoice   Product   Employee 

f. Find name and address of suppliers who supply both television and
R61 :  SupplierName, address  type 'television'  Product  Supplier  
R62 :  SupplierName, address  type 'mobile' Product  Supplier  
R63 : R 61  R62
g. List name and price of all product sold by employee “Nguyễn Văn A”
in April 2018.

R5.1 :    InvoiceLine  Invoice   Product   Employee

R5 :  Name, SellPrice  FullName  'Nguyen Van A' and (SellDate '01/04/2018' and SellDate '30/04/2018')  R5.1 

h. Find name and price of all mobile products of Samsung sold in April

R 7.1 :    InvoiceLine  Invoice   Product   Employee

R7 :  Name, SellPrice  Type 'mobile'and SupplierName  'Samsung' and (SellDate '01/04/2018' and SellDate '30/04/2018')  R 7.1 

i. Find the product with highest SellPrice.

R8 :  ProductID, Name, Type  SellPrice all( SellPrice ( Product))  Product  
j. Find the amount (quantity * sellPrice) of each invoice line of product
sold in 30/04/2018.

R10.1 :    InvoiceLine  Invoice   Product 

R10 :  Quantity*SellPrice Amount   SellDate '30 / 04 / 2018'  R10.1 

Exercise 2: Use Relational Algebra to express following constraints:

a. The sell price must be higher than the purchase price.

 SellPrice  PurchasePrice  Product   

b. A product of Samsung must be television, mobile or tablet.

 SupplierName  'Samsung'and Type  'television' and Type  'mobile'and Type  'tablet' Product   

c. No supplier of mobile’s or tablet’s may also supply food.

R1 :  (Product)
 (Product.Type  'mobile' and R1.Type  'food') or (Product.Type  'tablet' and R1.Type  'food')  Product x R1   

d. No product may appear more than one time in an invoice.

R1 :  (InvoiceLine)
R2 :  (R1)
 (R1.ProductIDR2.ProductID and R1.InvoiceID R2.InvoiceID and R1.quantity  R2.quantity)  R1 x R2   

e. The quantity of each product in each invoice should be greater than 0.

 (Quantity0)  InvoiceLine   
f. There is no invoice without product.

 ProductID (InvoiceLine) -  ProductID (Product)  

g. If purchase price is less than 500.000 VND, the sell price could not be
greater than 9.000.000 VND.

 (PurchasePrice 500000 and SellPrice 9000000)  Product   

h. The sell price could not be greater than 2 times the purchase price.

 ((PurchasePrice *2 ) SellPrice )  Product   

i. The gender of an employee should be “Nam” or “Nữ”.

 (Gender  'Nam' and Gender  'Nu' )  Employee  

k. With the same purchase price, the sell price of two products could not
have the difference more than 0.5 times of the purchase price.

ABS: tính trị tuyệt đối

R1 :  (Product)
R 2 :  (Product)
 (R1.PurchasePrice  R2.PurchasePrice and ( ABS(R1.Sel lPrice - R2.SellPrice )  0.5*R1.PurchasePrice )  R1 x R2  

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