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Identification of Paddy Crop Diseases Using

Drone Technology
Pranob Kumar Charles
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

Siva Gandeti
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

Vijay Syam Devarakonda

Department of Electronics and communication Engineering
Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

Satwik kodali
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering And Technology
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract- Rice is the most important food crop in the world and feeding more people than any other crop.However
Brown spot, Bacterial blight and Rice blast diseases are key factors for rice production, usually caused by Xanthomonas
oryzae pv. oryzae, Fungus, Bacteria, Rain fall, upland and etc., In this paper we propose a computer vision system to
detect the rice diseases in the field using images captured by the unmanned aerial vehicle APM 2.8 flight control model.
The proposed system is based on the Support Vector Machine Classifier(SVM) with that we can classify the the diseases
of rice crop based on the color, shape, and texturing. Our methodology evaluated performance of three parameters for
different sizes of dateset. This is done by experimental and we get 93% better permanence than KNN classifier. Results
indicate that our approach can support experts and farmers to monitor diseases in rice fields at early stage. The aim of
this paper to reduce the work load of farmer.

Keywords – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV), Rice crop diseases , Image processing, SVM.

Rice is the one of the important foods in India as it is the staple food for most of the people of the
country.This crop is the backbone of country plays vital role in the country's food security, so the term “rice is life”
is most appropriate in Indian context. India occupies an top position in production of rice crop. Rice crop diseases
destroys 10 to 30 % of production in Asia.Different diseases that occur on rice crop plants are Brown Spot, Leaf
Blast,Narrow Brown Spot, Leaf Scald and etc,. [1].

Some times farmers are unable to pay attention to the diseases or face difficulty in identifying the diseases
in entire field, which lead to loss of the crop. Every disease has a different way to reduce. For example, fungi based
diseases can be prevented by disrupting the life cycle of the pathogen. The current approach of disease detection at
particular location only that means entire field can’t detect. Capturing of images of infected leaves of rice crop
through drone and get them processed by image processing this is best attractive approach for farmers.For an
example we can fly the drone across the field then we capture the images what we want and then sent to image
processing with that farmers identify the diseases in the entire field by standing at particular location.This paper
focus on how drone works for capturing images, Image processing and machine learning for disease detection.

The performance of a plant disease detection system can be evaluated by measuring the accuracy of the
machine learning algorithms. Existing systems can’t provide better accuracy due to limited data set sizes and
selection of classifiers is not good. Existing system may not be feasible due to work load of farmer is more,
accuracy ,training time and search times for different dataset sizes is more.

Here the below references will help me lot og getting knowledge about of how to make a drone using
APM 2.8 flight controller, knowing the different types of diseases in rice crop , learn how to detect the diseases
using image processing with the help of MATLAB software. So the this is the literature survey.

This paper is divided into six sections. Section II presents study on different types of rice plant diseases.
Section III presents about design unmanned aerial vehicle. Section IV presents the proposed approach our project.
Section V presents a experimental results .Then Section VI presents the conclusion and future work.
This section will explain about the different types of rice crop diseases. There is a main reason for placing this
section because her we detect the diseases of rice crop write so, without knowing basics how can you detect diseases
of with this section the reader can understand the what are the diseases that occur in rice crop and reasons behind the
diseases. Here we take only three main diseases in rice crop that will cause the 70% loss on crop production. The
images of three different diseases shown in below. We describe the each of disease in brief.
1) Bacterial blight:
It is caused by Xanthomonas oryzae.pv oryzae In general this disease favors at 25-35 degrees Celsius
and humidity is above 70% [2]. It is commonly observed in heavy rains and strong winds this will leads to
occurring disease.This disease is a bacteria type so that it can spread through ooze droplets lesions on infected
plants during rainy season very easily. This will destroy 75% of crop. Now go to how to identify this disease
they have some symptoms that are yellowing of leaves and some leaves are turn into grayish green color so,
this is how to identify the disease. Now go for remedies are keep field is green , remove weed hosts and some
more remedies are there [5].This disease is shown in below fig.1.

Fig. 1:bacterial blight disease

2) Brown spot:
Brown spot disease is one of the most common and dangerous in rice crop it occur at all stages of
crop. This is identify by the some symptoms are it is small size, yellow brown or brown color and circular
shape on lesions and lesions are 5-14mm long, this is the way to identify the diseases. It is caused by the
fungus in both rain fall and upland rice production systems. The loss caused by the disease affects both yield
and grain quality with yield loss of 45- 80%,[5]. To control this you need to check the soil nutrients regularly
and apply the what fertilizers they need and if you think about the cost management use resistant varieties and
treat seeds with hot water more than 10 minutes so, this will leads to reduce the disease of brown spot all
about brown spot diseases. This disease shown in below fig.2.
Fig.2:Brown Spot disease

3) Leaf blast:
This Disease occurs due to fungal Magnaporthe oryzae.and it occurs only where blast spores are
present. The symptoms of this disease are white to gray green sports and white color is bounded with the
brown color across the white. To manage this disease with Split the nitrogen fertilizer and adjust the
planting time with that we can reduce the disease. It leads to 70% crop yield loss. This diseases is shown
in below fig.3.

Fig.3:Leaf blast disease


In this section we design a drone that is used for capturing rice crop diseases. Here we build a drone with APM
2.8 flight controller model with that we can fly the drone across fields by manual operating. Let us go into design of
drone.and we give a block diagram of drone that will shown in fig.4.
Block diagram of drone:
Here we use the APM flight controller with that we can get better stability so that’s why we use.By designing
of drone we need four motors with 1000kv ,four propellers, four Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC) which is used
for purpose of to control the speed of motors, receiver module it consists of six channels for you know that like
every flight has roll, pitch, throttle, yaw and other two are used for the GPS, 3000mah Li Po three cells battery are
used and last thing is we place phone because for capturing the images .These parts we need after with the below
figure and some reference papers shown below with this we can build our drone.
Fig.4.Block diagram of drone


In this section, we introduce a computer vision approach to identify rice crop diseases via UAV-images.
The proposed approach adopts the Otsu Segmengtation with we get better segmentation of image. Support Vector
Machine Classifier it is the popular algorithm in machine learning because it has high accuracy compared to KNN
algorithm and training time and search time is less[8].

Here in SVM classifier there are two types of classifiers are there that are (1).is linear classifier and (2).is
non linear classifier.Let us go in detail linear classifier mean where two classes are arranged in linear manner with
that we can easily classify the input image and where as non linear classifier there are two classes are combined
randomly then we draw a 3D plane with that we can divide the two classes after we can easily identify the input
data based on the two classes .

Let us go into in depth of SVM classifier.SVM is a supervised machine algorithm.Here we use multi class
SVM because we take four types of classes that mean three different types of diseases along with healthy crop so
that’s why we take the four classes and let us go to the some mathematical discussion like probability here we take
one disease class and it has consider as positive and other three as negative with that we compare and find the
probability of class. Similarly do for other three classes also with that we get four probabilities and just compare the
four probabilities and take a maximum probability value that is the output of disease identification of rice
crop.So,this is the best way to identify the diseases because it can’t take more time find the disease compared to
KNN. Where in KNN the classification based on the euclidean distance with the help of distance we can identify the
K-nearest class or disease so this is the all about the KNN and SVM classifier.Based on the experimental results we
decided that SVM is better performance than KNN all about this explained in experimental results section .
A schematic of the proposed system is shown in Fig. 5. It illustrates the methodology that consists of six

(a) (b)



(f) (e )

Fig.5.(a) image acquisition; (b) Preprocessing; (c) Otsu segmentation; (d) image data set; (e) feature
extraction; and (f) leaf disease classification.

A. Image acquisition:
Here we take image with the help of drone here we place a phone as camera under drone battery with that
we take a real time images this way we acquire the images .

B. Image preprocessing:
Image pre processing is required because to get the better performance in the coming steps we need the pre
processing step. In the pre-processing we reduce the unwanted distortions in the acquired image.Here we use image
contrast pre-processing technique is used for better result and if you need better output go for some filters that may
reduce the noise in the image so, all these done in the pre-processing technique [8].

C. Image Segmentation:
In this section we segmented the given pre-processing image is further segmented into different parts here
we show some example like we segment the image foreground and background like we study in the image
processing subject there is erosion and dilation with this also we segmented the given image but here we use
automatic thresholding method is used that is Otsu it is the most popular automatic thresholding segmentation with
the help of segmentation we require only necessary parts in image only so, we easily identify the disease
D. Image Dataset:
Here in this section we collect the dataset of diseases of the rice crop that are shown in above from kaggle
dataset and we also gather some data from my own pictures with that we prepare the whole dataset and we divide
the dataset into four sub parts that are named as diseases along with we place the healthy leaf also shown in above.

E. Feature extraction:
In feature extraction the image analysis focuses on identifying main characteristics or features of objects
present within an image. Let us go into in detail what is done in feature extraction see every image has some color,
shape, texture write so based on these three things we extract the features of an images in the dataset .With the help
of these features we are able to identify the diseases of rice crop by just comparing the images in dataset with input

F. Disease classification
In this section we can classify the diseases of rice crop based on the classes here we use the supervised
learning algorithm that means in this first we train the images then we compare the input images with datasets so
that’s why we classify the disease.Here we use the SVM classifier for better performance see in starting of the
proposed section we explain how multi SVM classifier works so you can easily understand the disease
classification.This is done in this disease classification.
In this section, we describe experiments and results obtained by the proposed approach we submitted to the
two machine learning models graphs.To evaluate the performance of classifier we use the three parameters that are
accuracy search time, building time.To verify the performance of the classifier we take different dataset sizes the
dataset is given to two classifiers that are KNN and SVM with that we identify that SVM gives the batter
performance than KNN.You may think like why they consider only dataset instead of other parameters because if
you train more and more images we get better output write so this is the reason for selecting the above
parameters.Here we take the dataset sizes from 50,100,200 and 300 and with time that are shown the results in
below fig.6.

Accuracy :
The Term accuracy meaning how much of percentage of output you get accurately for given dataset

Fig.6(a):Accuracy graph

Search time :
It is the time required for predict the output.
Fig.6(b):search time graph

Model build time :

It is the time required for train the dataset .

Fig.6(c):Model Build time graph

Fig.7(a). Bacterial blight disease detected

Fig.(b).Rice Blast disease detected

Fig.7(c).Healthy crop detected


In this paper, we have proposed a new approach based on the Segmentation and classifier that are Otsu and
SVM classifier to identify rice crop diseases using UAV. We considered an image segmentation step in order to
detect the plant leaves in the images taken with flight of a APM 2.8 UAV model.The main aim of our paper is
reduce work load of farmer so that’s why we implement this paper.Experimental results also showed that datasets
are lead to higher classification rates. In addition, We were able to capture the image at lower height only because
we are not use high resolution camera in our approach. Although we can take images with different heights, when
capturing the image from different we are unable to detect the disease so, we recommend to you to fly the drone
within 5 feet distance from the height only because when we fly the drone above 5 feets we are unable to detect. As
part of the future work, we intend to test the drone at more than 10 feets distance from the ground with placing 4k
camera because with that we monitor the entire field with one snapshot instead of taking lot of snapshots.
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