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Mohamed Eldessouki2,4,

Hanan A. Bukhari3,
Integrated Computer Vision and Soft
Mounir Hassan1,2,
Khadijah Qashqari3
Computing System for Classifying
the Pilling Resistance of Knitted Fabrics
1Faculty of Computing and Abstract
Information Technology, Fabric pilling is one of the important properties that affect fabric appearance. The testing
King Abdulaziz University, of fabric pilling using the standard methods available, however, depends on subjective
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia sample evaluation. Objective fabric pilling evaluation using image processing techniques
2Department of Textile Engineering,
comprises four main stages that include binarisation, segmentation, quantisation, and clas-
Faculty of Engineering, sification. Literature on the topic focuses only on one or more of these stages while there
Mansoura University, is a growing need for an integrated system that combines the most effective techniques of
Mansoura, Egypt each stage and introduces them in a way that does not depend on the subjective evaluation
E-mail: of human operators. This work tries to tackle this problem and creates an integrated system
for classifying the pilling resistance of knitted fabrics. The system introduced a new method
3Department of Fashion Design, for generating an image library based on photographs of the EMPA Standards to allow the
Faculty of Art & Design, training and testing of a soft-computing classifier. The method suggested was tested using
King Abdulaziz University, knitted samples of different structures and colours and the results show their high robust-
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ness performance. The quantitative pilling classification produced from the system sug-
4Department of Materials Engineering,
gested shows high agreement with the subjective operators’ evaluation with a Spearman’s
correlation coefficient of +0.85.
Technical University of Liberec,
Liberec, Czech Republic Key words: pilling of knitted fabric, pill segmentation, pill quantisation, soft-computing
classifier, artificial neural networks.

parameters [3]. Knitted fabrics are com- The introduction of image analysis as
monly used because of their flexibility a method for evaluating fabric pilling
and cheap production costs. However, started in the late 80’s with an attempt to
knitted fabrics are less stable than woven replace the subjective evaluation meth-
ones since they are produced from low ods applied [5]. The application of image
twisted yarns and have slack construc- processing and analysis in the evaluation
tions which lead to low abrasion resist- of fabric pilling consists in four stages
ance and pilling performance. and the majority of the research work on
this topic tried to focus on one or more of
Although most theoretical and empiri- these stages to modify the total outcome
cal research on surface wear dates back of their systems. The main four objective
n Introduction before the 1950s, when the durability of pilling evaluation stages can be summa-
military uniforms was a priority[2], the rised as:
Fabric wear performance is a critical phe- majority of standard testing methods n Fabric’s surface digitisation,
nomenon equally for both manufacturers depend on accelerated fabric wear us- n Pill detection and segmentation,
and consumers. Changes in the surface of ing laboratory devices that simulate the n Pill quantisation (numerical descrip-
a fabric during processing, use, and care
frictional mechanisms leading to surface tion),
may be obvious (e.g. the loss of structural
wear and pilling formation. The standards n Pill rating and classification,
integrity due to abrasion or the changes in
available recommend comparing sam- n Fabric surface digitisation is the pro-
fabric’s colour and texture), or it may be
ples that have undergone this accelerated cess of converting the fabric surface
as subtle as fuzzing and pilling. Accord-
wear process, with standard photographs to a digital form that can be dealt
ing to ASTM standard terminology relat-
of different pilling grades, where expert with on computer systems. This pro-
ed to textiles [1], pills can be defined as
“bunches or balls of tangled fibres which operators can make their judgment on the cess can be done using a digital scan-
are held to the surface of a fabric by one samples, which makes their evaluation ner [6 - 10], camera [4, 11 - 13], light
or more fibres”. Although fabric pilling is human dependent and a very subjective projected on a camera [14], a camera
less likely to affect the functional perfor- process. Although the majority of pill- attached to a microscope [15], optical
mance of textiles, it frequently results in ing standard evaluation methods assign triangulation topographic reconstruc-
consumer dissatisfaction and subsequent a ranking system that ranges between 1 tion of the fabric surface [16 - 18], a
disposal of textile products before they and 5 (where 1 is assigned to sever pill- laser line projected on the surface of
reach the end of their useful wear life [2]. ing and 5 to no pilling), the existence of the fabric specimen [19], or a stereovi-
different standards (e.g. ASTM, SN, EN sion surface reconstruction using two
There is a wide range of parameters that ISO, etc) creates a lot of confusion as CCD cameras [19].
affect fabric pilling that are related to samples that are ranked using different
yarn parameters (e.g. twist, hairiness… standards may result in different pilling Pill detection and segmentation is the
etc), spinning technology (e.g. ring spin- grades. This calls for researchers to find process of separating the surface fuzz
ning, rotor, compact spinning, etc), fab- alternative objective evaluation methods and pills from the complicated fabric
ric producing technology (e.g. weaving, that may help to standardise the standard structure background. This process was
knitting, etc), as well as other processing ones [4]. obtained using simple techniques such as

106 Eldessouki M, Hassan M, Bukhari HA, Qashqari K. Integrated Computer Vision and Soft Computing System for Classifying the Pilling Resistance
of Knitted Fabrics. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2014; 22, 6(108): 106-112.
the application of a binarisation thresh- umes), height (maximum and average), the efficient practices and techniques of
old on fabric images [5, 19], or after pro- area (total and average), and fractal di- each evaluation stage to create a robust
cessing raw fabric images using spatial mension [9, 14]. and effective evaluation process. This
and spectral techniques. The raw image paper tries to bridge this gap by creat-
processing may include some filters for The second category of features includes ing a simple and user friendly integrated
noise reduction or edge detection [9, 14], the wavelet detail coefficients from the system for the pilling evaluation of knit-
background dilation and erosion [11, decomposition levels at horizontal, verti- ted fabrics. The system suggested imple-
16], fabric pattern detection and isola- cal and diagonal orientations [21].It can ments fast and efficient techniques for
tion using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) also be defined as the horizontal detailed pill segmentation and quantisation. The
[4, 10, 11, 13, 20] or different techniques coefficient (especially at a scale close to system also introduces a new method for
of wavelet transforms [6-8, 20-23]. Pill the inter-yarn distances in the fabric) [6], creating a sampling dataset that is large
detection was also performed using a as well as the energies of the reconstruct- enough to suit training and testing pro-
template matching algorithm[13]and ed sub-image’s indifferent spatial orien- cesses required in building the artificial
edge flow detection [24, 25]. For the col- tations [22, 23]. Other statistical features intelligent classifier applied.
oured images, pills were detected manu- can also be extracted from the wavelet
ally by blending the colour channels of decompositions, such as the range, inter-
the fabric image [15]. quartile range, variance, standard devia- n Methods of analysis
tion, the mean absolute deviation, medi- Standard image preparation
Pill quantisation is the next stage after
an absolute deviation, the standard error The standard evaluation photographs
segmenting pills from the fabric image.
and the coefficient of variation [7]. used for comparison were obtained
The process focuses on extracting some
features that numerically represent the from the EMPA Standards (SN 198525).
pill population to allow quantitative dis- The classification stage can be considered The EMPA standards characterise the
crimination between the different imag- as the ultimate goal of the whole process, size of the pill as large, medium, and
es. The feature descriptors can be divided where a “successful” rating of images al- small and assign a grading scale for each
into two categories: one that depends on lows the trust of the method to replace category [4]. The three categories of the
the final image of the segmented pills, the available subjective analysis. Clas- standard pictures are shown in Figure 1,
and the other that utilises the spectral de- sification models use the extracted set with each category depending on the pill
composition and analysis performed dur- of features as inputs that can be used to size, yarn count, and fabric structural
ing the pill segmentation. The first cate- generate the final rating of the image. For density. In each of these categories the
gory of features includes simple features the classification models empirical and pilling is evaluated by giving a number
such as the number of pills, the total pixel statistical methods may be implemented between 1 and 5, where the former re-
area of pilling, the mean area of pills, the such as multi-variable linear regression fers to severe pilling and the later to no
relative area of pills to the total surface [8, 13, 19]and discriminant analysis [7, pilling. To allow better space for the op-
area, the sum of the gray values of pill 21, 22],or artificial intelligent methods erator’s evaluation, the EMPA standard
images, the total volume of pills, as well such as the application of different types merges every two pilling ranks in one
as the distributions of pills, their shape, of artificial neural networks [14, 23]. picture which gives four standard pic-
orientation angle, contrast, and density or tures (that represent 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 & 4-5
uniformity of the pills’ spatial distribu- It is worth noticing from the literature ranking). Figure 1 shows rank 1-2 in
tion on the fabric surface [4, 5, 8, 10 - 13, survey that the majority of published pa- each knitted fabric’s pilling category.
15, 16, 19]. The descriptor features can pers available are more oriented toward
also be calculated from the gray-scale one or more evaluation stages by alter- The standard photographs of knitted were
image of the processed surface or from ing and detailing their techniques, while digitised by scanning to a computer with
the simulated fabric surface and includes some papers may focus on one stage the resolution of 600 × 600 dpi. As these
roughness, skewness as well as the pill only [24, 25]. Therefore there is a lack standard pictures are unique for each lev-
number, volume (total and average vol- of integrated systems that manipulate el, only twelve pictures (3 categories × 4

a) b) c)

Figure 1. Pilling pictures of the three EMPA standard categories (all pictures represent the level 1-2 pilling of each category); a) Standard
category K1, b) Standard category K2, c) Standard category K3.

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2014, Vol. 22, 6(108) 107
a) b) c)

d) e) f)

Figure 2. Examples for different shapes of the same fabric sample after applying random filters; a) Original sample, b) Average filter, c)
Disk filter, d) Gaussian filter, e) Motion filter, f) Partial rearrangement.

rating images/category) can be scanned. as “partial spatial rearrangement”. Each standard category. As the standard sam-
On the other hand, the intelligent classi- filter and modification was applied with ples have three categories with different
fication systems need many samples for random parameters three times on the ranges of pill sizes, yarn counts and fab-
training and testing. Some researchers standard picture, which creates 15 dif- ric density, a disk element with a small
have dealt with this problem by scan- ferent duplicates from the same standard diameter was used for the category of
ning the same standard images four times photograph. “Partial spatial rearrange- fine yarn count and dense fabric. The
to enlarge the size of their dataset [23]. ment” modification was applied by ran- image produced from the previous al-
However, this technique may not be ef- domly selecting a sub-image from the gorithm with low background noise is
ficient in comparison with actual samples original picture and placing it randomly then subjected to binarisation with a spe-
of wide varieties of structures and col- in a different position of the image to cific threshold that results in a number
ours. Our method suggests simulation of create a partial rearrangement of the of objects that represent the pills’ fabric.
the real situation where the actual fabric picture’s elements. A representation of Figure 3 demonstrates the segmentation
samples (after their rendering to remove the original image and samples from the algorithm and Figure 3.a shows a fabric
the structure and colour effects) are dis- resulting image after the application of image with a certain region of analysis,
torted and there are noised images of the noised filters is shown in Figure 2. circled in the figure. The region of analy-
standard sample (after similar process- sis can be changed by the user, introduced
ing). Therefore the current method sug- Pills segmentation for two reasons: first to focus the analy-
gests adding random noise to the stand- There are different pill detection and seg- sis on the region of the sample that goes
ard images to allow system robustness in mentation techniques, as summarised in under abrasion during Martindale testing.
detecting pills of the actual samples. It the introduction of this paper. Simple, Second to allow system independency
also enables to generate a dataset that is fast, and efficient algorithms were select- from the sample picture’s size and reso-
sufficient for the artificial intelligent clas- ed from these techniques to be applied in lution. Figure 3.b shows a binary image
sifier training and testing. the system suggested. Digital images are of the fabric with segmented pills. To
enhanced by applying a morphological demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithm
To add random noise to the standard pic- opening that includes erosion and dila- applied, Figure 3.c shows superimposed
tures, different filter kernels were created tion algorithms on the grayscale image. images of the original fabric highlighted
with random parameters and each filter The morphological opening algorithm with the segmented pills.
was convoluted with the standard image enhances the image and reduces the
to create a “noised” or “blurred” image. background noise by removing elements Pill quantisation
Five different modifications were ap- below a certain size. The algorithm uses It is necessary in any objective evaluation
plied with the use of “averaging”, “disk”, a structuring element in a disk shape with to quantise the property under investiga-
“Gaussian”, and “motion” filters, as well a diameter proportionate to the fabric tion. This quantisation process applies

108 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2014, Vol. 22, 6(108)
a) b) c)

Figure 3. Knitted fabric image with its preparation steps to detect its pilling; a) Original fabric image with the “region of analysis” circled
in red, b) Binary image, c) Combined image.

many techniques, as demonstrated earli- ratio (Arat.) and density (ρpills). The area ture dataset consisted of 600 readings
er. Among the most common characteris- ratio is defined as the ratio of the area of where each one of the three standard
tic features, the following were extracted all pills that cover the surface to the area categories (K1, K2, and K3) form a third
from the segmented images: of the region of analysis (Aanalysis) within of the readings. The feature dataset was
the fabric image. The area ratio (Arat.) is then split randomly into a training dataset
Number of pills calculated as: that represents 80% and one that repre-
The number of pills is used as a char- sents the remaining 20% of the data. The
acteristic feature because it shows the
training dataset (of the four pilling fea-
severity of deterioration on the fabric
Pill density tures and standard category number) was
surface due to abrasion. To calculate the The pills’ areal density (ρpills) can be ex-
number of pills, the labelled pixels of fed to a pattern recognition artificial neu-
pressed as the number of pills per unit ral network (ANN). The ANN is shown
the binary image were used to test the area of the region of analysis in the fabric
connectivity of pixels and therefore find in Figure 4 and consists of a one hidden
image. It can be expressed mathemati-
the objects in the image. Pixels may be layer with 15 neurons and an output layer
cally as:
neighbours but are not connected as long where all neurons have sigmoid transfer
as their values are different and the con- (3) functions. The output of the ANN is a
nectivity of neighboring pixels can be de- single number that represents the rating
termined in 4 or 8 directions, which thus of the fabric sample with the features in-
affects the number of objects obtained. In Pilling classification troduced.
the current fabric images, a pixel connec- After generating a library of standard im-
tivity of 8 was used and the number of ages and their derivatives, the pictures Statistical analysis
objects detected (N) was considered as a were processed and analysed to generate Spearman’s coefficient of rank correla-
representation of the number of pills on a featur dataset according to the proce-
the fabric surface. tion (rs) was used to measure the associa-
dures described in the previous sections.
tion between the two sets of observations
The features dataset consists of the fea-
Pills’ average area by human operators and the computer
tures extracted from the noised images as
The area of each pill (object) Ai obtained pilling evaluation, expressed on an ordi-
well as those obtained from the original
is calculated by summing up the number picture. However; to avoid system bias, nal scale. Spearman’s coefficient can be
of pixels in each object. The average pill the noised samples represented 30% of formulated as:
size (Aavg.) is then calculated according the size of the dataset and the remain- (4)
to the relation: ing percentage represented the original
standard picture (that is 15 pictures for Where d is the difference between the
noised samples and 35 repeated pictures observations in the two groups and n the
of the original standard). The final fea- number of samples in comparison.
Pills’ area ratio
Unlike the ASTM pilling definition men-
tioned in the introduction, the “Textile
Hildden Output
Institute Textile Terms and Definitions”
Input Output
includes the density of pills that should w w
be great enough for light not to pass
through them to the fabric surface and b b
5 1
cause a shadow to be cast on the surface
[12]. Therefore the extent of pills on the 15 1
fabric surface is considered using two
characteristic features, which are the area Figure 4. Architecture of the ANN used for pilling classification.

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2014, Vol. 22, 6(108) 109
Table 2. Pilling level in the actual samples obtained subjectively from 5 operators and remaining 120 readings (that form the
objectively obtained using the ANN classifier. testing dataset), the results of which are
presented in Figure 6. The performance
Operators’ ANN
1 2 3 4 5 evaluation evaluation of the ANN developed is 87.5%, as ex-
K1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1
pressed in terms of the correct classifica-
K2 3 3 2 3 5 3 4
tion rate (CCR), where the sample pilling
K3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1
class predicted matches with the pilling
K4 2 1 2 2 2 2 2
level targeted.
K5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Pilling Classification (PC) software was
developed to handle digital images of the
n Experimental setup measured were then digitised using fabrics tested. The graphical user inter-
the setup schematically shown in Fig- face (GUI) of the program is shown in
Five knitted fabrics with different struc- ure 5 and processed using the software Figure 7, where the user can read the im-
tures and colours are specified as listed algorithm developed to obtain the pill- age, specify the standard comparison cat-
in Table 1. To test the system’s ability to ing classes. The image acquisition sys- egory, and determine the region of analy-
detect fabric pilling regardless of the col- tem consists of a digital CCD camera sis for the fabric image. Once the user
our shade, test samples were selected to equipped with a macro lenses to capture hits “Apply the modification algorithm”
have different colours. The samples were sample surface details. An image resolu- the modified fabric image will appear on
tested on a Martindale instrument for tion of 300 dpi was captured and the im- the program’s window with two control-
their fabric pilling resistance, where two age dimensions were 2048 × 1536 pix- lers for the threshold and eroding diam-
circular specimens of 140 mm diameter els. Lighting is critical for the imaging eter. Adjusting the eroding allows the
from each sample were placed on the ma- system, therefore two light sources that removal of background noise in the main
chine head. The lower specimen’s face is equally distribute light on the surface of fabric structure and tuning the thresh-
up and a specimen is placed on the top of the fabric were applied. The sample was old level determines the pilling size and
a standard felt of 140 mm diameter. The tilted at a slight angle to the horizontal
upper specimen is mounted on a holder density detected. The results of changing
plane to allow to contrast the pills with any value will interactively appear in the
of 90 mm diameter with a standard felt their shadow.
of the same size and fixed to the holder fabric’s image. After reaching a suitable
with an elastic ring. The upper holder is detection level for the pills on the fabric
surface, the user can classify them by
installed on the machine where the faces n Results and discussion
of the upper and lower specimens are pressing the “Classify” button and the
in contact with each other. The samples Photographs of the EMPA Standards (SN program will recall the ANN classifier
were tested under 2.5 cN/cm2 pressure 198525) were acquired and a library of trained for predicting the sample pilling.
for 10,000 cycles of Lissajous figure with training images constructed after appli- The program produces the pilling level
a 24 mm stroke. cation of the filters with random param- as well as characteristic pilling features
eters. Images were then processed for in the program’s window. The user can
The samples measured were evalu- pilling segmentation and the quantisation save the pill’s segmented image or the su-
ated visually by five different operators process was performed to create a feature perimposed image, as well as numerical
against the photographs of the EMPA dataset. After training the ANN classi- results. All fabric sample images can be
Standards (SN 198525). The samples fier, the performance was tested using the treated in a similar manner.


Digital 3.5


Pilling group N





Fabric 1.5

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Picture No.

Figure 5. Schematic representation for the image acquisition setup. Figure 6. Performance of the ANN in pilling classification (the
CCR is 87.5%).

110 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2014, Vol. 22, 6(108)
The actual knitted fabric samples were Pilling classification
tested for their pilling resistance per-
Apply the modification algorithm
formance on a Martindale tester as de-
Read a new
scribed earlier. The samples were then image

introduced to five operators to rank the Save current image Modified image

pilling level in comparison to the stand-

ard images. The samples were also dig-
itised using the setup shown in Figure 5
and then processed on PC software de-
veloped for the current method. Results
of the human subjective evaluation as
well as the ANN classifier’s objective
evaluation are listed in Table 2. The hu-
man operator’s evaluation was calculated
as the mode of ranking for individual
operators. The evaluation of the knitted
samples showed that they are distributed
mainly between the three ranks of pill-
ing. Spearman’s coefficient of rank cor-
relation between the two categories (i.e.
the last two columns in Table 2) is +0.85,
which implies a good agreement between
the two sets of results.

The actual samples treated for their pill-

ing classification using the system sug-
gested are shown in Figure 8. It should
be noted from the processed images that
the region of analysis might differ be-
tween the samples because this part will Figure 7. Interface of pilling classification software developed.
be decided by the operator according to
the sample introduced . This difference in area used, which significantly improves of different sizes (i.e. regardless of the
the areas of analysis is the reason behind the performance of the system as it al- digitisation method) and different areas
normalising the features according to the lows its flexibility to deal with images of analysis.

Figure 8. Images of actual samples as

processed for their pilling level.

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2014, Vol. 22, 6(108) 111
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