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Examples: People tend to be happy when it is sunny.

People tend to curl up on their beds and sleep when it is raining hard.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. People tend to ___________________________________________________________. (gloomy)
2. I tend to ___________________________________________________________. (mood)

Your own sentences:

1. People tend to ___________________________________________________________.
2. I tend to ___________________________________________________________.
Examples: We need enough sleep and rest.
Growing kids need to eat healthy food.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. We need _______________________________________________________________. (rest)
2. We need to _____________________________________________________________. (exercise)

Your own sentence:

1. We need ________________________________________________________________.
2. We need to_______________________________________________________________.
Examples: Savannas serve as a habitat to birds.
The spare room also serves as an office.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. ______________________ serve(s) as a ____________________________________.
2. ______________________serve(s) as a/an __________________________________.

Your own sentence:

1. ______________________________________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________________________________.
Examples: By using a microscope, we can see very small things and particles.
By using a microscope, we can magnify little objects a thousand times.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. By using _______________________, we can ________________________________________. (invent)
2. By using _______________________, we can ________________________________________. (ground)

Your own sentence:

1. By using _________________________, we can ________________________________________.
2. By using _________________________, we can ________________________________________.
Examples: We need the sun’s heat for energy and electricity.
Life would be impossible on Earth without the sun.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. We need _______________________________ for _______________________________. (energy)
2. Life would be ____________________________without ___________________________. (electricity)

Your own sentence:

1. We need ________________________________for______________________________________.
2. Life would be ______________________________ without ________________________________.
Examples: We notice that the stars appear to twinkle.
Stars seem to twinkle.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.

1. We notice that _________________________________________________________________. (provide)

2. _________ seem(s) to ___________________________________________________________. (appear)

Your own sentence:

1. We notice that ______________________________________________________________________.
2. ________________seem(s) to __________________________________________________________.
Examples: Fishes are able to breathe underwater.
Fishes are able to smell too.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. We are able to ___________________________________________________. (planet)
2. She is able to ____________________________________________________. (special)

Your own sentence:

1. I am able to ______________________________________________________.
2. I am able to ______________________________________________________.
Examples: A tortoise is considered as an endangered animal.
A tortoise is considered as a reptile.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. ________________ is considered as _______________________________. (vegetable)
2. ________________ is considered as _______________________________. (herbivore)

Your own sentences:

1. _________________is considered as_______________________________________________.
2. _________________is considered as_______________________________________________.
The amazing thing about these sharks is that they can smell a drop of blood in 25 gallons of water.
The amazing thing about speaking English fluently is that I can communicate with foreigners effectively.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. The amazing thing about_______________________________________________________.(carnivore)
2. The amazing thing about _______________________________________________________. (gallon)

Your own sentences:

1. The amazing thing about________________________________________________________.
2. The amazing thing about________________________________________________________.
They should keep their toys neat and clean.
I should study hard everyday.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. We should ______________________________________________.(game)
2. They should _____________________________________________. (childhood)
Your own sentences:
1.We should ______________________________________________________________________.
2.We should ______________________________________________________________________.
Magic is fun because it entertains the children.
Magic is fun because it brings joy to millions of kids.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.

1. Magic is fun because ____________________________________. (fairies)

2. Magic is fun because _____________________________________. (adventure)

Your own sentence:

1.Magic is fun because ____________________________________________________________.
2. Magic is fun because_____________________________________________________________.
People wear different clothes depending on different weathers or occasions.
People wear ordinary clothes like shirts and jeans on regular days.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1.People wear ______________________________________________________________.(fabrics)
2.People wear ______________________________________________________________. ( glamorous)

Your own sentences:

1. I wear ______________________________________________________________________.
2.People wear ______________________________________________________________________.
Ron knows how to take great pictures.
He knows how to fix computers.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. He knows how to_________________________________________________________ .(soccer)
2. He knows how to ________________________________________________________. (photography)

Your own sentences:

1. I know how to ______________________________________________________________________.
2. I know how to ______________________________________________________________________.
Emperor penguins spend the long winter on the open ice.
Some children spend most of their time playing computer games.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1.She spends _______________________________________________________________.( winter)
2.They spend ________________________________________________________________. (warmth)

Your own sentences:

1. I spend ________________________________________________________________________.
2. I spend _________________________________________________________________________.
We love to bake.
We love to read books.

Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. We love to ___________________________________________________________________. (together)
2. I love to _____________________________________________________________________. (fulfill)

Your own sentences:

1. We love to ___________________________________________________________________.
2. I love to______________________________________________________________________.
All houses must have a garden.
A house is incomplete without a garden.
Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. A garden ___________________________________________________________________. (flowers)
2. Some prefer to ________________________________________________________________. (herbs)
Your own sentences:
1. A house is ______________________________________________________________________.
2. A garden must __________________________________________________________________.
Why do we say thank you when we receive a gift?
What if you like the gift that you receive?
Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. But what if ______________________________________________________________. (gift)
2. Why do we express _______________________________________________________? (gratitude)
Your own sentences:
1. But what if ______________________________________________________________.
2. Why do we say ___________________________________________________________?
The moon is smaller than the earth.
There are two men who were able to visit the moon.
Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. The moon ________________________________________________________________. (satellite)
2. There are _________________________________________________________________. (mountains)
Your own sentences:
1. The moon ________________________________________________________________.
2. There are _________________________________________________________________.
Taekwondo is Korean martial art and a combat sport.
This martial art is famous because of its kicking technique.
Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. Taekwondo __________________________________________________________________. (national)
2. This martial art is______________________________________________________________. (stamina)
Your own sentences:
1. This martial art is ______________________________________________________________.
2. Taekwondo helps ______________________________________________________________.
The phoenix can heal itself when it is sick or wounded.
It can live to a thousand years.
Complete the following sentence patterns using the vocabulary in the parentheses.
1. The phoenix ______________________________________________________________. (feathers)
2. It can ____________________________________________________________________. (wounds)
Your own sentences:
1. The phoenix _______________________________________________________________.
2. It can _____________________________________________________________________.

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