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Arsenic and Old Lace: Controlling Hazardous Collection Materials

Connecting to Collections Care Webinar Series

May 3, 2016

Kerith Koss Schrager Anne Kingery-Schwartz Kathryn Makos




Arts, Crafts and Theater Safety

Director: Monona Rossol

Health in the Arts Program (occupational medicine and industrial hygiene/safety services)
University of Illinois School of Public Health/Great Lakes C e n t e r
Director: David Hinkamp, M.D., MPH

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Burroughs, G.E, K. Makos, C. Hawks, T. Ryan. 2006. Exposure of museum staff to

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Hawks, C, K. Makos, D. Bell, P. Wambach, and G. Burroughs. 2004. An inexpensive method to

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Hawks, C. and R. Waller. 2012. A tale of two systems: synergy in managing risks to people and
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Health Physics Society Ask a Question

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