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Oral Communication
in Context
Module No. 1
Nature, Functions and P rocess of
Communicatio n

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Oral Communication in Context
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Assistant Secretary: Alma Ruby C. Torio

Development Team of the Module

Author: Dorcas Menoc Bandiala
Content Editor: Daryl A. Pamisa
Language Editor: Ma. Alemil L. Fontilar
Proofreader : Ma. Alemil L. Fontilar
Illustrator/s: Xyrujon Alfred M. Bandiala and Caille B. Antiporta
Layout Artist: Ivy O. Niñeza
Development Team:
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director
Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V
Assistant Regional Director
Jonathan S. dela Peña, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent
Rowena H. Para-on, PhD
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD
Members: Neil A. Improgo, PhD, EPS-LRMS; Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., PhD, EPS-ADM;
Erlinda G. Dael, PhD, CID Chief; Maria Teresa M. Absin, EPS (English); Celieto B.
Magsayo, LRMS Manager; Loucile L. Paclar, Librarian II;
Kim Eric G. Lubguban, PDO II

Printed in the Philippines by

Department of Education - Alternative Delivery Mode (DepEd-ADM)
Office Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1, Cagayan de
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Oral Communication
in Context
Module No. 1
Nature, Functions and Process of

First Semester
First Quarter
4 hours

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and

reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or
universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to
email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of
Education at

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines


Cover Page
Copyright Page i
Title Page ii
Table of Contents iii
Module Overview 1
General Instruction 2

Module Lesson 1: Nature and Process of Communication

What I Need to Know 3
What I know 3
What’s New
Activity 1: Poetry Plus 4
Activity 2: Fast Talk 5
What Is It?
Topic 1: What is Communication 6
Topic 2: The Communication Process 6
What’s More
Activity 3: A Real Sample 11
Activity 4: Show the Process 12
What I Have Learned
Activity 5: Key Ideas 13
What I Can Do
Activity 6: Scribble and Speak Up 14
Activity 7: My Communication Mantra 15
Activity 8: How Much Do You Know 16
Activity 9: Self-checking 17
Additional Activity:
Activity 9: Reflection Time 18

Module Lesson 2: Elements of Communication

What I Need to Know 19
What’s In
Activity 1: Review 19
What’s New
Activity 2: Picture Analysis 20
What Is It?
Topic 1: Elements of Communication 21
What’s More
Activity 3: Find the Elements 23
What I Have Learned
Activity 4: FRap It (Find and Rap It) Key Ideas 24
What I Can Do
Activity 5: Pair Up, Mock-Up and Speak Up 25
Activity 6: Complete Me 25

Activity 7: Self-checking 26
Additional Activity:
Activity 8: Reflection Time 27

Module Lesson 3: Function of Communication

What I Need to Know 28
What’s In
Activity 1: Review 28
What I know 28
What’s New
Activity 2: Draw and Speak Up 30
What Is It?
Topic 1: 5 Basic Functions of Communication 30
What’s More
Topic 2: Purposes of Communication 33
What I Have Learned
Activity 3: Personal Matter 35
What I Can Do
Activity 4: Write Away 36
Activity 5: Gratefully Yours 36
Activity 6: Be Purposive 36
Activity 7: How Much Do You Know 37
Activity 8: Talk Show 38
Activity 9: Self-checking 39
Additional Activity:
Activity 9: Reflection Time 40

Let’s Sum Up 40
Post Test 41
Key to Answers 45
References 46


You must have been experiencing a lot of

adjustments now that classes are on again! Well
I want to let you know we are happy to see you
and we will help you get through with your new
learning adventure. Through this module, your
learning ride will be easier and more fun!

While the world is still facing and battling against this COVID19 pandemic, it has
become difficult for us to do face-to-face conversation. However, it does not mean we
have lost the capacity to reach out to others. We continue to find ways to
communicate. Yes, we are constantly in a state of giving and receiving information.
Problems arise when one does not receive or understand, the message sent in the
communication process as it was intended or when one subconsciously sends a
nonverbal message that contradicts with the spoken word.
This module will help you understand the importance of good communication
skills at home, school, and at work. It will also provide you with opportunities to
continually improve in the acquisition and application of communicative skills through
active and interactive engagement in the activities prepared for you.

This module, as crafted by the Department of Education, contains essential

learning competencies necessary for the development of clear and effective
communication. The lesson jump-starts with the basic definition of communication,
down to its function, nature, elements, and processes that will help you achieve your
role as an effective communicator. Hence, this module contains the following:

 Defines communication.(EN 11/ 12 OC-1a-1)
 Explains the nature and process of communication. (EN 11/ 12 OC-1a-2)
 Discusses the functions of communication (EN11/12OC-Ibe-8)
 Identifies the speaker’s purpose(s) (EN11/12OC-Ibe-9)

Semester: 1st Semester

Quarter: 1st Quarter
Number of Hours: 4 Hours

Don’t you worry, your teacher will help you throughout your learning journey. So,
have fun!

Your Speech Teacher


To attain the goals of this module, do the following:

 Do not put some markings on this Module as there are still other students who will
be using it. You will need a separate COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY NOTEBOOK
where you will write all your answers and writing activities of this module. Be sure
to LABEL your work according to the Module, lessons and the date you work on

 Each Module has a brief instruction and followed by a list of objectives. Read
them and follow instructions carefully.

 Before going over the activities, answer the PRETEST first then find out how well
you did by checking your answers given in the self-assessment activity. Each
activity must be according to the objectives of this Module.

 Take note of the skills or strategies you are trying to develop.

 After each activity, you need to go over the items which you think you failed.

 Wait for the teacher’s instruction as to when to take the POST TEST. This is
usually done when you have mastered the previous lessons.

 Always make sure you read the module carefully and all the indicated

 Follow the directions and instructions in the activities conscientiously.

 Ensure that all exercises are answered and activities are complied.

 Equip yourself with the necessary vocabulary and terminology in each given

“Effective Communication is 20 what you know and 80 how you feel about
what you know” ~ Jim Rohn
In this lesson you are expected to:
1. understand why we need to study communication;
2. give the definition of communication;
3. explain the nature and process of communication; and
4. Identify the characteristics of communication.

Before we start with this module, let us check what you
already know about this course by answering this pretest.

Write True if the statement is true. If not, change the

underlined word or phrase that makes the statement
erroneous with the correct one. Write your answers on your Communication Activity

1. Communication is a process.
2. The sender decodes the message to be transmitted.
3. Channel is a medium of communication.
4. Talking to the self can develop one’s self-confidence.
5. The receiver interprets the message received.
6. Communication can either be written or spoken words.
7. The receiver is the source of the message.
8. Man cannot survive without communication.
9. Communication is a one-way process.
10. To seek for clarification, channel is needed.


Activity1. Poetry Plus

Read and analyze the poem and answer the questions
afterwards. Write your answers on your Communication
Activity Notebook.

1. What is the poem all about?
2. Who or what do you think is being referred to as the “YOU” in the poem?
3. How did the speaker describe the “YOU” in the poem? Give as many descriptions
as possible.
4. How does the poem relate to the lesson?
5. Create a title of the poem.

Activity2: Fast Talk

Introduce yourself within 1 minute. Take a video of yourself and watch it

afterwards. Then, take a video of yourself again saying the same words. But this time
without a time limit. Compare the two videos. Write your answers on your
Communication Activity Notebook.

As you watch the videos, answer the following questions:

1. Did you understand what you were saying?
2. Which one was easy to understand? Why do you think so?
3. What are the advantages of talking fast and talking slowly?
4. What do you think is communication?

You are amazing! The last two activities

clearly show the importance of communication.
True enough, communication plays a vital role in
our existence.

Even in the simplest form of self-

expression, communication is essential in our
lives as we tell others about ourselves and even
as we exchange information, thoughts and
feelings and create relationships with other

Talking is a way of communicating with

others and with yourself. We communicate from
the moment we were born.

Now, the questions still continue

to echo, can man live without
communication? Can the world survive
without communication?

No. Man needs to communicate to

understand, live, grow, and survive. So,
if communication is so important to us,
then what is communication?

Webster defines communication as a process by which
information is exchanged between individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs or behavior.

Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information

from one person to another using different means, medium, context, media, and

There are different ways and terms in which communication can be manifested. It
can be through face-to-face, a phone conversation, a group discussion, a meeting or
interview, a letter correspondence, a class recitation, and many others. In other words,
the basic functions of communication are to achieve understanding or shared meaning
and to persuade, inform, entertain and manage relationships.


1. Communication is a process.
Communication as a process means it is a step by step activity and it is
essentially a two-way process that involves the active participation of both
the sender and receiver. It is the act or process of using words, sounds,
signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your
ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.
Communication is a dynamic process which is influenced by the
communicator’s mood and thinking.
It is a complex
process too. By complex
process, it means, one
message may be
interpreted in many ways
by different people.
In the sample image,
a teacher explains a
lesson in a class of 20
students. There may also
be 20 different
understanding of the
lesson. That is why there
is a need to seek for
clarification called

2. Communication is much more of an ART than a science. There is no
right or wrong way to communicate – no set of absolute rules to be followed
but there are underlying principles to guide us into effective communication.

3. Communication has a sender and receiver. Communication occurs

between two or more people acting as the speaker or the receiver of the
message. In other words, it is a two-way process of reaching mutual
understanding, in which participants do not only exchange (encode-decode)
information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In
general, communication is a means of connecting people or places.

4. Communication is verbal or non-verbal.

Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words
(verbal) or actions (non-verbal) of both spoken words and nonverbal actions at
the same time. Communication is not all about sending or receiving facts in
words. It does involve ideas and emotions that are expressed through signs,
symbols and gestures.

The sample image shows both verbal or spoken words and non-
verbal actions. The man uses both verbal and non-verbal cues when he
winked at the lady and at the same time greeted her and offered her a drink.
On the other hand, the girl’s smirk is a gesture of disgust or dislike. Even
without the use of words, the lady’s gesture is still understood as a form of
communicating her disapproval towards man.

5. Communication is inevitable.
Inevitability means communication is taking place even when someone
does not want or intend to communicate. This “does not want to communicate”
feeling of someone actually does communicate something. What does this
mean? It simply means that you cannot avoid communicating. Why?
The truth is, we are communicating constantly because even when you do
not want to communicate, you
are communicating! Isn’t that
ironic? Yes, you are sending a
message by the way you smile,
or frown, sit or move or by the
way you walk or dress up
yourself and by your actions. And
even when you are sleeping in
class, you are communicating
that you are either bored or sick
or whatever your reasons be!
This notion tells us that
communication is everywhere.
Thus, it is impossible to n o t
communicate. The dark clouds, the deep blue sea, the howling dogs, your
empty room or even the silence of the night, these are all communicating and
telling us something. Try discovering that yourself.

6. Communication is irreversible. This means that what you have said can
never be unsaid. Irreversibility happens the very minute you click the “OK”
button for a comment or post on your social media and that it would be too late
to take it back when a lot of people have already reacted, and commented to it.
The same thing when you perhaps throw a hurting or offensive word to your
enemy because of your anger.

You can later be sorry for

what you have said but once
the damage has already
been done, it can never be
undone. You may ask for
forgiveness, or say you did
not mean what you said but
it takes time for another
person to heal and forget.
That person may forgive you
for what you have said but
the effect of what you have
said is lasting. This
characteristic of
communication implies that
as senders of message, we
must be careful and choose
the appropriate words to say
before saying them.

7. Communication is Unrepeatable.
Unrepeatability means that an act of communication can never be
duplicated. We may say the same thing over and over again but the effect of
what you said the second or third or fourth time will not be the same as the
first time you said it.
Even if we intend to say the same thing again which is possible but the
ideas here is, the outer world has changed by the second utterance. The
listeners may be different, our mood may be different, or our relationship
might be in a different place. You don’t get a second chance to make a first
One of the best examples is at home when you hear your mother or sister
rants about your laziness. The first time you heard it, your reaction would
have been bad. You probably cried or stayed in your bedroom for the whole
day. But when you heard it the second time or the third, there is that different
effect. You probably wouldn’t react to it at all, or perhaps just laugh it out! The
sure thing is, you cannot duplicate an act of communication.

To better understand the lesson, watch this video. Insert video here

This time let’s take a closer look at the illustration on how the communication
process takes place in any given situation.

Diagram 3: The Communication Process

As you can see in Diagram 3, communication goes through a certain process

involving the sender, who is the source of the message, the message, which is the
shared information, the receiver, whose function is to decode the meaning of what
was received and of course, the feedback, referring to the receiver’s reply to the

Activity3. A Real Sample

Now that you know what communication is and how it

works, list down real examples of communication that occurs
around you. Make a table similar to that table below and write
your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.

What Where Who How

Talking with friends In school You and your You share your experiences and
friends feelings.

Activity4. Show the Process

Following the process of communication, write a scenario on how the process is

done in actual conversation. You can choose from the samples you have listed in
Activity 2 table. Write your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.

1. I am thinking of telling my friend about my problem.

2. I think of the words to say.

3. I tell my friend about my problems.

4. My friends listen to me.

5. My friend tries to understand what I am saying.

6. My friend gives me advice.

Now, it’s your turn to think of a scenario. In your Communication Activity Notebook,
make boxes similar to the illustration below and fill it out with your answer.

Activity5. Key Ideas
You have learned about communication and its process.
Complete the Frayer Model with key ideas about
communication. Review the lesson if you must. Make your
Frayer Model box on your Communication Activity Notebook
and fill it out with your answer.

By the way, a Frayer Model is a

graphic organizer used to build your
vocabulary. This technique requires you to
define communication and apply your
knowledge on it by generating examples
and non examples, giving characteristics or
descriptions. Can you do it? Let’s try!

My Frayer Model of Communication:

Activity6. Scribble and Speak Up!

Let us apply what you have learned by doing this

activity. WRITE an introduction of yourself to others in a
way that will make them understand you easily. Write down
what you will say in the box below. Then, be ready to
SPEAK UP in front of the class. Write your answers on your Communication
Activity Notebook.

Remember what you have learned about communication. (The sentence in the
box is just an example of how you may do your introduction. But you can have your
own style in writing.)

Marvelous! Speaking up actually boosts your

confidence and exercises your ability to express
yourself. How did you find speaking up in front of
your classmates and teacher on the topic
“introduction of the self”? Was it easy or
In communication, all you have to remember
is that you have to make sure you are able to get
your message across to your listener the way you
intended it to be understood. Now, do you think
you were able to do that?

After learning the definition, nature and

processes of communication, create your own
Communication Mantra. But wait! Do you know
what a Mantra is? A mantra is a motivating chant.
Repeating the line, “I can do it, I can do it” over and
over again like when you are about to try your first
200-meter zip line experience or your first delivery
of the speech on stage is a Mantra.
Yes, a Mantra is usually any repeated
words or phrases to motivate you.
Example: “a good source of information I
will always be, yes, always will I be”. So,
are you excited to create you own mantra?
Go ahead, please!
Activity7: My Communication Mantra

It is now your turn to test your skill in putting into creative statement what you
have learned in the previous discussions by making a communication Mantra. Then
answer the questions below. Write your answers on your Communication Activity

A. My Communication Mantra

B. Questions:

1. What does my Communication Mantra have to do with how I understand


2. How will I make this Mantra happen?


Since communication mantra is both creative and constructive, you may ask
your students to do a poster-like presentation. Just make sure that students are
given ample time to prepare for the presentation. Below is a simple rubrics for
scoring student’s output but you may have your own for this activity.
Communication skills -10pts
Creativity -10pts
Total Score - 30pts

Activity8. How much do you know?

Match the concepts. Match the concepts found in Column

A with the concepts in Column B. Write your answers on your
Communication Activity Notebook.

Column A Column B
1. Channel a) the factors that affect the flow of
2. Message b) the fact, idea, message, a piece
of information, a note from the
speaker in words or in action.
3. Barriers c) the source of the data,
information or message
4.Receiver d) the medium used such as
verbal or non-verbal, face to face
or not, in which the encoded
message is transmitted.
5.Speaker/ speaker e) the one who receives the
message and decodes it

A. Read the statement carefully and answer the question that follows. Choose the
letter of your answer and write it in your answer sheet.

1. Which is NOT an element of the communication process?

a) message b) sender c) technology d) receiver
2. In the communication process, decoding takes place
a) by the sender c) when replying
c) within the message d) by the receiver
3. An error or mistake in a document due to encoding is a sample
of a barrier.
a) true b) maybe c) false d) it doesn't tell
4. Which is NOT a means or medium of communication?
a) phone call b) letter c) e-mail d) environment
5. Johnny has a habit of ignoring the message of his mother.
Which element is referring to Johnny's response to the message?
a) channel b) participation c) context d) feedback
6. When we convert a message into actions, it is called
a) decoding b) encoding c ) listening d) feedback loop
7. Communication skills are helpful in
a) teaching c) asking questions
b) listening d) all of the above
8 The School Principal gives his speech during the first School
Recognition program. Who is the receiver of the message?
a) recognition program c) Principal
b) the parents d) the students

9. Margie names four ingredients for Kyla to buy at the grocery
store. Who is the sender of the message?
a) Kyla b) Margie c) grocery store d) ingredients
10. It is an example of an audience feedback?
a) laughter c) half-closed eyelids
b) silence d) all of the above

Activity9: Self-checking
Great job! You have completed Lesson 1 successfully!
Before going to the next lesson, check the icon that best shows
your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach

what I
learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other things
I need to review and relearn.

I need to do additional work to be able to master the

lesson. I
need help in some tasks.

If you checked the first icon, you are

ready for lesson 2. If you have checked the
second icon, you need to review the things
that you need to relearn. If you have checked
the third icon, it would be best if you read
more from the links given above and ask help
from your teacher, parents, or peers in
clarifying the lessons that you find difficult. Be
honest so that you will truly improve.

Write your reflection
on your Communication Activity Notebook.

“There’s only one rule for being a good talker - learn to listen.”
~ Christopher Morley ~


In this lesson you are expected to:

1. discuss the elements of communication;

2. explain the roles of each element in the communication
process; and
3. perform an actual conversation involving the elements.

Activity1. Review

Lesson 1 taught you the nature and process of

communication. Learning those topics has paved our door to
better understanding of the essence of communication and that
is to understand and to be understood. Write down the best
things you learned from lesson 1. Write your answers on your
Communication Activity Notebook.



Activity2. Picture Analysis: Look at the image and

answer the questions that follow: Write your answers on your
Communication Activity Notebook.

1. What have you observed in the image above?

2. What do you think is the scenario? How do you call that conversation?
3. Can you identify the sender of the message? What could his message be?
4. Can you identify the receiver of the message? What could his reply be?
5. What do you think is the relevance of this image to our next topic?



So what are the elements involved in the

communication process be it in the sample image shown or
in any given communication context?

Communication is composed of elements that help us better understand its process.

Study the illustration below.

The Elements of the Communication

Let us discuss briefly each of the elements shown in the illustration. You have to
remember that every element has its own importance that greatly affects effective

1. Sender
The sender is also known as the source of the message or information.
The sender is responsible for making putting meaning into his/her message.
A sender is also known as the speaker or encoder.
In the illustration, you will see the teacher being labeled as the sender
since she is the one giving the information to her audience.

2. Message
The message is the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the
speaker in words or in actions. As in the illustration above, the message is all
about communication which is lesson of the day. The message by the way is
an important element that is being shared by the sender and the receiver.

3. Encoding
This is referring to the process of converting the message into words,
actions, or other forms that the speaker understands. The sender is also
considered as the encoder in the illustration shown because it is her who puts
meaning into her message.

4. Channel
The channel is the medium or the means, such as personal or non-
personal, verbal or nonverbal, wherein the encoded message is conveyed. In
the example, the channel or the medium of communication or how the
message was conveyed is through personal or face-to-face communication
using verbal language. Other channels of communication will be discussed in
the succeeding modules.

5. Decoding
Decoding is the process of interpreting the encoded message of the
speaker by the receiver. The receiver analyzes the message received before
giving his/her response. In the illustration, there are actually several
recipients or receivers of the message but directly, the teacher addressed Mr.
Lance Dacer. This suggests that the teacher as the sender is expecting
Lance Dacer as the receiver to give his feedback or response.

6. Receiver
The receiver acts as the recipient of the message, or someone who
decodes the message. Again, all those present in the class are considered
receivers of the message.

7. Feedback
Feedbacks are the reactions, responses, or information provided by the
receiver. It could come in many forms. It could be through words, gestures, or
actions. If you look at the illustration, there are implicit or not direct feedbacks
such as one student is jokingly courting his seatmate. The misbehavior of the
student while the discussion is going on is already a feedback in itself. It
suggests that the student’s attention was not on the teacher but on his

8. Context
The context is the environment where communication takes place. It is
a communication situation. If we are to look again at the illustration, we can
say at once that the setting is in the classroom which is true. Why, the
presence of the teacher, the students, the discussion are taking place in a
classroom setting. Without context, communication cannot take place. There
has to be a context for communication to happen. In a picnic, a wedding, in the
church or dinner, at a basketball game or a bus ride are just a few of the many
contexts where communication can take place.

9. Barrier
Barriers are also called noise in communication. These are factors that
affect the flow of communication. Students’ talking to one another while the
class discussion is going may distract the attention of other students, or
someone who has a toothache may not be able to concentrate at the
meeting. In the illustration above, one student is not attentive to the class as
she was instead bothered by the thought of someone she hates.

Activity 3: Find the Elements
Read the sample telephone conversation below and
afterwards, identify the elements found in the conversation.
Write your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.

Activity4. FRap it (Find and Rap it)

Find the mystery word/s by solving the questions first. The

mystery word can be formed by picking out the placement of
the letter being mentioned and put them together. Once the
mystery word is/are formed, do the rap! Write your answers on
your Communication Activity Notebook.

Questions Answer Placement Mystery

of letter Letter
1. These are factors that affect 5th letter
the flow of communication.
2. It is the environment where 1st letter
communication takes place.
3. It is the medium or the means 3rd letter
wherein the encoded message is
4. It is the process of converting 2nd letter
the message into words, actions
or other forms that the speaker
5. These are the reactions, 5th letter
responses, or information
provided by the receiver.
6. It is the process of interpreting 2nd letter
the encoded message of the
speaker by the receiver.

7. It is the information, ideas or 1st letter
thoughts conveyed by the
speaker in words or in actions.
8. It is considered as the other 2nd letter
term for sender from which
communication comes.
9. It is the recipient of the 8th letter
message or someone who
decodes the message.
10. It is responsible for making 5th letter
/ putting meaning into his / her

The Mystery Word / s: (In BOLD letters)

Activity5. Pair up, Mock - Up, Speak Up
Choose your partner. You are going to present a mock-up
telephone conversation that could have possibly occurred in
different places, time, occasion, and situation. Be sure to
integrate the different elements involved in the communication
process. Write your scenario and script on your Communication Activity Notebook for
activity scoring purposes.

1. You pick which telephone scenario you are going to perform.
i. Boy and girl courtship
ii. housemaid/houseboy reporting an incident to the boss
iii. Husband and wife quarreling over the phone
iv. A call from a classmate you don’t like asking for an assignment
2. You are given 5 minutes to prepare your script.
3. Practice your lines, familiarize the scenario
4. Maintain Social distancing while doing the activity
5. You are given 2 minutes only to present the mock-up call
6. One of you will be the spokesperson to share the activity to the class

Activity 6: Complete Me
Complete the table with necessary information about the lesson. Write your answers
on your Communication Activity Notebook.

Elements of Communication Definition Example

Activity 7: Self-checking
Great job! You have completed Lesson 2 successfully!
Before going to the next lesson, check the icon that best
shows your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach

what I learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other things
that I need to review and relearn.

I need to do additional work to be able to master the

lesson. I
need help in some tasks.

If you checked the first icon, you are ready for the next
lesson. If you have checked the second icon, you need to
review the things that you need to relearn. If you have
checked the third icon, it would be best if you read more from
the links given above and ask help from your teacher,
parents or peers in clarifying the lessons that you find
difficult. Be honest so that you will truly improve.

Reflect and Answer. Write your reflection on your Communication Activity Notebook.



In this lesson you are expected to:
1. discuss the functions of communication;
2. identify the speaker’s purpose(s); and
3. express yourself in writing away your emotions.

Activity1. Review

In the previous lessons of this module, we have discussed

the nature and processes of communication as well as its
elements that play vital roles in effective communication. Write
your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.
1. What significant learning could you easily recall when we talk about elements of

2. Which of the elements do you think is of great importance? Which is of the least

This is a test on the basic functions and purpose of
communications. Write the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.

1. Communication allows you to act and react to the behavior of the people around us.
a. Emotional expression c. motivation
b. Control d. social interaction
2. One function of communication is to exercise restraint or direction formally or
a. Control c. motivation
b. social interaction d. information dissemination
3. It is a function of communication which refers to the energy that influences a
person’s behavior in different ways to the pursuit of his goal or objective.
a. Social interaction c. information dissemination
b. motivation d. emotional expression
4. One of the most basic functions of communication is to provide data and
information for the effective completion of tasks, solution to problems, and elimination
of uncertainty.
a. Social interaction c. emotional expression
b. information dissemination d. control
5. This function of communication facilitates people’s expression of their emotions.
a. Social interaction c. information dissemination
b. Motivation d. emotional expression
6. It is that type of talk that refers to the tactful use of power to get results and may be
used to motivate people.
a. Straight Talk c. Light control Talk
b. Heavy - Control Talk d. Search Talk
7. This talk is good for problem-solving and conflict resolution and may be used to
facilitate emotional expression for catharsis, which is the act of purging, cleansing,
and unloading of ideas and emotions.
a. Small Talk c. Heavy - Control Talk
b. Light control Talk d. Straight Talk
8. It is another nonthreatening approach when you want to gather data or the
consensus of others to be able to provide information.
a. Small Talk c. Light control Talk
b. Search Talk d. Heavy - Control Talk
9. The purpose of the talk is a form of non-threatening communication that may be
used to affect social interaction.
a. Search Talk c. Small Talk
b. Heavy - Control Talk d. Straight Talk
10. This talk is designed to place blame and to control or regulate people. This
creates defensiveness on the part of the receiver and is rarely, if ever,
a. Heavy - Control Talk c. Search Talk
b. Light control Talk d. Small Talk

Activity2. Draw and Speak Up
Think of one very important object that you cannot live
without and draw it. Think of the reasons why this object means
so much to you. How does this function in your life. Write your
answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.Write your
answer in your Communication Activity Notebook.

As I have mentioned earlier, we have learned the

nature and various elements involved in the process of
communication. This time, let us look at HOW
communication works. Come along and learn with me!



1.Control - to exercise
restraint or direction formally
or informally. This happens
particularly among members
or acquaintances.

Using communication to regulate or control means you use verbal and nonverbal
cues to manage an individual or group. This kind of communication is meant to
encourage the other person to reciprocate encouraging or positive feedback from the
initial interaction. This kind of communication also controls the behavior of person and
this control will adhere to the rules or culture/practices of their organization, group, or

Example: An interviewee trying to control herself to meet the expectations set by the
interviewer. The interviewee changes her behavior according to how the interviewer
manages the conversation.

2.Social Interaction -
Communication allows
acting and reacting to the
behavior of people around
us. By revealing our thoughts
and feelings, we elicit
reactions from others.

One of the reasons why we communicate is to connect with others or with

ourselves. Social Interaction and Emotional expression are the most used form of
communication we use. We use it every day when we hold conversations with our
friends or classmates, or when we express how we feel when we felt offended or
when we feel happy and state our opinion.

However, the way we communicate with others will depend on how close we are
to them or how much we value them. How you talk to your best friend will be very
different with how you talk to someone you just met or to someone with high authority.

3. Emotional Expression -
Communication makes possible
the release or unloading of
emotions, resulting in catharsis. It
facilitates people’s expression of
their feelings and emotions.

Emotional expression is also a form of communication. As with how you talk with
someone depending on your relationship with that person, emotional expression can
also be communicated differently depending on how emotionally close you are to the

4. Motivation - the energy
that influences a person’s
behavior in different ways to his
pursuit of his goal or objective. It
encourages people to live better.

To motivate means to stimulate people to act on their goals. However, the

motivational kind of communication can work in two ways, positive or negative

Positive motivation happens when the speaker who is motivating someone or a

group uses his or her skills in communication as a bridge towards self assessments,
confidence, knowledge, etc. Negative motivation, on the other hand, can lead either
to communication apprehension, social anxiety, shyness or public speaking

Communication anxiety happens when a person becomes fearful of

communicating with another person or a group. This fear is either imagined or real,
and may have rooted from a previous experience. Signs of apprehension include
sweaty palms or feeling upset stomach also known as butterflies in the stomach.
These physical signs motivate someone to avoid communication or feel anxious
when forced to communicate.

Context apprehension happens when the anxiety to communicate happens in

certain situations only such as interpersonal, small group or public speaking.

Fear of Public speaking is also called stage fright. This is when a person
hesitates or avoids speaking in front of a large group or large audience.

The next is shyness, this happens when you feel uncomfortable when speaking
to a small group or people. Shy people are afraid to initiate communication or actively
participate in small group discussions.

Lastly, we have social anxiety, which is when someone hesitates interpersonal

communication. This kind of anxiety happens when a person feels threatened and
scared of what other people say or think about them.

5. Information dissemination
- It is the most basic function of
communication that provides
data and information for
effective completion of tasks,
solution of problems, and
elimination of uncertainty.

Information exchange is the core reason why we communicate. Information is

needed for an individual to build a harmonious relationship with others and with its
environment. Information and communication will always be linked to each other.

These are the five functions of communication. As an effective communicator,

you must set your goal as to what you want to achieve before you proceed so that you
can utilize your knowledge in verbal and non-verbal cues to your advantage.

You may also click this slideshare:

The purposes of communication can be
effectively realized and fulfilled by using
different kinds of “talks.” (Locke, 1998)

1. Small-talk is a form of non-threatening communication that may be used to affect

social interaction.
To maintain the status quo;
 To break the ice;
 To get acquainted; and
 To establish a relationship
2. Light-Control Talk is the tactful use of power to get results and may be used to
motivate people.
To persuade;
 To direct;
 To seek but not force agreement; and
 To use legitimate authority.

3. Heavy- Control Talk is designed to place blame and to control or regulate people.
This creates defensiveness on the part of the receiver and is rarely, if ever,

 To blame;
 To attack;
 To threaten;
 To coerce; and
 To demand.

4. Search Talk is another non-threatening approach when you want to gather data
or the consensus of others to be able to provide information.

 To center or an issue; and
 To examine and clarify the issue.

5. Straight Talk is good for problem-solving and conflict resolution and may be used
to facilitate emotional expression for catharsis, which is the act of purging, cleansing,
and unloading of ideas and emotions.

 To concentrate on the here and now;
 To focus on issues;
 To share feelings;
 To acknowledge feelings; and
 To accept without judging.

Activity3. Personal Matter
Cite an example situation where you used the given
functions of communication. Write your answers on your
Communication Activity Notebook.
For example:
Control – My mother scolded me. Her anger made me keep

WOW! You truly have acquainted

yourself with the 5 functions of
communication. Bear in mind that when we
learn this by heart, we give justice to the
reason why we communicate.

As a communicator, you can make use of

the 5 functions of communication. You need to
set your goal as to what you want to achieve.
That way, you are clear about the purpose and
reasons for communicating. Let us see what
else can you do!

Activity4. Write Away

Choose just one of the scenarios you have mentioned in

Activity 2 and explain the scenario involving you in not less than
100 words how that particular FUNCTION of communication
become so significant in your life. Write your answers on your
Communication Activity Notebook.

Activity 5: Gratefully Yours

Imagine communication as your best friend who has been with you ever since,
write a short message of gratitude to “communication” for everything it has done to
you. Write your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.

Activity 6. Be Purposive
Fill in the table below with the information learned from the discussion earlier
about the purpose of communication. You may use words or phrases in filling out the
matrix. The first item is already given. Write your answers on your Communication
Activity Notebook.

Type of Description Best to use Purpose/s

1. Small Talk





Activity7. How much do you know?

A. Identify the function of communication in each of the following situations.

Write your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.

1. The city mayor calls for a meeting with the teachers.

2. Rico meets Cory at the party; then they start talking about their
3. The Oral Communication group discusses how to improve their
performance in the next presentation.
4. Lovely shares her funny experiences when she was in Japan.
5. Gina, a science teacher, explains the causes of volcanic eruption.
6. The Regional director is very emotional in his farewell speech.
7. The school principal delivers his State of the School Address.
8. Awarded the best actor in the Metro Manila Film
Festival extends his thanks to the public.
9. One of the best recognized city mayors presents his best practices.
10. The module writers orient the participants about the policy.

B. Identify the function of communication in the following sentences. Write

your answer in the space provided for.

1. Mother to son: “Jude, I am really upset with your

misbehavior! Could you please behave properly?”
2. Teacher to student: “Grace, you are an excellent communicator.
Just do your best in overcoming your fear of the crowd.”
3. District School Supervisor to Teachers: “My dear teachers,
your monetary donations for the COVID 19 frontliners have
already reached Php 28, 200.00 as of today.”
4. Boss to the secretary: “I would like you to make sure that
2019 Minutes of Meeting be furnished before the General
5. Friend to another friend: “What can you say about Mark
and Steph’s engagement?”

Activity8: Talk Show

Form groups of five. Present a Talk Show on any topics related to communication
especially those that apply to your strand. Be guided by the rubrics. Write the rubrics
on your Communication Activity Notebook for scoring purposes.


Activity 9: Self-checking
Great job! You have completed Lesson 2 successfully!
Before going to the next lesson, check the icon that best
shows your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach

what I learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other things
that I need to review and relearn.

I need to do additional work to be able to master the

lesson. I
need help in some tasks.

If you checked the first icon, you are ready for the next
lesson. If you have checked the second icon, you need to
review the things that you need to relearn. If you have
checked the third icon, it would be best if you read more from
the links given above and ask help from your teacher,
parents or peers in clarifying the lessons that you find
difficult. Be honest so that you will truly improve.

Activity 10: Reflect and Answer. Write your reflection
on your Communication Activity Notebook.
After doing the activities:

I noticed that

A question I have is

I wonder why

I’m not sure if

I discovered that

I realized that

I can apply to my life


Here are the key points tackled in Module 1:

 Communication is a process of sharing and exchanging

of information from one person to another using various
media whether written oral, verbal, or non-verbal.
 Communication can be through face-to-face, phone
conversation, a group discussion, a meeting or interview,
a letter correspondence, a class recitation, and many

 Communication is a two-way process involving the elements of communication-
the sender, receiver, encoding, decoding channel, message, context, feedback,
and barrier.
 There are five basic functions of communication namely, Control, Social
Interaction, Motivation, Emotional Expression, and Information dissemination,
 Different kinds of Talks according to Locke (1998) effectively fulfill the purposes of
communication. These talks are dubbed as Small, Light-Control, Heavy- Control,
Search, and Straight Talks.

Congratulations for a job well-

done! It’s about time to check
how much you have learned in
Module 1 by taking the Post
Test. God bless you!

Direction: This test is taken from the topics covered in
Lessons 1, 2 and 3. Pick letter of the correct answer and write
your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.

1. It is the source of the information.

a) Speaker c.) Message
b) Receiver d) Channel

2. One of the basic functions of communication is to exercise restraint or direction

formally or informally.
a) Control c) motivation
b) social interaction d) information dissemination

3. It refers to the medium used in communication.

a) Speaker c.) Message
b) Receiver d) Channel

4. Communication allows us to act and react to the behavior of people around us.
a) Emotional expression c) motivation
b) Control d) social interaction

5. Which is NOT an element of the communication process?

a) message b) sender c) technology d) receiver

6. It refers to the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed.
a) Speaker c.) Message
b) Receiver d) Channel

7. It is a function of communication which refers to the energy that influences a

person’s behavior in different ways to his pursuit of his goal or objective.
a) Social interaction c) information dissemination
b) motivation d) emotional expression

8. This is one of the most basic functions of communication that provides data and
information for effective completion of tasks, solution of problems, and elimination
of uncertainty.
a) Social interaction c) emotional expression
b) information dissemination d) control

9. This function of communication facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and

a) Social interaction c) information dissemination
b) motivation d) emotional expression
10. It is the one who decodes the message.
a) Speaker c.) Message
b) Receiver d) Channel

11. It the environment where communication takes place

a) Encoding c) Decoding
b) Context d) Feedback

12. In the communication process, decoding takes place

a) by the sender
b) when dealing effectively with the element of noise
c) within the message
d) by the receiver

13. The Principal of a certain school gives a speech on the first recognition program
to the students. Who is the receiver of the message?
a) recognition program
b) Principal
c) the words and movements of the Principal during his speech
d) the students

14. It is designed to place blame and to control or regulate people. This creates
defensiveness on the part of the receiver and is rarely, if ever, appropriate.
a) Heavy - Control Talk c) Search Talk
b) Light control Talk d) Small Talk

15. The researcher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
a) Information dissemination c) Social Interaction
b) Motivation d) Emotional Expression

16. James greets May; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
a) Motivation c) Social Interaction
b) Information dissemination d) Control

17. You deliver a speech about the importance of higher education to a group of high
school students. What is the message?
a) high school students? c) importance of higher education
b) you d) your voice and language

18. Margie names four ingredients for Kyla to buy at the grocery store. Who is the
sender of the message?
a) Kyla c) grocery store
b) Margie d) ingredients
19. It is that type of talk serving as purpose of communication that refers to the tactful
use of power to get results and may be used to motivate people.
a) Straight Talk c) Light control Talk
b) Heavy - Control Talk d) Search Talk

20. This talk is good for problem-solving and conflict resolution and may be used to
facilitate emotional expression for catharsis, which is the act of purging, cleansing,
and unloading of ideas and emotions.
a) Small Talk c) Heavy - Control Talk
b) Light control Talk d) Straight Talk
21. It is an example of an audience feedback?
a) laughter c) half-closed eyelids
b) silence d) all of the above
22. It is another nonthreatening approach when you want to gather data or the
consensus of other to be able to provide information.
a) Small Talk c) Light control Talk
b) Search Talk d) Heavy - Control Talk

23. This purpose of talk is a form of nonthreatening communication that may be used
to effect social interaction.
a) Search Talk c) Small Talk
b) Heavy - Control Talk d) Straight Talk

24. Rex shares his insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
a) Emotional Expression c) Motivation
b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction

25. Mona shares her personal frustrations with Chona.

a) Emotional Expression c) Control
b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction

26. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.

a) Social Interaction c) Emotional Expression
b) Motivation d) Information dissemination

27. Josie delivers her farewell speech.
a) Information dissemination c) Social Interaction
b) Emotional Expression d) Motivation

28. The President delivers his State of the Nation Address.

a) Emotional Expression c) Information dissemination
b) Control d) Social Interaction

29. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.

a) Emotional Expression c) Control
b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction

30. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
a) Emotional Expression c) Control
b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction


Baraceros, Esther L. and Lintao, Rachelle, B. (2010). English 4: Oral

Communication in Context (First Edition). Quezon City: Rex
Bookstore, Inc.

Dapat, Jose Rizal O., Sadorra, Bryan Eli B., and Lumabi, Bethany Marie C.
(2016). Oral Communication in Focus. Quezon City: Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Metro Manila. ; P38-54.

Diaz, Rafaela Hernandez. (2014). Speech and Oral Communication for

College Students, Revised Edition. Quezon City: National Bookstore

Flores, C.and Lopez E. (2008). Effective Speech Communication 5th Edition.

National Bookstore: Philippines.

Galero-Tejero, E. (2008) Doorways to English Language Proficiency: A self

improvement program. National Bookstore: Philippines

Sipacio, P.J.F. & Balgos, A.R.G. Oral Communication in Context for Senior
High School.Types of Speech Styles. p35. 2016. C&E Publishing Inc.
Quezon City, Philippines.
Retrieved on December 28, 2018

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