IX 1 Many Body Systems

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Many-Body Problems

Mean field and shell models

Bound states in central potentials
Fermion pairing
Hartree-Fock Theory

Condensed phase
Particle correlations, clusters
Energy density functionals
Few-Body Problems

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

The Mean Field
General properties of mean potential energy of A → system radius RA

❖ Close to center (r=0): V(r0)  V0=const.

3D Square
3D Square
Well ❖ Short range interactions: V(r)→0 for r→R rapidly
Oscill. Range of potential > RA
❖ Total s.p. interaction: H = HCoul + Helm + Hnucl…

elm=electromagnetic, not all conservative!

Electrostatic (Coulomb) Potential

generated by Z protons in nucleus
Trial potentials
 e 2 ( Z − 1)  3 r 2   0 rR
 − 2  r  R V (r) =  R=range
Few-Body Problems

 Infinite SquareWell

 + r  R
4 0 R  2 2R 
VC (r ) = 
 e 2 ( Z − 1) 1 V0 = depth
 rR  −V r  R
 4 0 r V (r) =  0 Finite SquareWell R=range
 0 rR
M  M=inertia
R V ( r ) =   02   r 2 Harmonic Oscillator w0=frequency
 2 
V (r) = Saxon − Woods
r(r)  r − R  V0 = depth
1 + exp  −  a=diffuseness
 a 
W. Udo Schröder, 2018
The A-Body Schrödinger Problem
System with A Fermions
A  
  ( ) 3A-dim.
3D Square
Hˆ = Tˆi + V rij  =
i =1 

j i  Schrödinger problem

A  A 
  ( ) 
Saxon = Ti + V ( ri )  +  V rij − V ( ri ) 

  
i =1  j i i =1 
Neglect residual interactions → independent − particle model
Shell Model : Hˆ =  Hˆ i + Vres   Hˆ i Single − particle Hamiltonian : Hˆ i = Tˆi + V ( ri )
Few-Body Problems

i =1 i =1

 − 2 
 i + V ( ri )  i ( ri ) =  i  i ( ri ) 3-dimensional Schrödinger problem
 i
2 m 
A − body wave function :  ( r1 ,...., rA ) = det  i ( ri ) antisymmetric, total E = 

Symmetries → Further simplifications of 3D Schrödinger problem

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

Multi-Fermion Wave Functions
Each of N Fermion particles can occupy any state 1,…., N.
Each WF depends on a set of coordinates, e.g.  x, y, z; s z , z 
Pauli Principle: no two Fermions can occupy the same state (have the
same coordinates). Limits combinations of i into acceptable N:
Illustrate for two particles, each admissable to  1 and  2 → 2 equivalent choices

 (1, 2) =  1 ( x1 )  2 ( x2 ) and  (2,1) =  2 ( x1 )  1 ( x2 ) =: 12  (1, 2)

2 2
 (1, 2) =  (2,1) → in general   ( x1, x2 ) =
 1 ( x1 )  2 ( x2 )  2 ( x1 )  1 ( x2 )
Pauli P : 2 particles with same coordinates not allowed :  ( x1 , x1 )  0 !

But symmetric  + ( x1 , x2 ) =
 1 ( x1 )  2 ( x1 ) + 2 ( x1 )  1 ( x1 ) = 2 1 ( x1 )  2 ( x1 )  0
Few-Body Problems

Only antisymmetric  − ( x1 , x2 ) =
 1 ( x1 )  2 ( x2 ) − 2 ( x1 )  1 ( x2 ) is allowed
since  − ( x1 , x1 )  0 !

 1 ( x1 )  1 ( xN )
Generalization :  N ( x1,.., xN ) = det ( i ( xk ) ) = Determinant
 N ( x1 )  N ( xN )

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

Shell Model: Corrections
Experimental evidence for shell closures: Nn= 2,8,20,28,50,82,126
Shell closures predicted by Square Well @ Nn= 2,8,18, 20,….
→ What is missing in theory ?
So far considered central nuclear interaction potential, no spin- related
r interactions, electromagnetic or weak interactions.
Electrostatic, electromagnetic?
 1) Average Coulomb shifts all proton levels relative to neutrons

2) Magnetic: orbiting proton=current loop j

→ magnetic moment  → magnetic interactions s s →
r → spin-orbit interaction E  s 
p e,m However, electromagnetic interactions are too weak →
j = e rv Search for pseudo scalar constructed of nuclear quantities
Few-Body Problems

r VSO
V s  s  p  VSO ) VSO = grad VSO =
r r
strong at
Ansatz (trial):
1 VSO 1 VSO
Vs  s  (r  p) = s  ; in principle VSO (r )  VSW (r )
r r r r
V s = VLS s  ) VLS = from experiment

In practice, set Vso(r)= VSW(r) and equal for protons and neutrons !

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

NN Correlations (Residual Interactions): Pairing
Observation from systematics of nuclear binding energies:
1) Paired nucleons are more strongly bound (lower mass).
2) e-e nuclei have (0.5-1) MeV energy gap between g.s. and 1st excited state.
→ Not a “shell effect.” Mean Field (V) + short-range residual interaction |Vres| V|.

ℓs coupling
Anti-parallel orbital angular
s.p. momenta ℓ1 ,ℓ2 provide
largest spatial overlap of

1(q) and 2(q) → highest

sensitivity to Vres. (Neglect
spins s for weak ℓs coupling)
→ L=0 most strongly
→ Different orientations of
ℓs coupling jj i(q) and spin
Few-Body Problems


j s

Angular momentum coupling of 2 like nucleons L = 0, 2,....(2 i )

210Pb: prob. of 2 neutrons, both in g9/2 orbit coupled
to different total spins J(even): [g9/2 , g9/2]J.
W. Udo Schröder, 2018
1 Fermion Pair Outside Closed Shells
18O: 2 neutrons outside closed shells. Short range residual Vres lifts
18O neutrons degeneracy of SM states. Consider 2 neutrons in any of the d5/2
states. Possible spin couplings to total L =0, 2, 4 (LS coupling).
Unperturbed s. p. ( SM )WF in
u ( r1 ) u ( r2 )  L
( )2 L
    Ym ( 1 ) Ym (  2 )
r2 m, m  m m M 

Simple trial ansatz , multipole expansion of attractive Vres
core + 2 valence neutrons
 ( r1 − r2 )
d5 2 DEL L Vres = −G 3 ( r1 − r2 ) = −G  Y
( 1 ) Y ( 2 )
3.77 4+ +
E*(MeV) r1  r2 , 
4 3.60
3.21 2+ +
2 2.41 Perturbation energy shift

( 2 + 1)  L   u ( r ) 
Few-Body Problems

E*(MeV) 2
EL = ( )
2 L
Vres ( ) 2 L
= −G   
4  0 0 0  0 r2
0 0+ 0
Angular integrals Max for L=0
 Ym ( 1 ) Y ( 1 ) Ym ( 1 )d 1
* 
Vres = 0 Vres = − G   () Expt. use Y orthogonality

G  17  A−1 for protons Extension of idea: nuclei as super-fluids,

Systematics paired nucleons=quasi-particles (Bardeen-
G  25  A−1 for neutrons Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) Theory).

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

Few-Body Problems

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

2-Particle Spin-Isospin Coupling
Both nucleons in j shell → lowest E states have even J → T=1 !
j1 = j2 = j → ( −1)
T +J
For odd J → total isospin T = 0 = −1

1  j1 j2 J 
  j1m1 (1) j2m2 (2) + (−1)  j1m1 (2) j2m2 (1)T ,MT
J +T
 JM ,TMT =  
2 m1,m2  m1 m2 M 

J = 0→ T = 1
 j j 0

j2 JM ,T =1MT
=     jm (1) j − m (2) −  jm (2) j − m (1)T =1,MT MT = −1, 0,1
m1 , m2  m −m 0 
Few-Body Problems

3 states (MT=-1,0,+1) are degenerate, if Hˆ, Tˆ = 0

what should be true (nn, np forces are same)  

Different MT states belong to different nuclei T3 = (N-Z)/2

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

Few-Body Problems

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

Few-Body Problems

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

Explicit Expressions
A. R. Edmonds, Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics

 j1 j2 j 
  =  m, m1 + m2 
 1 2m m 

(2 j + 1) ( j1 + j2 − j ) !( j1 − m1 )!( j2 − m2 )!( j + m)!( j − m)!  

 1j + j2 + j + 1) ! ( j1 − j2 + j ) ! ( − j1 + j2 + j ) !( j1 + m1 )!( j2 + m )!
2  

j −m ( j1 + m1 + s)!( j2 + j − m1 − s)!
  ( −1) 1 1
s + j −m

s =0 s !( j1 − m1 − s)!( j − m − s)!( j2 − j + m1 + s)!

 j1 j2 j1 + j2   (2 j1 ) ! (2 j2 ) ! ( j1 + j2 + m1 + m2 ) ! ( j1 + j2 − m1 − m2 ) ! 
 = 
m m
 1 2 1 m + m2  ( 2 j1 + 2 j2 ) ! ( j1 − m 1 ) ! ( j1 + m1 ) ! ( j2 − m2 ) ! ( j2 + m )
2 ! 
Few-Body Problems

 j1 j2 j
 =
 1 m − j1 m 

(2 j + 1) ! (2 j1 ) ! ( − j1 + j2 + j ) ! ( j1 + j2 − m) !( j + m)! 

 1j + j2 − j ) ! ( j1 − j2 + j ) ! ( j1 + j2 + j + 1 ) ! ( − j1 + j2 + m ) ! ( j − m ) ! 

W. Udo Schröder, 2018

Symmetries of CG Coefficients

Coupling depends on sequence ˆ

J1 , ˆ

Phase convention : non − diag.  ˆ
J1z   0,  ˆ
J2 z   0 
 j1 j2 j  j +j −j  j2 j1 j 
  = (−1) 1 2   m(m3 ) = m1 + m2
 m1 m2 m  m
 2 1m m  Triangular relation

 j1 j2 j3  j2 + m2 2 j3 + 1  j2 j3 j1  Condon-Shortley :
  = (−1)   Matrix elements of
m m
 1 2 3m 2 j1 + 1  − m2 m3 m1
J1z and J2z have
different signs
 j1 j2 j3  j1 + m1 2 j3 + 1  j3 j1 j2 
  = (−1)  
m m
 1 2 3m 2 j2 + 1 m
 3 − m 1 m2
Few-Body Problems

 j1 j2 j3  j1 + j2 − j3  j1 j2 j3 
  = (−1)  
m m
 1 2 3m  − m 1 − m 2 − m 3

Calculate CGs starting from max alignment : m = j

Then use recursion relations to obtain all j, m  j
W. Udo Schröder, 2018

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