Auto Chips Making Machine

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Currently in Ethiopia there is a need for automatic chips production for making chips since
potato chips making is using manual system. The cutting of potato using manually using knife is
causing hazard for the workers and its time consuming and cost. Potato chips are consumed by
almost all Ethiopian people on daily basis. The aver all aim of this thesis project to use automatic
potato chips making machine, so as to avoid the problem of that are caused due to manual potato
chips making process. In this project automatic potato cutting which is service connected with
automatic chips frying is designed. to cut 0.58kg of potato in one second and to fry 1kg of potato
chips in one minute. This thesis includes the design and analysis of the automatic chips making
machine and the selection of suitable material for that purpose .the system uses electric motor as
a source of power and gear system to transmit power. And it uses electricity as a source of heat
for frying chips.

Automatic potato chips making machine Page i

First and foremost we would like to give our enormous gratitude to God for giving us the
patience, courage and strength during our BSc study. We would like to express our deepest
Thanks to our greater advisor instructor Wossenu Ali for his continuous support, encouragement,
invaluable comments and excellent supervision that helped us during the time of the thesis work.
We would also like to thank to everyone that played his/her part from small to huge support to
make this thesis finished successfully. Finally, we would like to express that we are great full to
our parents for their encouragement, patience and unfolding support in our academic career.

Author name:
Abebe Mengie,Daniel Amare,Amine Desta,Gebrearegay Alemayoh
ITR/0025/03, ITR 279/03, ITR 1095/03, ITR 415/03

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ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................. 3
1.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................... 4
1.4 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.1 PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 GENERAL RULES FOR FRYING CHIPS ....................................................................................... 6
2.2 TEMPERATURE RECOMMENDED FRYING ............................................................................... 6
2.3 FRYING TEMPERATURE OF FOODS ........................................................................................... 7
SPECIFIC HEAT: ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 DIFFERENT TYPES OF CUTTING MACHINE .............................................................................. 7
2.4.1 Multipurpose cutter ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.4.2 Potato slicing machine ................................................................................................................. 7
2.4.3 Banana and yam cutting machine: ............................................................................................... 8
2.4.4 TWISTED POTATO CHIPS MAKER...................................................................................... 10
a. Longitudinal stud ........................................................................................................................ 10
b. Cutting blade ............................................................................................................................... 11
c. Stud support ................................................................................................................................ 11
d. Clipper......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 TRADITIONAL POTATO CHIPS FRYING ................................................................................... 11
2.6 DESIGN SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................. 12

Automatic potato chips making machine Page i

2.7 COMPONENT OF THE MACHINE ............................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 14
3. DESIGN ANALYSIS FOR AUTOMATIC CHIPS MAKER ................................................................ 14
3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.2 DESIGN OF CUTTING BLADE ..................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1 GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONS OF BLADE .............................................................................. 15
3.3 DESIGN OF ROTATING DISC ...................................................................................................... 16
3.4 CAPACITY OF CUTTER MACHINE ............................................................................................ 18
3.5 BASE SUPPORT FOR POTATO CUTTER .................................................................................... 20
3.6 COVERPLATE................................................................................................................................. 20
3.7 DESIGN OF GEAR .......................................................................................................................... 22
3.7.1 GEAR DESIGN FOR THE CUTTER MACHINE ................................................................... 22
3.7.2 Terminology for the gear and pinion ......................................................................................... 23
3.8 HOPPER DESIGN FOR FRYING ................................................................................................... 23
3.8.1 HOPPER SIZE ........................................................................................................................... 23
3.9 CHIPS FEEDER ............................................................................................................................... 24
3.10 DESIGN OF SPIRAL CONVEYER .............................................................................................. 25
3.11 DESIGN OF FRYING CYLINDER ............................................................................................... 26
3.12 HEAT REQUIRED TO FRY .......................................................................................................... 27
3.13 DESIGN OF GEAR FOR THE FRYER......................................................................................... 29
3.14 SHAFT DESIGN ............................................................................................................................ 30
3.14.1 DESIGN OF SHAFT FOR ROTATING DISC ....................................................................... 30
3.14.2 DESIGN OF SHAFT FOR FRYING MACHINE ................................................................... 31
3.15 BEARING ....................................................................................................................................... 32
3.16 BOLT (THREADED JOINT) ......................................................................................................... 33
3.17 ASSEMBLY DRAWING ............................................................................................................... 36
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................... 38
4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................... 38
4.1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 38
4.2 RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................................................... 39
REFERENCE.......................................................................................................................................... 40

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Fig 1.1: potato ................................................................................................................................. 1
Fig 1.2: potato cultivation ............................................................................................................... 2
Fig 1.3: traditional potato cutting.................................................................................................... 3
Fig 2.1: potato slicer machine ......................................................................................................... 8
Fig 2.2: banana and yam cutting machine ...................................................................................... 9
Fig 2.3: banana and yam cutting machine ...................................................................................... 9
Fig 2.4: manual potato cutters ....................................................................................................... 10
Fig 2.5: recently chips fryer machine ........................................................................................... 12
Fig 3.1: Blades .............................................................................................................................. 15
Fig 3.2: blades ............................................................................................................................... 15
Fig 3.3: rotating disc ..................................................................................................................... 18
Fig 3.4: base support for potato cutter .......................................................................................... 20
Fig3.5: Cover plate with hopper mounted .................................................................................... 21
Fig 3.6: Assemble of cutter ........................................................................................................... 21
Fig 3.7: hoppers ............................................................................................................................ 24
Fig 3.8: chips feeder ...................................................................................................................... 25
Fig 3.9: spiral conveyor ................................................................................................................ 25
Fig 3.10: frying cylinder ............................................................................................................... 27
Fig 3.11: Assemble of fryer .......................................................................................................... 29
Fig 3.12: forces applied on bolts ................................................................................................... 34
Fig 3.13: assemblies drawing of automatic potato chips making machine................................... 36

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Table 2.1 slicing cuts on potato using robotic control razor blade ................................................. 5
Table 2.2 average mass and diameter of single potato ................................................................... 6
Table 2.3 frying temperature of foods ............................................................................................ 6
Table 2.4 Specific heat capacity of different foods ....................................................................... 7
Table 3.1 Dimensions and static and dynamic load capacities of single row deep groove ball
bearings. ........................................................................................................................................ 33
Table 3.2 basic dimensions for isometric screw threads. ............................................................. 35
Table 3.3 part name....................................................................................................................... 37

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In this topic, the basic information on a potato is that potato is directly related to
this project where by it will be process by using this machine. And also there will be brief
information on potato chips production that as will be discussed.The potato is the third most
popular food crop in the world, and as such it’s gaining importance around the globe. Potato is
rich in carbohydrates and has better nutritional value and, be a viable food alternative to the
traditional Ethiopian food menu. It is also an important food & cash crop, primarily in the
highlands and in urban areas, due mainly to growing number of fast food industries & hotels in
Ethiopia. Because of its short duration to reach maturity it’s of strategic importance for
mitigating food crisis in disaster situations which makes it all the more worthwhile for drought
prone countries like Ethiopia.

Fig 1.1: potato

In Ethiopia a large quantity of potato is produced which is used as food. It is considered as a
reach source of energy producing food. It is prepared and processed in a various types of forms
specially flat and straight form.
Ethiopia site on the brink of thriving financial and gross domestic product forecasts, as it is a
government formally merges green economics with climate change resilient policies but the
economies agricultural economy suffers from poor cultivation practices and frequent drought.
However, new efforts including kolech’s resilience are beginning to fortify the countries
agricultural resilience, reducing threat of starvation and ringing on the rising possibility of
exporting potatoes to other African countries. Annually, Ethiopian farmers plant potatoes in the
spring and late summer. Yet they steel search for optimum dates and vie for vibrant drought
tolerant varieties if planted in the short rain season and side stepping late blight if planted in the

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 1

longer rainy season.In 1970 Ethiopian farmers planted less than 3000 hectares of potato. Today
more than 160000 hectares are planted with a population of 93 million and a land size almost
doubles that of taxes. Ethiopian accommodates growing 3 million hectares of potatoes. [1]
In Ethiopia potato production considerably through the 20 century, however, potato cultivation
declined in the early 1980s, due in part to wide spread in fastation by late blight. In 1975, the
early cultivation was estimated at 30,000 hectare is an average yield of approximately 50
tones/hectare by 2001, Ethiopians potato area had growth to 160,000 hectare with average yield
of around 8 tones/hectare. Potato can still grow on 70 % of the 10 million hectare of arable land
in the country.
Planning time varies from place to place and from variety to variety. For maximum yield, potato
should be planted when Favorable conditions prevail for better growth and development.
Farmers in northern Ethiopia plant potato earlier in the season to escape LB infection. However
this practice exposes the crop to moisture stress at any growth stage. For which potato is very
sensitive and subject to considerable loss.

Fig 1.2: potato cultivation

May 1, -June 1 were recommended planting dates around adet for potato cultivates and similar
agro ecologies similarly, early June was recommended for embider (Gurage zone),Holeta(central
showa),and others similar agro ecological areas. [2]
Chips making is the most critical unit operation in the processing of potato in to chips. It is also a
combination of simultaneously cutting and frying process. A chip is a processed product from
potato and is consumed in Ethiopia as well as in the most countries of the world.
Traditionally potato chips production is time consuming and did not produced chips with quality
and quantity for the consumers.

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 2

Traditional potato chips production has some problems. such as, It is time consuming and did
not produce the desired product chips for the produces low quantity with less quality
that do not satisfy customer’s is also energy consuming. Since, everything is done
manually it has no safety for human.

Fig 1.3: traditional potato cutting

The main objective of this project is to design automatic potato chips making machine that
reduced time and labor cost


Studying properties of potato
Design analysis
Part drawing and assembly

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 3

The majority of peoples in Ethiopia use potato as a food in their daily preparation. They
prepare potato chips manually. This is tedious, time consuming and exposed to hazard to their
life because of sharpness of the cutter. Workers spent much of their time to cut potato. Therefore
it important to use automatic potato chips making machine to produce chips. The major essence
of this project is to develop a system that will eliminate the time consuming, uncomfortable and
health hazards posed to the operator of the technique of chips production and at the same time
producing a good quality chips. This study is thus significant in the sense that will bridge the gap
between the existing traditional technology and the emerging modern technology, merging the
advantages of both to produce a desirable affordable and quality product.

Methodology is one of the most important things to be considered to ensure that the project will
run smoothly and achieve the objective. Project methodology will be described the flow of the
project progress. The project methodology shows as how the project started, how data was
collected, and how the next steps done.
1. Collecting data from journals, books.
2. Measuring the weight and diameter of potato.
3. Theoretical and mathematical analysis.
4. Reading of literature survey

The following steps will be used to accomplish the goal of this project:
-Measuring the diameter of potato
-Develop design specifications
-Analyze machine component and structure
- Produce part drawings for each component
- Assembling

Potato chips making process includes washing of the raw potato, peeling, cutting, frying and
drying of the chips. But the scope of this project work is limited to the design of potato cutting
and chips frying machine only because the department is unable to provide us with more time for
designing the rest machines and provide us with money developing the prototype of the designed
machine. However, this work includes design and selection of every component in the potato
cutting and chips frying machine.

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Potato (Solana tuber sum) is a starchy, tuberous crop of the solanaceac family semi perishable in
nature contains about 80% water and 20% dry matter. Potato is popularly known as “the king of
vegetables ’’ because the dry matter ,edible energy and edible protein content of potato makes its
nutritionally superior vegetable as well as staple food not only in our country but also throughout
the world. It is cultivated in 23 states in India .any processing of potato is very advantages
because it makes storage easier due to the reduction in bulkiness and due to increase in its shelf
life. It adds value to potatoes and there gives better return. Therefore processing has been an
integral part of the utilization. The simplest mode of processing the potato tuber is conversion in
to chips. Potato slicing machine are easier manually or electrically powered. In any of the cases
the machine consists of a knife or set of knifes arranged in a particular pattern to meet the need
of the operation it is intended to perform. In the formal method process is tedious and time
consuming ,while in the later method ,equipment’s save cutting time, the automatic potato chips
making is simple workable and efficient machine, which can be adapted to reduce a mechanical
energy input in to potato processing and also to improve product quality food cutting such as
potato or cheese cuts ,its different from metal cuts because of the material deformability and
shape variability, cutting mechanics formulating formulation is constantly a hot research topic
since it can provide use full information for cutting operation.[3]
The sharing force required to slice potato using a blade thickness of 0.2286mm is determined
experimentally using robotic –controlled razor blade.

Blade Force at Average Relative Relative

thickness fracture N force(N) thickness sharpness level
factor( )
0.2286mm 5.2 6.18 1 1

Table 2.1 slicing cuts on potato using robotic control razor blade

Thus the shear force needed to cut potato with blade thickness 0.2286mm is 6.18N. [4]
The mass and size of potato is determined by taking 4 potatoes as a sample and its shape is
considered as spherical.

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 5

P1 P2 P3 P4 AVG
m (g) 225 179.5 250 174 207.3
d (mm) 61 59 62 58 60

Table 2.2 average mass and diameter of single potato

The average mass of a single potato taken 207.3 g and its diameter is 60mm. the thickness of
chips to be produce before its fried is 14mm and its width 14mm.
Density of potato is 0.75 kg/ [5]


Never heat the oil above 205 °c (400 °F) .frying at too low temperature will result it greasy
products and an excessive observation of fat by the food. Frying the potato chips in the correct
amount of oil. The general rule for batch fryers is to fry one part of food (chips) in six part of oil.
If too much food is immersed, the temperature of the oil will drop and the food will be greasy .if
too little food is immersed the amount of fat needed to top up the fryer becomes small and the
main bulk of the oil will spoil more rapidly.


The actual temperatures and times used for frying will depend on the type of equipment used,
the throughout and oil recovery rate, the size of the pieces being frayed ,the nature and condition
of the frying fat or oil and up on local taste .

Items Suggested temperature (°c) Approximate time (min)

Potato chip , straight 188 4-5
Potato chips ,blanching 166 4-6
Potato chips, browning 191 2-3
Potato chips, froth blanched 180 4-5
Pish (battered pieces) 188 3-5

Table 2.3 frying temperature of foods

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The temperature of frying for straight chips of potato is 188°c and its time of frying is (4-5)
SPECIFIC HEAT: is defined as the quantity of heat required to rise the temperature of a unit of
mass of the substance by 1°c.

Food Specific heat Specific heat

Above freezing (kg/kg°c) Below freezing (kj/kg°c)
Spareribs pork 2.72 1.47
Pork salted 1.3 1
Potatoes 3.43 1.72
Prunes 3.39 1.67

Table 2.4 Specific heat capacity of different foods [6]


There are several types of food cutting machine or slicing machine .each type of cutting
machine has different cutting principles but the purpose is the same which is to cut or slice the
food in to small pieces for further process.

2.4.1 Multipurpose cutter

An existing blade that consists of hold hand operated blade is commercially available. Home
usage of multi-purpose slicer operated manually is only can used as kitchen gadget. The
multipurpose slicer is a versatile classic that enjoys many uses perhaps because the multipurpose
slicer remains as one of the easiest and most simple kitchen item in use. However while an
excellent multipurpose slicer can be used for all sorts of vegetable like onion, yam, carrot,
zucchinis, turn its. The product obtained with this machine is not very much acceptable to the
customers because it is time consuming.

2.4.2 Potato slicing machine

The use of machine in industries and homes is taking over manually means of achieving work.
While the industries are being automated and computerized, the homes are gradually turning in
to a different mini industry where different types of machines are used to do the home chores.
The introduction of these machines has brought about effectiveness, Efficiencies, time and
energy saving. The potato slicing machine consists of a knife that is attached at its mid-point to a
rotating shaft. To impacts are made by the knife on the potato in one revolution of the shaft. The

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shaft and the knife arrangement are housed within casing of the machine. One ends of the shaft
bear the knife while the other end will be connected to an electric motor that affects the rotation.
Cutting involves principally the application of shearing force on an item with the help of knife.
The knife was made on a rotary motion.

Fig 2.1: potato slicer machine

2.4.3 Banana and yam cutting machine:

The machine is designed and constructed on affordable banana and yam cutting machine for
making chips. Working principle of the machine is very simple. It is powered by electric motor.
The power generated by motor is transferred to machine cutting will through belting system. The
cutting blades have too cutting edges, which means when the cutting blade made one cycle, it
will cut 8 slices of chips. The machine has 4 holes of the upper chute. The upper chute is where
the raw material such as banana, potato and yam will be placed and feed to be sliced.
The material feed through upper feeder will drop down to the cutting blade by gravity and the
material will slice in to small pieces and drop to delivery chute. Delivery chute is the place to
collect pieces of the sliced product for further process.

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Fig 2.2: banana and yam cutting machine

The machine can slices approximately 26250 slices of banana and 22720 slices yams jest one
Mr. Ronny Friday (2008) has come out the improved design of the banana and yam cutting
machine. The working principle is more or less the same with the previous version which is done
by Mr.Kuan Vons Hiong.

Fig 2.3: banana and yam cutting machine

The improved machine has four upper feeders with two different sizes that allow the diameter
of the raw material that up to 80 mm. also, the new improved cutting wheel has three cutting
blades that enable them to cut 12 slices of product per rotation compare to only 8 slices per
cutting wheel rotation of the previous machine. The two factors directly increases then rate of
chips production of the new machine. For the yam slicing, the improved machine produces 540

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slices per minute compared to the previous machine that slices 379 slices per minute. But these
machines do not produce uniform chips and quality products. [7]


The machine was designed to cut whole raw potatoes in to consistence spiral slices thickness
suitable for frying as potato chips. The resultant continues spiral slices potato was accumulated
at a position behind the blade holder for a safe pick up and for frying as potato chips. A screw
works with the rotation was provided by the handle, when the handle arm makes a full turn, the
stud moves a distance equals to pitch or the gap between adjacent threads. The combination of
rotary and longitudinal motion produced by handle resulted in slicing of potato.

Fig 2.4: manual potato cutters

Cutting involves principally the application of shearing force on potato with the help of blade.
The blade was made stationery while potato travels against it and gets sliced.
The main components of this machine are base support, longitudinal stud, and blade, chipper,
guide plain, guide nuts, hand support and support legs.

a. Longitudinal stud
It was having a first and second end, being connected at the first end where by rotated by
handle, substantially defining potato to rotational axis. The thickness of the resulting crisp was

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 10

determined by the pitch and the rate at which the potato was advanced into the blade. The
combination of rotary and longitudinal motion produced due to the rotation of the stud results in
slicing of potato into a continuous spiral sheet.
b. Cutting blade
A base mounted cutting blade was provided for consistently slicing thin continuous spiral
was connected to the second end of the base. It was perpendicular to potato rotational axis and
had a hole through which guide pin expended to provide support for potato.
c. Stud support
It was provided with a treaded cylinder depression for receiving stud where in stud may fry
rotate and move longitudinally through depression.
d. Clipper
potato to be sliced mounted to be guide pin was placed on caliper on the second end of a stud and
the potato was advanced towards a stationary blade by means of handle.
The machine needs a continuous hand feeding of potato after it slices one. The non-continuous
production of chips that needs set up for each potato is its limit action. [8]


Vegetable and other raw material foods are cooled by industrial deep fat fraying and are
packaged for later use by consumers, the batch frying process consists of immersing the food in
the cooking oil until it is cooked and then removing it from the oil. When the raw food is
immersed in hot cooking oil, the oil replaces the naturally occurring moisture in the food as it
cooks. Batch and continuous process may be used for deep fat frying. In the continuous frying
method the food is frying through the cooking oil on a conveyer, potato chips or one example of
a food prepared by deep fat frying. Most products use a continuous process in which the slices
are automatically moved through the fryer on a mesh belt batch frying ,which is used for a
smaller quantity of chips involves the chis in a frying kettle for a period of time and then
removing them.

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Fig 2.5: recently chips fryer machine

There are three different types of frying oils normally used for frying potato chips.
Refined bleached deodorized oil (RBDD)
Palm oil (PO)
Ground nut oil (GD)

Emission: - emissions are released when moist food staff, such as potato, introduced into hot oil,
the rapid vaporization of the moisture in the food stuff results in violent bubbling and cooking oil
droplets and possibly vapors become in traced in the water vapor stream. [9]


There are some specifications that need to consider such as:
Mass of potato = 207.3g
Diameter of potato= 60mm
Overall length = 1874mm
Radius of rotation of potato = 400mm
Number of plates = 2
Holding capacity of plate = one potato each
Chips thickness = 14mm
Fryer holding capacity = 5 kg
Source of power = electric motor
Power transmit ion = gear
Source of heat = electricity
Speed of frying machine = 1rpm

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The major components of the machine include:
The cutting blade
Rotating disc
Base support
Electric motor
Gear spiral conveyer
Frying cylinder and hopper

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The Design analysis of machine element is the most important step in the complete procedure
of machine design, in order to ensure the basic requirement of machine elements, calculations are
carried out to find out the dimension of machine elements.
These calculations from an integral part of the design of machine elements. The design of
machine element consist of the following
Specify function of the element
Force acting on the element
Select suitable material for the element
Determine the failure of the element
Determine geometric dimensions
Prepare detail drawing for the element


Cutting blade is mounted on the base provided for continuous slicing potato into a straight
trough. It’s made perpendicular to the tangential force of has 4 holes with the threaded
to mount with the blade by nut to resist to the continuous stamping of potato on the cutter.
The material selected for this cutter is plain carbon steel due to its high shear strength and high
resistance to corrosion.
The cutting process is achieved in which the blade is made stationary while the potato moves
towards the cutter with enough tangential force to be cut on the blade. The potato needs 6.18N
fore to cut by a single blade cutter with thickness of 0.2286 mm . But the stationary blade has
more than one blade to cut the potato in more than one straight chip. To know the tangential
force of the potato while it rotates, it’s necessary to have the number of blade on the stationary

Place area of potato = πr2 where, r = 30mm

= π (0.30)
= 2827.43mm2
The potato is to be cut into chips with a top area of 14*14 =196mm2 and length with maximum
6diameter of potato therefore the number of holes needed to cut 2827.43mm2 area of potato into
196mm2 area chips is calculated as : -
No of holes = = =14.42 holes

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 14

14.42 holes of cutter are needed. The holes must arrange in a square to fit with the size of
potato. √ = 3.79 = 4

Fig 3.1: Blades

The blade has 4 holes in the raw and 4 holes in the column. Totally there are 6 blades (in the
horizontal and vertical) used to cut the potato. Each blades needs 6.18N force so, the total force
Ft = 6 * 6.18N = 37.08N
The potato should have a tangential force of 37.08 N to make the required chips.


The area normal to the tangential force of the potato is the blade area it is equal with area of the
potato to (plane) which is 2827.43mm2.

Fig 3.2: blades

A = L L = 2827.43 mm2
L2 = 2827.43mm2

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 15

L=√ mm2
L= 53.17mm2

Shear area of the blade =

As = , where ssy = shear strength of plain carbon steel

F = force applied on the blade (37.08N)
Ssy = = 0.5sy, where, yield strength of the material= 290N/mm2
Ssy = 0.5 290N/mm2 = 145N/mm2 is the shear strength of carbon steel
Shear stress = let, fs = 2

= = 72.5N/mm2
Let the shear width of the blade is 2mm

0. 2286mm



Shear area =area of rectangle+2xarea of triangle
= 6mmx0.2286mm+2(1/2x0.8857mmx6)
= 1.3716mm2 +5.3142mm2
= 6.6858mm2
To find the stress, = = = 5.54N/mm2
This is the working stress that is less than shear stress of the material 72.5N/mm2


Rotating disc is an element of the machine to carry potatoes from the hopper with its plates .it’s
used for continuous delivering of potato to the cutter. The plates carry one potato each and
deliveries to the cutter with a tangential force enough to cut on the blade. The proper material
selection for the rotating disc is aluminum with its tensile strength of 135N/mm2 .due to its high

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 16

resistance to corrosion since the working media is wet that causes corrosion, Non toxicity makes
it a use full metal to carry the food (potato) and Light weight.
The diameter at which the potato rotates is the diameter of the rotating disc. 400mm is assumed
to be the radius of rotation of potato. The potato rotates with a specific velocity and angular
velocity at this radius to give a force of 37.08N.
Assumptions: radius of rotation=400mm
Mass of disk = 4kg
Thickness of disk = 6mm
F=m at where at =tangential acceleration of potato at r=400mm
m = mass of potato + mass of disc
= (4 + 0.207) kg
= 4.207 kg

F=m at
37.08 N = 4.2070 at
at = 9.11 m/s2 is the tangential acceleration of potato
at = r α, α = angular acceleration
9.11/0.4 = α
α = 22.77 r/s2
Angular speed ( )
∫ 𝜔=∫ , = change in its angle while rotation
𝜔2/2 = ( )
𝜔2 = α π
𝜔 =√
=√ =√
=8.5 r/s
The disk rotates with angular speed of 64 r/s
N =𝜔/2π , N = N of revolution per second
=8.5/2 π
N = 1.4r/s 60s/m = 84rpm
Power, p =T 𝜔, T = torque and 𝜔 = angular velocity
T = F r = 37.08 0.4
=14.832 N m

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 17

P = T 𝜔 = 15 Nm 8.5 r/s 960 watt
= 127.5 W
Factor of safety for the electric motor (assume n = 3)

pm = 3 design power
= 3 127.5 =382.5 watt

Fig 3.3: rotating disc

Radius of disc = (0.4 + 0.03) m

Where, 0.4 =radius of rotation of potato
Radius of potato = 0.03m
Clearance = 0.005m
Radius of the disc = 0.43 m


The time taken to drop the potato from the hopper to the rotating disc is determined as follows
Let the angle of drop from the hopper is 45°.

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 18

sin45º = , where 60mm is the diameter of potato (the dropping distance)
h = 0.06sin45°
= 0.042m
mgh =1/2mv²
v² =2gh
v =√
V = 0.9 m/s
h = Vav t

t= , Vav= = = 0.45m/s

t= = 0.093sec
0.093 sec is the dropping time of potato from the hopper to the rotating disk.
The capacity of the machine depends on the rotation of rotates 1.4 revolutions in one
second. The number of plates are two and to hold one potato each.
1.4 rev = 1sec
1 rev = x sec
X sec= =0.71sec
Therefore the speed of disk is 1rev/0.71sec. Since the rotating disk has two plates that hold one
potato each in one revolution of disk. Therefore two potatoes will cut in 0.71 seconds.

0.71sec= 0.414kg
1sec=x kg
=0.58kg/sec (cuts 0.58 kg of potatoes/ second.)

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 19

Base support is to hold and support parts of the potato cutter machine .It is design to fit the
rotational motion of potato. It also used to guide the potato to deliver to the cutter. It is connected
with casing by nut. It is made up of stainless steel due to the following properties.
High resistance to corrosion
High hardness
High toughness
Assume total height (1874mm)
R=radius of rotating disk clearance=430+2(3.5) =437mm
Four legs are used to support the cutter machine with width of leg = 10cm and length = 10cm
The height of each leg = 563mm

Fig 3.4: base support for potato cutter

The cover mounted with the base support of potato cutter by is used to cover the rotating
disk which rotates with high also used to guide the rotation of potato to deliver to the

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 20

cutter. The material selected for this purpose is stainless steel to resist the corrosion due to the
moisture of potato .hopper is mounted with the cover plat.

Fig3.5: Cover plate with hopper mounted

Fig 3.6: Assemble of cutter

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 21

Gear is element of the machine used to transmit motion from the motor shaft to the shaft of the
rotating disc in the cutter machine. It’s used to reduce the high speed of motor to the required
speed of cutter machine (rotating disc). It also used in the fraying machine to control the speed of
the spiral conveyor.
The material used for the manufacture of gears depends upon the strength and service condition
like wear and noise etc. the cast iron is widely used for the manufacture of gears due to its good
wearing properties, excellent machinability and easy of production complicated shapes by
casting method . There for this design cast iron grade 20 with minimum tensile strength (280N
/mm2) is selected.The teeth of a helical gears are cut in the foem of helix on the pitch cilinder.the
contact between meshing teeth begins with a point on the loading adge of the tooth and gragually
extends along the diagonal line across the tooth. There is agradgual pick up of load by the tooth
.resulting in smooth ingagement and quite operation even at high speed. Parallel helical gears
operate onto parallel shafts. In this case the magnitude of the helix angle is the same for the
pinion and the gear.

However the hand on the helix is opposite. A right hand pinion meshes with a left hand gear.
We select this type of gear with pressure angle 20 o full depth involute system due to
It reduces the interference
Due to increased pressure angle,the tooth becomes slightly broder at the root.this
makes the tooth srong and increases the load carrying capacity.
It has greater length of contact.
The standard properties of the gear tooth interms of module m for 20 o full depth system are
Addendum (ha)= m
Dedendum (hf)= 1.25m
Clearance (c) = 0.25m
Working depth (hk) = 2m
Tooth thickness (s) =1.5708m
Tooth space =1.5708m
Fillet radius =0.4m
Whole depth (h) =2.25m [8]


The gear mounted with the rotating disc has the same revolution per minute with the disc
which is 84 rpm. (NG =84 rpm)
The pinion is attached with the motor shaft with speed of 100rpm (NP =100rpm)
Assume the number of teeth of the pinion is 18 and module 3. , ZP = 18
Speed ratio = = = 0.84

= , 0.84

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 22

= 21 teeth
dp = m Zp = 3 18 = 54mm,rp = 27mm
DG = m ZG = 3 21 = 63mm, rG 31.5mm

3.7.2 Terminology for the gear and pinion

Addendum (ha) = m = 3
Dedendum (hb) = 1.25m = 1.25 3 = 3.75mm
Teeth thickness (t) = 1.5708m = 1.5708 3 = 4.7124mm
Clearance (c) = 0.25m = 0.25 3 = 0.75mm
Fillet radius = 0.4m = 0.4 3 = 1.2mm
Whole depth (h) = 2.25m = 2.25 3 = 6.75mm
Face width = 14mm (assume)
The torque on the gear is the same with the torque of the rotating disc (because they have a
common shaft)
TG = 15Nm
= , Tp = = = 12.85Nm
Torque on the pinion gear is 12.85Nm


Hopper is commonly found industrial machine and its basic function is to feed raw materials
into the machine. Hoppers can come in different shapes depending on the type of the raw
material in use. Its passage equally may be big or small such that water or solid materials may
pass to the machine. The nature of food material handling made to select the shape of the hopper.
The hopper material is selected to be stainless steel due to the following properties.
Resistance to corrosion
Hygienic material
The hopper is positioned above the cylinder and is welded at the top of the cylinder. It is used to
receive chips from the cutter and pass the chips to frying cylinder. Gravitational force acts on the
chips to enter the fryer cylinder.


Hopper shape and size are not necessary to be larger than the cylinder. The volume of hopper is
needed in this design to pass 1kg of chips per revolution of the spiral conveyer.
The volume of one kg of potato is given by, v=m/ , where m=1kg
=0.75 103 kg/m3
Then v=1 kg/0.75 103 kg/m3

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 23

= 1.33 10-3m3
Let the length of base of the hopper is 0.1m
The volume of hopper, VH= A H, A=L W=0.1 0.1=0.01m2
The volume square hopper is equals to the volume of 1kg of potato chips =1.3 10-3m3
V= B H, H = =0.13m

Fig 3.7: hoppers


Chips feeder is used to feed the chips from the hopper to the spiral is a fork like
structure that is used to hold approximately 1kg of chips and feeds once in 1revolution of the
spiral has the same revolution(speed)with the spiral conveyor. It is connected with
gear which is driven by the shaft of spiral conveyor. The shaft of chips feeder has external trade
to fasten with the chips feeders which has internal trade. The material selection for chips feeder
is stainless steel due to its resistance to corrosion.

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 24

Fig 3.8: chips feeder


Spiral conveyor is a part of the machine that conveys the chips from the hopper (frying) to the
end of the cylinder while frying the chips? The rotary motion of the conveyor made to move the
chips horizontally over the oil from the right end of the cylinder to the left end of the cylinder.
It’s covered with metal sieve to carry the chips and separate the chips from the oil when the chips
move horizontally. The spiral conveyor also has small holes (sieve) for separation of chips from
the oil. While the chips moves from the hopper to the end of the cylinder (receiving box) while
the oil remains stationary due to that the conveyor is made to separate the oil from the potato.
The material selected for this operation is stainless steel due to corrosion and resistance to high
temperature. The spiral conveyer is sized using that it has enough space to transport 1kg of
potato with volume 1.3 10-3 m3. (Assume the diameter of the spiral conveyer is 300mm.)

Fig 3.9: spiral conveyor

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 25

The time taken to convey the chips from A to B is 1 minute. It is the time to rotate the spiral 1
revolution. There are 7 revolutions to be to move the chips from the right to the left end of the
cylinder in which the frayed chips is out of the receiver box.
The distance travelled from a to b is 27 cm which is 1 revolution of the spiral conveyer. The
chips are frayed during the 5 revolution of the conveyer and the 2 revolutions are to separate the
chips from the oil and to deliver the frayed chips to the receiver box.


The frying cylinder is a part of the machine to contain oil for frying is also used as a
support for the spiral conveyor. The oil is heated on the frying cylinder up to a temperature of
188°c using electric power. This temperature is the frying temperature of potato chips for 5
minutes .the material selected for this purpose is stainless steel due to its high resistance to heat
V = πr2 h where r = radius of spiral conveyor clearance= (0.150+0.002) mm
= 0.152 m (radius)
V = volume of cylinder
H = height of cylinder (1.9m assume)
Then v = π (0. 152)2 1.9 = 0.1379m3.

The total volume of potato chips pass through the fraying cylinder is 5 1.3 10-3 m3
= 6.5 10-3 m3
The recommended volume of oil to fray 6.5 10-3 m3 of potato chips is 1 part of chips with 6 part
of oil. Volume of oil =6 volume of chips
= 6 6.5 10-3m3
= 3.9 10-2 m3
Therefore the volume of oil required to fray is 6.5 10-3 m3 volume of chips is therefor
3.9 102 m3.
The total volume of material in the fraying cylinder should be less than the volume of cylinder.
The total volume of material = Voil + Vchips
Vtotal = 3.9 10-2 m3 + 6.5 10-3m3
= 0.0455m3
0.0455m3 0.1379 m3

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 26

Fig 3.10: frying cylinder


The amount of heat to fry 5 kg of chips will calculated by using the following formula.
Q= Mc T, where, Q = quantity of heat required
M = mass of chips on the cylinder
C = specific heat capacity of potato
T = temperature range
M = 5kg
T=188 -25 , 25 (ambient temperature)

Q = 5kg .43 (188 -25 ) = 2795.45w

= 2.79545kw
= 2.8 kW
Therefore, 2.8 kW is the quantity of heat required to heat 5 kg of chips with a temperature of
188 .
Rate of heat transfer = =2.8kw/5 min
Qs = 9.3 w/s

Power required
P=F V where, V = velocity of the rotating spiral conveyor
F = Fa + Fg
Fa = force due to the angular acceleration
Fg = force due to gravity, assume mass of the conveyor = 20kg
Fa = m a, m = mass of the spiral conveyor + chips = 20kg + 7kg = 27kg

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 27

F = 27 at , where, at = tangential acceleration
The speed of the conveyor is 1 rpm
N = 1 rpm
𝜔 = 2πN / 60 = 2π 1 / 60 = 0.1 rad /sec
o.1 = α ∫
0.1 = α 1
α = 0.1 rad / sec2
at = r α 0.15m 0.1 rad/sec2= 0.015m/sec2
Fa = m a = 27kg 0.015m/sec2
= 0.405kgm/sec2
The normal force of the spiral conveyor with its chips can be
Fg = mg = 27kg 9.8m/sec2
= 264.6N
F = Fg + Fa = 264.6 kg m/sec2 + 0.405 kg m/s2
= 265kg m/sec2

V= L/t, where L is the length of spiral conveyor in which the frayed chips out
t = is time taken to pass the chips through the conveyor
V = 1.9m / 7min = 1.9/7 60 sec = 4.52 10-3m /sec
P = F V = 265N 4.52 10-3m / sec 1.2 watt
Factor of safety for the electric motor (assume 3)


pm = 3 design power
= 3 1.2 = 3.6 watt
This power can carry and rotate the load without failure.
Torque, T = = = 36 Nm

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 28

Fig 3.11: Assemble of fryer


Gears are used to control the speed of the spiral conveyor on the fraying machine. Six gears are
used to reduce the speed of motor from 100rpm to 1rpm (speed of spiral conveyor)
Assume the teeth of the gear 1 with speed of 100rpm is 14
Z1 = 14
N 1= 100rpm
The speed of the fifth gear which is mounted on the shaft of the spiral conveyor is 1rpm
N6 = 1rpm
The first gear (G1) is meshed with the second gear (G2) to reduce the speed to 20rpm
Therefore, N2 = 20rpm
= , =
Z2 = = 70 teeth
D1 = m Z1 = 3 14 = 42mm
D2 = m Z2 = 3 70 =210mm
Gear 3 has a common shaft with gear 2 and used to reduce the speed of rotation from 20rpm to
4rpm.all the pinions has equal number of teeth .
Z3 = 18 Z4 = = = 90
N3 = 20rpm
N4 = 4rpm
Z4 =?
D3 = m Z3 = 3 18 =54mm
D4 = m Z4 =3 90 = 270mm

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 29

Gear five (G5) has a common shaft with gear 4 (G4) and used to reduce the speed from 4rpm to

N5 = 4rpm Z6 =

Z5 = 14 = = 56
N6 = 1rpm
Z6 =?
D5 = m Z5=3 14=42mm
D6=m Z6=3 56=168mm
The diameter of gears of the chips feeder are determined based on the distance between the
shaft of fryer machine and the shaft of the feeder which is 272mm.therefore the center to center
distance between the gears is 272mm.gear diameter is 13.6cm for each to have the same speed of



A shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one place to
another. The power is delivered to the shaft by same tangential force and resultant torque
(twisting moment) set up within the shaft permits the power to be transferred to various
machines linked up to the shaft. Gears mounted on it to transfer the power.
The material used for shaft should have the following properties like: It should have high
strength, it should have good machinability, it should have good heat treatment and it should
have good wear resistance
The material used for ordinary shaft is carbon steel of grade 50C12 with ultimate tensile strength
of 700Mpa and yield strength of 390Mpa.
According to American Society of mechanical engineers (ASME) code for the design of
transmission shaft of the maximum permissible working stresses in tension and compression may
be 112 Mpa for shafts without allowance for key.
For the shafts purchased under definite physical specification, the permissible shear stress may
be taken as 30% of the elastic limit in the tension but not more than 18%of the ultimate tensile
The permissible shear stress
τ = 0.3σel =o.3 390mpa=117mpa
τ = 0.18σu which is ever less =0.18 700=126mpa
, Take 117 M pa for this design which is minimum. [9]
The torque on the shaft is due to the rotational motion of the rotating disc which is 15 Nm

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 30

T= , 0.18 390Mpa
= 117Mpa = 117 N/mm2
15 Nm = 15000 Nmm

15000Nmm =

D3 = 652.94mm3
( )
D= √ = 8.67mm 300mm
Length = 300mm (assume)
A shaft with a diameter of 8.67mm is safe for the operation. But we assume the diameter of shaft
to be 20mm for its easy to manufacture the element.


G6 which is mounted on the shaft of spiral conveyor has a torque of 36Nm = 36000Nmm

= where, r6 = radius of gear6 = 42mm

T6 = torque on gear6 = 36Nm
r5 = radius of gear5 = 21mm
T5 = torque on gear5 =?

T5 = = = 18000Nmm = 18Nm

T4 = , r4 = 135mm

= = 115714Nmm = 115.714Nm

T3 = , r3 =27mm

= = 89265Nmm = 89.265Nm

T2 = r2 = 55mm

= = 181836Nmm = 181.836Nm

T1 = r1 = 21mm

= = 69428Nmm = 69.428Nm

To calculate the diameter of the shaft, T = where T = torque on the shaft

Shear stress = 117N/mm

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 31

d35 = =

d5 = √ = 9.2mm

d³4 = =

d4 = √

d³3 = =
d3 = √ = 15.72mm

d32 =

d2 = √ = 19mm

d31 = =
d1 = √ = 14mm
Thus all values determine shaft diameters are safe for the operation of the machine. But it’s
recommended to increase the values to 20mm for easy to manufacture. Increasing the diameter
of the shafts has no negative effect for the operation rather increasing its strength and durability.

A bearing is a mechanical element that permits relative motion between two points. Such as the
shaft and the housing, with minimum friction.
The functions of bearing are as follows:
1. The bearing ensures free rotation of the shaft or the axle with minimum friction.
2. The bearing supports the shaft to hold in the correct position.
3. The bearing takes up the forces that act on the shaft and transmits them to the frame or the
The selected type of bearing in the design is a rolling contact bearing due to that:
Rolling contact bearing uses for:-
- Small size electric motor
- Gear box
- Low coefficient of friction.
The most frequently used bearing is deep groove ball bearing. It is found in all most all kinds of
products in general mechanical engineering. In this type of bearing, the radius of curvatures of
the groove is slightly greater than the radius of the ball bearing. This gives a point of contact
between the ball and races. Therefore the ball and the race may roll freely without any sliding.

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 32

Due to point of contact between the ball and the race, frictional loss and the resultant temperature
is less in this bearing.
The maximum load on the shaft of the machine is 224.6 N due to the mass of spiral conveyor and
chips. The load applied on the shaft of rotating disc is 41.22 N. the shaft of spiral conveyor
rotates with a speed of 1rpm and the shaft of rotating disc rotates with 600rpm. All the shafts
have diameter of 20mm.
The expected life of bearing for the shaft of spiral conveyor is (assume 20000hr) and that of the
shaft of rotating disc (bearing life assumes 10000hr).
To select bearing for the shafts (spiral conveyor)
P= 264.6N (type single raw deep groove ball bearing)
L10 = = 1.2 million revolution
Where, n=revolution speed
L10h = rated bearing life (hour)
Load life relation ship
C = p (L10)1/3 = 264.6N (1.2)1/3
= 281N
This is very small load relative to the designed load bearing. From table the bearing with 20mm
bore diameter has the following information.

Bore Outside Width(mm) Basic load rating(N) Designation

diameter diameter(mm)
D D B C Co 61805
20 32 7 2700 1500 16005
42 8 7020 3400 6005
42 12 9360 4500 6205
47 14 12700 6200 6305
52 15 15900 7800 6405
72 19 30700 16600

Table 3.1 Dimensions and static and dynamic load capacities of single row deep groove ball
Therefore bearing number 61805 is selected for the whole shafts. [10]


Bolt is a separable joint of two or more machine parts that are held together.
In this design bolts are used fasten the cutter with the base support, the cover plate with base.
Bolts are designed based on the load applied on the bolts. The bolts are made up of plain carbon
steel 30c8 (syt = 400N/mm2) and factor of safety is 5.

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 33

There are 4 bolts used to fasten the cutter with the base .the load applied on the bolts is 37.8N
which is the force of potato.
= , Ssy = 0.5Syt

= = 0.5 400N/mm2
= = 200N/mm2
= 40N/mm2


Fig 3.12: forces applied on bolts

P = 37.08N (tangential force of potato applied on the cutter). The load applied on each bolt is
Pa = P1 = P2=P3 = P4 = = = 9.45N
9.45N is applied load on each bolt.
Pa = A , A = area of the bolt
= shear stress = 40N/mm2
9.45N =

d² = , d = 0.5mm

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 34

Designation Nominal Pitch p(mm) Pitch dia Minor dia Tensile stress
(major (mm) area (mm²)
M4 4 0.7 3.545 3.141 8.78
M5 5 0.8 4.48 4.019 14.2
M6 6 1 5.35 4.77 20.1
M8 8 1.25 7.188 6.466 36.6
M10 10 1.5 9.026 8.160 58
M12 12 1.75 10.863 9.853 84.3

Table 3.2 basic dimensions for isometric screw threads. [11]

This is very small number. Therefore it is recommended to use from standard size of bolts which
has a minimum diameter.
The selected standard size from table is M4 with minimum diameter of 4mm.

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 35


Fig 3.13: assemblies drawing of automatic potato chips making machine

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 36

No Part name Materials Quantity
16 Cutter gear Cast iron grade 20 2
15 Base support Stainless steel 1
14 Bearing . 11
13 Shaft Carbon steel grade 5
12 Fryer gear Cast iron grade 20 8
11 Fryer motor ……. 1
10 Blade Carbon steel 1
9 Spiral conveyor Stainless steel 1
8 Cylinder Stainless steel 1
7 Fryer hopper Stainless steel 1
6 Heater …….. 1
5 Chips feeder Stainless steel 1
4 Rotating disc Aluminum 1
3 Cutter hopper Stainless steel 1
2 Disc support Cast iron 1
1 Cutter motor ………. 1

Table 3.3 part name

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 37



Potato chips are one of the common foods which are utilized in Ethiopia and all over the world.
However, there are problem of production chips in Ethiopia due to its traditional way of chips
making process.
This project helps to solve the problem of time and energy consuming way of potato chips
making process in Ethiopia, This automatic chips making machine design is started first by
understanding the mechanical and physical properties potato in Ethiopia ,using these properties,
we get the following results of our calculation. The force required to cut the potato is 37.08N. the
power used to cut the potato is 382.5watt.the amount of heat required to fry 5kg of potato is
2.8kw,and the amount of power required to operate the frying is 3.6watt.the volume of oil
required to fry 5kg of chips is 3.9 10-2m3.
Generally this project deals a means of designing a continuous process of chips making that will
achieve the following:
-produce the desired and acceptable chips product for the customer.
-produce potato chips in a commercial quantity at a faster rate.
-an environmental and operational friendly machine for safety of operation.

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 38

The recommendation that we have in this study are:
The machine is based on the average size and mas of potato that did not cut potato with large
size. We recommend that the cutting blade should be flexible to cut different size and shape of
potato for further study.
This project work is limited to the design of potato cutting and chips frying machine
we recommend to include washing of raw potato, peeling and drying chips processes for further
We also recommend increasing the capacity of fryer cylinder to have a continuous cutting
process, since in this project work; the capacity of the frying machine is much less than the

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 39

[1] Ethiopian Agricultural Institute Of Research (EIAR), Amara Regional Agricultural Research
Institute (ARARI) 2013.
[2] Baye Berihun and G/medhn W/giorgs Adet Agricultural Research Center (2010) Holeta
Agricultural Research Center.
[3] ATULAN AND Mishra, Jyoti Join, R, N shukia, paruinder kour and vivekan and Department
of food process Engineering, sam Hipginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and science,
Allahabad 211007cup India.
[4] Slicing cuts on food materials usingrobotic-controld Razor blade.
1-department of mechanical and industrial engineering university of Minnesota, Duluth,
MN.55812, USA
2-food processing technology Division, ATAS lab, Georgia Tech Research institute, Atlante
GA30332, USA.
[5] Engineering volume 2011 article ID 469262, 17 pages doi:10.1155/2011/469262 Research
article slicing cuts on food material using robotic controlled Razor blade
[7] University malassia SARAwak BORANG PENGESAHAr status Tesis Industrial Design and
Manufacturing of A.manual driven low cost Banana (Tapioca Mam slicing machine Sesi
peNGAJIAN, 2008/2009
[9, 10, 11] Text book of machine element (V.B BHANDARI) and Internet access

Automatic potato chips making machine Page 40

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