Chapter 12 Liquid Extraction

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Chapter 12

Liquid-liquid and Fluid-Solid

separation processes
Liquid-liquid extraction


•Removal of one or more components (solutes) from solids or liquids

using liquid solvent
•Separation of two miscible liquids using another liquid (solvent)
•Eg. Vitamin A and D (solute) from fish oil (inert liquid) using liquid
propene (solvent)

•Separation of solutes from solid using liquid solvent
•Eg. Soya milk (solute) from soya bean (inert solid) using water (liquid

• takes advantage of the relative solubilities of solutes in immiscible or

nearly immiscible liquids. Distillation-relative vapor pressure

• solute dissolves more readily in the solvent in which it has a higher solubility

• Distribution Coefficient, K, determines the ratio of the concentration of the

solute in each liquid.

• Separation by distillation is ineffective or difficult

• Boiling points of mixtures are close

• Flexibility in operation conditions choice is desired

• More than two components are present

• The material is heat sensitive


• Two immiscible fluids, usually

one light and one heavy fluid,
flowing continuously in opposite
directions are brought together
and allowed to separate

• lighter liquid flows upward while

the heavier liquid flows downward

• extract is the exit solvent rich

stream containing the desired
extracted solute
• raffinate is the exit residual stream
containing little solute

component A = solute
component B = inert/carrier liquid
component C = liquid solvent


xA xB xC yA yB yC
yA vs xA
xA xB xC yA yB yC
xC vs xA

yA vs xA
xA xB xC yA yB yC
yC vs yA

xC vs xA

yA vs xA
Example 12.5-1

A: acetic acid (10 kg)

B: water (60 kg)
C: isopropyl ether (30 kg)

Mix & come to equilibrium. Determine the raffinate and extract

xA = 0.1
xB = 0.6
xC = 0.3
Example 12.5-1
30 kg isopropyl ether (C), 10 kg acetic acid (A) + 60 kg water (B)
Mix & come to equilibrium. Determine the raffinate and extract
Original composition: xC = 0.3, xA = 0.1, xB = 0.6
1. Locate the original composition on the
right-angled triangle. Lets that point be M
2. By trial-&-error, draw a tie line that 0.3 M
passes throught M to intersect the raffinate
and the extract layer
3. From the raffinate layer, the composition 0.1
is xA =0.12 , xC = 0.02
4. From the extract layer, the composition is
yA = 0.04 , yC = 0.94
V1 (yA1, yC1) yA1 V2 (yA2, yC2)

LO (xAO, xCO)
L1 (xA1, xC1)
Total material balance: L0 + V2 = L1 + V1 = M
Balance on A: L0xA0 + V2yA2 = L1xA1 + V1yA1 =MxAM
Balance on C: L0xC0 + V2yC2 = L1xC1 + V1yC1 =MxCM

FKKKSA Chem. Eng. Dept

Problem 12.5-2

A = acetic acid
B = water
V2 (yA2, yC2)
C = isopropyl ether
V2 (0, 1)
V1 (yA1, yC1) V1 V2 = 400 kg
1 atm yA2 = 0; yC2 = 1
293K L1
LO (xAO, xCO) L1 (xA1, xC1)
L0 = 400 kg xA1
LO (0.35, 0) xA0 = 0.35; xC0 = 0
Problem 12.5-2
A = acetic acid
B = water
V2 (yA2, yC2)
C = isopropyl ether
V2 (0, 1)
V1 (yA1, yC1) V1 V2 = 400 kg
1 atm yA2 = 0; yC2 = 1
293K L1
LO (xAO, xCO) L1 (xA1, xC1)
L0 = 400 kg xA1
LO (0.35, 0) xA0 = 0.35; xC0 = 0

Total material balance: L0 + V2 = L1 + V1 = M = 400 + 400 = 800

Balance on A: L0xA0 + V2yA2 = L1xA1 + V1yA1 =MxAM
400(0.35) + 400(0) = L1xA1 + V1yA1 =800(xAM)
xAM = 0.175
Problem 12.5-2
V1 V2 = 400 kg LO (0.35, 0)
1 atm V2 (0, 1)
yA1 yA2=0
L0 = 400 kg 293K L1
xA0 = 0.35 xA1
xAM = 0.175
1. Locate point L0(0.35,0) and V2(0,1.0)
2. Draw a straight line connecting L0 & V2.
Locate point M
3. By trial-&-error, get a tie line that passes
throught M to intersect the raffinate at L1
and the extract layer at V1
4. From the extract layer, the composition
of V1 is yA1 = 0.11, yC1 = 0.86
5. From the raffinate layer, the composition
of L1 is xA1 =0.255, xC1 = 0.03
V1 (yA1, yC1) V2 (yA2, yC2)
V1 (0.11, 0.86) V2 (0, 1)
V1 V2 = 400 kg
1 atm yA2 = 0; yC2 = 1
293K L1
LO (xAO, xCO) L1 (xA1, xC1)
L0 = 400 kg xA1
LO (0.35, 0) xA0 = 0.35; xC0 = 0 L1 (0.255, 0.03)

Total material balance: L1 + V1 = 800

Balance on A: L1xA1 + V1yA1 = 140
L1(0.255) + V1(0.11) = 140
L1 = 358 kg
V1 = 442 kg
% A removed = yA1V1/LoxAo x 100% =0.11(442)/[400(0.35)] x 100% = 34.7%

V1 (yA1, yC1) VN+1 (yAN+1, yCN+1)

LO (xAO, xCO) LN (xAN, xCN)

Total number of ideal stages = N
Total material balance:
L0 + VN+1 = LN + V1 = M
Balance on A:
L0xA0 + VN+1yAN+1 = LNxAN + V1yA1 =MxAM
Difference  in flows:
L0 – V1 = L1 – V2 = ….. =LN – VN+1
N = Total number of tie lines
A = acetic acid
B = water
C = isopropyl ether VN+1 (yAN+1, yCN+1)
VN+1 (0, 1)

V1 (yA1, yC1) VN+1 = 450 kg/h

yAN+1 = 0
xAN = 0.1
L0 = 150 kg/h
xA0 =0.3
LN (xAN, xCN)
LO (xAO, xCO) LN (0.1, xCN)
LO (0.3, 0)
VN+1 (yAN+1, yCN+1)
VN+1 (0, 1)
V1 (yA1, yC1) VN+1 = 450 kg/h
yAN+1 = 0
xAN = 0.1
L0 = 150 kg/h
xA0 =0.3
LN (xAN, xCN)
LO (xAO, xCO) LN (0.1, xCN)
LO (0.3, 0)
A = acetic acid, B = water, C = isopropyl ether
Total material balance: L0 + VN+1 = LN + V1 = M

150+ 450= LN + V1 = 600

Balance on A: L0xA0 + VN+1yAN+1 = LNxAN + V1yA1 =MxAM

150(0.3) + 450(0)= LNxAN + V1yA1 =600(xAM)

xAM = 0.075
L0 (0.3, 0), VN+1 (0, 1), xAN = 0.1, xAM = 0.075 

1. Locate point L0 (0.3, 0),VN+1 (0, 1) and LN VN+1

(on the raffinate layer at xAN = 0.1) V2 3
2. Draw a straight line connecting L0 & VN+1. N ≈ 2.5 stages
Locate point M M

3. Draw a straight line from LN through M

to intersect the extract layer to give V1
4. Locate the difference point  at the
intersection of lines L0V1 and LNVN+1
5. From V1 vertically to 45o line, horizontally LN
across to equilibrium line and back vertically L L2 L1
3 L0
to the raffinate layer to give L1
6. Draw a tie line from L1 to V1
7. Draw an operating line from L1 to  to
intersect the extract layer to give V2
8. Repeat steps 5-7 until coincide with LN
or exceed LN
9. Number of stages = number of tie lines

Step 1-9 is shown in more details in the following 4 slides.

L0 (0.3, 0), VN+1 (0, 1), xAN = 0.1, xAM = 0.075 

1. Locate point L0 (0.3, 0),VN+1 (0, 1) and LN VN+1

(on the raffinate layer at xAN = 0.1) V1
2. Draw a straight line connecting L0 & VN+1.
Locate point M M

3. Draw a straight line from LN through M

to intersect the extract layer to give V1
4. Locate the difference point  at the
intersection of lines L0V1 and LNVN+1

L0 (0.3, 0), VN+1 (0, 1), xAN = 0.1, xAM = 0.075 

5. From V1 vertically to 45o line, horizontally VN+1

across to equilibrium line and back vertically V2
to the raffinate layer to give L1 V1

6. Draw a tie line from L1 to V1

7. Draw an operating line from L1 to  to
intersect the extract layer to give V2

LN L1 L0
L0 (0.3, 0), VN+1 (0, 1), xAN = 0.1, xAM = 0.075 

5. From V1 vertically to 45o line, horizontally VN+1

across to equilibrium line and back vertically V
to the raffinate layer to give L1 V1

6. Draw a tie line from L1 to V1

7. Draw an operating line from L1 to  to
intersect the extract layer to give V2
8. Repeat steps 5-7 until coincide with LN
or exceed LN

LN2 L1 L0
L0 (0.3, 0), VN+1 (0, 1), xAN = 0.1, xAM = 0.075 

5. From V1 vertically to 45o line, horizontally VN+1

across to equilibrium line and back vertically V
to the raffinate layer to give L1 V1
N ≈ 2.5 stages
6. Draw a tie line from L1 to V1
7. Draw an operating line from L1 to  to
intersect the extract layer to give V2
8. Repeat steps 5-7 until coincide with LN
or exceed LN
9. Number of stages = number of tie lines
L3L2 L L0
LN 1

VN+1min - ∞ stages
Case 1: min

1. Draw a straight line from LN through VN+1.

2. Get as many tie lines between L0 and LN.
Extend the tie lines to intersect the line L0VN+1
3. The tie line that intersects the line LNVN+1 closest
to VN+1 gives min & V1min on the extract layer VN+1

4. Draw straight lines connecting LNV1min&

L0VN+1. Locate point Mmin at the intersection
of the two lines V1min

5. Solve for VN+1min : Mmin

L0xA0 + VN+1minyAN+1 = (L0+VN+1min)xAMmin


xMAmin L0

VN+1min - ∞ stages
Case 2:
1. Draw a straight line from LN through VN+1.
2. Get as many tie lines between L0 and LN.
Extend the tie lines to intersect the line L0VN+1 Mmin

3. The tie line that intersects the line LNVN+1 LN

farthest to VN+1 gives min & V1min on the extract
layer L0

4. Draw straight lines connecting LNV1min&

L0VN+1. Locate point Mmin at the intersection
of the two lines
5. Solve for VN+1min :
L0xA0 + VN+1minyAN+1 = (L0+VN+1min)xAMmin

Comp. B & C – immiscible in each other

Comp.A – relatively dilute    y   x   y 
 xA0   AN  1   AN   A1 
Operating line: L’ 1- x  + V’ 1- y  = L’ 
  1- x
 + V’ 
  1- y

 A0   AN  1   AN   A1 
L’ = kg inert B/h
V’ = kg inert C/h
Kremser equation:  yN 1 
 x0 - 
 
ln  m 1  A   A 
 yN 1   
 xN - 
 
N  m 

Operating line:

x 2   y   x   y 
  1   1   2 
L’ 1 - x  + V’  1 - y  = L’  1 - x  + V’  1 - y 

 2  1  1  2

L’ = kg inert B/h
V’ = kg inert C/h
y = mass fraction of A in solvent V stream
x = mass fraction of A in feed L stream
Mole fraction & molar flow rates can also be used.

Number of theoretical trays, N:

 y1 
 x2 - 
 
ln  m 1  A   A 
 y1   
 x1 - 
 
N  m 
where: dilute m1 is used
Performance of an existing tower:
N 1
1    1 

  
x 2  x1 
A 

 

y  
N 1
 1 
x2  1  
 
m 


Operating line:

x 2   y   x   y 
  1   1   2 
L’ 1 - x  + V’  1 - y  = L’  1 - x  + V’  1 - y 

 2  1  1  2

L’/V’ = slope of operating line

Optimum solvent flow rate = 1.2 – 1.5 times V’min

Equilibrium line curved & highly concave upward, operating line = tangent to the
equilibrium line instead of intersecting it
Dilute solutions & essentially imiscible solvents:

z L
dx  H N H = L
K'x aS x2 x * x OL OL
where: OL K'x aS
Both operating & equilibrium lines straight and dilute:
 
L  x1  x 2
 
  V  y 1  y 2

 K' aS   x * x 
z  
 
 K'y aS   y  y *

 x   
  M
x1  x 2 y1  y 2
N OL  NOV 

x * x   y  y *
M  M

 x * -x  
x 
*  x    x * x  y  y *1    y 2  y *2 
 1 1   2 2     1
ln x *1 x 1 /x * 2 x 2 
y - y*
 M  M
ln y  y *1 /y 2  y * 2 

 1

 

y 1  

x2 -  
  
NOL  ln 1  A m A
 

1  A  
  x1 - 


m 
  
Chapter 12
Liquid-liquid and Fluid-Solid
separation processes



•Separation of solutes from solid using liquid solvent

•Eg. Soya milk (solute) from soya bean (inert solid) using water (liquid
• In the metal industry - leaching of copper salts from ground ores
using sulfuric acid or ammoniacal solutions

• Leaching of toxic materials into groundwater is a major health concern

Gold leaching process using aqueous
sodium cyanide solution

Symbols and definition

• A (solute)
• B (solid)
• C (solvent)


Overflow (enriched solvent) Fresh solvent

Rich solids Underflow (spent solids)

• solute-free solid (B) is insoluble in the solvent (C)
• sufficient time for equilibrium
• no adsorption of solute (A) back into solid
Concentration of solution in overflow = concentration of solution in underflow
Concentration of inert solid (B) in solution of underflow, N:
N kg B
kg A  kg C
Weight fraction of solute (A) in overflow V, xA: x A  kg A
kg A  kg C
kg A
Weight fraction of solute (A) in underflow’s solution L, yA: y A  kg A  kg C
Overflow (enriched solvent out)
Fresh solvent in

Rich solids in Underflow (spent solids out)

A A2 = 0
B =0 B2 = 0
A = solute
C C2
B = solid
V1 = A + C V2 = A2 + C 2
x1 = A/ V1
C = solvent x2 = A2/ V2
N = B/ V1 = 0 N2 = B2/ V2 = 0
Overflow (Out) Overflow (In)
Enriched solvent out Fresh solvent in
V1 (x1, N) V2 (x2, N2)
Rich solids in Spent solids out
Ao A1
Bo B1
If A2 = 0, then Ao = A1 + A
Co = 0 C1
Lo = A o + C o If B = B2 = 0, L1 = A 1 + C 1
yo = Ao/ Lo then N = N2 = 0 and Bo = B1 y1 = A1/ L1
No = Bo/ Lo N1 = B1/ L1
Underflow (In) Underflow

Lo (yo, No) L1 (y1, N1) 7

If B = B2 = 0,
then N = N2 = 0 and Bo = B1
Overflow N vs xA is a horizontal line

A A2 = 0
B =0 B2 = 0
A = solute
C C2
B = solid
V1 = A + C V2 = A2 + C 2
x1 = A/ V1
C = solvent x2 = A2/ V2
N = B/ V1 = 0 N2 = B2/ V2 = 0
Overflow (Out) Overflow (In)

Ao A1
Bo B1
If A2 = 0, then Ao = A1 + A
Co = 0 C1
Lo = A o + C o If B = B2 = 0, L1 = A 1 + C 1
yo = Ao/ Lo then N = N2 = 0 and Bo = B1 y1 = A1/ L1
No = Bo/ Lo N1 = B1/ L1
If C0 = 0, then C2 = C + C1
Underflow (In) Underflow
If Bo = B1 and Lo = L1, then No = N1 (Out)

(constant underflow)
If Bo = B1 and Lo = L1, then No = N1
(constant underflow)
underflow N vs yA is a horizontal line

A A2 = 0
B =0 B2 = 0
A = solute
C C2
B = solid
V1 = A + C V2 = A2 + C 2
x1 = A/ V1
C = solvent x2 = A2/ V2
N = B/ V1 = 0 N2 = B2/ V2 = 0
Overflow (Out) Overflow (In)

V1 (x1, N) V2 (x2, N2)

Ao A1
Bo B1
If A2 = 0, then Ao = A1 + A
Co = 0 C1
Lo = A o + C o If B = B2 = 0, L1 = A 1 + C 1
yo = Ao/ Lo then N = N2 = 0 and Bo = B1 y1 = A1/ L1
No = Bo/ Lo N1 = B1/ L1
If C0 = 0, then C2 = C + C1
Underflow (In) Underflow
If Bo = B1 and Lo = L1, then No = N1 (Out)

(constant underflow)
Lo (yo, No) L1 (y1, N1) 11
V1 (x1, N) V2 (x2, N2)

Lo (yo, No) L1 (y1, N1)

Constant underflow concentration – straight & horizontal line in N vs yA


Due to insufficient
contact time

Constant underflow concentration – straight & horizontal line in N vs yA

Varying underflow concentration – a curve in N vs yA
Overflow Fresh solvent V (x , N )
2 2 2
V1 (x1, N)

Rich solids Underflow

Lo (yo, No) L1 (y1, N1)

V = overflow flowrate (kg/h)

L = underflow’s solid-free flowrate (kg/h)
L1 L0
M = imaginary total flowrate (kg/h)

Total material balance:
L0 + V2 = L1 + V1 = M
Balance on A: V1
V2 xAM
L0yA0 + V2xA2 = L1yA1 + V1xA1 =MxAM
Balance on B (From N= B/ L, then B = LN):
L0N0 + 0 = L1N1 + 0 =MNM
A (solute)= soy oil
B (solid) = soy bean V1 ,xA1 V2 = 100 kg
C (solvent)= hexane 1 atm
Ao = 100 (0.2) = 20 kg A1
Bo = 100 (1-0.2) = 80 kg B1= 80 kg
Co = 0 C1
Lo = Ao + Co = 20 kg L1 = A1 + C1
yo = Ao/ Lo = 1 y1 = A1/ L1
No = Bo/ Lo = 80/20 = 4 N1 = B1/ L1= 1.5
Underflow (In) Underflow (Out)
Lo (1, 4) 15
A A2 = 0 kg
B = 0 kg B2 = 0 kg
C C2 = 100 kg
V1 = A + C Total material balance: V2 = A2 + C2 = 100 kg
x1 = A/ V1 L0 + V2 = L1 + V1 = M x2 = A2/ V2 = 0
N = BV1/ V1= 0 20 + 100 = L1 + V1 = M = 120 N2 = B2/ V2 = 0
Overflow (Out) Overflow (In)

V1 (x1, 0) V2 (0, 0)
A (solute)= soy oil 1 atm
B (solid) = soy bean
C (solvent)= hexane 293K
Ao = 100 (0.2) = 20 kg A1
Balance on A:
Bo = 100 (1-0.2) = 80 kg B1= 80 kg
L0yA0 + V2xA2 = L1yA1 + V1xA1 =MxAM
Co = 0 C1
20(1) + 100(0) = L1yA1 + V1xA1 =120(xAM)
Lo = Ao + Co = 20 kg L 1 = A 1 + C1
xAM =0.167
yo = Ao/ Lo = 1 y1 = A1/ L1
Balance on B:
No = Bo/ Lo = 80/20 = 4 NoLo = N1L1 = NMM N1 = B1/ L1= 1.5
Underflow (In) Underflow (Out)
80 = 1.5L1 = NMM = NM (120)
Lo (1, 4) 16
NM = 0.667 M (0.167, 0.667) L1 (y1, 1.5)
Example 12.9-1

Lo (1, 4)
V2 (0, 0)
N vs yA= 1.5
xAM =0.167

From the graph: yA1 = 0.167 xA1 = 0.167

Solving: L1 = 53.3 kg V1 = 66.7 kg


Total material balance:

L0 + VN+1 = LN + V1 = M
Balance on A:
L0yA0 + VN+1xAN+1 = LNyAN+ V1xA1 =MxAM

Difference flows :
 = L0 - V1 = LN- VN+1 = …

A A2 = 0
B =0 B2 = 0
A = solute
C C2
B = solid
V1 = A + C V2 = A2 + C 2
x1 = A/ V1
C = solvent x2 = A2/ V2
N = B/ V1 = 0 N2 = B2/ V2 = 0
Overflow (Out) Overflow (In)
V1 (x1, N) stage V2 (x2, N2)
leaching A1
Bo B1
If A2 = 0, then Ao = A1 + A
Co = 0 C1
Lo = A o + C o If B = B2 = 0, L1 = A 1 + C 1
yo = Ao/ Lo then N = N2 = 0 and Bo = B1 y1 = A1/ L1
No = Bo/ Lo N1 = B1/ L1
If C0 = 0, then C2 = C + C1
Underflow (In) Underflow
If Bo = B1 and Lo = L1, then No = N1 (Out)

(constant underflow)
Lo (yo, No) L1 (y1, N1) 19
A1 AN+1 = 0
B1 = 0 BN+1 = 0
A = solute
C1 CN+1
B = solid
V1 = A1 + C 1 VN+1 = AN+1 + CN+1
x1 = A1/ V1
C = solvent xN+1 = AN+1/ VN+1
N1 = B1/ V1 = 0 NN+1 = BN+1/ VN+1 = 0
Overflow (Out) Overflow (In)
V1 (x1, N1) stage VN+1 (xN+1, NN+1)
leaching AN
Bo Total material balance: BN
Co = 0 L0 + VN+1 = LN + V1 = M CN
Lo = A o + C o LN = A N + C N
yo = Ao/ Lo
Balance on A: yN = AN/ LN
No = Bo/ Lo
L0yA0 + VN+1xAN+1 = LNyAN+ V1xA1 =MxAM NN = BN/ LN
Underflow (In) Underflow (Out)
Difference flows :
 = L0 - V1 = LN- VN+1 = …
Lo (yo, No) L1 (yN, NN) 20
AN+1 = 20 kg/h
BN+1 = 0 kg/h
B1= 0 kg/h
A = solute CN+1 = 1310 kg/h
B = solid VN+1 = AN+1 + CN+1 = 1330 kg/h
V1 = A1 + C 1 ?
C = solvent xN+1 = AN+1/ VN+1 = 0.015
x1 = A1/ V1 ?
NN+1 = BN+1/ VN+1 = 0
N1 = B1/ V1= 0
Overflow (In)
Overflow (Out)

V1 (x1, 0) VN+1 (0.015, 0)

Ao = 800 kg/h AN = 120 kg/h

Bo = 2000 kg/h BN = 2000 kg/h
Total material balance:
Co = 50 kg/h CN
L0 + VN+1 = LN + V1 = M
Lo = Ao + Co = 850 kg/h LN = A N + C N ?
yo = Ao/ Lo = 0.941
Balance on A: yN = AN/ LN ?
No = Bo/ Lo = 2.36
L0yA0 + VN+1xAN+1 = LNyAN+ V1xA1 =MxAM NN = BN/ LN
Underflow (In) Underflow (Out)
Difference flows :
LN (yN, NN)
 = L0 - V1 = LN- VN+1 = … NN/yN=BN/AN =16.67
Lo (0.941, 2.36) 22
Example 12.10-1
Feed: B = 2000 kg/h meal A = 800 kg oil C = 50 kg benzene
Fresh solvent: C = 1310 kg benzene A = 20 kg oil
Leached solids: A = 120 kg oil.
L0 = 800 + 50 = 850 kg/h LN = 120 + C
VN+1 = 1310 + 20 = 1330 kg/h
yA0 = 800/ 850 = 0.941 yAN = 120/(120 +C)
xAN+1 = 20/ 1330 = 0.015
N0 = 2000/850 = 2.36 NN = 2000/120+C

Total material balance: L0 + VN+1 = LN + V1 = M

850 + 1330 = LN + V1 = 2180

Balance on A: L y + V x
0 A0 N+1 AN+1 = LNyAN + V1xA1 =MxAM

850(0.941) + 1330(0.015) = LNyAN + V1xA1 =2180(xAM)

xAM = 0.376

Example 12.10-1

1. Plot N vs yA,xA with underflow & overflow. Locate L0, VN+1 & LN
L0 = 850 kg/h Lo (0.941, 2.36) LN yAN = 0.118 L0

yA0 = 800/ 850 = 0.941

N0 = 2000/850 = 2.36 xA1 = 0.6
VN+1 = 1330 kg/h VN+1 V1
xAN+1 = 20/ 1330 = 0.015 VN+1 (0.015, 0)
LN on N vs yA underflow line
With slope 16.67 from (0, 0), at y = 0.1
M = 2180
N  0  N  0  16.67  N = 1.67 xAM = 0.376
y  0 0.1  0

2. Locate M on the line joining VN+1 & L0. A line from LN through M will give V1
on the overflow.
Insert yAN and XA1 in mass balance, then LN=1016 kg/h and V1=1164 kg/h 24
Example 12.10-1
3. Locate  from the intersection of the lines L0V1 & VN+1 LN. From V1 draw
a vertical tie line to give L1.

VN+1 V1

Example 12.10-1
4. From L1 draw a line to  to giveV2 on the overflow. From V2 draw a
vertical tie line to give L2. Repeat until LN or exceed LN.

L3 L2 L1

VN+1V4 V3 V2 V1

No. of theoretical stages = 3.6

AN+1 = 20 kg/h
A1 = 820 – 120 = 700 kg/h
BN+1 = 0 kg/h
B1 = 0 kg/h
A = solute CN+1 = 1310 kg/h
C1 = V1 - A1 =464 kg/h
B = solid VN+1 = AN+1 + CN+1 = 1330 kg/h
V1 = A1 + C1 =1164 kg/h
C = solvent xN+1 = AN+1/ VN+1 = 0.015
x1 = A1/ V1 =0.6
NN+1 = BN+1/ VN+1 = 0
N1 = B1/ V1= 0
Overflow (In)
Overflow (Out)

V1 (x1, N1) VN+1 (0.015, 0)

Ao = 800 kg/h
AN = 120 kg/h
Bo = 2000 kg/h Total material balance: BN = 2000 kg/h
Co = 50 kg/h L0 + VN+1 = LN + V1 = M CN = LN -AN = 896 kg/h
Lo = Ao + Co = 850 kg/h
LN = AN + CN =1016 kg/h
yo = Ao/ Lo = 0.941
Balance on A:
L0yA0 + VN+1xAN+1 = LNyAN+ V1xA1 =MxAM yN = AN/ LN =0.118
No = Bo/ Lo = 2.36
Underflow (In)
Difference flows : Underflow (Out)

 = L0 - V1 = LN- VN+1 = … L1 (yN, NN)

Lo (0.941, 2.36) 27
NN/yN=BN/AN =16.67

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