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Population growth has proved to be on of the major cause of air pollution. Air pollution
has proved to have significant negative effects on human health, this suggests a model of
reciprocal causality with a negative feedback loop, were population growth causes air pollution.
As global population continues to grow, limits on such global resources as land, water, forests
and fisheries have come into sharper focus. The increasing population numbers and growing
affluence have already resulted in rapid growth of energy production and consumption. Problems
of rapid population growth, wasteful resource consumption, environmental degradation share a
view that without stabilization of both population and consumption, good health for many people
will remain elusive, countries will find it impossible to escape such poverty and environmental
degradation will worsen. The impact of humans on environment is related to population size,
consumption and the environmental damage caused by those technology being used to produce
what is consumed. Resource use, waste production and environmental degradation are
accelerated by population growth. Population and the environment have a significant issue to its
impact on chances for achieving sustainable development especially in developing countries.
There are many important interactions between population, resource consumption, environment
and health. Human activity has already transformed the earth’s surface from forest or rangeland
into desert. Unproductive land and food scarcity currently contribute to malnutrition among
people, with infants and children suffering the most serious health consequences.

The world is a very big place with a population of people that is always growing. The
world and its important resources are being destroyed by populations growing in such small
areas. Many of these small areas have many problems of their own because of overpopulation,
such as hunger and many poor people suffering. Population growth increases food demand and
therefore the demand for agricultural land. The magnitude of the threat to the ecosystem is linked
to human population size and resources use of every person. The impacts of unsustainable
resources use are already being felt through a growing number of economic tensions because of
resource depletion and unequal access to scarce resources; climate change and biodiversity loss
and health problems due to pollution. Overconsumption of resources worsen climate breakdown
and increases air pollution. It exhausts the planet’s life support systems like the ones that provide
the freshwater, and leaves as short of materials critical to our health and quality of life.
Environment provides numerous benefits and services that are essential for human health.
However, the environment can also negatively affect humans. Through strategic efforts of
improving environmental health, can enhance personal wellness of individuals, families and
communities. Maintaining a healthy environment is essential for helping people live longer and
for enhancing their quality of life.

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