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Friction and Its Effect on Movements of an

Object on Different Surfaces

Danmer Zann P. Cerdeña

Activity 1.

1. What happen to the wire after bending it twenty times?

When a wire is bent back and forth, it becomes hot

2. Why did it turn hot?

it becomes hot, because of the friction developed in it.

3. Can we also produce heat by using our hands?

Yes! When you rub your hands together, the action of scraping the surface of your skin back and forth
against each other causes the molecules in your skin to move a little faster. The faster that molecules
move, the higher the temperature. So the friction of rubbing your hands together makes them feel

4. What will be produced if you rub two things together?

When two objects slide against each other, friction between the objects causes heat to be produced.

5. When does friction occur?

Friction is the resistance to motion of one object moving relative to another. It is not a fundamental
force, like gravity or electromagnetism. Instead, scientists believe it is the result of the
electromagnetic attraction between charged particles in two touching surfaces
Activity 2

1. If you roll a ball on the floor will it continue for a long time? Why does the ball slow down and then
stop later on?

When you roll a ball on the ground, the electrons in the atoms on the surface of the ground push
against the electrons in the atoms on the surface of your ball that is touching the ground. A rolling ball
stops because the surface on which it rolls resists its motion. A rolling ball stops because of friction.

2. If you are pushing a cart over grassy area can you move it fast? Why?

Grassy area has a rougher surface , so there are more areas for the object to have friction with the
rougher surface and slow down.

3. If your are playing with your skateboard, will you go to a grassy area? Why?

if i do skateboard i will not go to the grass because there are many grass that will prevent the
skateboard from rolling

4. Why does the surface around a a swimming pool mostly made of rough materials?

so that what we step on is not too slippery and the water does not penetrate the pool

5. Why is there more road accidents during rainy days?

The most road accidents happen during the rainy season because, the tires do not get much grip on
the road, so while applying brakes they cannot stop in time. For that many companies have started
making tires that have more grip on wet roads for preventing accidents.

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