Homework 14 7

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HOMEWORK (14/7/2021)

Read the following passage and write the letter A, B, C or D on the top of the first page to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 28 to 34
The incredible growth of the Internet over recent years has caused problems for parents and
teachers. Parents worry about which sites their children spend time on, who they chat to online and the
possible effects that computer games might have on them. For teachers, meanwhile, the main worry is the
way the Internet makes cheating easier!
Schools and universities say there has been a huge increase in plagiarism – taking other people's
words and ideas and pretending that they are your own. In the past, anyone who wanted to copy had to go
to a library, find the right books, read through them, find the sections they needed and then physically
write down the words they wanted to use. Nowadays, though, students can simply copy extracts from
websites- while really desperate students sometimes copy whole essays! As if this wasn't bad enough,
sites offering to actually do homework – at a price – have also started appearing.
Despite all this, we shouldn't assume that the Internet only brings problems. Indeed, you could say
that for every problem the Internet creates, it also brings a solution. Parents can now use sophisticated
controls to stop kids accessing sites that might do them harm, while new software helps teachers to detect
copied work immediately. Many, of course, are already able to recognize when someone is cheating!
Some students suddenly start using words they can't possibly understand like "dialectical
antagonism","explains one teacher," or "parts of their essays feel different."
One of the hardest things for teachers today is deciding how to mix modern technology with
traditional study skills – and how best to use the Web in class. As more and more schools install
computers in every classroom, the role of the teacher is changing. Making sure students don't just copy
things and do learn how to quote copied work properly is part of their job, but so is designing suitable
projects to fully exploit the Web in helping students students learn about subjects and develop their life
and social skills.
(adapted from Pre- Intermidiate Outcomes by Hugh Dellar & Andrew Walkley)
Question 28: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Students wasting time on computer games                B. The Interner making cheating easier
C. The effect that the Web is having on school life   D. The Web used in projects to teach social skills
Question 29: The word “them” in paragraph 1 refers to______________________.
A. parents                      B. children                   C. games                     D. teachers
Question 30: According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Plagiarisms copying someone's work and pretending it's your own.
B. Designing projects to take advantage of the Internet is one of parents' duties.
C. Many teachers can recognize when their students are cheating.
D. Parents can use some software to stop children assessing harmful sites.
Question 31: The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ________________.
A. copying other people's work                        B. finding the right books
C. sale of homework on the Web                      D. physically writing down words
Question 32: According to paragraph 3, teachers can recognize plagiarism because_____________.
A. there is always a solution to the problem.
B. students leave clues from the original
C. the Internet makes parents and teachers worried.
D. students use perfect English, above their level.
Question 33: The word “detect” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_____________
A. ignore                       B. notice                      C. admire                      D. confide
Question 34: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. The Internet has only bad impacts one ducation.
B. Many websites offer to do homework without fee.
C. The Internet can be used positively in education.
D. Parents don't want to control children's access to sites.
Section 1. (10 points)
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each
Faculty: Science Example
Given name: Charlotte
Surname: (1)__________
Address: (2)__________ Heathfield St., Maryland
Telephone numbers:
Home: N/A
Mobile: (3)___________
Number of
hours preferred: (4)____________per week
experience: (5)______________

Section 2. (10 points)

You will hear a radio interview with a student called Leanne Wilson, who is talking about her first
weeks at university. For questions 6-10, choose the best answer (A, B or C)
6. What advice does Leanne give about getting to know people in the first weeks at university?
A. Join a lot of different sports club.
B. Avoid judging people on first impressions.
C. Make friends with people studying the same subject as you.
7. Leanne chose not to live at home because____________.
A. her parents discouraged her B. it was too far to travel every day
C. she wanted to be independent
8. Leanne was able to manage financially at university by___________.
A. cutting down on her social life B. getting an evening job
C. finding ways of economizing
9. What is Leanne’s opinion on attending lectures?
A. It’s not worth going. B. They are useful as an introduction to the subject.
C. You should make detailed notes.
10. What did she find difficult about university life?
A. being away from her family B. having to cook for herself
C. getting stressed by work
Section 3. (10 points)
You will hear part of an interview with Paul Wrightsman, the director of “Scubatours”, a tour
company which specializes in diving holidays. Listen and decide whether the following statements
are True (T) or False (F).
11. Fish are inevitably threatened with extinction as a result of tourists visiting coral reefs.
12. Many countries with coral reefs earn most of their income from tourism.
13. Irresponsible tourists might be tempted to damage coral reefs.
14. Tour operators are unable to influence hotels’ environmental policies.
15. Cleaning up the environment in areas with coral reefs is not cost-effective in the long term.
Section 4. (20 points)
You will hear a man called Jay Carter talking about his time in the Amazon rainforest. For
questions 16-25, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Experiences in the rainforest
The purpose of Jay's trip to the Amazon was to write an article about the
(l6)___________________which live in the rainforest.
Jay was unprepared for the lack of (17)___________________ in the rainforest.
Jay makes a comparison between the huge noisy insects in the rainforest and (18) ___________________
with wings.
Jay uses the word (19) ___________________ to describe his feelings when he first saw a jaguar.
Jay says that the average male jaguar has a territory of (20)___________________in size.
When he met the local forest people Jay remembers being offered a very large
(21)___________________ to eat.
Jay says that the forest people have a feeling of (22)___________________ for the jaguars.
Jay explains that in some areas, (23)___________________ regard jaguars as a threat to their property.
Jay has heard that being in contact with animals such as (24)___________________is a potential health
risk to jaguars.
The (25)___________________ that Jay is now involved in are intended to raise awareness of the threats
to the survival of jaguars.

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