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W04 Application Activity: Learning Plan

Name: Henry Vladimir Gutierrez Choque.

This week, much of your Life Skill Lesson was focused on Learning Strategies and the power they have to improve your
learning process. Your Application Activity this week will invite you to identify something about your learning that you
might have a fixed mindset about-- something you fear might get in the way of your success in reaching your educational

You will then be invited to select one of the six Learning Strategies (i.e. acting on the promptings of the Holy Ghost,
making your brain work hard, using distributed learning, creating clues, asking good questions, teaching to learn) or one
of the five principles of the Learning Model (i.e. exercise faith, teach by the spirit, lay hold on the word of God, take
action, and love, serve, and teach) that you learned about this week and use it to develop a Learning Plan designed to
help you achieve your educational goals.

In your W02 Application Activity, you had the opportunity to answer this question: Why am I enrolled in
PathwayConnect? A natural follow-up to that question might be the following: What do I hope to achieve as a result of
my enrollment in PathwayConnect?

Part 1
To complete the first part of this Application Activity, please fill in the chart below by answering the questions at the top
of each column in the corresponding box below it.

What do you hope to achieve as a What is the biggest thing you need Which one of the six Learning
result of your enrollment in to overcome in order to achieve this Strategies OR which one of the five
PathwayConnect? goal? Learning Model principles you
learned about this week would help
you overcome this challenge? Why
did you choose it?

Generally, I am sure I am going to I need to be less afraid of making I believe that to teach to learn is
improve my skills and that is going to mistakes and be more confident in going to help me overcome my fears
help me in my present and future life. my skills and knowledge. and apply my knowledge. Teaching is
a good way to do both learning and
being confident as time goes by.

Part 2
To complete the second part of this activity, answer the reflection questions below (see next page):

1. How do you plan to apply the Learning Strategy or Learning Model principle you selected to your learning next
week? What specific steps do you intend to take? (3-4 sentences)

I plan to contact some friends and do some Q and A activities. Next while being with my family I am going to talk
about what I learned about the Learning Strategy. I am sure these two steps will help me growth my confidence and
overcome my fears.

2. How will you measure your success in that application (i.e. how will you know if you made progress toward
reaching your overall goal)? (1-2 sentences)

First, I would try to measure the time I speak and ask my partner If what I said was perfectly clear. If not, next
time I am going to try to be more precise and understandable. I will do this a number of times until progress is evident.

Save this document with your name in the filename and follow the instructions in your course to submit it for
grading and feedback.

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