Dip08 Restoration

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Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Image Restoration Image Restoration

Image degradation model Noise models
Typical pdf’s of i.i.d. noise
Note 1: In the additive model,
zero-mean Gaussian and
Uniform noises are typically
Note 2: In real cases, noise is
often signal-dependent, e.g.
multiplicative (with mean=1) 
does not comply with the model
we are using

g ( x, y )  h ( x, y )  f ( x, y )  n ( x, y )
G(u , v )  H (u, v) F (u , v)  N (u , v)
Note: even small amounts of noise can lead
to large errors in restoration  dip08_0.m

Copyright notice: Most images in these slides are

© Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing, Prentice-Hall

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Image Restoration Image Restoration

Noise models Noise models

Gaussian noise is typical in sensors, especially in low lighting conditions

Impulse (salt-and-pepper) noise comes from disturbed switching devices
Silver halide grains in photographic films yield lognormal distributions
Rayleigh noise (multipl.) arises in range images (n-look SAR images)
Exponential noise (multipl.) is present in laser imaging (1-look SAR)

For simulation purposes, a noise having a specified cdf Fz can be

generated starting from a uniform random field w by the inverse function
mapping: z  F 1 ( w)
(like in the case of histogram specification)
(Matlab: use rand and randn, or imnoise  [NoiseGeneration.m])

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Image Restoration Image Restoration

Noise models Noise models

noise with
was used
in these

black, gray1, gray2

In general, the noise distribution is not easily recognizable

by image inspection.

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Image Restoration Image Restoration

Noise models Noise models

- black+
- gray 1

- gray 2
- salt

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Image Restoration Nonlinear mean filters

Noise models
g ( x, y )  f ( x, y )  n ( x, y ) ; G (u, v)  F (u , v)  N (u , v )

We are looking for the best compromise between noise attenuation and
Noise estimation from a locally uniform area of the image detail preservation.
Let Sxy be an mxn neighborhood of (x,y); define various mean filters:

Arithmetic mean 1
fˆ ( x, y )   g ( s, t )
mn ( s ,t )Sxy
Geometric mean   mn

(always smaller than the fˆ ( x, y )    g ( s, t ) 

arithm.mean)  ( s ,t )Sxy 

[Contraharmonic mean] fˆ ( x, y )   g ( s, t )
( s ,t )Sxy
Q 1
 g ( s, t )
( s ,t )Sxy

Q=0  arithmetic mean;

Q>0  good for dark impulse noise
Q<0  good for light impulse noise

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Order statistics filters Order statistics filters

Median filter

Max filter Min filter


Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Order statistics filters Order statistics filters

Weighted Median (WM) filters depend also on the position of the

gray levels within the window
WM filter of span N associated with integer weights w= [w1,w2,...,wN]: Alpha-trimmed mean filter:
fˆ ( x)  median{gW (s )} Sort the pixels in Sxy and delete the first d/2 and the last d/2; let S’xy
s  Sx
where gW is obtained from g by duplication of its elements: be the set of the remaining pixels. The output is:
 
gW (s )  [ w1 g (1), w2  g (2), ... , wN  g ( N )] , and k  g  g , g , ... , g 1
fˆ ( x, y ) 
mn  d
 g ( s, t )
( s ,t )S ' xy
I.e.: duplicate each sample g(i) by the number of the corresponding
weight wi, and choose the median value from the new sequence. Defaults to the arithmetic mean filter when d=0 and to the median
Example: length-5 WM filter with integer weights [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]. Input filter when d=mn-1.
sequence g= [-1, 5, 8, 11, -2], window centered at sample value 8. Good for mixed short- and long-tailed noise
After sorting and duplication: gW=[11, 11, 8, 8, 8, 5, 5, -1, -2]. Output
is 8, whereas the 5-point median would output 5.
Note: Central WM (CWM) filters are particularly important in this class

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Order statistics filters Order statistics filters

 NonlinearFilters.m

c d e f

a a

b b

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Adaptive linear filters Adaptive linear filters

The response of the filter changes according to the local properties of

the image. Used features:
mL ,  L2 local average, local variance of the pixels in Sxy
 2
variance of the noise corrupting f(x,y) (to be estimated!)
The output is (Wiener filter-like approach, see [Lim p.538]):

 2
fˆ ( x, y )  g ( x, y )  [ g ( x , y )  mL ]
 2

Note1: it is reasonable to suppose that  L2   n2 everywhere

but for safety truncate  / 1   1
2 2
n L

Note2: good noise estimate:  n2  mean( L2 ) (Matlab’s wiener2)

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Adaptive median filters Adaptive median filters


mi  min {g ( s, t )} ; ma  max {g (s, t )} ; md  median{g (s, t )} ;

( s ,t )Sxy ( s ,t )Sxy ( s ,t )Sxy

window size = minsize:
while (window size < maxsize) do
if (md=mi or md=ma) increase window size;
end do;
if (mi<g(x,y)<ma) output g(x,y), else output md;

Useful for images corrupted by heavy impulse noise.


Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Rational filter Rational filter

for speckle noise
On a 3x3 support:

A linear lowpass filter can be combined with an edge 1 2 3

sensor to achieve edge-preserving noise smoothing 8 0 4
a  c  2b d  e  2b 7 6 5
b'  b  
k ( a  c )  5  W k ( d  e) 2  5  W

k: edge protection factor 1

W: lowpass filter control factor 0.6

• k = 0, W = 0: b’ = (a+b+c+d+e) / 5

• k = 0, W > 0: b’ = [(a+c+d+e-4b)+(5+W)b] / (5+W)

0 1 2 3
k: edge protection factor, range [700, 1100]
= [(a+c+d+e)+(1+W)b] / (5+W) 0.6 A: lowpass filter control factor, range [4.0, 5.0]
• k > 0: smoothing only along edges 0.4
no. of passes: [6, 10]

Note 1: filter is meant to operate iteratively 0 1 2 3

• note k=0; A=9  3x3 average filter
Note 2: this is a sort of Anisotropic Diffusion • if k>0 the denominator is "locally larger" than A
Note 3: asymptotic output is a uniform image

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Bilateral filter BM3D filter – Noise modelling

Combined domain and range filtering:

The closeness function and

the similarity function

can be Gaussian functions of the Euclidean distance d or absolute

difference d between their arguments.

• d,r are the geometric (domain) spread and the photometric

Foi07 & Rakhshanfar16
(range) spread parameters

• Fast realization techniques exist zz08_FastBilateral_ellet06


Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Noise smoothing Noise smoothing

ISO/ASA is a sensitivity measure for photographic film, i.e. for
signal amplification in a digital camera Noise smoothing in a professional camera (JPEG output)
High ASA setting  small signal  large amplification  large noise
100 ASA, 6 s
• Noise smoothing in a consumer camera:
3200 ASA, 1/8 s
100 ASA, 1.3 s 1600 ASA, 0.1 s

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Frequency-selective filters Frequency-selective filters

Let D(u,v) be the distance from the origin of a given frequency.   D(u , v) W  2 n 
Band-reject filters (reject center frequency D0, reject bandwidth W):
Butterworth H (u, v)  1 1   2  
2 
  D (u, v)  D0  
1 if D(u,v)  D0  W / 2 and Gaussian
Ideal   1  D 2 (u, v)  D 2  2 
H (u , v)  0 if D0  W / 2  D(u,v)  D0  W / 2 band-reject filters: H (u, v)  1  exp   0
 
1  2  D(u , v) W  
 if D(u,v)  D0  W / 2

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Frequency-selective filters Frequency-selective filters

Band-pass filter: H BP (u, v)  1  H BR (u, v)

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Frequency-selective filters Frequency-selective filters

Notch filters
D1 (u, v)  (u  M / 2  u0 ) 2  (v  N / 2  v0 ) 2
D2 (u, v )  (u  M / 2  u0 ) 2  (v  N / 2  v0 ) 2
distances of center-shifted freq. (u,v) from freqs. (u0 ,v0) and (-u0 ,-v0)

0 if D1(u,v)  D0 or D2(u,v)  D0
Ideal H (u, v)  
1 otherwise
  D02  
Note: for the
Butterworth H (u , v)  1 1     filter coeff.
  D1 (u, v) D2 (u, v)   to be real,
notch areas
 1  D (u , v) D (u , v)   must always
Gaussian H (u , v)  1  exp   1 2
  be defined in
 2  D02   symmetric

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Frequency-selective filters Image Restoration

Image degradation model

“Notch-pass” filter: Linear, space-invariant degradation model with impulse response

h (“Point-spread function”, PSF):
Hnp(u,v)=1-Hnr(u,v) g ( x, y )  h( x, y )  f ( x, y )  n( x, y )
G (u, v)  H (u , v) F (u , v)  N (u , v)

Note that space invariance is an often unrealistic constraint (think of

haze in outdoor scenes, motion of different objects, distance from
moving objects...)
Note: The notch-pass filter here is simply a vertical highpass filter

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Estimating the PSF Estimating the PSF

By mathematical modelling:
1. lens defocus NOTE:
By image observation: Defocus normally
Look at a detail of the degraded image, in a high SNR area, and is shift-variant
construct its estimated version f est .Then, H (u , v)  G (u , v) Fest (u , v )
By experimentation:
Thin-lens eq. for
Suppose that equipment similar to the one used for acquisition be defocused object
available; then it is possible to obtain an accurate estimation of the
degradation by imaging an impulse of amplitude A using the same f/# = F / A
system settings. Then, H (u , v )  G (u , v ) A f-number =
focal length / aperture

Useful also for


Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Estimating the PSF Estimating the PSF

2. atmospheric turbulence:
(similar to a Gaussian) H (u, v)  exp[k (u 2  v 2 )5 / 6 ]

3. linear planar motion, described by the components x(t) and y(t),

in the acquisition interval [0,T]:
g ( x, y )   f [ x0  x (t ), y0  y (t )] dt
G (u, v )  F (u , v)  exp[ j 2 [ux(t )  vy(t )]] dt  F (u, v ) H (u , v )

e.g. uniform horizontal motion:

x (t )  at T ; y (t )  0
Note: H should be space-
variant to take into T T
H (u , v)   exp[ j 2 u at T ] dt  sin( ua) exp[ j ua]
account the different 0  ua
distances of the objects

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Estimating the PSF Inverse filter

Let G (u, v)  H (u, v) F (u , v)  N (u , v)

Suppose we know H. The most obvious restoration operator is
G (u , v ) N (u , v)
 Fˆ (u, v)   F (u , v) 
H (u , v) H (u, v)

Note: if H has zeros on the unit circle or is nonminimum-phase,

one can try to cap the amplitude of 1/H
Note: where the degradation is small, noise can dominate. If H
has zeros close to the unitary circle, 1/H has large peaks. This
often happens at high frequencies  set 1/H = 1 above a given
distance from the origin

E.g., starting from Fig.5.25b, (image size 480x480, Butterworth

response used to cap 1/H at various frequencies):

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Inverse filter Wiener filter

Wiener filter: 1-D derivation [Jain]

Given two zero-mean, stationary random sequences f(x) and g(x), it is

desired to obtain from g(x) a linear estimate of f(x) that minimizes the
MSE: 
fˆ ( x)  h
s  
W ( x  s) g (s) , e 2  E{[ f ( x)  fˆ ( x )]2 }  min

It can be proved (orthogonality principle) that the best estimate is

obtained from a filter hw(k) such that:

 x, y 0  E{[ f ( x)  fˆ ( x)] g ( y )}  E{[ f ( x )  h
s  
W ( x  s ) g ( s )] g ( y )}

Using the definition of cross-correlation between two real-valued

stationary sequences a(x), b(y): rab ( x  y )  E{a ( x )b( y )}
and substituting from above, the orthogonality condition becomes the
Wiener filter equation: 

s  
W ( x  s ) rgg ( s  y )  rfg ( x  y )

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Wiener filter Wiener filter

For nonzero-mean sequences and zero-mean noise: subtract the

average from the available data, perform the filtering, and then add
Taking the Fourier transform we get the [cross] power spectral
the average back.
densities and we can solve for Hw:
H W (u ) S gg (u )  S fg (u )  H W (u )  S fg (u ) S gg (u )
In the 2-D case:
H * (u , v) S ff (u, v) 1 H (u , v)
Now, if the usual model is taken for the corruption mechanism: H W (u , v)  
H (u , v) S ff (u, v )  S nn (u, v) H (u , v) H (u, v ) 2  S nn (u , v) S ff (u , v)
g ( x)  h( x)  f ( x)  n( x)  G (u )  H (u ) F (u )  N (u )
the needed power spectra are obtained from: Note: if the noise is zero, the Wiener filter becomes the inverse filter
S gg (u )  H (u ) S ff (u )  S nn (u ) ; S fg (u )  H (u ) S ff (u )
* Note: when both noise and blur are present, the Wiener filter seeks a
compromise between lowpass noise smoothing and highpass
deblurring. The result typically is a bandpass filter.
Note: if the spectrum of the original image is not known, one can
H * (u ) S ff (u ) use:
And the Wiener filter is expressed as: H W (u )  2
H (u , v)
H (u ) S ff (u )  S nn (u ) 1
H W (u , v) 
H (u , v) H (u , v) 2  K

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Wiener filter Wiener filter

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

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Wiener filter Wiener filter


Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Constrained Least Squares filter Constrained Least Squares filter

In the Fourier domain: minimize J  || P(u, v) Fˆ (u, v) || 2

An extension to the simplified Wiener filter seen last. Suppose we know
the noise mean and variance. subject to || G (u, v )  H (u , v) Fˆ (u , v) || 2  || N (u, v ) || 2
Approach: (~Jain) minimize a cost function J  || p( x, y ) * f ( x, y ) ||
ˆ 2

subject to the constraint || g ( x, y )  h( x, y )  fˆ ( x, y ) || 2  || n( x, y ) || 2 A solution can be obtained via

1 H (u , v )

the Lagrange multiplier method: H LS (u, v) 

H (u , v ) H (u , v ) 2   P (u , v ) 2
Normally, p is an operator that measures the “roughness” of the
estimated image, e.g. its Laplacian: Gamma can be set iteratively: compute D  || G (u , v)  H (u, v) Fˆ (u , v) || 2
 0 1 0 
and increase gamma if D  || N (u , v) || 2 , decrease it if D  || N (u, v) || 2
p ( x, y )   1 4  1
-- Notes:
 0  1 0 
|| N (u, v) || 2 is the noise power (the variance if the noise is zero-mean)
I.e.: we want the output image to be as smooth as possible, but not The LS filter is equivalent to the Wiener filter if we specify
too different from an estimate of the original S nn (u, v)   and S ff (u , v)  1 | P(u, v) |2

Gianni Ramponi Gianni Ramponi

http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

Constrained Least Squares filter Constrained Least Squares filter


•  values set manually

Similar to Fig.5.28(c)
• LS is better than Wiener when the noise is high or medium

Gianni Ramponi
http://www.units.it/ramponi Digital Image Processing

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