909 (2) - Elective - I - Dataware Housing and Data Mining

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*1326* GUG/W/14-3818

F.Y. M.Tech. (Computer Science)

Sem. – I 909(2) : Elective - I
Dataware Housing and Data Mining

P. Pages : 3
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 70
Notes : 1. Attempt any five questions.
2. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Due credit will be given to neatness and
adequate dimensions.
4. Assume suitable data wherever

1. Consider any real – life database and with 14

reference to it, explain following data
mining functionalities.
i) Characterization.
ii) Discrimination.
iii) Association.
iv) Classification.
v) Prediction.
vi) Clustering.
vii) Evolution analysis.

GUG/W/14-3818 1 P.T.O
2. a) Describe three challenges to datamining 6
regarding data mining methodology and
user interactions issues.

b) Draw & explain architecture of typical 8

datamining systems. Also give classification
of data mining system.

3. a) Explain in brief data mart builder. 4

b) Discuss features of MOLAP, ROLAP & 4


c) Explain efficient cube computation for 6

data warehouse implementation.

4. a) Briefly outline the major steps of decision 5

tree classification.

b) What is boosting ? State why it may 5

improve the accuracy of decision tree

c) Explain linear and non – linear regression. 4

5. a) Write apriori algorithm and explain it. 6

b) Explain how neural network can be used 6

to perform clustering.

GUG/W/14-3818 2
c) Write the strength and weakness of K- 2
means in comparison with k – medoid

6. a) What is grid – based clustering ? Write & 7

explain STING algorithm.

b) What is an outlier ? Why outlier analysis is 7

required ? write the approaches of outlier

7. What is text mining ? Comment on basic 14

measures for text Retrieval. Also write
about text retrieval methods.

8. a) How to chose a datamining system ? 7

Give examples of commercial data mining

b) Write brief about the following. 7

i) Business Intelligence & information
ii) Customer Relationship Management
in the e-Business world.


GUG/W/14-3818 3 214 / 65
GUG/W/14-3818 4

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