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Yang, Maria Fe M.
My experience about guiding the customer is respecting how we talk to him. He

will give you the correct information on every question he asks you. Because this way

you can tell that he trusts you, there is the right information you will provide. Here you

will learn how to answer with respect, understanding, how to love your work, listening to

all their questions, how to handle yourself with them if they will call and most of all how

you love your work. Being passionate about your work, sometimes we experience

customers who are angry because of the misunderstanding but we work in this position

we must keep ourselves being a professional person, because in this way we avoid

confusion, in order to so we still have a lot of customers to get them to like our service

that we work with.

In this days, I were making different variety of cakes. It is harder compared to previous

days or year, quite a lot of challenges. Also I needed to create a new type of cake. I decided to

make a cake call “raspberry vanilla cake”. The reason why I did this cake because I really like

yogurt flavor; and school recipe of yogurt cake the yogurt flavor wasn’t really strong so I decide

to change it a little bit.

For the ingredients I chose raspberry, because I can use frozen raspberry which can be

gotten easily. The yogurt part I used vanilla bean and plain yogurt with some flavors and

ingredients that are easy to get, without the seasonal restrictions. For the flavor combinations I

choose raspberry and yogurt those two are match because they both are sour and between

those two kinds of mousse I put the yellow sponge cake which can balance the taste.

There were something else that I considered it when designing the cake, which is using

fruits or not and the flavor as well. The reason why I considered using or not using the fresh

fruits is because raspberry is not the season yet so I decided to use the frozen raspberry not the

fresh raspberry. The other thing that I considered was the yogurt flavor, because I put large % of

the plain yogurt that’s means it might taste the yogurt sour.

There is something that I learned from designing the cake. First one is creating a

theme and to think what kind of flavor that you want to make. To think of the flavor is harder

than I thought; because you like the flavor doesn’t mean that the other people will like it, and to

combine the flavor is even harder. You need to think of the flavor is going to match or not.

Before you going to create a cake make sure does a taste test before you start. I didn’t do a test

before making this cake because I had a similar cake before, I know it won’t come out weird so I

just started with two size of the cake. Both cake come out really well.
In my performance of what to resign various table skirting I found out that he is

not easy to do because it is difficult and you still need to practice to get the right design

you want to see or get. The first time I jumped, I had a hard time because I was always

stabbed with a needle, I always handled the fabric wrong. Because of this I didn’t give

up so I could maperfect it and understand how to properly handle the needle. I’ve done

a lot of designs about table skirting. Even if it is virtual but I appreciate it because I want

to share with other people what I know about table skirting. Even in this way I can teach

them to design different table skirting. They carry it and I especially if we have a

business someday.
In cooking, my experience is how to prepare a delicious dish. First prepare the

ingredients that you will cook. Each ingredient should have something to prioritize, such

as onion and garlic. It is not easy to cook because you need a smart plan on how you

will make your food enjoyable to those who eat it. Because sometimes they don’t enjoy

your cooking because something is missing, it lacks love, because it comes with love

because through it you can taste your cooking because it comes with love. And there is

always a passion for cooking and it should also be learned how to make really delicious

meal at the dinner table.

In making table napkins, my experience here is how to make different table

napkins to present on the table. First, I need to prepare a cloth or handkerchief to use in

making various designs for the table napkin. Second, you must think that you are doing

the right thing. Third, don’t think that what you are doing is hard that it will help that

someday. And fourth, you can help your fellow man to help them what are the examples

of table napkins.
And now, I’m telling you about what is my experience while I’m doing dessert. By

doing dessert is not a easy to get the sweetness, the tastiest and the deliciousness

because of the ingredients. My experience, is that be patience, you have a creativity, a

time to spend while you cooking, and especially you have love you doing and

passionate by doing your dessert or dishes. Always check the ingredients that you have,

specially seen the labels of your ingredients that you make a dessert. Always observe

that cleanliness to your kitchen and to yourself also. Aside from that, always prepare

your things to make your dessert.

During the week, I enjoyed some meals especially ones that contained fruits and

vegetables which made it tasty and delicious. Lunch and Breakfast were usually eating

by myself but during dinner my family came and we had the opportunity to eat together.

One of my favorite meals of the week was spaghetti in red sauce with artichokes. I love

spaghetti and there is a different variety of ingredients that can be added however

adding artichokes made it delicious and original. Throughout the week, I tried to eat

healthy foods but on Saturday, I felt guilty when I decided to make the choice of eating a

hamburger. I knew that it was not going to be a great decision but despite I still

consume it knowing that carbohydrates and fats do not make a good show more


Most of my favorite foods that I love and tend to crave are foods that can bring a

negative impact on my health. The majority of the time I question and ask my mom to

try to lower the number of oils when cooking and also to not have the habit of

consuming red meat daily. However I sometimes think that if I try to change the way my

family eats the traditions of consuming certain foods will fall apart since were Mexicans,

we cannot just leave the foods we love, is like demonstrating that we are not feeling

proud of where we come from. One of the bad eating habits that my family has is

consuming excessive amounts of plates during the holidays. For instance, when

Christmas and New Year’s Eve are just around the corner my family has the tradition of

cooking many different dishes and desserts. Eating in great quantities is just a typical

While I am cooked a Pinakbet, my experience is that how you cooked and how

can you balance the taste of your cook, especially how can you present it to the

customers, either to your family, friends, and love ones that is good to eat. First I’m

preparing the ingredients of Pinakbet, the vegetable and the sauce. Second, preparing

your pan to cook your dish, the Pinakbet. And you now start. While I’m mix the

ingredients I’m happy because it my passion to cook and love to cook. It can give a

more knowledge about what we doing and it can improve you to cook well. Eating

vegetables every day is important for health. They provide essential vitamins, minerals,

and other nutrients, such as antioxidants and fiber. And I believe it can give a strong

health and strong mind because that vegetables that we eat.

Making my own kalderetang manok at home is simple and easy. Because I have

a knowledge about what I am doing to cook kalderetang manok. Beginners with little

cooking experience should be able to cook this dish as long as you follow the steps

below. First I started by pan-frying the potato and carrot. Heat oil in a pan. Add the

potato first. Fry each side for 1 minute. Remove the fried potatoes from the pan and

place on a plate or bowl lined with paper towels. Do the same thing for the carrot. Its

can give a tip to our friends what they do by doing this. The next step is frying the

chicken. We don’t really need to cook it completely. Simply fry each side for 1 1/2

minutes. This process helps maintain the appearance of the chicken preventing the skin

and cartilage from rapidly shrinking when stewed later on. Set aside the pan-fried

chicken for now by placing it on a clean plate.

It is time to formally cook the caldereta. Sauté onion and garlic using the

remaining oil. Add tomato. Continue to cook while stirring until the onion and tomato

softens. Put the chicken back into the pan. Since this is a tomato-based stew, I am also

adding tomato sauce at this point. Canned diced tomato or tomato puree can also be

used. Add water and let boil. I am using a piece of Knorr Chicken Cube to ensure that

my stew has that solid chicken flavor. Add the cube and stir the mixture. I also add

some Thai chili peppers for that extra kick. Cover the pan and continue to cook for 15

minutes. Use low to medium heat at this point. We want the chicken cooked equally. For

this reason, I turn the chicken pieces over so that the top part gets cooked with the

sauce. It helps extract the flavors from the chicken. Don’t forget to add the liver spread.

This ingredients makes the dish taste better.

My experience while my doing a Sinigang na Baboy is that is not easy to cook is

this dishes because sometimes you give a time my doing this. Is the kind the ultimate

comfort food. It’s usually made with pork ribs, vegetables, and tamarind-flavored broth,

it’s hearty and delicious on its own or served with steamed rice.

Chockful of crisp-tender vegetables and meaty ribs and thick with the sourness of

tamarind, my steaming bowl of soup provided much-needed comfort against the harsh

weather outside. It was delicious, filling, and the perfect way to warm up. Sinigang is a

classic Filipino soup characterized by its sour and savory medley of flavors. It’s popular

comfort food in the Philippines, usually served on its own or paired with steamed rice

on rainy days to ward off the cold. Like adobo, the term sinigang describes more a

method of cooking than a particular dish as it comes with many variations. The soup

can be made with various kinds of protein as such as pork, fish, shrimp, beef, and

chicken as well as souring agents such tamarind, guava, green mango, calamansi,

kamias, batuan, santol, and other native fruits. And after this, you can serve right now to

your family, friends, and love ones that it can cause a enjoy eating while you bonding.
Over all Reflection

As a students, honed my skills in my chosen field of expertise. Through this, I

was too able to explore, interact with people of various personality, get to know the

ideas of my future career and most importantly, I get to develop my skill in my chosen

field. With the hustle, fun, and learning that I’ve had my responsibility I also get to know

myself. I realized what I really want in the future. I was able to reflect on the advantages

and the disadvantages of my future career. With this, I know that I can already adjust in

my future work after graduation and I will be able to pursue my dream job. As a Student,

I can say that over-all, my responsibility is great, because even we encounter a lot of

problem we didn’t stop by pursuing our dream and facing the COVID-19 Pandemic but

our heart we will fight. However, I’m late to pass my paper for my requirements through

this Pandemic but I’m assuring you, that I can do this because I have a big dream to

myself and to my family.

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