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Class XII
Business Studies(SET A)
MM: 20 PERIODICAL TEST – 1 (2021-22) Time : 1 Hour

General Instructions: -
All questions are compulsory
Attempt questions by choosing the correct answer from the given options
Marks are indicated in front of all questions

1. In order to enter into profession, one has to acquire an educational degree by clearing specified examination
conducted by registered institutes. Which feature of profession is being revealed? (1)
a. Restricted entry c. Professional association
b. Ethical code of conduct d. Well defined body of knowledge

2. Panchayats in our country have been given more powers to decide and spend funds granted to them by the
government for welfare of villagers.” Identify the principle of management highlighted in the statement. (1)
a. Equity c. Authority and responsibility
b. Centralisation and decentralisation d. Espirit de corps

3. Identify the management functions: (1)

1. It bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to be. (i) Directing
2. Process of assigning the duties, grouping tasks, establishing authority (ii) Planning
and allocating resources.
(iii) Organising
a. 1-(ii), 2-(i) c. 1-(ii), 2-(iii)
b. 1-(iii), 2-(i) d. 1-(i), 2-(iii)

4. Match the principles of management with suitable statements: (1)

1. Minimising employee turnover (i) Equity
2. Kindliness and justice in the behaviour of managers (ii) Fair remuneration
3. Fair pay and compensation (iii) Subordination of individual
interest to general interest
4. Priority to organisational interest over individual interest (iv) Stability of tenure of
a. 1–(i); 2–(iv); 3–(ii); 4–(iii) c. 1–(iii); 2–(iv); 3–(ii); 4–(i)
b. 1–(iv); 2–(i); 3–(ii); 4–(iii) d. 1–(iv); 2–(iii); 3–(i); 4–(ii)

5. Rajeev is a middle level manager. He keeps all his subordinates under a lot of discipline. His
employees however complain of wastage of time and efforts as they feel that nothing is being
assigned in a proper way and a proper place, also no proper schedule is made for working. Which
principle of management is violated here? (2)

6. White Camel Sports Ltd. has recently given job to two employees. Rajesh’s work experience is a bit
older and had worked in an MNC earlier, and the other employee Suresh is a fresher. However both
are paid equally. Every person in their department knows that Rajesh is more efficient than Suresh.
Definitely they see a mismatch in the salaries and the efficiencies of the employees in the company.
The marketing department of the same company has this year set a monthly target of 10000 units
of sports items to be sold. In the month of March 6000 items were sold and the deviation was 4000
units. In the month of April 8000 units were sold and the deviation was 2000 units. Despite these
deviations no effort is being made to track the performance of the company to minimize the gaps.
In the above case which two functions of management have been discussed? (2)
7. Faulty works Inc. has a very dynamic Plant Superintendent, Amit, who is fond of dealing with tough
situations. He is a perfectionist who believes in doing quality management. Every week he prepares
a schedule which helps in minimization of wastage of efforts and time of the department. He
however is upset with the cutthroat competition among the employees which is having a negative
impact on the overall production. Even after all such problems he is managing the situation very
well. On 26th Feb he informs his boss that the target given to him has been achieved and with the
best quality.
The best part was that still two days were remaining for the dead line to be over which was 28th
Feb. However his boss was not pleased as the cost incurred by his team for the completion of
project is more than the allowed limit.
In the above case find out the concepts of management violated ? Also tell at which level of
management does Amit work? (3)

8. A floor manager of a mall is a very good manager as he utilizes all the functions of management to
minimize cost of maintenance of his area. He directs all the staff members under him to follow the
targets and advises them to put their efforts in the direction of achievement of these targets. Under
his guidance the employees admit that they learn a lot and are able to meet their targets. This has
led to the increase in their salaries. Identify the importance of management highlighted above. (3)

9. Every year a meeting is organized in the lawns of the owner of a company. In this meeting the
owner of the company grants some funds for the benefit of the families of the employees. The
employees on the other hand never resist any change or put excessive demands. The general
environment in the company is very supportive to the employees. The employee turnover ratio is
very low.
Which concept of management is discussed here? Which principle of management will be easily
followed here? (3)

10. Explain any two of the following briefly:- (3)

a) Harmony not discord

b) Differential piece wage system
c) Functional Foremanship


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