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SESSION: 2021-2022 PT/XII/ENG/July2021


TIME: 1 Hour M.M: 20

Name: _______________________ Sec:__________ Roll No.__________

General Instructions:
➢ All questions are compulsory.
➢ Marks are indicated in front of each question.
Q. 1. An Interschool Kabaddi Competition is being organized by your school. Write a notice,
in not more than 50 words , requesting the students to be present at the venue to
encourage the players . Invent the necessary details. You are Raman, the Sports Captain of
ABC Public School, New Delhi. (3)

Q.2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:- [1*4=4]

“ I looked again at her wan, pale as a late winter’s moon

and felt that old familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,

but all I said was, see you soon Amma, all I did was smile and smile and smile.…”

(I). The parting words of the poet suggest ………….. .

a). passion

b) .ache

c). happiness

d). jealous

II). The poet smiled to ……….. .

a). hide her happiness

b). hide her relaxed feeling

c). hide her fear and console her mother

d). hide her old age

III). What is the old familiar ache of the poet?

a). her fear of losing her mother

b). her mother’s weak health

c) . her duties and responsibilities

d). her helplessness

IV) . Identify the poetic device in the last line.

a). simile

b). metaphor

c). repetition

d). personification

Q. 3. Choose the correct option :- [1*7=7]

I). Who is the author of ‘The Last Lesson’ ?

a) . Jane Austen

b). Mahatma Gandhi

c). Alphonse Daudet

d). Jack Finney

II). What did Franz find on reaching the school?

a). people were dancing

b). strange people

c). police patrolling

d). strange quietness

III). What did Hauser bring in the classroom?

a). sweets

b). friends
c). old primer

d). children

IV). For how many years did M.Hamel serve the school?

a). Thirty

b). Forty

c). Fifty

d). Sixty

V). What do the boys appear like to the author in the story?

a). morning birds

b). evening birds

c). morning crows

d). evening crows

VI). Who is the author of ‘Lost Spring’?

a). James Bond

b). Arundhati Roy

c).Sudha Murthy

d). Anees Jung

VII). Who is Savita?

a). cousin of Saheb

b). old woman

c). young bangle maker

d). sister-in-law of Mukesh

Q.4 . Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each (any 3) :- (2*3=6)

I) . Why could the bangle makers not organize themselves into a cooperative?
II). Why were the old men of the village present in the classroom?

III). Bring out the irony in Saheb’s name.

IV). Why has the mother been compared to the late winter’s moon?

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