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Ohio Campus Compact

Volume 6, Issue 1 August-November, 2010

Food Security Edition

Nicholas Weber
Editor, Writer
Defiance College

Raven DeVoll
John Carroll U.

Zaia Thombre
Marietta College

Rebecca Fensler
Wright State U. Editor’s Note
Inside This Issue Hello to all our readers and fellow the 2010 Summer Associate VISTA
VISTAs, and welcome to the VISTA program, community gardens and an
Summer Associates
Voice! The VISTA Voice is a interesting new project that can help
-Page 2 quarterly newsletter that is dedicated you start a food security conversation
to highlighting some of the ambitious in your community or on campus.
Make a Difference projects that OCC VISTAs from
Day across the state have been working on.
-Page 3 Warm regards for the cold months,
A new issue is released each quarter,
each themed around a different -Nicholas Weber, Editor
Alumni Corner
-Page 4 poverty alleviation focus area. This
first issue is focused on food security
The Paper Plate projects. Among those highlighted are
-Page 6

“When you share your last crust of bread with a beggar, you mustn't behave as if you were
throwing a bone to a dog. You must give humbly, and thank him for allowing you to have a part in
his hunger.”- Giovanni Guareschi
VISTA Voice, Page 2

Summer Associates Program; John Carroll University’s New Community Garden

by Raven DeVoll

More than 1.4 million

Ohioans receive emergency food
assistance each year, according
to the “Hunger in Ohio 2010”
study released by the Ohio
Association of Second Harvest
Foodbanks. Ohio food pantries,
soup kitchens, and other
assistance agencies have
experienced a 78 percent
increase in clients served, many
struggling to choose between
food and other basic necessities.
Ohio Campus Compact Summer
Associate VISTAs confronted the
lack of food security in their integrate the fresh food into executive board and is in the
communities and on their their daily meals. She began a process of planning a 5K run
campuses, creating new nutrition program for the food fundraiser for the spring.
programs to address this issue. recipients, educating them on Augustine Izzo, a JCU senior, is
Nutrition programs, community how to cook the fresh continuing to advance the
gardens, and food pantries are vegetables. nutrition program Distelrath
some of the VISTA initiatives Distelrath’s work with created to include recipes and
created to help community the food center has helped her food preparation instructions in
members access food. to see the effects the recession various languages to reach all
Catherine Distelrath, a and poor economy have had on the clients served by the center.
recent summer associate at John the local community. “Working Autumn Partlow, one of
Carroll University, served as the at the center really teaches you the associates at Marietta
key coordinator for JCU’s new that you can’t judge someone by College, worked on a food
c o m m u n i t y “You can’t judge only looking at them. security project too. Partlow
garden. Distelrath Different people are served with Marietta College’s
someone by only
and six faculty going through community partner Harvest of
volunteers tended
looking at them. different times in their Hope, a food recovery program
the garden all Different people are lives; you just never with a community gardening
summer, donating going through different know their story,” she component. HOH receives
fresh produce to times in their lives; said. Even though donated food from grocery
the H e i g h t s you just never know Distelrath’s summer stores that has reached its sell-
Emergency Food their story.” of service has come to by date but is still good to eat,
Center located in a close, she still and takes the food to area
Cleveland. After generating 86 volunteers with the Heights agencies and pantries. HOH’s
pounds of produce, Distelrath Emergency Food Center on a community garden is the 8th in
realized the people served by the weekly basis. She serves as the the county and provides
center were unsure how to youngest member on its gardening classes,
VISTA Voice, Page 3

plots, seeds, plants, and tools for Working with HOH, new initiative is completely run
those unable to afford Partlow created and by RSVP volunteers.
gardening. Last year HOH had coordinated a donation-based Throughout the summer the
77 gardeners in two farmer’s market in which mini farmer’s market served 20-
communities. All of HOH’s recipients donate only what 30 consistent clients each week.
work is accomplished by more they can afford. The produce for Heather Eichner, current
than 100 volunteers, donating sale is generated from the OCC VISTA at Mount Union
approximately 2,600 hours in community plot of one of the College, is also addressing food
2009. Harvest of Hope gardens. This security during her year of
service in Alliance. Eichner will
be working 10 hours per week
at the Alliance Community
Pantry, a choice food pantry
scheduled to open this
November. She will be co-
writing the operations manual,
create review policies and
procedures for the pantry, craft
the volunteer packet, and
completing client assessments
and surveys once the pantry
opens. Mount Union's first
official event in partnership
with the pantry will be the
Trick or Treat for Canned
Goods on Saturday Oct. 30.

Fighting Hunger and Homelessness on Make a Difference Day

by Rebecca Fensler

On Make a Difference following are just some of the Aid of Western Ohio. Gwen
Day 2010, volunteers across Ohio projects VISTAs from OCC Stembridge, the University of
joined together to make a coordinated for Make a Findlay’s OCC VISTA, served as
difference in their communities. Difference Day. a member of the event’s
Ohio Campus Compact VISTAs On October 23, youth planning committee. During the
throughout the state partner volunteers and students from event, guests were paired with a
with members or resources on the University of Findlay worked volunteer who served as a guide
their campus and local together on a project called for the day and were provided
communities to address issues “O ne M a tter s: Pr oj ec t much needed resources such as
su c h as hunger a nd Connect”—a resource fair for flu-shots, blankets, socks, dental
homelessness where they live. homeless families or individuals. checks, benefit counseling, legal
OCC VISTAs are in a unique The event was planned by aid counseling, and hygiene kits.
position to mobilize students as members of community
volunteers for projects of this organizations such as Blanchard
Continued on Page 4
nature in the community. The Valley Medical System and Legal
VISTA Voice, Page 4

Continued from page 3 reading and math.

In Dayton, over 60 Westwood School is
students and volunteers from located in a low-
Wright State University income neighborhood
collected more than 3000 and an astounding
pounds of food for students at 100% of students who
Westwood PK-8 School, a attend the school
Dayton public school. Wright qualify for free or
State University is currently in reduced lunches.
its third year of partnership with Sarah Twill, a
Westwood School. Gillian professor in the Social
Wynn, Youth Programs Work Department at
Coordinator/OCC AmeriCorps Wright State, recognized the “Good to Go Backpack”
VISTA at Wright State, need for additional food Program. Under this program
coordinates tutoring and assistance for Westwood book bags would be filled with
afterschool programs at students. She had discovered nutritional foods that children
Westwood. Volunteers and many children who receive free can prepare themselves, such as
service-learning students tutor and reduced lunches at school fruit cups, pudding, and granola
Westwood students, offering often go hungry on the bars. Students partnered with a
them help with homework and weekends; some children may local Kroger to host a food drive
helping them build skills in not eat between lunch on Friday to collect donations for the
and breakfast on Monday backpack program. Students
morning without the handed out information and a
assistance of the list of items being collected to
school lunch customers entering the Kroger
program. To address store and encouraged them to
this issue Professor purchase items for the food
Twill and students drive while they were doing
from her Social their shopping. Enough food
Work Class (many of was collected so that each
whom are tutors at Westwood student would be
Westwood) worked able to receive a bag before the
with WSU’s OCC Thanksgiving and Christmas
VISTA, to holidays.
implement the

Alumni Spotlight; VISTA Leaders Pursue MPA Degree at Ohio University

Thinking about what to served with Marietta College for hunger and homelessness in her
do next year? Two VISTA two years focusing on hunger last two. Additionally she also
alumni, Renee Steffen and Kelly issues, becoming a VISTA became a VISTA leader in her
Hatas, decided to get their Leader her second year. Kelly third year.
Master of Public Administration was a VISTA for three years at When asked why she
degree at the Voinovich School Shawnee State University chose to get a degree in Public
of Leadership and Public Affairs focusing on environmental Administration, Renee said she
at Ohio University. Renee programs in her first year, and was largely influenced by her
VISTA Voice, Page 5

supervisor at Marietta College,

Tanya Judd Pucella. She stated,
“It wasn’t until Tanya
recommended it that I seriously
considered applying.”
Coincidentally enough, Kelly,
with her undergrad in
International Relations, did not
know what she wanted to do,
and found out about the
program through Renee.
Both VISTAs have had Renee Steffen Kelly Hatas
good experiences with the
program. Renee affirmed, “It’s freedom. Ohio Campus Compact to their
been awesome. I couldn’t be Both stated that they did not choice of a degree in Public
more pleased. I’m the graduate have a specific interest area of Administration. Kelly states,
assistant for the Nonprofit poverty alleviation, but rather “Being surrounded by a group
Alliance, and some of my work they enjoyed working with all of individuals that all really care
with the Marietta nonprofits social justice issues. Although about social justice or changing
directly relates to my work the future is ambiguous for or improving upon issues in
here. Those connections both of them, Renee said she society, which nonprofits [also]
definitely help, and we are could see herself working as the seek to address, was really
supportive of each other.” executive director of a inspiring.”
Although Kelly has only just community foundation or Their advice for VISTA
started her program, she really potentially working with the members after service: Keep
enjoys the school work and is state government. Kelly would the VISTA passion for serving
working on implementing a like to work with a nonprofit in others alive and always carry
grant called Together Ohio. a leadership role. Both attribute the experiences you had with
Being a VISTA before the time spent serving with you.
entering grad school has helped
Steffen and Hatas deepen the
Program Development at a Glance
meaning of their program. Here’s a quick glance at the resources OCC VISTAs
Renee claimed that she could have generated between August and November
draw on her experiences as a
VISTA and relate it to her
course material. Kelly stated, Total Volunteers: 5182
“It gave me direction on what I
felt I should do with my life and Baby Boomer Volunteers: 149
as a career.” Both women
Service Hours Contributed: 50,599
talked about how much they
enjoyed the autonomy that they Cash Resources Raised: $50,233
had as VISTAs and how OU’s
program allows them the same Non-cash Resources: $21,180.68
VISTA Voice, Page 6

The Great Paper Plate Campaign;

A Unique Way to Start a Poverty or Food Security Dialogue on Your Campus
By Nicholas Weber
In our position as their campus job each week
VISTAs, we work with or hear to help pay bills. Another
about dozens of social action shared with us that they
projects any given week. This now avoid going home on
past September at a the weekends because both
conference for the Ohio Benefit mailed them directly to the parents recently lost their jobs
Bank, I came across a unique White House in an effort to get and the reality of falling behind
idea for raising poverty the government’s attention. on bills and utility disconnect
awareness unlike any I had Inspired by this event, notices had created a tense and
encountered before and wanted the Ohio Association of Second depressing atmosphere at home.
to share this with everyone else. Harvest Foodbanks (OASHF) The Paper Plate
This project is known as the has taken this idea statewide in Campaign is an excellent, safe,
Paper Plate Campaign. what it is calling the Paper Plate unique icebreaker to use if you
On July 30th of this year, Campaign. The concept is are looking to start a poverty
Dateline NBC aired a special simple; with 10.5% conversation on your campus.
documentary about poverty and unemployment, everyone in Better yet, it is extremely cheap
food insecurity in America, Ohio has stories about how the and easy to start; all you need
chronicling the struggles of a recession has affected them or are paper plates! Then simply
Southwest Ohio town facing an someone they know. The paper ask students how the recession
astounding 70% unemployment plate campaign encourages has touched them or someone
rate. Making the situation them to share their story with they know.
worse, the local food bank, lawmakers in Washington. In most cases, OASHF
“Friends and Neighbors”, the I mention this because will provide you with plates and
sole source of food for many of the paper plate campaign is a cover the cost of shipping them
the families in town, was great opportunity to start a to and from the college. When
running low on food to dialog a b o ut p ove r t y, you are done, all you do is send
distribute and struggling to unemployment or food security them back to OASHF where
gather enough money to keep in your community or on they are collected and will be
its doors open another month. campus. Here at Defiance sent to our lawmakers in
That is when Lisa Roberts, the College, we passed out plates at Washington DC.
sole owner/operator of Friends several of the Service If this sounds like a
and Neighbors came up with a Leadership meetings on project you may be interested
brilliant, yet simple idea to campus, collecting over 100 in, contact Lisa Hamler-Fugitt,
bring national attention to their unique stories. Each meeting 614-221-4336, the Executive
cause; hand paper plates out to quickly turned into a Director of OASHF.
community members and conversation about how Also, for those
encourage them to write on the students are feeling the effects interested, the full documentary
plates about their experiences in of the recession in their lives. can be found at,
dealing with the recession, Some of their confessions were under the title “Friends and
unemployment and hunger. as surprising as they were Neighbors”.
Lisa eventually collected shocking; one student admitted
thousands of these plates and they send money home from

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