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10, OCTOBER 2015 4529

VI. C ONCLUSION Very Small Dual Band-Notched Rectangular Slot Antenna

A novel directional microstrip quasi Yagi array antenna is proposed With Enhanced Impedance Bandwidth
to achieve a wide bandwidth with a low profile and a compact struc- Seyed Ramin Emadian and Javad Ahmadi-Shokouh
ture. The proposed antenna provides a stable high gain in its bandwidth
with a low profile of 1.5 mm (0.03 λ0 at 5.8 GHz). For the array with a
single annular sector director, an impedance bandwidth of 13.6% (from
5.1 to 5.85 GHz) is achieved with a peak gain of 8.2 dBi. With two Abstract—A very small coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed rectangular slot
annular sector directors, the bandwidth is improved to 17.6% (from antenna with dual band-notched characteristics for super ultrawideband
5.05 to 6.02 GHz) and the peak gain is 10 dBi. The sizes of the arrays (UWB) applications is proposed. This antenna consists of a rectangular
slot, a beveled rectangular patch, two S-shaped slits cut in the ground plane
with a single and dual director are approximately 0.9λ0 × 0.9λ0 and and an elliptical ring slot (ERS) etched in the patch. The corners of a sim-
1.2λ0 × 1.2λ0 , respectively. The proposed antenna provides a larger ple rectangular patch are beveled to improve the impedance bandwidth,
bandwidth than previous low profile microstrip Yagi array anten- especially at the middle frequencies of the band. In addition, a pair of semi-
nas. It has a simple and compact structure, which makes it easy to circle slots is etched in the ground plane to enhance the bandwidth to more
than 23 GHz. A pair of S-shaped slits connected to the rectangular slot, and
an ERS cut in the beveled rectangular patch, is employed to create band-
notched performances in WiMAX and WLAN spectrum, respectively. The
proposed antenna has a very small size of 15 × 15 mm2 , and therefore,
R EFERENCES it is one of the smallest UWB slot antennas that have been reported until
[1] J. Huang, “Planar microstrip Yagi array antenna,” in Proc. IEEE Antennas now, and provide a very wide impedance bandwidth from 2.6 to more than
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Jun. 2007. have become one of the most developing technologies in recent years.
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The authors are with the Department of Telecommunication Engineering,
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pp. 265–269, Feb. 1990.;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this communication are
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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2015.2456905

0018-926X © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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inverted L-strip over a rectangular patch [13], circle-like slot anten- TABLE I
nas with a trident-shaped feed line [14], rotated square-shaped patch C OMPARISON OF S EVERAL UWB A NTENNAS W ITH
slot antenna [15] have been recently employed. However, the wide
bandwidth for UWB systems will cause interference with other nar-
row band systems such as the WLAN operating in 5.15–5.35 GHz
and 5.725–5.825 GHz bands and WiMAX operating in 3.3-3.7 GHz
band. Hence, filtering structures are required in UWB systems to avoid
these interferences. Since the use of external band-stop filter to reject
the interfering bands increases system’s complexity and size, therefore
design of UWB antenna with band-notched properties will be desired
not only to eliminate the destructive interference but also to omit the
need for an extra band stop filter. In this regard, different strategies
with band-notched properties have been recently investigated. One
general technique is to apply various shaped slots on the radiating
patch and ground plane [16]–[21]. Other main methods employ par-
asitic strips [22]–[26] and hybrid methods that apply a combination of
the mentioned techniques [27].
Although the size of the recently reported antennas has been rel-
atively reduced, their impedance bandwidth is limited and they have
only single band-notched properties, because their reduced size cannot
create another filtering structure [15], [22], [23], [26].
In this paper, a very small rectangular slot antenna with dual band- Proposed rectangular slot antenna. Dimensions (mm2 ): 15 × 15; fractional
notched properties and enhanced impedance bandwidth is proposed. bandwidth: > 160%.
Unlike the antennas reported in [5], [6], [11], [24], and [26], the pro-
posed antenna is fabricated on a low-cost FR4 substrate and fed by III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS
a CPW transmission line. By using the CPW feed line, misalign-
ment between the radiation patch and ground plane can be eliminated, In this section, the antenna with different design parameters is
because etching occurs only on one side of the substrate. Hence, created, and the simulated and measured results are presented and dis-
the antenna can be easily integrated with other RF microwave cir- cussed. Ansoft HFSS (high-frequency simulation structure) based on
cuits. Owing to the simple design, small size, CPW feed line, and the finite element method is used to perform the design process.
FR4 substrate, the manufacturing cost of the proposed antenna can
be remarkably reduced. Table I presents some beneficial data about
A. Full-Band UWB Rectangular Slot Antenna
the recently presented UWB antennas. Compared to the antennas men-
tioned in Table I, the proposed antenna has the smallest size. Moreover, The antenna design process begins by designing a simple UWB
the proposed antenna provides a very wide impedance bandwidth from slot antenna. In our design, a rectangular patch and slot with proper
2.6 to more than 23 GHz (more than 160%). This bandwidth is wider dimension are employed to create the proposed UWB antenna. The
than those that are reported in Table I [2]–[27]. physical size of the proposed antenna is very small, but the electrical
This simultaneously multitask feature (small size, very wide size measured in wavelength λ (the wavelength related to the first reso-
impedance bandwidth, and filtering structures) of the proposed antenna nant frequency of the band) is not so small. The electrical lengthening
has not been reported in previous designs. The proposed antenna allows the construction of smaller antennas. By suitably choosing the
features a small physical size of 15 × 15 mm2 , corresponding to wide slot and radiating patch shape and well tuning their dimensions,
an electrically size of 0.12λ at the lower edge of the frequency the electrical size of the proposed antenna can be increased to cover the
band. lower frequencies of the band. This design makes a better use of sub-
strate area and reduces the total size of the proposed antenna. In planar
slot antennas such as the proposed antenna in this paper, the lowest
frequency is specified by the longest electrical length of the current.
Fig. 1 demonstrates the geometry of the proposed antenna structure. By employing a proper rectangular slot in the ground plane and reduc-
The antenna structure consists of a rectangular slot, a beveled rectan- ing the width of the ground strip which is surrounding the rectangular
gular patch, a pair of S-shaped slits etched in the ground plane, an slot, the longest current path is increased and hence the lowest reso-
elliptical ring slot (ERS) cut in the beveled rectangular patch, and two nant frequency is reduced, resulting in a better impedance matching at
semicircle slots with a radius of 0.75 mm etched in the ground plane. lower frequencies. By inserting two triangular notches with proper size
The proposed slot antenna is fed by a coplanar waveguide (CPW) line in the corners of the rectangular radiating patch, very good impedance
and printed on an FR4 substrate of thickness 1.6 mm, εr = 4.4, and characteristics are obtained. In the simple rectangular patch without
loss tangent 0.0018. The 50-Ω CPW feed line has a center strip width triangular notches, there is a keen and abrupt discontinuity in the con-
of 3 mm and a gap of distance 0.5 mm between the signal strip and nection point between the CPW feed line and the rectangular patch,
the finite coplanar rectangular ground plane. Design of the rectangu- where it can be an important factor for decreasing the bandwidth at the
lar slot is determined by minimizing the slot zone while satisfying this higher frequencies. By applying these triangular notches, a balance
aim that the input impedance is matched for the entire UWB band. between the vertical and horizontal electrical currents on the patch can
To achieve the single band-notched property, an ERS is inserted in be achieved and several resonances will be produced, and hence the
the beveled rectangular patch. The ERS width is uniform (= 0.8 mm) total bandwidth of the antenna with modified patch can be bettered.
along its length. Two S-shaped slits are added to the antenna structure To further enhance the bandwidth of the antenna, two semicircle
to obtain dual band-notched properties. The width of these slits, which slots are embedded in the both side of the CPW feedline on the ground
are connected to the rectangular slot, is fixed at 0.3 mm. plane as depicted in Fig. 1. The distance between the lower edge of

Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed slot antenna with dual band-notched function
(unit: millimeters).
Fig. 3. Surface current distributions on the antenna with (a) simple rectangular
patch, (b) beveled rectangular patch, and (c) beveled rectangular patch and two
semicircle slots in the ground plane, at 15.5 GHz.

these slots in the antenna structure, additional resonant modes can be

excited, and therefore, the antenna bandwidth can be greatly increased.

B. Single and Dual Band-Notched UWB Slot Antenna

An ERS with variable length is etched in the beveled rectangu-
lar patch to achieve the single band-notched properties in the WLAN
spectrum (5.15–5.85 GHz). The ERS acts as a half wavelength res-
onator, and therefore, its total length should be equal to half the
wavelength at desired notch frequency. The ERS parameters can be
Fig. 2. Simulated return loss characteristics for the different antenna structures.
determined using the following equations and the simulation results
obtained from HFSS software:
the patch and the ground below it is another important parameter in   
adjusting the coupling between the radiation patch and ground plane. Ce ≈ π 3 (a + b) − (3a + b) (a + 3b) (1)
By properly creating the semicircle slots in the ground plane, a bet- Lers ≈ Ce − Lg (2)
ter coupling between the lower edges of the patch and ground will
be obtained and unwanted coupling which deteriorates the impedance where Ce is the circumference of the ellipse with major axes “a” and
and radiation characteristics of the antenna can be eliminated. Fig. 2 minor axes “b” obtained from [29] (see Fig. 1), Lg is the distance
demonstrates the return loss of the antenna with the simple rectangu- between two ends of the ERS, and Lers is the outer length of the
lar and beveled rectangular patch and with the semicircle slots in the ERS. By determining the total length of the ERS that operates as half a
ground plane. It is found that by cutting the corners of the rectangu- wavelength slot resonator, it can be adjusted to reject the desired notch
lar patch, a smooth transition from one resonant mode to another can frequency as follows [27]:
be achieved which leads to a good impedance matching over a wide
frequency range. c λg
Lers ≈ √ ≈ (3)
Also, as depicted in Fig. 2, by properly inserting the semicircle slots 2fnotch εref f 2
in the ground plane, the impedance bandwidth of the antenna can be
greatly enhanced. To clarify the phenomenon behind this impedance In (3), fnotch and c are, respectively, the desired notch frequency
bandwidth improvement, the surface electrical currents for the anten- and the speed of light in free space. Moreover, εref f ≈ 1+ε 2
and λg
nas discussed in Fig. 2 at 15.5 GHz are depicted in Fig. 3. It can clearly is the guided wavelength. For the notch frequency of 5.6 GHz, a =
be seen that the keen discontinuity appeared in the simple rectangular 1.65 mm, b = 3.3 mm, and Lg = 1 mm.
patch is well modified in the beveled rectangular patch. Hence, the sud- Fig. 4 shows the simulated VSWR of the antenna with different
den change in electrical surface currents at two corners of the beveled values of the ERS length. As depicted in Fig. 4, when the distance
rectangular patch, which are the active areas in high frequencies, is not between two ends of the ERS increases from 0.5 to 2.5 mm, the cen-
appeared. In Fig. 3(b), the current distribution at the region indicated ter frequency of the notched band is shifted from 6.25 to 4.5 GHz.
by the dotted line on the ground plane is irregular. By inserting the Moreover, the filter bandwidth is changed from 1.35 to 0.5 GHZ when
semicircle slots in that region, the surface currents distribute regularly the distance Lg increases from 0.5 to 2.5 mm. It is found that the notch
on the ground plane. The impedance bandwidth alters because of the frequency and the bandwidth of the notched band can be controlled by
resonant features of the semicircle slots. It is understood that by using changing the distance between two ends of the ERS.

Fig. 4. Simulated VSWR of the single band-notched antenna for different

values of Lg .

Fig. 5. Measured and simulated VSWR of the proposed antenna.

Fig. 6. Surface current distributions of the proposed antenna at (a) 3.5 GHz
(first notch frequency), (b) 5.6 GHz (second notch frequency), (c) 4.5 GHz, and
Two S-shaped slits connected to the rectangular slot are added to
(d) 8.5 GHz (pass-band frequencies).
the antenna structure to create band-rejected filtering properties in the
WiMAX. Fig. 5 demonstrates the simulated and measured VSWR of
the proposed dual band-notched rectangular slot antenna. The image
of the fabricated proposed antenna is also shown in Fig. 5. It can be H-plane (X–Z plane) and E-plane (Y–Z plane) at the four sampling
observed from Fig. 5 that the designed antenna has a very wideband frequencies (3, 6.5, 10.5, and 15.5 GHz). It can be observed that the
performance from 2.6 to more than 23 GHz for VSWR < 2, with dual radiation patterns in the H-plane are nearly omnidirectional and in
notched bands of 3.1–3.9 and 5.1–6 GHz. To clarify the operation the E-plane, the proposed antenna has nearly monopole-like radia-
of the filtering structures on the antenna performance, the simulated tion patterns as expected. At higher frequencies, the cross-polarization
electrical current distribution of the proposed antenna at two notch fre- component significantly grows. It could be due to the unequal phase
quencies is shown in Fig. 6. As seen in Fig. 6(a), the electrical current distribution of electrical fields on the slot, increased magnitudes of
concentrates around the S-shaped slits in the ground plane at 3.5 GHz higher order modes frequencies and more horizontal current modes
(the center frequency of the first notched band). From the figure, it can on the antenna [10]. Fig. 8 shows the measured and simulated maxi-
be seen that the direction of the electrical currents changes at the edges mum gain and radiation efficiency of the proposed dual band-notched
of the S-shaped slits because of the band-notched characteristics of the slot antenna over the entire bandwidth. In UWB slot antennas, the
proposed S-shaped slits at the first notch frequency. These slits can be mismatch caused by the reflected power could be the most remark-
regarded as a resonator and their effective length on which the current able loss term in the antenna radiation characteristics [30]; therefore,
direction is changed is equal to a quarter wavelength at 3.5 GHz. At a good impedance matching over the operating bandwidth can reduce
5.6 GHz (the center frequency of the second notched band), the electri- the reflected power mismatch, which results a better radiation gain of
cal current is mainly concentrated around the exterior edge of the ERS the antenna. For comparison, the measured maximum gain and radia-
in the beveled rectangular patch. As shown in the figure, the current’s tion efficiency of the antenna without the filtering structures (S-shaped
direction is upright at the interior edge of the ERS while the direction and ERSs) are also shown in Fig. 8. At lower frequencies, the realized
of the electrical current at the exterior edge of the ERS is downward. gain of the antenna is low. It could be due to the small size of the pro-
At the notch frequencies, destructive interferences can occur in the posed antenna. At higher frequencies, since the higher order modes are
antenna. For a better comparison, the simulated surface currents at two excited and the radiation patterns become partly directional, the gain
pass-band frequencies (4.5 and 8.5 GHz) are also shown in Fig. 6(c) of the antenna is increased. The gain variation within the bandwidth
and (d). However, the effects of the S-shaped and ERSs are negligible (except at the notch frequencies) is about 4 dBi. However, according
at the other pass-band frequencies. to the very wide bandwidth of the proposed antenna, this amount of
the gain variation could be acceptable. It can be seen from Fig. 8 that
two sharp gain and radiation efficiency nulls in the 3–4 and 5–6 GHz
C. Radiation Characteristics
bands of the dual band-notched antenna are achieved. Meanwhile,
Fig. 7 demonstrates the measured radiation patterns of the pro- the antenna shows good gain properties at other frequencies in the
posed antenna containing co-polarization and cross-polarization in the band.

In this paper, a very small and compact CPW-fed rectangular slot
antenna with dual band-notched properties at WiMAX and WLAN
frequencies has been presented and discussed. The results show that
by cutting the corners of the rectangular patch and inserting two semi-
circle slots in the ground plane, the bandwidth of the antenna can be
greatly improved and enhanced. It is also shown that by inserting an
ERS in the radiating patch and two S-shaped slits in the ground plane,
dual band-notched properties can be achieved.
Owing to the very small size, very wide impedance bandwidth,
and good radiation properties, the proposed antenna can be a good
candidate for the super wideband applications.

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[26] S. Abbas, Y. Ranga, A. Verma, and K. Esselle, “A simple ultra wideband
printed monopole antenna with high band rejection and wide radiation Index Terms—Beam steering, frequency-selective surfaces (FSSs),
patterns,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 1402–1407, reconfigurable antenna, reflectarrays.
Sep. 2014.
[27] D. Sarkar, K. Srivastava, and S. Saurav, “A compact microstrip-fed
triple band-notched UWB monopole antenna,” IEEE Antennas Wireless I. I NTRODUCTION
Propag. Lett., vol. 13, pp. 396–399, Feb. 2014.
[28] D. Mitra, D. Das, and S. R. Chaudhuri, “Bandwidth enhancement The reflectarray antenna, first introduced in 1963, can be thought
of microstrip line and CPW-fed asymmetrical slot antennas,” Prog. of as a reflecting surface where the elements on the array deter-
Electromagn. Res. Lett., vol. 32, pp. 69–79, 2012. mine the reflection properties of the surface [1]. Similar to antenna
[29] S. Ramanujan, “Modular equations and approximations to π,” Quart. J.
arrays, to achieve the desired radiation pattern, the proper phase shift
Pure Appl. Math., pp. 350–372, 1914.
[30] H. G. Schantz, “Radiation efficiency of UWB antennas,” in Proc. IEEE has to be assigned to each element of the array, which can be done
Conf. Ultra Wideband Syst. Technol. Dig., May 2002, pp. 21–23. by appropriately choosing the parameters of individual elements. An
array of variable-length, open-ended waveguides was used in [1] to
demonstrate the reflectarray principle.
Later, with the advent of microstrip technology and the extension to
microstrip arrays, reflectarrays became easier to build. First-generation
microstrip reflectarrays comprised patch elements with variable-length
transmission lines attached to the patches, where the reflection from
the open end of the line determined the phase shift of the element
[2]. A variety of microstrip reflectarrays have been developed using
other radiating elements, such as variable-length crossed dipoles in [3].
Research on reflectarrays continued to advance with the introduction
of dual-band reflectarrays. Crossed-dipoles of variable sizes printed
on a single layer [3] and double ring elements [4] are two examples of
dual-band reflectarray antennas.
An extra dimension of versatility is added to this group of anten-
nas by their ability to dynamically adjust element scattering properties
to alter the radiation pattern, and thereby produce tunable reflectar-
rays. Reconfigurable elements are achieved via several techniques. In
[5], a pin diode is incorporated in the unit cell; the ON and OFF states
of the diode alter the electrical length of the element and hence pro-
vide tunablity. Beam shaping is achieved by means of RF MEMS in
[6]. A recent review comparing different technologies can be found
Manuscript received October 27, 2014; revised March 09, 2015; accepted
June 29, 2015. Date of publication July 16, 2015; date of current version
October 02, 2015.
A. Tayebi is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, MI 48824 USA (e-mail:
J. Tang, P. Roy Paladhi, L. Udpa, S. S. Udpa, and E. J. Rothwell are
with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State
University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this communication are
available online at
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