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Shivnarayan and Babau R.Vishvakarma
Department of Electronics Engineering, Institute of Techology
BHU, Varanasi-221005, INDIA, E-mail:

The analysis of a slot loaded rectangular microstrip patch antenna using
equivalent circuit concept is presented. The slot is taken as a capacitive reactance
on the patch. It is found that the resonance frequency decreases with increasing
slot width for a given slot length. Further it is observed that VSWR remains
almost invariant with slot width and slot length and the impedance increases
almost linearly with the slot width but inversely with the slot length. This antenna
shows dual frequency behavior correspondingto TMm and TMm modes.

1. Introduetion
Narrow band -width is the major disadvantage of microstrip antenna in practical
applications. For present day wireless communication systems, the limited
operating bandwidth of the antenna [I] puts constraints on the applicability.
Several bandwidth enhancement techniques are recently employed such as
coplanar directly coupled and gap coupled parasitic patches [Z], use of a thick air
or foam substrate [3]. It may he mentioned that bandwidth can also be improved
hy loading the patch with suitable slots along the radiating edges of patch [4] .
Methods such as FDTD [5] and Hybrid multiport theory [ 6 ] etc are used, for the
analysis of slot loaded microstrip antenna. In the presents endeavor the analysis of
a slot loaded rectangular microstrip antenna (fig.1) using equivalent circuit
concept is presented in which the capacitive reactance of the slot on the patch
counteract the inductive reactance of the probe [7]. The duality relationship
between the dipole and the slot, [SI is utilized for the analysis.

2. Theoretical considerations
Slot on the patch can he analyzed by using duality relationship between the dipole
and the slot. In the present work the patch is fed by co-axial cable (Soohm).
The expression for input impedance of the slot is given by [SI
Z, = R, + jX, (1)
where real part R, and imaginary part X, are equivalentto the radiation
resistance and input reactance of the slot respectively,which are given by [8]


z e d cable

Fig. 1 Slot loaded patch Fig.2 Equivalent circuit of slot loaded patch

02004 IEEE
0-7803-8302-8/04/$20.00 2420
50 50

5 ?. 5

-30 -30

50 50

dl0 510

-19. 5
--la !. 5

-30 -30

50 50

0 10
!. 5 --1Q 5

-30 -3

-Re(Zi) , Im(Zin)

Fig. 3(9). Variation of input impedance (Imp) with frequency for different slot width
(a =1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4mm)forgivenslotlength(Ls=16,18,
20,22,24,26,28, 30 nun)

2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15
frequmcy(GW frequency(GHr)
2 2

$1.5 W1.5
1 1
2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 2.95 f&ency3&k) 3.1 3.15
frequency ( G W
2 2

IY 1.5 W1 5
2> '
1 1
2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15
frequemy (GHz) frm(W)
2 2

1 1

Fig. 3(b). Variation of VSWR with frequency for different slot width (a = 1.0,
22,24,26,28,30 mm)
* without slot W 1.Omm A 1.2" 0 1.4" 1.6m +
0 1.8 mm A 2 . 0 m 0 2.2- 0 2.4m

3. Equivalent Circuit
The equivalent circuit of slot loaded rectangular microsmp patch antenna
can be considered as parallel combination of capacitance CI, inductance LI, and
resistance Ri of patch and capacitive reactance of the slot as shown in Fig.2,
Where RI, LI, CI of patch are given by 191.
c, = E Ee L Wo c o s - *6( L2)
2h L
where h =Thickness of substrate, E, = Effective dielectric constant
E & =Permittivity of free space, zo = Feed point location along z-axis

L, = ( C , O J : ~ and R, = Q(w,CIY, Q =Quality factor

The input impedance (Zj,,) of the slot- loaded patch (fig.2) is given by.
Z, = [R;'+ j d , + -'
bw!.,).' + bx,~'] (2)

4. Discussion of Result
Variation of input impedance with different slot width and slot length is
shown in fig. 3(a). It is observed that resonance frequency decreases with
increasing slot width for a given slot length. The range of frequency variation
with slot width for a given slot length is found to be maximum (3.074GHz) for the
lowest slot length (Ls=l6mm), whereas it is minimum (3.03GHz) for the largest
slot length (Ls=30mm). The variation of VSWR with frequency for different slot
width and slot length is shown in fig.3(b). It is observed that the value of VSWR
remains around 1.03, for different slot width and slot length, which is slightly
higher as compared to the value for patch without slot i.e. I .02.

5. References
[ I ] Kin -Lu Wong, Compact and broadband microstrip antennas. John Wiky &
Sons, Inc.pp.12-13,2002.
[2] C.K. Wu and K.L. Wong, "Broadband microstrip antenna with directly
coupled and gap-coupled parasitic patches," Microwave Opt. Tech. Lett. 22,
pp. 348-349, 1999.
[3] K.L.Wong and W.H. Su, "Broadband triangular microstrip antenna with U-
shaped slot,"Electronics Lett. 33, pp.2085-2087, DecA,1997.
[4] J.Y. Sze and K.L.Wong, "Slotted rectangular microstrip antenna for
bandwidth enhancement," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, vol. AP-48,
[5] S.C. Gao, L.W. Li, T.S.Yeo and M.S. Leong, " FDTD analysis of a slot
loaded, meandered rectangular patch antenna for dual frequency operation,"
IEEProc. Microwave AntennasPropag. vol. 148, pp. 65-71, Feb. 2001.
[6] Bao F. Wang and Yuen T. Lo, "Microstrip antenna for dual frequency
operation,'' IEEE Trans. on Antenna ondPropagat., vol. AP-32, "0.9, 1984.
[7] T.Huynh and K.F. Lee, "Single layer single-patch wide band microstrip
[8] Edward A.Wolf, Antenna ona/wis (Artech house), pp.148-I50 and pp.37-48,
[9] I.J. Bahl, and Bhartia, Microstrip antennu (Massachusetfs: Artech house), pp.
4448 and pp. 56-57, 1980.


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