Reflection Paper: Johari's Window: Activity: EMOTIONAL Factor

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Panaglima, Marlene LSPU01 - PDSR

BSED IIIB – Filipino Ms. F. M. Quiambao

Activity : EMOTIONAL
Reflection Paper: Johari’s
How do you manage emotions?
I control and manage my emotions by reflecting on how my emotions will
affect the people around me. We are humans and we have feelings too but we
should still be sensitive on how it will affect other people or react to it for it can
make or destroy relationships. I myself admits that I’m an emotional person but
sometimes I just keep it on myself and there are times also that I cannot hold it
in. In that case when I cannot hold my emotions, I just make sure that I react
accordingly and not in an over reacting way. In short, balancing your emotions
depending on the situation help you manage your emotions.
1. In your own words, what is an emotional intelligence?
For me, Emotional Intelligence refers to how a person knows and understand
his/her emotions to be able to handle and manage it given a certain situation.
Also, being aware about other’s emotion and that his or her emotion can affect
other. It can be also about how emotionally stable a person when experiencing
stress or problems. Having emotional intelligence is important for an individual
to live peacefully and harmoniously with other people.
2. How do one's emotions affect other people?
One's emotions can be express on many ways either
through our words, actions, facial expressions,
gestures, etc., It is natural to feel this way because
it’s our personality and behavior. If the people
around you feel or see what you are feeling they will
also feel the same way and at the same time respond
to it. One example is when your friend looks sullen

it will make you put in a bad mood too or either you’ll do something silly or fun
to make her feel better. Or when someone is crying, you’ll be sad too that’s why
you’ll pat him/her in the back to comfort him/her. This is why we should manage
our emotions, for it affect other people as well.

3. How emotions affect learning?

Our emotions are created and arise from our brain thus emotions influence
one’s cognitive process. This is why emotions affect the learning of the students
in a way that it gets our attention and we can remember something more clearly
if we can connect and apply what we have learn. Emotions affect learning for
example a student is distracted he/she will not be able to concentrate in his/her
class. This is the reason why teachers prepare activities that engage the students
in the lesson.

4. Why learning is emotional?

Learning is emotional for our emotions has an impact on how we will react to
something. Without emotions we will not be able to react accordingly with it. Just
like when studying a new lesson, if we are able to relate it in real life. Also, in my
opinion, learning is emotional because learning is not an easy process because
you'll encounter hardships and fun while learning something. If we are
to do something, we will continue holding on to our goals despite the hardships.

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