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Proposal on Coaching Christian Youth Leaders for Civic Engagement in Nairobi Kenya

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I would take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone who played part in ensuring I

attain the goals of my academic program. These people require golden thanks sincerely. In

addition, I would like to thank my mum and dad for their support in providing me with some of

the materials and information I needed during the study.


Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................5

1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................5

1:2 Research background.................................................................................................................6

1.3. The significance of the study....................................................................................................8

1:4 Statement of the problem...........................................................................................................9

1:5 Research questions..................................................................................................................10

1:6 The objectives of the study......................................................................................................10

1:7. The research synopsis.............................................................................................................11

CHAPTER 2..............................................................................................................................12

2:1 Literature review..................................................................................................................12

2:2. Difference between leaders training, coaching and monitoring.........................................14

2:3 Case distinguishment between mentoring, coaching and training......................................16

2:4. Five reasons to invest in a leadership development program.............................................17

CHAPTER 3..........................................................................................................................19

3:1 Methodology....................................................................................................................19

3:2Research Design...............................................................................................................19

3:3Targeted Population..........................................................................................................19

3:4. Sample Size and Sampling Procedures..........................................................................20

3:5. Data Collection Instruments. .........................................................................................20


3:6. Reliability of the Instruments.........................................................................................21

3:7. Data Analysis..................................................................................................................22

CHAPTER 4…………………………………………………….……………………..……22

4:1 Frame works……………………………………………………………......…..………22

4:2 Rsults…………………………………………………………………………….…..…23

4:3 Political involvemnet……………………………………………………………...……24

4:4 Community Leadership…………………………………………………………...…....26

4:5 Corruption……………………………………………………………….………..….…27

4:6 poverty ………………………………………………………………………….……..28

CHPTER 5 ………………………………………………………………………………......30



Refrences ……………………………………………………………………….…...........33


1.1 Introduction

The primary purpose of conducting this research is to create an idea that coaches

Christian youth's leaders on civic engagements. The study is focused on exploring the historical

definitions of civic engagements, political involvement, poverty allegations, and fighting

corruption that has shaped the Christian youth's leaders in Nairobi Kenya. Nairobi is the capital

city of Kenya located in the south central of the country. The city lies approximately around

300killonmeteres northwest of Mombasa, which is Kenyan main port on the Indian Ocean.

Besides, it will explore the influence of these factors and how they have tied back Christian

youths leaders' civic engagement process in the city. Also, it is focused on helping Christian

youth leaders with skills and ways in which they can fight and overcome the strong waves of the

highlighted factors. Note that everything with influence must have an impact. Therefore,

Christianity is a religion that has strived much to excel and, above all, to get the entire world. In

which a Christian youth is a teenager who has found a place for God in their heart as well as their

hearts. They learn from other people's experiences, share their own and listen to others'


This study is geared at highlighting various ways in which political corruption and

poverty have affected Nairobi Christian youth leaders as well as their team members. It is good

to understand that most of the Christian youth leaders have trouble participating in public

activities. Having that in mind, the research also will highlight some of the challenges and

experiences as well as how youth leaders can fight them back. Working as a team is a factor that,
Young people learn from other peoples experience and from their own experience.

too, will be keenly discussed in the study. This is because most of the time, team members may

fail to work according to the instructions given by their leaders. Therefore, it is upon leaders to

develop criteria in which they can handle issues between themselves. 2

The conceptual framework shows a reflective analysis of the coaching process that will be

conducted during the coaching process of the leaders. All this to develop excellent Christian

leaders for tomorrow. The research is developed after gathering information using various

methods that are discussed on methodology. In which the methodology justification underlying

the study is focused on the grounded approach which performs to design the reasoning of the

research as well as determining various ways in which sense can be generated on the data during

and after collection of the information. The main findings were (1) phenomenon like ethnic

violence was a result of electoral violence, which influenced the participant view of community,

leadership, and citizenship as well as civic engagement. (2) The ideas are discussed separately

regarding social, cultural, assumptions, and political climate during the period of the research.

1:2 Research background

Civic engagement is more than acquiring a set of rights, obligations, or becoming more

than just a voter. There is no doubt that it is a psychological sector set to operate in the

democratic system and putting more effort into sustaining it for the benefit of others. The young

people who contribute In Nairobi have a sense of community connections, self-efficacy,

responsibility, and gain skills in enhancing civic n activities. Christian youth leaders in Nairobi

are strongly related to the previous civic engagement. The hypothesis that education has

education on leadership skills teaches ideas that are beneficial for later involvement like

The study proves that Christian youth leaders are faced by several challenges for civic engagement and therefore
they should have skills on how they can overcome the challenges.

communication program development and coaching youth leaders. Coaching will give the

participant enough time to reason on the factors which have influenced civic engagement in

Nairobi like political involvement, poverty allegation, and corruption. Besides, the program will

help them assess their attitudes towards working with others in knowledge areas and ways to

participate in leadership processes.

Coaching mainly occurs in different ways. That is holistic coaching, Autocratic coaching,

vision coaching, and free coaching. In this case, leaders will engage in both democratic and

holistic coaching3. The goal of the coaching program is to meet the demand of the Nairobian

Christina youth participation for civic engagement. Coaching empowers young people with new

ideas in which they can take responsibility for community services. The coaching program's

emphasis includes long-term group experiences, which help the Christian youth meet their

demands and demand for their families and their societies. Leadership and civic engagement are

concepts that depend on each other for support. Practices in civic engagement like community-

based research and service-learning offer youth a chance to learn leadership in a transformational

way. Besides, learning leadership concepts enables young people to engage in societies more

effectively and sensitively fully.

Contribution demonstrations which have been involved in civic engagement, have

developed to become measures of selecting the most suitable program for coaching Christian

youths in Nairobi. The main contributions are leadership and citizenship. It is a proof when the

youths apply the five Ps of PYD by participating fully to serve their families, communities, and

society in general. The five Ps are competence, character, connections, caring, and confidence.

Young participation activities may include physical participation, which gives clear

understanding and compassion for their own advancement and the benefits of society.
Coaching can be carried in various ways. Which includes, democratic, autocratic and holistic coaching.

1.3. The significance of the study

The study will help the audience to understand the importance of civic engagement and

its influence on the civic engagements in Nairobi. 4 In which it will teach the youth on life and

essential skills that empower them, encourage them to contribute to society, and above all,

become self-reliant adults. By learning life skills and receiving better leadership skills, they can

graduate to become better God-fearing leaders to their societies and the whole world. Not that,

civic engagements involve community cooperation and working together without affecting

political and non-political actions. The main aim of civic engagement is to address public

demand and the quality of the community.

Bearing that in mind, youth civic engagement lights on working to bring a transformation

and develop the combination of values, skills, motivation, knowledge, and ideas to make a

difference5. In which participation in youth civic activities is advantageous to them since it will

help them get in touch with the happening events. In that regard, the study is focused to Kenyan

Christian youth leaders, to strengthen them to keep the gospel moving despite the difficulties

experienced. That is, it encourages them to remain stable in faith and believe in God as their

savior. They should be aware that Christianity is a fight of faith and not a fight of flesh and


The reader will be at apposition of understanding the importance of civic engagements among Christian youth
The study shows that youth civic engagement is focused on transforming and developing the combinations of
values, skills, knowledge and motivation.

1:4 Statement of the problem

The study will help the Nairobian Christian youths identify most of the experienced

obstacles and how to avoid or handle them when they come across any of them. In which I

believe it will strengthen their faith and give them hope of victory when conducting their

missions. In regards to that, the study will help them have a clear definition of Christianity and a

Christian.6 In which they will know that Christian faith is centered on the birth, life, death, and

resurrection of Christ Jesus. Which began with a small gathering of adherents whose many

historical scholars regard the spread and adoption of Christianity across the universe as one of

the most spiritual successful missions in the history of mankind (Vidal, Connell, Prince & Tebes,


In ensuring all the above is attained, the research will be conducted through various

methods. That is an observation where I will be required physically to visit several Christian

centers like churches. Another method that I will consider in this research is the interview. This

will be conducted mostly on phones and other Christian sites. Also, I will consider a physical

conversation to generate various data from major Christian leaders who may have limited access

to social media.7 Among other methods are surveys, documents, and records, as well as focus

groups. Those will enable me to have all the information I need to develop a paper on coaching

Christian youth leaders for civic engagements in Kenya (Ismail, Zainol & Ahmad,2017).

The research will be responsible for addressing issues related to Christian youth civic

engagement in Nairobi. Besides, it will provide basic elements of a Christian youth leader as

Christianitian’s faith is centered on birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Methods used to collect information were, interview, surveys and observation

well as their character in handling their services. Besides, one will get in a position of

differentiating coaching and training as a leadership development approach. In regards to that,

the study will discuss in detail the arguments, which support coaching rather than training, and

the duration required between the coach and coach.

1:5 Research questions

The research is structured to give answers to the following questions.

1. What are the current views of coaching Christian youth leaders for civic engagement

among the government officials in Nairobi, Kenya? Probing question. How does coaching

Christian youth leaders for civic engagement influence the perspectives of community services,

civic engagement, leadership, and civic responsibility?

2.          What is the current responsibility of the Christian youth leaders in the city of Nairobi?

Probing question. How does the county government prepare youths leaders for civic engagement

in the city, leadership, community services, and citizenship?


1:6 The objectives of the study.

The objective of this research paper is,

1. To explain civic engagement, youths, leadership, youth engagement, and community


2. To collaborate with the county government officials during and after the study to look for

various ways in which we can coach Christian youth for civic engagement.

3. To break down findings into more understandable factors that shape the adaptation of the

coaching programs for youth civic engagement.

4. To use the concepts and description to understand the relationship between Christian

youth and civic engagement in Nairobi.  In addition, to look for various ways in which

we can strengthen Christian youth leaders for civic engagement.

5. To examine reasons as  to why we should invest in the training programs,

6. To examine the differences between coaching, training, and mentoring as ways of

training the youths and why coaching is the best way of training youth in Nairobi Kenya.

1:7. The research synopsis.

  This study is designed in 5 chapters. With the introductory chapter, which provides the

main idea and the importance of the study, chapter two delves into the literature review

examining the coaching process of coaching Christian leaders on civic engagement in Nairobi,

Kenya. In this chapter, I also included some basic information about the used coaching program,

which delves deeper into defining and elaborating the differences between the three methods of

coaching. Which are, coaching, training, and mentoring. In addition, here, you will learn five

reasons why you should invest in training programs in which I believe will motivate you to put

more effort into your coaching, training, or mentoring team. 


            Chapter Three, the methodology section which elaborates on the research design, data

collection, and data analysis procedures suited to the benefits and effectiveness of this research.               

In chapter four, I present the findings and discuss the outcomes as a result of the study in

relation to theory and literature. Finally, in chapter five, I suggest the implications of the study

for practice and research on the factors that have pulled back the process of coaching Christian

youth leaders on civic engagement. In this closing chapter, I also discuss the limitations of the

study, draw conclusions, and propose recommendations for future research. 


2:1 Literature review

Coaching Christian youth leaders for civic engagement in Nairobi is the starting point of

winning self-focus determination and empowerment among the youths in the country. Nairobi

being the capital city of Kenya it owns the largest population of the youths in the country.

Therefore targeting the city is just the same as targeting the nation. Also , the youths in Nairobi

are experienced in technology and have more wisdom about the transformation than the youths

in rural areas. It is believed that young people have much influence on a nation and can

transform the government when focused, ready to work, and determined. 8 This is because they


have more energy and can operate more effectively when coached on what to do 9. Examples of

Civic engagement are organizing a community garden, cleaning up a neighborhood park, or even

volunteering in your child's school. These are some of the activities, which promote peace and

harmony among the people. This is because they are self-volunteering and not forced to. 10 When

Christian leaders encourage their teams to participate in such activities, they can transform the

country's status and bring up a clear image of what it takes to be a Christian (Stallard, 2019).

Coaching is defined as an adult learning tactic that is used to develop the parental

capacity to develop new skills, improve existing capabilities, and get a deeper understanding of

the practices to use in future situations 11. Coaching activities change in the form of settings and

duration. It can be conducted face to face or through distance or technological methods, and one

on one or in a small group. Coaching can take place once or in a series of seasons. Coaching can

be determined by boosting new or current innovations in classrooms. But, the responsibility of a

coach may differ according to different ideas. Scholars argue that in an expert mode of coaching

approach the coach is viewed as someone who has more knowledge or experience who is there to

offer information to a teacher despite all of this variability one aim of coaching is to be ongoing.

Coaching is one of the best leadership training modes to train leaders 12. This is because

leaders will have enough time with their trainer during the training session. Although there are

other methods of training learned like regular training, coaching has emerged the best of them

all. In that regard, Christian youth leader's civic engagement should be conducted through

coaching and not regular training. This is because the workforce of coaching has the ability to

Kenyan youths can work effectively when coached on what to do.

Volunteering is the best process of coaching the youth since they will have passion and be motivated on what they
are doing
Coaching is the an adult learning technique’s that is used to develop parental capacity, new skill, improve existing
skills and deeper understanding of the future situations.
Coaching is recommended as the best way of training the youths

improve the group, boost the morale of the engagement, and enable the leader to achieve their

targeted goals. An effective coaching process will require a bond with trust, accountability, and

motivation (Njue, Waiganjo, & Kihoro, 2016).

Coaching will improve on the openness to personal learning and development since the

coach and the coacher will have a productive interaction. In coaching activity, one will attain

their goals as possible effective outcomes.13 This is as a result;t of coaching being participative

and the learners tend to adapt to new habits more easily when engaged in the process of learning.

The learning process is entirely devoted to the learners and their problems and attainments of

new behavior goals. Among other benefits of coaching are the development of self-awareness,

greater clarity in the roles and engagements, the chances to correct behaviors and difficulties, and

greater ownership and responsibility (Klar & Huggins 2020).

2:2. Difference between leaders training, coaching and monitoring.

With the variety of information gathered from various sources, some factors and

differences enabled me to consider coaching instead of leaders training. Training brings back

facets and multi-faceted ideas to the learners to enable them to develop skills 14. On the other side,

coaching utilizes such ideas and to the people's situations and enables the learners to achieve

particular goals. But in many cases, leadership coaching is mostly confused with leadership

training. However, leadership training and coaching have elements or components, which makes

them differ from the other. A leader indeed needs concrete tactics such as processes, procedures,

running understanding models, and best practices.

Coaching sections of classes improves openness to personal learning and development since the coach and the
coacher will have ample time together.
Training brings facet and multi facet knowledge to the learner to enable them develop new ideas.

Training is commonly used for very specific initiatives and usually a one-time event in

gatherings or conferences.15 Also, training is for new transformation such as regulations,

procedures, or even technology. All the events we have ever attended previously have a trainer

or a leader. A trainer is an individual who takes you through a process to get an outcome on a

specific task or item. The main components of training are;

➢ Directs learning

➢ It focused on the learning objectives.

➢ It always occurs in a group setting.

➢ Adheres to, follow me, test me and let me

➢ Training has low to no rates of accountability.

On the other side, coaching will involve both learning and striving for goals as well as

objectives with a different focus, which results in different end outcomes 16. Coaching is a

continuous activity designed to assist the learners in decreasing their activities and achieving

their potentials through accountability. Coach has directed all their interest to the learner's

success and will provide guidelines on how to get to the next level of development by providing

directive actions of transformation.17 A coach assists the learners in achieving the goals they have

set by equipping them with basic skills, proven methods, as well as resources. Besides, excellent

coaches will take a confrontational approach to help the learners get past the things they have

been holding them back. In which I believe that Christian youth leaders' civic engagement when

Training is commonly used for very specific initiatives and mostly a onetime event in gatherings or conferences.
Coaching is the process of learning and striving to achieve certain goals with a different focus, which brings
different outcomes.
Coach is focused on the learner’s success and provides all the necessary information to ensure the learner has
achieved their goals.

they get an excellent coach to coach them how they can get rid of the problems they have faced

in their activities (Blanton, Gould, Voelker & Martin 2019). The fundamentals of coaching are,

➢ It is a control process through one on one basis.

➢ It enhances critical thinking and decision-making.

➢ Controls the process by asking questions.

➢ Coaching has a higher rate of accountability.

2:3 Case distinguishment between mentoring, coaching and training.

Figure 1.

Coaching Training monitoring

Involves training and Educating someone on the Counselling process carried

supervising a person to skills they need to better on to help one develop their
better their performance. their activities. career.

It is carried out between a It is carried out between the It is a relationship between

coach and coaches. learner and the trainer the mentor and the mentee.

The various types of They include Job trainings, They types of mentoring
coaching are, personal life craft training and internship are, group mentoring,
coaching, business coaching training. traditional mentoring and
and skills coaching. distance mentoring.

Short term activity It varies according to the Long term activity

activity conducted.

It requires expert in the field Requires knowledgeable Requires high knowledge

to coach personnel and experienced and experienced personal to
in the field, with ideas on monitor.
practical application.

2:4. Five reasons to invest in a leadership development program.

The study will also focus on the reasons as to why it is important to invest in leadership

development programs. In addition, it will light on the reasons as to why some of the programs

do work and how to select the right leadership programs. Among the reasons as to why

development in a leadership program is important is to increase the company's agility.

Leadership development assists organizations in navigating challenging periods by boosting

members to respond rapidly in unpredictable environments. Effective leadership does not only

come in handy during the day to day activities but critically during emergency times such as

accidents, reduction, drastic stages, and personal tragedy.

Another reason to invest in a leadership development program is to improve corporate

culture18. Here you invest in them, and they invest in you too. It sends a message to your

members and informs them that you care about them to meet and exceed performance

expectations. The programs which are responsible for coaching and monitoring can increase the

employee's morale and change your organization from a workplace to a greater place of work.t

leadership development programs strengthen the organization's vision values and mission by

setting good examples.

Improving your bottom line is another reason to invest in leadership development

programs19. This reason argues that by developing leadership in your countries reduces cost,

drives in new ideas, and increases customer satisfaction. The organization that invests in

By investing on the leadership’s development program, it helps in improving corporate culture.

Another reason of investing in leadership’s development programs is to improve on your bottom line.

leadership development offers stock returns five times more than organizations that impose less

emphasis on the human cost.

Attracting and retaining talents is another reason 20. The argument based on this factor is

that leadership development increases workers' engagement and reduces the cost associated with

turnover. The fact is that when you issue employees the role of your company in the future, they

respond in loyalty. Also developing your people is less costly than recruiting new ones. This is

because it does not require you to spend a lot of money on advertising, HR costs, signing

bonuses, moving expenses, and recruiter’s fees.

The other reason is the return on investments, which argues that leadership development is

a sound investment. The Global clients coaching study by ICF indicated that 86% of the

corporations which can provide figures to measure the rate of returns have stated that they have

been able to make back their investments. 19% of these companies show a 50% rate of returns

from the initial investments. In which the medium return was 700% alarming that the

organization can expect seven more times the investments.


3:1 Methodology

This topic targeted giving data on how the study was conducted and the methods used to

obtain the information. It comprises the target population, sample, size, and sampling methods. It

even consists of a research instrument, data collection process, data analysis techniques, and

ethical comparisons.

Research also found that, attracting and retaining talents is another reason for investing in leadership
developments program

3:2Research Design

In ensuring everything was conducted, I consider the use of the qualitative and quantitative

samples. The qualitative study lets the investigator practice finding and designating review and

interpretation of the main conducts promoting the commitment of youth to develop positive

behavioral change and make them useful and creative associates of the community, the quality of

qualitative r study allowed the researcher to appreciate the communal setting of the learning


3:3Targeted Population

The research approximately collect opinions for more than 2000 Christian individuals in the

country21. The study is designed to hear the voice of the youth civic engagement by gathering

information from the youth, church elders, and preachers of the word. 22 The research engaged

questioners bounded by young people in the gatherings to support awareness and knowledge as

well as looking for evidence about the coaching of Christian youth leaders on civic engagement

in Kenya. The study targeted respondents due to the information they had about the study. The

3:4. Sample Size and Sampling Procedures

Sampling is defined as the way of getting information from the gathering by examining

the area of the sampling. The ways used for the research were purposive and simple random

techniques. Random sampling is one of the clear forms means of probability sampling. Every

member of the gathering had the same chances to be chosen. Purposive sampling was meant to

The research target a population of more than 2000 Christian individual in the country.
The study is structured to answer the voice of Kenyan youth leaders for civic engagement through coaching them.

sample young leaders and mentors to acquire a sample that appears to be representative of the


Purposive sampling ways authorized the study to use issues that have generated

information from the population concerning the objective of the study. The issues of an object

are select due to informative in the Research, and the sample sizes will be considered as applying

the statistical formula. The research was to consider both genders to avoid gender discrimination

and to ensure everyone's opinion is listened to. The participant statistics of Was 300 from the

target in 2000 in the study of sample t. The method used for choosing leaders was purposive

sampling and Radom sampling

3:5. Data Collection Instruments.

The questionnaire method was selected as the major source of collecting data. Hence,

they helped with a detailed answer, which provides an accurate image of the study24. The

questionnaire is a faster method because it enables in collecting comprehensive information from

the participants and making a summary from the collected information. Researching instruments

were applied to obtain information about young people's engagement and cases that cause

effective engagement. The question outlined with sections with connection with study objectives

and included in each section included both open-minded and closed questions.

Instruments Validity. The term validity is described as the exact and meaningfulness of

inferences on the research result. Validity degree whereby the outcome found in the analysis of

information represents the phenomenon of the research. Validity refers to acquiring an answer

Sampling was among the ways used to gather the information where a sample of Christians was selected for

Questionnaires were used to bring a clear discretion of the participant’s opinions through writings.

that exact point the concept being measured. To improve the validity of the result, the

questioners were revived by the leaders to see if questions are relating to the research objectives.

3:6. Reliability of the Instruments

Rehabilitee is appointing of a degree in which the researcher instrument yields of data

after repeated trials. Using a consistent and systematic way of questions for a united place is

good for easy replication.25 The researcher applied the two-line systematic and consistent in the

questionnaires. The question was compared to the topic of study and arranged according to the

objectives of the research. The instruments are supposed to be piloted in a small number of the

respondent to make sure questions are simple and direct to understand. 26 This is to avoid the

participant from brainstorming and wearing out. The questionnaires were given to some youth in

the congregation as a study to get responses on other important issues that were not presented in

the by other methods. It guided youth to ensure the instrument measured the correct concept,

hence its validity and rehabilitee.

3:7. Data Analysis

The information was summarized and analyzed following the information obtained from

the methodology. This consists of the study of the questions to detect and limit as much as

possible, incompleteness, errors, and misclassification in the data from the respondent.

Quantitative information was scrutinized for completeness, accuracy, and uniformity 27.

Using a consistent and systematic method of questions for a united place is good for easy replication.

The instruments are supposed to be piloted in a small number of respondent to make sure questions are simple and
direct to understandfg
Quantitative information was scrutinized to help in uniformity, accuracy and completeness.

Information from questions was obtained using descriptive statistics, and with frequencies as

well as percentages of applying statistical package. Qualitative information acquired from open-

ended questions was analyzed in topics, content analysis, and categories identifying several

similarities that emerged. The qualitative analysis consists of an analysis of what the respondent

said in the open-ended questions.

The study used much analysis to make sure that relationship among youths is achieved, to

improve positive behavioral change, and ensure that they are useful and productive members of

the community and factors that hinder their success.


4:1. Research frameworks

Below is a research framework in which the study is conducted. The main mission of the

project is the answer to the voice of the Christian youths in Kenyans through coaching on

leadership engagements. The urge for developing the study was the fact that Christian youth

leaders were facing difficulties in civic engagement in which affected their activities as leaders in

Kenya. The below frameworks show the coaching processes which will be conducted during the

study as well as educating the youth leaders28 (Vidal, Connell, Prince & Tebes 2019).

The frameworks are used to show the coaching process conducted during the research.

4.2. Result

After conducting effective research, the expected result was the influence in which

political involvement, community leadership, corruption, and poverty has influenced the process

of the Christian youth leadership civic engagement. 29 The result was quite encouraging and

proved there was a need for a standard study to be conducted. After clearly defining these

factors, the study is expected to answer issues like what can the government do to curb the issues

related to Christian leadership civic engagement in Nairobi? What are the strategies that can be

implemented to curb poverty in the city? Ways of fighting corruption in the country and ways in

which community leaders would be strengthened.

It was clear that political involvement, corruption, poverty and leadership have been the main factor that has
affected the progress of Christian youth’s civic engagement.

4:3. Politics Involvement

Christians come out in large numbers and participate in voting out greedy leaders from

the government.30 Their influence in politics is encouraged since we need to develop spiritually

healthy communities. From my own experience, the one true thing I have learned from all the

years I have been learning is that most of the issues, no matter how big they may seem, are

manageable at the local level. We have all witnessed the kind of problems our nation has

experienced over the last years. Still, whether it is due to abortion, government corruption, or

social conflict, the solution is not on the top-down solution. All we need as youths are a dynamic

society of believers combining forces, under the feet and hands of Jesus Christ lovingly living

out the qualities of his world in their local societies (Vidal, Connell, Prince, & Tebes, 2019).

Besides, the youths in Nairobi and kenya in general needs intercession. Bible cession is the act of

praying for other peoples.

Throughout the bible, we have encountered cases where apostles and prophets praying

for those in the family of God. As a result, the Bible urges us to pray for our leaders as they

make their decisions31. Besides, our community needs our prayer against the wickedness of evil

acts like abortion and the adult's entertainment industries. God promised in the old testament that

"if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and

return from their weekend ways, then I will come here from heaven and will forgive their sin and

heal their land." According to statistics, the Kenyan economy was largely affected by the postal

violence election, which took place in 2007/2008. In which, most of the people living in Nairobi

slums like Kibera and Huruma were left homeless in pain since their houses were smashed down

by fire. Surprisingly, most of the involved participants in this election were adults. The energy

Christians come out in one spirit to vote out poor leaders who were engaged in unethical behaviors in the country.
As a Christian, we should pray for our government as well the leaders.

portrayed in such an event, when positively utilized, can build up a good Naironi, A Kenya of

happiness, peace, and joy. A place where everyone dreams of being (Moore, 2018).

4:4. Community leadership

Christian youth leaders have to be enrolled in community leadership to present their

community grievances accordingly.32 As community leaders, they have to understand their

responsibility in social networks, decision-making activities, and sharing visions. Also, they

should practice stewardship, balance the need of their leadership group, mobilize others, and

maximize individual strength. In this part, they have to be trained that community roles are

essential parts of society's growth since we all depend and interact with each other. Communities

are the gatherings of individuals, which helps one to develop new ideas as well as learning.

People bond with each other and are reflected in society. Also, it is a standard web of connection

that links individuals into mutual ties of obligations and ties (Vidal, Connell, Prince & Tebes,


Becoming a Christian youth leader requires faith and hope in the Lord. 33 As a Christian

leader, you should, get organized, empower others, wear a thick skin, be ready for anything, ask

for help, view learning as a two-way street, and the model of behavior. Participating in the youth

leadership programs, are served to perform the unique need of directing youth energies on

positive activities. Christian youth leaders should lead, knowing that they are a chosen

generation, a royal priesthood, peculiar individuals, and a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9). They should

understand that the skills of the youth leaders are decision making, problem-solving,

There is a need for Christian youth leaders to participate in the civic engagement forum.

To become a Christian you have to believe and have hope in Christ as son of the Lord.

communicating, goal setting, and relationship building (Blanton, Gould, Voelker, & Martin,


4:5. Corruption

The study found that corruption has been another blow that has hindered Christian

youth's leaders for civic engagement in Nairobi Kenya34. It is not a surprise that Nairobi is ranked

among the top corrupt cities in the kenya. From church leaders to their members. From

government officials to the citizens. Approximately 85% of the souls in Nairobi are corrupt. This

can only change when adult force is released in the nation. When the youths decide enough is

enough, it is time to fight corruption by both prayers and actions. When they decide to uncover

any corrupt deal closed between them and their seniors, it is good to let them know most of them

are jobless as a result of corruption, and with their efforts, we can kill the spirit of corruption in

the nation. Therefore Christian youth leaders should understand the qualities of a good leader

which includes, teaching good value, good in engagement, confidence, and goal-driven. This

means they have to be exposed to ethical values more than before. Which is the main goal of the

research? It will coach Christian leaders on ethical factors and the impact of engaging in

unethical factors, and I believe this will help Kenya have a fruitful tomorrow (Noll, 2019).

Confidence is a maker or demolishing behavior of a good leader 35. As a Christian leader,

you have to portray a good image of what you are teaching. Be confident in your moves, and put

God always first on everything you do. As a leader, you should understand that ungodly traits

pull ties back to your faith and keep the Holy Spirit away. Things such as corruption, stealing,

killing, and robbery are all ungodly things. Remember the saying that says, "You cannot preach
Corruption has been counted as another factor that has influenced Christian Youth leaders for civic engagement.

Confidence is the main character of a good leader

water and drink wine." It is time to play a good spiritual game, be faithful, honest, and

courageous. The study also helps Christian youth leaders to develop some skills, which can help

them to fight against corruption in Kenya. Corruption is unethical behavior, which is evil.

Therefore as a Christian leader, you should have ways on how you will stop corruption in Kenya

(Lucas, Goldman, Scott & Dandar, 2018). Among the ways discussed in this study in which

Christian can fight against corruption are;

Cutting the red tape. This means joining forces together with the government groups to

change behavior and monitor the progress. (2) Power of the people. Giving the citizens rights to

participate and engage in their governments, thus identifying the problems and finding

solutions.36 (3) Deliver the goods. Focus on the institution's policy and guides. The process in

which the government allocates goods and services to its citizens is only possible if the

individuals in these institutions promote rules and practices, which pave the way for

transformation, thus making the best use of the tested local and legacies of the imported models.

4:6. Poverty

The research also studied the impact of poverty 37. I found that this is the most disgusting

factor that has killed the hope of many leaders. Lack of money to facilitate their basic needs

when in a mission has discouraged them from gearing up their mission. It has been because of

corruption in the county. Christian money being stolen by greedy politicians and unfaithful

religious leaders. Most of the arguments claim that Christians teaching about wealth and poverty

should focus on where the accumulation of wealth is and not the central focus on one's life but

instead a material to foster a stable life. One of the greatest professors David's Miller has
Youth participation in the government helps in identifying and finding solutions for the problems.

Poverty a factor that has also hindered the progress of coaching Christian youth leaders for civic engagements.

developed a three-point rubric that shows three prevalent behaviors among Protestants towards

wealth. According to the professor, protestant views on wealth are, wealth is an obstacle to faith,

wealth is an offense to Christian faith, and wealth is an outcome of faith (Nelson-Pallmeyer,


Wealth has been considered as everything in the current world. However, as a Christian

leader, you should understand that for wealth to help you and not confuse you. You need christ

to Guide you through. Again, poverty has been a bad back root for many Christian leaders. They

get at a point they cannot access any resources to propel their missions, and that why it is

advisable to coach Christian leaders on the benefits of civic engagement. This is because

everyone needs the other, and no one can fall when there is support from the others. With a good

civic engagement, there is support, and supporting one another is a clear path of fighting poverty

in Kenya (Tirrell, Geldhof, King, Dowling, Sim, Williams, & Lerner, 2019).

Civil engagement among the youths helps them to develop confidence and skills when

conducting their businesses38. This comes because of sharing ideas and helping one another with

the skills needed when conducting a certain activity. Besides, it acts as a connection platform to

most of the youths to land their jobs. According to the National Conference Report, shows that

participating in a civil society like volunteerism can create a habit that makes a person

employable as well as strengthening the links that can make them get to their jobs (Klar &

Huggins, 2020)39.

Civic engagements helps the youth to build their confidence as well as their skills for future benefits.
Klar, H. W., & Huggins, K. S. (2020). Developing Rural School Leaders: Building Capacity Through
Transformative Leadership Coaching. Routledge



In conclusion, parents have played an important role in influencing the behavior of

youths. In supportive parents influence their children's behavior, by encouraging them to join in

church programs where their foundation on Christianity is built. In which some of the youth

becomes Sunday school teachers and other disciples as well as bible study coordinators. Youths

who participated in the research we're engaged in the church department.

According to the research, youth undergo various training required by the church leaders.

From the training, many youths realized their talent that has improved their life. Youth activities

in the church have stopped them not from engaging in negative behavior they used to be in, such

as making beer, smoking, immorality, and many more. The research concluded that youth have

Mentors of their group who they submit to, church elders understand their leaders understand

their needs are approachable, are resource person. They give skills and knowledge that have

influenced their characters greatly.

Besides, the study went further and investigated the factors that affect Christian youth

civic engagement in Kenya. It was released that when these factors are dealt with accordingly,

they will strengthen the relationship of the Christian youth leadership. By doing so, it is a clear

bet that Christian youth leaders will have no obstacles preventing them from civic engagement.

The limitations encountered when conducting the research were illiteracy, language barrier,

climate conditions, and lack of finances to provide more materials.

Whereby most of the questionnaires were not printed because of lacking funds leading to

a collection of minimal information, besides, we lacked the money to fuel our cars to visits

several places as it was planned. The language barrier is another factor that pulled the study

back. Due to illiteracy, most of the villages and elders we visited only understood their mother

tongue language. In which communicating with them become difficult since we needed a

translator who understands the language. As a result, we also lacked more information from them

on the history of the Christiania youth leadership engagements. Another limitation experienced

was climate conditions. The climate in which the study was conducted was not favorable. Putting

in mind that we conducted the study during the rainy season, most of the meeting started late and

ended earlier because of fear of being rained on.

The next planned study will be conducted in a more advanced way than this study. You

will note that the study was developed out of minimal evidence and researcher. Therefore, my

plans future study will be based on the same topic on coaching Christian youth leaders for civic

engagements. In which, I will source funding from the well-wishers, friends, and family

members to ensure that the study is conducted effectively without a lack of finances. Besides, I

will have to print more interview materials to ensure that the participant does not have to share a

single sheet of a questionnaire. Lastly, I will have to evaluate various methods of collecting

information, such as observation, face-to-face interviews, and surveys. By doing so, it is a sure

bet that the study will be informational and helpful to the audience.


A list of words that may be difficult to understand and pages they are used

1. Conceptual: Tells you the meaning of the concept. Pg.1

2. Obstacle: Something that hinders the progress in the research. Pg 4

3. Adherent: A person or someone who supports an Idea in the research. Pg4


4. Multi-facets: The state of having several or essential elements. Pg6

5. Qualitative: Measurement is done by the quality of something rather than quantity. Pg 6

6. Quantitative: measurement is done by considering quality rather than quantity. Pg 10

7. Authorized: Granted official permission to conduct something. Pg11

8. Scrutinize: Examining or inspecting something carefully .pg 12

9. Stewardship: The responsibility of inspecting or taking care of something. Pg16

10. Peculiar individual: meaning personal or one owning. Pg 16


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