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"True education must correspond to the surrounding circumstances or it is not a healthy growth."
cautions Mahatma Gandhi, and daily newspaper headline reads, "Pakistan is ground zero for global
warming consequences ". Thus, its national obligation to aspire and get higher qualification in a program
that equip youth to fight climate change. Therefore, it inspires me to pursue Master’s degree in
Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems (STEPS). My previous experience of four years
as an Electrical Engineer also compliments this program, and will be helpful during the studies. but also,
it is for the reason that Transport is one of the major consumers of fossil fuels and accounts for 40% of
carbon emission. Therefore, being the part of STEPS program that aims for sustainable transportation is
like being part of change that we aspire to see in the World.

Along the lines of my inspiration to reduce carbon foot print, I have been part of the civil society
awareness campaigns in my city. As a volunteer, we encourage the public to embrace mass transit over
cars for travelling, and use of solar energy to meet their energy requirements. Also, I tend to remain active
in Social activities, and volunteer services. I actively participated in fortnightly Cricket matches, bi-
annual music programs, and annual celebration of Cultural week during my bachelors in the University.
In the current outbreak of COVID-19, I have also joined government’s efforts as a volunteer to distribute
ration and medicines among poor and elderly the citizens. During the studies of STEPs program, I would
also like to work as volunteer with the local community in the host countries as a genuine display of
cultural exchange and Long-Lasting Relationships with local populace.

After graduation in Electronics Engineering, I have been working in Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) as
Engineer (Electrical, Instrument & Control) for the past four years in different capacities. Working in the
Oil & Gas sector, I have gathered valuable technical experience working on Electrical Systems, Control
system, Sensors and actuators installed for the operation and Safety system of Process. I am also a team
leader, and lead team of 08 people in the department, and repot to the Section InCharge. Although
company deals with Natural Gas, but the “fugitive Methane gas is 34 times stronger than CO2 at trapping
heat over a 100-year period and 86 times stronger over 20 years”. This has further reinforced my
aspirations to work in sustainable projects, and industries.
Therefore, I am enthusiastic that Master’s degree in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power
Systems (STEPS) program is an excellent choice to get required technical skills to establish a successful
career in the Industry (Energy, Automation). The projects that I would undertake would also to reduce
carbon foot print at the same time. As according to the ‘Research and Advocacy for the Advancement of
Allied Reforms (RAFTAAR), over 140 million Pakistanis either have no access to the power grid or
suffer over 12 hours of load-shedding daily. Therefore, with my previous experience as an Electrical
Engineer, I would specialize in Electrical Power Systems, and this program offers sufficient technical
knowledge coupled with projects and industries Internships to learn from best Scholars and Technical
Furthermore, during studies in the STEPS program, I would request to undertake Master’s degree at
University of Oviedo, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, and at University of Nottingham for undertaking
specialization in Electrical Power systems. These universities offer state of the art infrastructure, libraries,
and the genuine cultural exposure.
The consortium of Universities offering STEPS program would also provide me the window of
opportunity to have unique cultural experience of studying with students from various parts of the world
having their own unique culture and traditions. Also, I live in a multicultural country Pakistan, and belong
to city near the archeological site “Mohenjo-Daro” of Indus Valley Civilization. Besides English, I also
speak and understand four regional languages (Sindhi, Urdu, Hindi, and Balochi). I am also looking
forward to learn languages such as Portuguese, and Spanish to better communicate with local people, and
get a tremendous learning experience. Unique experience of being part of this program would also
definitely help me to grow as a better human, and see the world from a different perspective.
I would therefore be grateful if provided an opportunity to be part of this an excellent program.

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