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“Pilot Scale Processes for Coarse Cereal Based Functional
Foods through Extrusion Processing”

Niche Area of Excellence

(December 2011 - March 2016)



NEW DELHI 110 012

1 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi



Chapter Page No.

1 Name of the University 1
2 Title of the Niche Area programme 1
3 Date of start/end 1
4 Year-wise Budgetary details
5 Name of the PI/Co-PI with designation 1
6 Goal 2
7 Objectives 2
8 Introduction 2
9 Technical programme 3
10 Activity milestones 4
11 Monitorable targets 4
12 Major equipments/facilities generated under the 5
13 Salient Achievements of the programme 5
14 Detailed Achievements (indicate year of achievement)
under the programme
i Publications 7
ii New innovations commercialized 10
iii Patents Applications/Granted or submitted 10
iv Success stories 10
v Technologies generated/transferred 10
vi Resources generated 10
vii Radio/TV talks 11
viii Students completed M.Sc. /M. V. Sc. /Ph. D Thesis work 11
ix Employment profile of the students completed their thesis 11
under the programme
x Entrepreneurship developed under the programme 12
xi Awards/recognition received 12
xii Linkages established 12
xiii Two-Four related photographs 13
xiv PPP developed 14
xv No. of trainings organized 14
15 ATR of the last Annual Review Meeting 15
16 ATR of the latest Internal Review Meeting 15
1 Screening of natural food ingredients 16
1.1 Antioxidant composition of selected pearl millet 17
1.2 Antioxidant composition of selected finger millet varieties 17
1.3 Antioxidant composition of selected sorghum varieties 18
1.4 Screening of germplasms/varieties of pearl millet for

2 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


extrusion characteristics
1.5 Screening of the cultivars of vegetables 18
2 Production of Ingredients from Targeted Vegetables
2.1 Development of innovative functional, β–carotene rich 20
ingredient from red capsicum
2.2 Dehydrated carrot powder as functional ingredient 20
2.3 soy flour (DSF) as functional ingredient 20
2.4 Evaluation of moringa leaf powder for functional component 21
3. Preparation of Raw Material
3.1 Proximate composition of pearl millet and finger millet 22
3.2 Effect of pre-milling treatments on the nutritional and anti- 22
nutritional contents of pearl millet
3.3 Effect of milling on nutritional quality of pearl millet and 24
finger millet
3.4 Effect of sprouting on nutritional quality of pearl millet and 26
finger millet
4. Extrusion Processing for Product Development and Quality 27
4.1 Extrusion characteristics of millets and other cereal grains 27
4.1.1 Effect of extrusion parameters on extrudate properties 27
4.1.2 Modelling extrusion process parameters using artificial 40
neural networks
4.1.4 Rheological Studies 43
4.1.5 Effect of moisture content and whey protein on phase
transition behaviour of barnyard millet flour 47
4.2 Product Development 49
4.2.1 Pusa Pearl Puff 49
4.2.2 Ready-to-eat Product from Maize-Rice-Aonla 57
4.2.3 Pusa Pearl Pasta 57
4.2.3 Pusa Breakfast Cereal 60
4.2.5 Millet based extruded snack 68
4.2.6 Buckwheat- amaranth bites - Gluten free, low diet snack for
celiacs 69
4.2.7 Sorghum functionalized with fenugreek through extrusion
processing 71
4.2.8 Sauté Pasta 71
5. Storage of Developed Products 72
6. Development of Human Resources 83
7. Infrastructure generated 89
8. Economic viability of the extruded snack for market
acceptability 91
9. Establishment of a Food Processing Plant by KAD 94
10. Consolidated account of allocation, release and expenditure
in NAE project 95
AUC(s) of whole project period 97
Action taken report 102

3 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi



Table Title Page

No. No.
1 Total phenolic content, flavonoid and antioxidant activity of pearl millet 16
2 Flavonoid, total phenolics and antioxidant activity of finger millets 17
3 Flavonoid, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in sorghum 17
4 Varietal/germplasm screening for expansion characteristics during 18
extrusion processing of pearl millet flour
5 Screening of carrot varieties 19
6 Screening of capsicum varieties 19
7 Composition of DSF and powder prepared from carrot and moringa leaves 21
8 Proximate composition of ingredients 22
9 Effect of steeping on phytic acid content, total polyphenols, iron and zinc 23
contents of pearl millet flour
10 Effect of pearling treatment on phytic acid content, total polyphenols, iron 23
and zinc contents of pearl millet flour
11 Effect of heat treatment at different temperatures for 60 s on phytic acid 24
content of pearl millet flour
12 Effect of size reduction on nutritional quality of finger millet 25
13 Effect of size reduction on nutritional quality of pearl millet 25
14 Effect of sprouting on nutritional quality of pearl millet flour 26
15 Effect of sprouting on nutritional quality of finger millet flour 27
16 Experimental design 28
17 Physical properties of pearl millet extrudates 29
18 Nutritional and anti-nutritional properties of pearl millet extrudates 30
19 Physical properties of pearl millet-soy extrudates 31
20 Nutritional and anti-nutritional properties of pearl millet-soy extrudates 32
21 Physical properties of finger millet extrudates 33
22 Nutritional and anti-nutritional properties of finger millet extrudates 34
23 Physical properties of extrudates from barnyard millet 36
24 Physical properties of extrudates from milled rice 37
25 Physical properties of extrudates from wheat flour 38
26 Physical properties of extrudates from maize flour 39
27 Prediction performance of MLP network for different extrusion parameters 42
28 Rheological properties of processed pearl millet dough 44
29 Rheological properties of processed pearl millet dough 45
30 Pasting properties of raw and extruded flour 46
31 Regression coefficients for process and product responses 54
32 Mean sensory score values for commercial and different seasoned extruded 55
33 Nutritional composition of Pusa Pearl Puff and its comparison with 57
commercial product
34 Nutritional composition of Pusa Pearl Pasta and its comparison with 60
commercial product
35 Amino acids composition of the QPM and non-QPM based product 67
36 Nutritional comparison of the breakfast cereal with commercial product 68

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37 Proximate composition of Pusa Vita 69

38 Effect of extrusion on phenolics, antioxidant activity and WSI
39 Effect of packaging materials and storage days on moisture content and 70
phytic acid of extruded snacks
40 Effect of packaging materials and storage days on FFA and PV of extruded 73
41 Effect of packaging materials and storage days on crispness and hardness of 74
extruded snacks
42 Effect of packaging materials and storage days on microbial quality of 75
43 Sensory scores of snacks rated by the sensory panel 76
44 Predicted shelf life of the snack 77
45 ANOVA for moisture content, water activity, FFA, and PV of pasta 80
46 Estimated kinetic constants for quality parameters of pasta 82
47 Changes in breakfast cereal during storage period 83
48 Estimation of direct and indirect cost 91

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Figure Title Page

No. No.
1 Functional ingredients 21
2 Fully connected three layer MLP network for modeling density 41
parameters of pearl millet
3 Measured and predicted value of expansion ratio for finger millet 42
4 Recovery phase 43
5 SEM micrographs of extruded flours 47
6 Effect of moisture content on phase transition behaviour of barnyard 48
7 Effect of whey protein on phase transition behaviour of barnyard millet 48
8 Effect of extrusion conditions on product expansion ratio 49
9 Effect of extrusion conditions on apparent density of extrudate 50
10 Effect of feed moisture content, screw speed, and barrel temperature on 51
product hardness
11 Effect of extrusion variables on product crispness 51
12 Microstructure of extrudates as affected by feed moisture content. (a) 52
X = 13%, (b) X = 19%
13 Microstructure of extrudates as affected by screw speed (a) 400 rpm, (b) 52
500 rpm
14 Microstructure of extrudates as affected by extrusion temperature. (a) 53
100 °C, (b) 128 °C (c) 140 °C
15 Optimization of extrusion process 55
16 (a) Pusa Pearl Puff (b) Pusa Pearl Puff fortified with capsicum powder 56
17 Feedback photographs 56
18 Effect of particle size on integrity of pasta after cooking 58
19 Pasta prepared from different proportions of pearl millet and suji 59
20 Effect of temperature and moisture content on cooking loss and cooking 59
21 Effect of finger millet addition on properties of corn extrudate 61
22 Effect of carrot powder addition on properties of extrudate 62
23 Effect of moisture content on expansion ratio and bulk density of 63
24 Effect of moisture content on properties of extrudate from selected mix 63
25 Effect of temperature on properties of extrudate from selected mix 64
26 Effect of screw speed on properties of extrudate from selected mix 65
27 Effect of particle size on properties of extrudate from selected mix 66
28 Pusa Breakfast Cereal 67
29 Pusa vita in powder and granulated forms through extrusion processing 68
30 Sorption isotherm of snacks 78
31 Effect of storage period on moisture content and water activity of pasta 80
32 Effect of moisture content on free fatty acid and peroxide value of pasta 81

6 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi



ACE Aaqueous carotenoid rich extract

ANN Artificial neural network
BIS Bureau of Indian Standard
BOPP Biaxially oriented polypropylene
BP Back propagation
CD Critical difference
Cfu Colony forming unit
CUPRACC Cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity
DPPH 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl
EL Enzymatic liquefaction
ER Expansion ratio
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FFA Free fatty acid
FRAP Ferric reducing ability of plasma
GAE Gallic acid equivalents
HTHM High temperature, high moisture
HTLM High temperature low moisture
ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
LTHM High temperature, high moisture
LTLM Low temperature and low moisture
MLP Multi-layer perceptron
OAC Oil absorption capacity
PC Powder concentrate
PV Peroxide value
QE Quercetin
QPM Quality protein maize
RMSE Root mean square error
ROI Return on investment
RSM Response surface methodology
TPC Total plate count
ULE Un-liquefied extract
WAI Water absorption index
WSI Water solubility index
WVTR Water vapour transmission rate

7 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi



1. Name of the University: ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

2. Title of the Niche Area programme:
Pilot scale process for coarse cereals based functional food through extrusion processing

3. Date of start/end: 26.12.2011/31.03.2016

4. Year-wise Budgetary details (Rs. in lakh):

Item 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Total

Allocation 118.00 238.5 38.5 27.5 49.60 437.50
Release by 118.00 206.1864+ 37.1879+ 13.75 29.69197 404.8163
the Council 12.31362 1.31215
(unspent) (unspent)
Expenditure 105.6864 217.1879 52.67734 11.76931+ 16.27514+ 403.5961
14.17734 12.19665
(previous (previous
balance) balance)
Unspent 12.31362 1.31215 -14.17734 -12.19665 1.22018 1.22018
Returned Rs 1,22,018.00 on 26.12.2016 to Education Division of ICAR -1.22018
through Syndicate Bank cheque No. 457082 dated 22.12.2016
Balance Nil
Head-wise release-expenditure (2011-16) along with balance included at page No. 95.
AUCs are included at page Nos. 97-101.

5. Name of the PI/Co-PI with designation, and date of joining/leaving the project activities:

Name of PI:
Dr. R. K. Pal, PS & Head, Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology, IARI,
New Delhi (up to October 2012), left project to join as Director, NRC Pomegranate,
Solapur (MH)
Dr. Charanjit Kaur, Principal Scientist, Division of Food Science and Postharvest
Technology (October 2012 to October 2014)
Dr. S. K. Jha, Principal Scientist, Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology,
IARI, New Delhi (October 2014 to March 2016)

Name of Associates:
Dr. Shalini Gaur Rudra, Scientist, Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology
Dr. Shruti Sethi, Senior Scientist, Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology,
joined project in 2014
Dr. Supradip Saha, Senior Scientist, Division of Agricultural chemicals

Name of Collaborators:
Dr. Tara Satyavathi, Principal Scientist, Division of Genetics
Dr. Pitam Kalia, Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Vegetable Science

8 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


6. Goal:
S. Approved goal Status Justification (if any)
1 The ultimate goal of the Products developed include: As envisaged,
project is to develop unique  Pusa Pearl Puff products have been
millet based foods for future  Pusa Pearl Pasta developed using
that will combat the chronic  Pusa Breakfast Cereal pearl millet and
malnutrition of human  Pusa Vita finger millet. The
population with particular  Sorghum-barley-horse products are rich in
reference to protein, vitamin gram puff protein, iron and vit
and micronutrient deficiencies.  Sorhum-fenugreek puff A.

7. Objectives:
i. Screening of natural food ingredients with respect to biochemical profile of germplasm
suitable for food fortification protocol to enrich protein quality and bioavailability of
provitamin A, iron and zinc.
ii. Development of functional food for targeted population (diabetic as well as children)
using extrusion processing
iii. Evaluation of protein quality and bioavailability of provitamin A carotenoids, iron and
zinc from food to food fortified extruded products
iv. Determination of shelf life of developed extruded products
v. Development of human resources for capacity building in production of fortified food
through extrusion processing

8. Introduction:
Coarse cereals, such as sorghum (jowar), pearl millet (bajra), finger millet (ragi) and other
coarse staples like maize, barley, oats are now described as “nutri-cereals”. The protein
content of many of these grains is close to that of wheat, but they are richer in vitamins,
especially vitamin B, iron, phosphorous and some other key micronutrients. Besides, these
are gluten-free alternatives to finer cereals.

More than 2 billion people in the world today suffer from micronutrient deficiencies caused
largely by a dietary deficiency of vitamins and minerals. In 2000, the World Health Report
identified iodine, iron, vitamin A and zinc deficiencies as being among the world’s most
serious health risk factors. Of these, iron deficiency is the most prevalent. It is estimated that
just over 2 billion people are anemic, just under 2 billion have inadequate iodine nutrition and
254 million preschool-aged children are vitamin A deficient. According to WHO mortality

9 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


data, around 0.8 million deaths (1.5% of the total) can be attributed to iron deficiency each
year, and a similar number to vitamin A deficiency. Therefore, efforts were directed towards
development of iron and vit A rich products

9. Technical programme:

S. Activities Remarks
1 Evaluation of nutraceutical, nutritional and anti-nutritional, and anti- Yes
oxidant properties of raw materials including coarse cereals (Pearl millet
and finger millet), vegetables (carrot, capsicum etc) and defatted soy
2 Screening of the cultivars of vegetables (carrot and capsicum) for their Yes
suitability for fortification (vit. A) of coarse cereals
3 Production of ingredient (powder) for extrusion from targeted vegetables Yes
(carrot, capsicum etc): standardization of drying method for retention of
functional ingredients
4 Preparation (pearling, roasting, size reduction, moisture conditioning) of Yes
raw material like pearl millet and finger millet for extrusion processing:
standardization of preparation method based on destruction of anti-
nutrient factors
5 Mixing of raw materials (millets and vegetables) and extrusion processing Yes
for development of fortified foods:
Standardization of mixing proportions of ingredients will be done for
following 2 groups:
i. Diabetic people
ii. School aged children (6-13 years)
Optimization of extrusion processing parameters
6 Quality evaluation of extruded fortified products Yes
Nutraceutical: potential for type 2 diabetes, total anti-oxidant, phenols and
Proximate composition
Anti-nutritional factors: Phytic acid, tannin
Physical: expansion ratio, bulk density, water solubility index, water
absorption index
Textural properties: Hardness, crispness
Micro-structure studies
7 Modeling extrusion process using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Yes
8 Validation of ANN model Yes
9 Evaluation of packaging material and environment for extended shelf life Yes
of selected product
10 Evaluation of product quality (Nutraceutical and microbial) with respect Yes
to packaging and storage environment
11 Data analysis and selection of optimal storage protocol Yes
12 Incorporation of different flavour/taste Yes
13 Sensory evaluation and optimization of product quality Yes
14 Products ready for commercialization Yes
15 Submission of Technical report Yes

10 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


10. Activity milestones:

S. Year Milestone Remarks (if any)

No. Approved Achieved

11. Monitorable targets:

Monitorable Targets* Remarks

i. Availability of database of nutraceutical, Data generated on 32 pearl millet,
nutritional, anti-nutritional, and anti-oxidant 7 finger millet, 4 sorghum, 9
properties of raw materials including coarse carrot genotypes/ varieties, 10
cereals, vegetables and defatted soy etc capsicum genotypes/varieties,
ii. Optimized drying method of vegetables (carrot One drying method.
& capsicum) Four (4) publications
iii. No. of publications

i. No. of extruded products developed 6 products developed and their

ii. Data on physico-chemical parameters including properties determined.
nutraceutical, nutritional, anti-nutritional and
anti-oxidant properties of developed products
iii. No. of publications 2+18=20 publications

i. Data on shelf life of products Four products

ii. No. of publications 02

i. Number of training imparted to students and Organized 4 training programmes

research workers on extrusion processing of food (67 participants), provided
attachment training to one ARS
scientist from ICAR-NDRI,
Karnal. Students from other
universities (Jamia Hamdard;
Vanasthali University; Gautam
Budh University; IP university)
were permitted for M.Sc and PhD
work. 15 students from IARI
completed/continuing MSc/PhD
work on extrusion processing.

ii. Number of course developed Included in one course entitled

“Post Harvest Processing of
Cereals, Pulses and oilseeds”

11 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


12. Major equipments/facilities generated under the programme:

Name of the major Number Approved Unit cost Year of Further use Present
equipments/facilities Budget (Rs. in procurement plan status
(Rs. in lakh)
Food Extruder 1 150 166.39 2012-13 It would It is being
Microfluidizer 1 25 32.95 2012-13 be used used for
Phase Transition 1 32 32.00 2011-12 for research,
Analyzer research, training
UPLC 1 37 37.00 2011-12 training and
Spectrofluorometer 1 20 20.00 2011-12 and demonstr
MAP system 1 24 25.00 2011-12 demonstra ation
tion purposes.
Photographs of facilities generated are given at page No. 89-90.

13. Salient Achievements of the programme:

 Thirty two genotypes of Pearl millet (bajra) germplasm/varieties, seven finger millet
(ragi) varieties, and four sorghum varieties were screened for total phenol content,
total flavonoid content, and antioxidant capacity. Pearl millet germplasm (IC 283693)
was found to have maximum flavanoids and phenolics contents. Among released
varieties of pearl millet, Pusa 443 had maximum expansion ratio after extrusion.
Among finger millet varieties, GPU 45 had maximum phenolics and antioxidants.
Sorghum variety (M35-1) showed highest phenolics and anti-oxidant activity.
 Nine carrot and 10 capsicum varieties/germplasms were screened for antioxidant,
phenolics and other traits. Among carrot varieties, Pusa Rudhira and Yamdagni were
found to be having highest functional quality. Purple capsicum was found to have
highest functional value among greenish capsicum whereas among coloured capsicum
Torquino red had best quality.
 Dehydrated powder as functional ingredients rich in micronutrients, carotenoids,
ascorbic acid, antioxidants, and phenoilcs was developed from carrot, capsicum, and
 Pearl millet based ready-to-eat Pusa Pearl Puff for school going children (5-15 years)
was developed through extrusion processing. The product could to be a boon to the
huge human population suffering from celiac diseases due to gluten allergy.
 Vitamin C (14 mg/100g) enriched RTE snack was developed for children (6-16 years)
using maize-rice-aonla (80:10:10) blend with acceptable organoleptic quality.

12 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


 Pusa Breakfast Cereal was developed through hot extrusion process using finger
millet, corn and carrot powder. The product was found to be having medium glycemic
index (67). The bowl life of the product was 4 min.
 Pusa Pearl Pasta based on pearl millet flour and semolina was developed. The product
has reduced gluten load and higher micronutrients. The product was also
functionalized with soy and carrot powder. Organoleptically, soy fortified pasta was
found to have better acceptability.
 Ready-to-use Pusa Vita was developed through hot extrusion process. It is based on
finger millet and soy. It is high protein (18%) and micronutrients. The product has
been commercialized through signing an MOA with KAD Bioresources Pvt. Ltd.
 The effect of incorporation of fenugreek powder (0.5-3%) on extruded snack from
sorghum was evaluated. Results indicated that addition of fenugreek powder can
increase the functionality of extruded sorghum snack for developing low glycemic
food for diabetic people.
 Evaluation of extrusion characteristics of pearl millet, finger millet, barnyard millet,
rice, wheat and maize was carried out with barrel temperature, screw speed, feed
moisture content and feeder:screw speed as independent variables. The effect of these
process parameters on extrudate properties (expansion ratio, apparent density,
capacity, water absorption index, oil absorption capacity, water solubility index,
hardness, crunchiness, total antioxidants, total phenols, urease activity, phytic acid,
polyphenols) were determined. The data generated would immensely useful for
product formulation.
 Developed two-layer feed-forward fully connected neural network model for
predicting extruded product quality. The continuous unipolar function with sigmoidal
features was used as an activation function at hidden and output layers.
 Storage study of Pusa Pearl Puff, Pusa breakfast cereal and Pusa Pearl Pasta was
carried out. All the products had more than 6 months storage life in BOPP and
laminated pouches.
 The effect of some pre-milling treatments like pearling, heat treatment, steeping and
sprouting on the nutritional and anti-nutritional contents of pearl millet was
determined. It was observed that these treatments reduced the anti-nutritional factors
and improved nutritional quality as well as shelf life of flour.

13 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


 Effects of milling on nutritional profile of pearl millet and finger miller flours were
determined. A reduction in nutritional quality was found with decrease in size of
 Creep-recovery experiments were performed on a dynamic rheometer (Anton paar,
MCR 52, Austria) equipped with a parallel plate geometry (50 mm diameter).
 Cost economics of Pusa Pearl Puff was evaluated was worked out to be Rs 40 per kg
for plant output capacity of 100 kg/h.
 MOAs with private firms have been signed for products like Pusa Pearl Puff, Pusa
vita, Carotenoid rich extracts from carrot and capsicum for their commercialization.
 Four traning programmes (67 participants) were organized. Faculty members from
some universities, students from different universities, farmers, entrepreneurs were
 Fifteen (15) MTech/PhD students from IARI have been trained. Students from IP
university, Jamia Hamdard, Banasthali University, Gautam Budh University have also
been assisted to carry out their MSc/PhD research work.

Detailed report is included as Annexure I.

14. Detailed Achievements (indicate year of achievement) under the programme:

i. Publications (please indicate the NAAS rating of the publications (if any):

o Kirti Jalgaonkar, S. K. Jha. 2016. Influence of particle size and blend composition on
quality of wheat semolina-pearl millet pasta. Journal of Cereal Science. 71, 239-245
(NAAS rating: 8.09)
o Jalgaonkar, K R.; Jha, S K; Sharma, D K. 2016. Effect of thermal treatments on the
storage life of pearl millet flour. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 86(6): 762-
767. (NAAS rating: 6.0)
o Arun Kumar, T. V., Samuel, D. V. K., Jha, S. K. and Sinha J. P. 2015. Twin Screw
Extrusion of Sorghum and Soya Blends: A Response Surface Analysis. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology, 17: 649-662. (NAAS rating: 6.68)
o Chikkanna, G. S., Samuel, D. V. K. and Jha, S. K. 2015. Optimization of Extrusion
Process for Preparation of Ready to Eat Product from Maize-Rice-Aonla. Journal of
Agricultural Engineering, 52 (2), 28-36. (NAAS rating: 4.27)

14 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


o Chauhan S S; Jha S K; Jha G K; Sharma D K; Satyavathi T; Kumari Jyoti. 2015.

Germplasm screening of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) for popping characteristics.
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85(3): 344–8. (NAAS rating: 6.0)
o Kumari, Jyoti, Chauhan, S. S., Jha, S. K., Pandey, S., Satyavathi, Tara C. and Dutta, M.
2015. Identification of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) germplasm with
unique popping quality in the national genebank collections of India. Indian Journal of
Genetics and Breeding. 75 (1): 128-131
o Tiwari, A., Jha, S. K., Pal, R. K., Sethi, S. and Lal Krishan. 2014. Effect of pre-milling
treatments on storage stability of pearl millet flour. Journal of Food Processing and
Preservation. 38(3), 1215-1223. (NAAS rating: 6.94)
o Chauhan S S; Jha S K; Jha, Jha G K; Sharma D K. 2014. Water Absorption Kinetics of
Pearl Millet Grains. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 51(1), 8-16. (NAAS rating:

Popular/Technical Articles
 Jha, S. K. and Om Prakash. 2014. ‘Pusa Breakfast Cereal’ from quality protein maize.
Indo-ASEAN News on Agriculture and Forestry. 2(2), 10-11.
 Pusa Pearl Pasta. Jan-Mar. 2014. IARI News. 30(1), 2014.
 Jha, S. K. and Jalgaonkar, K. R. 2013. Pusa Pearl Pasta. ICAR News. 19(4), 3.
 Jha, S. K., Kumari, Jyoti and Singh T. P. 2013. Bajra Janandravya: Popping ki
sambhawana. Prasar Doot. December 2013 issue. Pp 50-51.
 Jha, S. K. and Om Prakash. 2013. ‘Pusa Breakfast Cereal’ from quality protein maize.
ICAR News. 19(3), 18.
 Chauhan, S., Jha, S.K., Jha, G.K., Tara Satyavathi, C. and Kumari, Jyoti. 2012. Bajra
germplasm for ready-to-eat popped-up snacks. ICAR News. 18(4), 18.
 Jha, S. K. 2012. Bajre se banayen paushtik snacks. Kheti. December 2012 issue. Pp
21-22, 26.
 Sethi, S., Pal, R. K. and Jha, S. K. 2012. Mote anajon ke prasanakaran se viksit
mulyavardhak khadya padarth. Prasaar Doot 16 (1): 58-59.
 Jha, S. K., Tiwari Ajita and Jha G. K. 2012. Bajre se taiyar karein paushtik ahaar.
Prasar Doot. June 2012 issue. Pp 51-52.
 Pearl Pop- A Ready to Eat Snack. Oct-Dec. 2012. IARI News. 28(4), 3.

15 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


 Jha, S. K. and Pal R. K. 2012. Nutrient-rich value-added product – Pusa Soy Nut.
April-June, 2012. ICAR News. 18(2), 19.
 Jha, S. K. and Pal R. K. 2012. PUSA bajra puffs –Ready-to-eat nutritious snack.
ICAR News. 18(1), 3.

Video developed: 02

Technology Pamphlet
 Pusa Soy nut (Compiled and edited by S.K. Jha, R. K Pal, & R. R. Sharma)
 Pusa bajra puff (Compiled and edited by S.K. Jha, R. K Pal, & R. R. Sharma)
 Pusa Soy nut: Ek Naya Utpad (Compiled and edited by S.K. Jha, R. K Pal, & R. R.
 Pusa bajra puff: Ek Naya Utpad (Compiled and edited by S. K. Jha, R. K Pal, & R. R.
 Jha, S. K. 2014. Poshan suraksha hetu Pusa Sansthan ke mulya vardhit utpad. (Eds:
MS Nain, Premlata Singh, R Barman and Girijesh Mahra, Agril. Extension Division,
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi)

Abstracts published
 Kaur Charanjit and Shruti S (2013). Glycemic index and hypoglycemic potential of
extruded sorghum functionalized with fenugreek (Trigonella foenucum graceum)’ In:
Health and wellness through nutraceuticals, Nutritionals and Naturals, 8th Nutra India
Summit, Mumbai, 13-16th March
 Tiwari, Ajita and Jha, S. K. 2012. Effect of pre-milling treatments on phytic acid
content and tannin content of pearl millet. Souvenir of 46th Annual Convention and
International symposium on Grain storage of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers
held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar during 27th -29th February 2012 (Paper No. PDFE-2012-
ACP-30) pp 36.
 Jha, S. K., and Tiwari, A. 2012. Processing of bajra: a new approach. Extended
summaries Book of 3rd Int. Agronomy Congress on “Agriculture Diversification,
Climate change management and livelihoods” held at IARI, New Delhi during 26 th -
30th November 2012, pp 1403-4.

16 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


ii. New innovations commercialized (if any, give details):

Caroteniod rich extracts, Pusa Pearl Puff and Pusa vita were commercialized.

iii. Patents Applications/Granted or submitted (if any): 02

Title Application Date of Present status Indicate your

/publication application role
number /publication (1st/2nd/3rd/…
inventor /others)
Anthocyanin rich 3130/DEL/2012 2012 Examination Kaur, C., Walia
functional products report awaited S. and Pal RK.
from black carrots and
its process thereof
Carotenoid rich 909/DEL/2012 2012 Examination Kaur, C., Walia,
composition and report S., Nath, P.,
awaited Saha, S.
process of its

iv. Success stories in one/two page (if any):

v. Technologies generated/transferred (year-wise) or new products developed:

Name of the Number of Status Revenue Role of PI in

technology beneficiary (commercialized generated technology
or not) (Rs. in lakh) generation/
Pusa Pearl Puff 2 Yes 2.0 PI
Extraction 2 Yes 4.0 PI
Technology of
Anthocyanins and
Pusa vita 1 Yes - PI
Pusa Pearl Pasta - No - PI
Pusa Breakfast Cereal - No - PI

vi. Resources generated (if any):

Name of the Resource Year of Generation

Consultancy project (5 lakhs) 2015
MOUs (7 lakhs) 2012-13, 2013-14, 2015-16

17 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


vii. Radio/TV talks (if any):

Title of the programme Date of Duration Broadcasting

broadcast Radio/TV Channel
Chane ka prasanskaran 7.1.2016 15 min DD Kisan

Bajre ka prasanskaran 8.10.2015 15 min DD Kisan

Soybean ka prasanskaran 1.10.2015 15 min DD Kisan
Khadya Pransanskaran ki unnat 30.4.2015 1h DD Kisan
Processing of Food grains for higher 19.7.2014 1h DD
Food Processing for Employment 15.5.2014 1h DD (Live telecast)
Soybean processing 3.04.2014 20 min DD
Khadya pransanskaran 12.9.2013 1h DD (Live telecast)

viii. Students completed M.Sc. /M. V. Sc. /Ph. D Thesis work under the programme (year-

S. Number of Course Whether completed thesis under Role of the PI/Co-

No. Students Title the programme (Yes/No) PI (Guide/Co-
1 3 M. Tech.  2 students have completed Chairman/Co-
 1 student is working under the chairman
2 12 Ph.D.  3 students have completed Chairman/Co-
 4 are in the process of thesis chairman
 5 students are working under
the program
Details of the students are given in Annexure I at page No. 88-89.

ix. Employment profile of the students completed their thesis under the programme (year-

S. Number of Completed thesis under Placement records (if Role of the

No. Student the programme any) PI/Co-PI in
(Yes/No) students
1 2 (M. Tech.) Yes One joined PhD, one Chairman/
qualified ARS service Co-chairman
2 5 (Ph.D.) 3 completed, others in 2 Qualified ARS Chairman/
the process of thesis service and 2 joined as Co-chairman
submission Assistant Professor

18 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


x. Entrepreneurship developed under the programme:

S. Number of Number of Nature of Nature of Present

No. Students/Others Students/Others support from entrepreneurship Status
Trained under the opted institution in
programme entrepreneurshipcreating
1 67 2 MOA Extrusion ongoing
Details of the participants are given in Annexure I at page No. 84-87.

xi. Awards/recognition received by the PI/Co-PIs/Students under the Programme (year-


Name/Designation of the Award name Date of Host institution Purpose of the Award
person award
Prerna Nath, PhD student Innovation 2014 DUPONT For developing process
award at for ‘Innovative
power of functional ingredient’,
Shunya high in β-carotene
Dr. S. K. Jha, IARI Best Feb 2013 PG School, IARI, For teaching and
Pr. Scientist Teacher New Delhi student’s guidance
award 2012

xii. Linkages established within the country and abroad with various agencies:

S. Linkages established with Date of Linkage Nature/Purpose of Linkages

No. Establishment
1 M/s Shri Radhe Krishna Jan 2016 MOA
Kalyan Sansthan
2 M/s KAD Bioresources Pvt Ltd. Nov. 2013, 2015 MOU
3 M/s Krishna Pickles 2013 MOU
4 M/s Agro Food Tech Pvt. Ltd. April 2012 MOU
5 M/s Devesh Foods Pvt. Ltd. September 2013 MOU
6 M/s Pratishtha Industries Ltd. 2013 MOU
7 M/s NIDAN July 2014 Consultancy
8 M/s DCP India Pvt. Ltd. October 2014 Consultancy
9 University of Lincoln, UK 2016 Mutual project formulation
10 Kansas State University, USA 2012 Visits by Dr Sajid Alavi and his
research group
11 Gautam Budh University, G. 2016 Student’s (M.Sc.) research work on
Noida extrusion
12 Banasthali Vidyapeeth, 2016 Student’s (Ph.D.) research work on
Rajasthan extrusion
13 ICAR-NDRI, Karnal 2015-16 Attachment training of scientist (Ms
Amita Vairat) on extrusion
14 IP University, Delhi 2014-15, 2016 Student’s research work
15 Jamia Hamdard, Delhi 16 Student’s research work

19 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


xiii. Two-Four related photographs (with date/captions) showing the important activities in
lab, field as applicable (also provide separately in jpg/jpeg format).

Participants of training held during Participants of training held during

Nov. 5-7, 2015 Dec. 7-9, 2015

Participants of training held during Participants of training held

Jan. 11-13, 2016 during Feb. 22-24, 2016

Team of KSU, USA visiting the Hon’ble Prof M. S. Swaminathan

Extrusion Facilities taking glance of extruded products

20 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


xiv. PPP developed, if any: Yes, MoU was signed with following firms:
 M/s KAD Bioresources Pvt Ltd., Ahmadabad
 M/s Agro Food Tech Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon
 M/s Devesh Foods Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
 M/s DCP India Pvt. Ltd., Sonepat
 M/s Pratishtha Industries Ltd.
 M/s Krishna Pickles, Delhi
 M/s Shri Radhe Krishna Jan Kalyan Sansthan, Ghaziabad

xv. No. of trainings organized with No. of participants:

S. Title of the training Duration & Number of participants Post

No. programme dates of training
Organizatio follow-
Faculty Students Farmer Other
n up (if
s s

Development of
Functional Food November
1 2 8 1 4
through extrusion 5-7, 2015

2 Advances in
Extrusion Processing 2 10 2 1
7-9, 2015
of Food

Development of
Functional January 11-
3 - 12 2 5
Ingredients for 13, 2016
extrusion processing

Extrusion Processing
- Technology and
4 22-24, 1 9 4 4
Details of the participants are given in Annexure I at page No. 84-87.

21 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


15. ATR of the last Annual Review Meeting (2015-16):

S. Comments Compliance report

1 Checking for bioavailability Data on bioavailability of nutrients is valuable
of nutrients is must for information. Decrease in anti-nutritional factor is a
validated statements good indicator of increased bioavailability of
nutrients. Data on anti-nutritional factors (phytic acid,
polyphenol content, urease activity) are presented at
page no. 34, Tables 17, 19 & 21. Their decrease after
extrusion clearly revealed increase in bioavailability
of protein and micronutrients.
2 No product fortified with A photograph of Pusa Pearl Puff fortified with
capsicum has been developed capsicum powder has been included at Fig 15.
Inclusion of 10% carrot powder, 2% bittergourd
powder, and 5% aonla powder in pearl puff was found
3 The PI was advised not to No activity other than approved objectives have been
include the activities other included.
than approved objectives
4 The quality comparison with Quality comparisons with known brands have been
known brands is lacking included at Table 32, Table 33, and Table 35.

16. ATR of the latest Internal Review Meeting (please specify the date of the meeting)*: The
meeting held on 14.3.2016. There was no specific comment.

This is to certify that the progress of the project during the period from December 2011 -
March, 2016 is satisfactory.

(Vice-Chancellor) (Project In-charge)

22 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


1. Screening of natural food ingredients

1.1 Antioxidant composition of selected pearl millet varieties/germplasms

Thirty two genotypes of Pearl millet were obtained from Division of Genetics, IARI and
NBPGR, New Delhi. Total phenol content ranged from 199.15-452.30 GAE mg/100 g. Total
flavonoid content ranged from 140.70-278.43 QE mg/100g. Antioxidant capacity ranged
from 22.14-48.29 µ mol TE/g (CUPRAC), 10.54-15.34 µ mol TE/g (DPPH), 5.40-11.22 µ
mol TE/g (FRAP), presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Total phenolic content, flavonoid and antioxidant activity of pearl millet

Flavonoids Total Phenolics FRAP

Pearl millet varieties
(mg/100g) (mg/100g) (µ mol TE/ g)
IC 283631 179.30 199.15 5.73i
IC 283692 197.77 216.05 7.23
IC 283693 278.43 452.30 9.60
IC 283702 216.00 264.55 9.20
IC 283734 210.73 254.80 7.31
IC 283737 203.90 237.05 6.93
IC 283744 214.50 244.15 8.10
IC 283745 207.03 224.00 7.36
IC 283761 168.30 242.55 6.12
IC 283842 168.93 209.50 6.82
IC 283818 145.60 264.65 5.40
IC 283847 140.70 211.95 11.22
IC 283848 161.10 224.85 6.82
IC 283882 148.33 215.60 7.67
IC 283893 157.30 224.65 6.74
IC 283908 167.40 242.00 7.46
IC 309055 173.43 280.00 9.82
IC 309056 206.40 296.45 9.96
IC 309060 165.03 224.90 6.87
IC 312753 165.90 283.80 7.93
IC 320001 172.47 231.85 8.96
IC 332700 206.60 307.00 7.91
IC 332706 217.67 312.35 10.34
IC 232707 188.03 253.75 8.30
IC 332715 206.67 271.90 10.35
IC 355901 161.17 200.20 7.30
IC 335902 178.07 224.95 6.86
Pusa 605 204.40 334.10 8.00
Pusa 322 240.47 269.85 7.99
Pusa 415 213.20c 290.95 6.29

23 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


1.2 Antioxidant composition of selected finger millet varieties

Finger millet (Ragi) varieties viz. GPU67, GPU48, GPU45, L5, PR202, GPU66 and GPU28
were analyzed. Total phenolics content ranged from 172.37–332.03GAE mg/100 g. Total
flavonoid content ranged from 61.84–116.89 QE mg/100 g. Antioxidant capacity ranged from
2.15–3.84 µmol TE/g (CUPRAC), 8.88–17.91 µmol TE/g (DPPH), 2.56–5.86 µmol TE/g
(FRAP), in Table 2.

Table 2. Flavonoid, total phenolics and antioxidant activity of finger millets

Finger Flavonoids Total Phenolics CUPRAC DPPH FRAP
millet (mg/100g) (GAE mg/100g) (µmolTE/g) (µmolTE/g) (µmolTE/g)
GPU67 61.84 199.13 2.44 8.92 3.07
GPU48 110.53 265.50 3.19 12.95 4.13
GPU45 93.91 231.20 2.73 11.84 3.80
L5 116.89 284.10 3.19 13.67 4.30
PR202 75.07 172.37 2.13 8.88 2.56
GPU66 99.07 243.37 2.91 13.98 4.07
GPU28 68.73 332.03 3.84 17.91 5.86

1.3 Antioxidant composition of selected sorghum varieties

Four varieties of sorghum namely, CSV18VR, CS14VR, M35-1 and PhuleYashoda obtained
from Directorate of sorghum Research, Hyderabad were evaluated. Total phenolic content
ranged from 87.75–168.3 GAE mg/100 g. Total flavonoid content ranged from 49.40–80.45
QE mg/100 g. Antioxidant capacity ranged from 4.88–13.58 µmol TE/g (CUPRAC), 5.96–
12.41 µmol TE/g (DPPH). The Detailed results of sorghum varieties are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Flavonoid, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in sorghum varieties

Cultivars Total phenolics Flavonoids DPPH CUPRAC

(GAE mg/100g) (mg/100g) (µmolTE/g) (µmolTE/g)
CSV18VR 167.5 49.37 9.88 4.88
CS14VR 168.3 80.34 5.96 10.06
M35-1 165.75 63.24 7.85 13.58
PhuleYashoda 87.75 69.23 12.41 09.53

24 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


1.4 Screening of germplasms/varieties of pearl millet for extrusion characteristics

Four varieties and 12 germplasms were screened for evaluation expansion characteristics
during extrusion. It was observed that the axial as well as lateral dimensions varied
significantly (Table 4). Among varieties Pusa 443 had maximum expansion and among
germplasms 6502, 6575, 6576, 6598, 6705, 6708, 8634 exhibited better performances. This
may be due to variation in amylose content.

Table 4. Varietal/germplasm screening for expansion characteristics during extrusion

processing of pearl millet flour

Variety/germplasm Axial dimension, Lateral Expansion ratio

mm dimension, mm
Pusa 334 16.74 7.47 2.49
6708 16.06 9.94 3.31
6598 17.52 9.68 3.23
6705 13.37 9.64 3.21
Pusa 383 18.69 7.46 2.49
6509 17.40 8.59 2.86
6703 16.28 8.47 2.82
6502 15.75 10.12 3.37
6607 15.33 8.78 2.93
Pusa 612 24.00 7.14 2.38
6575 20.47 10.37 3.46
6508 19.25 7.66 2.55
6576 18.84 10.50 3.50
Pusa 443 17.77 9.39 3.13
8634 17.41 10.30 3.43
6705 OP 18.85 8.99 3.00
(Temperature 120°C, Moisture content 16% (wb), feeder speed 40 rpm, screw speed 400
rpm, cutter speed 275 rpm)

1.5 Screening of the cultivars of vegetables

1.5.1 Screening of carrot varieties

Nine varieties (Pusa Asita, Pusa Kulfi, Pusa Rudhira, Pusa Meghali, Pusa Vrishti, Pusa
Kesar, Pusa vasudha, Yamdagini, Nantes) of carrot were evaluated for different quality
parameters like antioxidant activity, phenol content, carotenoid, firmness, TSS etc. Pusa
Rudhira and Yamdagni were found to be having highest functional quality (Table 5).

25 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 5. Screening of carrot varieties

S. Variety Antioxidant Free Carotenoid Firmness, TSS,

No. activity phenol (mg/100g) N °Brix
(µmol trolox/g) (mg/100g)
1 Yamdagini 0.57 6.11 13.77 9.11 4.4
2 Pusa Ashita 5.00 51.60 13.22 6.92 4.2
3 Pusa Kulfi 0.72 5.88 1.51 9.52 4.0
4 Pusa Rudhira 1.22 11.37 13.75 8.22 4.3
5 Pusa Meghali 1.05 5.84 9.47 10.14 4.1
6 Pusa Brishti 1.09 5.80 12.67 7.30 2.4
7 Pusa Keshar 0.89 5.71 13.30 10.97 3.0
8 Nantes 1.02 5.38 1.85 7.40 3.1
9 Pusa Vasudha 0.84 9.30 7.20 9.65 3.7

1.5.1 Screening of capsicum varieties

Ten varieties/germplasms of capsicum were evaluated. The result is presented in Table 6.
Among green capsicum purple green capsicum was found to have highest functional value
whereas among coloured capsicum Torquino red was to have highest quality.

Table 6. Screening of capsicum varieties

S. Variety Total Carotenoid Ascorbic Antioxidant Phenol TSS Firmness

No. chlorophyll (mg/100g) acid activity (mg/ (°B) (N)
(mg/100g) (mg/100g) (µmol 100g)
1 Orobelly 11.87 3.87 67.00 1.19 33.48 7.0 9.11
2 Orobelly 2.36 4.00 60.43 1.56 57.36 8.0 6.92
3 Purple 12.47 4.55 66.47 1.25 32.66 5.0 9.52
4 Purple 10.34 3.49 56.12 2.12 42.96 6.0 8.22
5 Bomby 11.57 5.16 70.69 1.62 49.25 5.0 10.14
6 Bomby 2.77 7.68 65.70 1.69 51.95 7.0 7.30
7 Tarquino 9.10 4.852 87.38 1.92 68.34 7.0 10.97
8 Tarquino 2.67 25.88 87.59 1.07 91.22 8.8 7.40
9 Indra 12.61 5.56 76.63 1.94 53.14 5.8 9.65
10 Indra Red 2.36 12.38 61.72 2.77 86.13 8.2 7.86

26 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


2. Production of Ingredients from Targeted Vegetables

2.1 Development of innovative functional, β – carotene rich ingredient from red capsicum

Development of aqueous carotenoid rich extract (ACE) is a major challenge for the nutraceutical
industry looking for natural colorants in lieu of synthetic ones. Red capsicum an excellent source
of carotenoids has been explored as a novel source for development of ACE through enzymatic
liquefaction (EL). Four carbohydrases enzymes viz. viscozyme L, pectinase, cellulase and
amylases, were tested for their liquefaction effects and ability to recover higher carotenoids in
aqueous extract. EL significantly (P<0.05) improved the extract yield and total soluble solids by
2.5 to 3 folds in comparison to control un-liquefied extract (ULE). Incremental increase in dosage
of enzymes significantly improved the extract yield, total carotenoids, phenolics, ascorbic acid
content and antioxidant activity in aqueous extract. Viscozyme L and pectinase, however caused
significant higher recovery of carotenoids and other bio-actives than cellulase and amylase.
Viscozyme L applied at dosage of 0.3% at 60°C gave the best results. Processing residue or
pomace, a spin off from the EL, was dried to powder concentrate (PC) and developed as a
functional ingredient. The ACE and PC had higher carotenoid content ranging from 41.72 (fwb)
to 279.83 (dwb) mg/100g respectively. Results strongly suggest that viscozyme L is a candidate
enzyme for recovery of an aqueous extract with high in carotenoids, and antioxidant activity.
HPLC chromatogram of capsicum concentrate showed conspicuous peak. Nutraceutical quality of
capsicum concentrate was found to be higher than corresponding concentrate developed from
tomato. Valorization of capsicum through EL is a promising approach to recover concentrates as
valuable food ingredient with reduced processing waste and environmental pollution.

2.2 Dehydrated carrot powder as functional ingredient

Drying of carrot was done to make powder, which could be used as functional ingredient in
the extruded foods. Two varieties of carrot namely, Pusa Yamdagni and Nantes were used.
Slicing, shredding, enzymatic pretreatments were given to the carrot in order to enhance rate
of dehydration. Time of dehydration was significantly reduced from about 10 to 2 h and the
better color of powder was retained. Composition of carrot powder is presented in table 6.

2.3 Defatted soy flour (DSF) as functional ingredient

Soy flour was prepared by grinding whole soybean using hammer mill (Sanco, India).
Defatting of the soy flour was done using Soxhlet apparatus taking petroleum ether (boiling
point 40-60oC) as solvent for 8 h. Defatted soy flour was then passed through 297µm sieve
for further analysis. Composition of DSF powder is presented in Table 7.

27 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Carrot powder Aonla powder Capsicum powder Bittergourd powder

Fig. 1 Functional ingredients

2.4 Evaluation of moringa leaf powder for functional component

The composition of moringa leaf powder was determined as given in Table 7. It is evident
that moringa leaf powder was better ingredient with high functionality.

Table 7. Composition of DSF and powder prepared from carrot and moringa leaves
Carrot Moringa
Composition DSF
powder leaves powder
Fat (%) 18.30 0.80 5.23
Ash (%) 4.99 4.90 10.2
Protein (%) 39.9 7.01 16.1
Iron (mg/100g) 13.45 12.12 140
Zinc (mg/100g) 4.55 2.15 2.23
Calcium(mg/100g) 160.29 192 1615
Ascorbic acid (mg/100g) 12.54 26.64 61.22
Flavanoids (mg/100g) 210.02 370 3520
Antioxidants activity (µmoltrox/g) 14.62 30.5 4820
Carotenoids (mg/100g) 0.65 27.6 50.5
Phenol (mg/100g) 135 165 6915
Phytic acid (mg/100g) 280 - -
Trypsin inhibitors activity (TIU/mg) 72 - -

28 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


3. Preparation of Raw Material

3.1 Proximate composition of pearl millet and finger millet
The pearl millet (cv PC 443) was evaluated for nutritional and anti-nutritional properties and
is shown in Table 8. Although it contains considerable high amount micronutrients especially
iron and zinc yet a high value of phytic acid is of major concern since it leads to bitterness of
flour. The Phytic acid or phytate in salt form has strong chelating properties and binds with
multivalent cations like iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc reducing the absorption of these
minerals by human being. Additionally it binds protein and starch reducing their

Table 8. Proximate composition of ingredients

S. No. Parameter Pearl millet Finger millet
1. Moisture (% db) 10.4 12.5
2. Protein (% db) 12.2 4.7
3. Fat (% db) 3.68 0.7
4. Ash (%) 1.54 2.1
5. Crude fibre (%) 1.74 4.0
6. Carbohydrate (%) 70.4 76.0
7. Iron (mg/100g) 6.9 3.11
8. Zinc (mg/100g) 3.06

3.2 Effect of pre-milling treatments on the nutritional and anti-nutritional contents of

pearl millet

3.2.1 Steeping
Effect of steeping on pearl millet flour is presented in Table 9. A significant (P≤0.05)
decrease in phytic acid content with increase in steeping time was observed. It was reduced
from 728 mg/100 g in untreated to 398 mg/100 g (45.32% reduction) after 36 h of steeping.
The reduction could be due to the low pH of steeped flour, which is considered to be
optimum for phytase activity. Steeping also caused a significant decrease in total polyphenols
from 336.35 to 278.72 mg/100 g possibly due to activation of polyphenol oxidase. A
significant (P≤0.05) decrease in iron content of pearl millet (68.60 to 67.10 ppm) was
observed with increase in steeping time. Steeping resulted in significant reduction (P≤0.05) in
zinc content of pearl millet from 30.59 to 28.10 ppm.

29 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


It is thus evident that though significant reduction in phytic acid can be brought by steeping
but the time required for the process is very high. So for commercial application, steeping
treatment may not be a viable option.

Table 9. Effect of steeping on properties of pearl millet flour

S. Steeping Phytic acid Total Iron Zinc

No. time (h) content polyphenols (ppm) (ppm)
(mg/100 g) (mg/100 g)
1. 0 728 352 68.60 30.59
2. 12 628 331 68.20 29.74
3. 24 486 303 67.30 28.82
4. 36 398 278 67.10 28.10

3.2.2 Pearling
During pearling for 5 to 25 min, it was observed that the pearled content from the grain
varied from 16 to 34% (Table 10). As the pearling time increased, there was decrease in
phytic acid, total polyphenols, iron and zinc. Beyond 25 min of pearling, there was almost no
change in phytic acid content. Hence, the pearling time of 25 min was considered optimum
whereby a maximum reduction of about 34% in phytic acid was found. Pearling significantly
(P≤0.05) decreased phytic acid content (728 to 515 mg/100 g). This was due to removal of
outer layers during pearling, where phytic acid is thought to be abundant. Pearling also
caused a significant decrease in total polyphenols (352.64 to 322.78 mg/100 g) as well as in
iron and zinc content.

Table 10. Effect of pearling treatment on properties of pearl millet flour

S. No. Time of Pearling Phytic acid Total Iron Zinc

pearling (%) (mg/100 g) polyphenols (ppm) (ppm)
(min) (mg/100 g)
1. 0 0 728 352 68.6 30.26
2. 5 16.5 678 346 68.4 28.2
3. 15 26.6 606 331 66.22 27.22
4. 25 34.1 515 322 62.12 26.23

30 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Even though pearling reduced phytic acid significantly, it took 25 min. Additionally, pearling
being attrition process consumes high energy. Hence, a pretreatment with less process time
and lesser energy requirement was considered to be more desirable for commercial

3.2.3 Heat treatment

A significant (P≤0.05) decrease was observed in phytic acid content with increase in
treatment temperature. The maximum reduction was from 728 to 410 mg/100 g (43.68%)
respectively for treatment time of 60 s (Table 11). The level of reduction (43.68%) was found
to be comparable to steeping (45.32%) but more than pearling treatment (34%). Table 10 also
shows that the heat treatment caused a significant decrease in total polyphenols from 352.64
to 337.79 mg/100 g after 60 s. The loss in total polyphenols was least but significant during
heat treatment compared to steeping and pearling treatments. The iron content of heat treated
pearl millet flour decreased from 68.06 to 67.90 ppm. The zinc content reduced from 30.59 to
29.85 ppm during heat treatment for 60 s. Thus the loss of iron, zinc was least during heat
treatment compared to pearling.

Table 11. Effect of heat treatment at different temperatures for 60 s on phytic acid
content of pearl millet flour

S. No. Temperature (°C) Phytic acid content (mg/100g)

1. Untreated 728±10.004
2. 70 630±10.07
3. 80 596±0.01
4. 90 568±10.07
5. 100 543±1.07
6. 110 410±10.00
CD (P≤0.05) 14.298

3.3 Effect of milling on nutritional quality of pearl millet and finger millet
Role of particle size is important in product development. Hence, effect of particle size on
nutritional quality of pearl millet and finger millet flour were evaluated and are presented in
Tables 12 and 13. It is evident from tables that proximate composition and micronutrient
contents differed between different particle sizes.

31 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 12. Nutritional quality of different size of finger millet flour

Parameter Particle size, µm

550 460 360 255 180 75
Protein, % 7.30 7.26 7.07 7.14 7.01 6.96
Fat, % 1.80 1.30 1.10 1.04 0.75 0.69
Ash, % 4.60 4.40 3.50 3.02 2.80 2.70
Crude fibre, % 4.50 4.40 3.80 3.10 1.94 1.00
Carbohydrate, % 70.75 70.96 73.04 74.74 76.93 76.63
Fe, ppm 0.37 0.50 0.31 0.37 0.37 0.37
Ca, ppm 20.70 20.54 16.98 12.43 8.51 9.63
Zn, ppm 0.16 0.16 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09
Mg, ppm 11.57 10.64 7.08 5.17 4.09 4.52
Al, ppm 0.18 0.30 0.14 0.18 0.20 0.20
Mn, ppm 1.61 1.53 1.07 0.70 0.46 0.46
Na, ppm 1.39 1.67 1.17 1.42 1.22 4.59
K, ppm 26.86 26.27 20.17 15.83 12.59 20.41

Table 13. Nutritional quality of different size of pearl millet flour

Parameter Particle size, µm

550 460 360 255 180 75
Protein, % 12.73 11.19 11.06 11.11 10.98 10.96
Fat, % 5.20 4.70 4.20 4.10 3.9 3.89
Ash, % 3.40 2.95 2.40 2.20 1.96 1.70
Crude fibre, % 2.50 2.10 1.90 1.70 1.40 1.30
Carbohydrate, % 67.07 71.16 72.34 73.79 72.74 73.05
Fe, ppm 0.36 0.65 0.54 0.44 0.52 0.55
Ca, ppm 1.17 2.11 2.26 3.30 2.89 2.86
Zn, ppm 0.13 0.19 0.18 0.25 0.24 0.23
Mg, ppm 1.28 3.96 4.18 7.75 7.54 7.28
Al, ppm 0.13 0.14 0.23 0.20 0.19 0.20
Mn, ppm 0.02 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.09
Na, ppm 1.21 1.53 1.6 2.91 2.17 1.61
K, ppm 8.79 14.4 14.5 16.02 14.66 16.65

32 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


3.4 Effect of sprouting on nutritional quality of pearl millet and finger millet
Sprouting process is well known for improving the nutritional value of grains and
suppressing anti-nutritional qualities. Therefore, nutritional and anti-nutritional parameters of
pearl millet and finger millet grains were evaluated at different time intervals of sprouting (at
30°C). The results are presented in Tables 14 and 15.

Table 14. Effect of sprouting on nutritional quality of pearl millet flour

Parameter Time of sprouting, h

0 24 48 72
Moisture, % 9.20 8.60 8.40 8.60
Protein, % 10.96 10.99 11.09 11.17
Fat, % 4.90 4.90 4.60 4.50
Ash, % 2.50 2.20 2.20 1.90
Crude fibre, % 2.50 1.30 1.30 1.30
Carbohydrate, % 69.94 72.02 72.42 72.54
Fe, ppm 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.52
Ca, ppm 3.70 3.80 4.30 3.70
Zn, ppm 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.19
Mg, ppm 7.96 7.36 7.31 6.98
Cu, ppm 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Mn, ppm 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Na, ppm 6.40 5.93 5.46 5.06
K, ppm 16.75 17.76 18.06 21.13
Antioxidants, µ mol trolox/g 23.92 23.81 21.19 18.10
Free phenol, mg/100g 187.36 193.67 221.79 191.05
Polyphenol, % 0.493 0.467 0.456 0.440

33 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 15. Effect of sprouting on nutritional quality of finger millet flour

Parameter Time of sprouting, h

0 24 48 72
Moisture, % 9.03 5.01 6.10 4.40
Protein, % 6.89 7.04 7.20 7.29
Fat, % 1.54 1.25 1.05 0.89
Ash, % 3.50 3.30 3.00 2.90
Crude fibre, % 3.40 3.10 3.10 2.98
Carbohydrate, % 75.65 80.30 79.55 81.54
Fe, ppm 0.32 0.74 0.29 0.26
Ca, ppm 16.5 14.3 14.8 15.00
Zn, ppm 0.19 0.12 0.11 0.10
Mg, ppm 7.91 7.7 7.72 8.01
Cu, ppm 0.12 0.06 0.05 0.04
Mn, ppm 0.25 0.22 0.22 0.22
Na, ppm 1.65 1.7 2.03 2.43
K, ppm 17.22 12.4 11.92 11.87
Antioxidants, µ mol trolox/g 13.57 14.35 15.72 14.62
Free phenol, mg/100g 261.41 248.74 213.67 192.82
Polyphenol, % 0.504 0.471 0.451 0.369

4. Extrusion Processing for Product Development and Quality Evaluation

4.1 Extrusion characteristics of millets and other cereal grains

Knowing extrusion characteristics of individual grains is important in respect of designing
food products.

4.1.1 Effect of extrusion parameters on extrudate properties

The extrusion characteristics of both the selected grains i.e., pearl millet and finger millet
were evaluated at varying extrusion process parameters. The process parameters included
barrel temperature (100-140°C), feed moisture content (10-26%), feeder speed (35-55 rpm)
and screw:feeder speed (8-12). The effect of these process parameters on extrudate properties
(expansion ratio, apparent density, capacity, water absorption index, oil absorption capacity,

34 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


water solubility index, hardness, crunchiness, total antioxidants, total phenols, urease activity,
phytic acid, polyphenols) were determined. The experiment was conducted as per Central
Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) in Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The design
consisted of 30 trials as shown in Table 16.

Table 16. Experimental design

S. Barrel Feed moisture Feeder Screw:feeder Symbol

No. temperature, C content, % (wb) speed, rpm speed
1 0 0 2 0 A
2 -1 1 -1 -1 B
3 1 1 -1 -1 C
4 -1 1 -1 1 D
5 0 0 0 0 E
6 0 -2 0 0 F
7 -1 -1 -1 -1 G
8 1 1 1 1 H
9 -1 -1 -1 1 I
10 0 0 0 0 J
11 0 2 0 0 K
12 -2 0 0 0 L
13 0 0 0 0 M
14 -1 -1 1 1 N
15 1 1 -1 1 O
16 -1 -1 1 -1 P
17 1 1 1 -1 Q
18 -1 1 1 -1 R
19 0 0 0 0 S
20 0 0 0 -2 T
21 1 -1 1 -1 U
22 1 -1 -1 -1 V
23 2 0 0 0 W
24 1 -1 1 1 X
25 0 0 0 0 Y
26 -1 1 1 1 Z
27 0 0 0 2 Z1
28 0 0 0 0 Z2
29 0 0 -2 0 Z3
30 1 -1 -1 1 Z4

35 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 17. Physical properties of extrudates from pearl millet

Trial Expansion Apparent Capacity, WAI, OAC, WSI, Hardness, Crunchiness

run ratio density, kg/h g/g % g/100g N
A 3.70 88.64 15.90 5.07 247.7 16.29 5.46 22
B 3.01 199.08 14.94 6.00 229.8 14.29 13.55 37
C 2.84 243.86 14.78 5.65 202.5 9.98 21.06 36
D 2.62 214.32 15.05 5.74 237.9 10.09 16.81 30
E 3.11 136.08 12.37 5.09 228.9 14.94 6.19 31
F 2.52 127.50 5.52 4.60 230.5 16.86 4.65 27
G 2.79 130.19 6.20 4.40 264.6 25.29 3.89 24
H 3.70 113.73 15.23 5.21 220.1 17.12 13.7 31
I 3.09 117.65 6.07 4.49 234.7 25.17 4.44 22
J 4.02 88.09 11.48 4.90 262.8 19.80 5.65 34
K 2.98 274.11 14.29 5.68 194.2 8.63 6.21 31
L 4.02 98.95 14.59 5.08 230.0 17.22 7.26 33
M 4.09 103.06 12.27 5.20 228.4 18.35 7.80 26
N 3.17 130.17 9.05 4.31 230.8 27.15 3.24 25
O 3.45 117.83 12.54 4.88 219.9 14.64 6.76 29
P 3.65 104.86 10.74 4.67 227.2 22.99 2.67 28
Q 3.52 150.81 17.60 6.24 210.7 14.16 17.39 28
R 3.81 131.41 16.26 5.22 216.3 14.84 17.19 26
S 4.05 88.23 10.07 4.91 215.4 20.46 6.01 28
T 4.45 93.80 12.61 4.85 224.1 19.11 7.56 29
U 3.28 108.05 9.42 4.39 265.8 25.98 3.95 23
V 3.45 122.18 8.17 4.74 258.6 22.61 4.48 37
W 3.57 92.13 9.97 4.89 265.2 20.89 4.30 28
X 3.27 94.06 9.22 4.11 260.5 28.88 3.93 22
Y 4.47 73.12 12.34 4.97 252.6 22.89 4.32 27
Z 4.20 151.7 13.98 5.38 205.8 14.16 15.13 38
Z1 3.90 81.43 11.25 4.95 230.4 20.20 3.83 30
Z2 3.48 100.29 11.92 5.07 246.1 21.41 3.30 25
Z3 4.24 94.72 8.88 5.22 198.5 16.77 12.73 36
Z4 3.28 116.33 6.94 3.76 231.3 31.19 2.92 24

36 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 18. Nutritional and anti-nutritional properties of extrudates from pearl millet

Trial Total Free phenol, Urease Polyphenol, Phytic acid,

run antioxidant, mg/100g activity, μ mg/100mg mg /100 g
µmol trolox/g mole NH3/ g
A 10.19 188.92 1.061 0.330 122
B 11.87 204.77 0.748 0.328 132
C 11.86 200.21 1.273 0.392 129
D 11.14 187.56 1.701 0.334 126
E 10.89 188.36 0.847 0.414 132
F 12.90 278.90 0.803 0.378 112
G 12.83 222.92 0.746 0.338 118
H 11.86 183.95 1.108 0.417 126
I 12.19 206.41 1.325 0.372 120
J 9.71 228.36 0.774 0.442 121
K 8.97 168.46 1.162 0.346 131
L 12.60 193.79 0.988 0.418 117
M 9.42 169.00 0.658 0.357 143
N 13.71 233.54 1.644 0.365 129
O 15.08 211.15 0.964 0.537 143
P 12.86 217.41 0.138 0.417 127
Q 18.52 234.90 0.883 0.392 130
R 13.64 161.49 0.81 0.419 127
S 8.26 155.15 1.268 0.413 132
T 10.94 180.49 1.245 0.368 131
U 13.91 223.97 1.527 0.381 114
V 11.96 215.31 0.875 0.423 120
W 14.08 218.18 0.627 0.531 129
X 20.04 315.31 1.886 0.552 112
Y 12.62 220.59 0.935 0.551 119
Z 15.13 224.00 1.059 0.375 132
Z1 10.16 190.67 1.647 0.359 133
Z2 14.99 211.67 0.738 0.405 136
Z3 10.54 167.10 0.953 0.381 129
Z4 12.66 216.74 1.628 0.394 133

37 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 19. Physical properties of extrudates from pearl millet-soy combination

Trial Expansion Apparent Capacity, WAI, WSI, OAC,

run ratio density, kg/h g/g g/100g %
A 2.11 380.62 11.58 3.189 17.84 217.7
B 2.17 433.43 13.22 3.227 18.84 209.8
C 1.88 514.18 13.89 3.218 19.10 225.3
D 1.92 498.98 11.08 3.211 17.74 272.1
E 2.06 411.51 9.13 3.326 20.75 215.6
F 2.15 348.53 5.07 3.019 27.98 251.6
G 2.35 289.29 8.52 3.286 20.29 231.5
H 1.91 545.16 14.28 3.315 15.09 218.4
I 2.45 297.93 8.17 3.214 23.28 237.9
J 2.06 433.85 12.65 3.322 18.50 216.9
K 1.78 494.06 15.92 3.602 10.94 214.6
L 2.05 429.23 10.51 3.230 19.58 213.5
M 2.13 401.02 13.74 3.472 18.72 222.7
N 2.24 301.12 10.41 2.923 28.68 254.5
O 2.04 468.08 13.87 3.650 17.74 215.2
P 2.42 336.88 9.87 3.214 22.09 234.4
Q 2.07 473.70 13.68 3.350 17.41 199.4
R 2.11 413.96 14.52 3.373 17.35 202.6
S 1.86 455.78 11.89 3.349 19.40 196.3
T 2.04 247.64 11.72 3.365 17.34 194.4
U 2.66 302.38 11.11 3.655 20.96 207.2
V 2.42 453.76 11.00 3.664 16.33 200.3
W 2.07 483.47 13.78 3.254 18.32 194.5
X 2.65 962.49 7.68 3.469 23.10 194.3
Y 2.04 489.36 13.92 3.252 16.08 186.2
Z 1.69 503.11 12.56 3.562 8.58 215.4
Z1 1.99 526.64 13.20 3.162 14.94 201.7
Z2 2.04 270.98 14.40 3.249 14.35 195.9
Z3 1.98 380.62 11.76 3.211 16.13 212.1
Z4 2.33 380.62 7.20 3.546 17.05 250.1

38 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 20. Nutritional and anti-nutritional properties of pearl millet-soy extrudates

Trial Total Free phenol, Urease Polyphenol, Phytic

run antioxidant, mg/100g activity, mg/100mg acid,
µ mol trolox/g μ mole NH3/ g mg/100 g
A 405.18 21.72 10.280 0.060 907.65
B 397.23 22.06 9.930 0.065 891.33
C 323.72 18.05 9.686 0.091 844.90
D 346.95 21.95 6.128 0.450 923.95
E 331.08 18.81 7.668 0.444 919.23
F 367.08 21.11 11.026 0.439 717.45
G 320.15 20.32 11.026 0.444 840.58
H 331.28 21.86 9.646 0.092 934.58
I 314.54 19.16 8.342 0.107 815.23
J 333.90 20.72 6.310 0.065 828.13
K 376.15 23.65 9.488 0.112 998.20
L 341.62 22.96 5.414 0.446 960.70
M 325.51 23.78 15.476 0.455 956.58
N 341.79 23.26 16.846 0.445 824.98
O 345.95 25.41 18.618 0.107 954.45
P 330.97 23.36 12.524 0.399 848.58
Q 269.21 22.23 17.134 0.132 903.38
R 257.77 21.00 13.314 0.126 927.98
S 285.56 19.99 15.552 0.414 914.33
T 292.67 22.51 11.678 0.426 805.95
U 267.87 17.19 14.758 0.079 781.38
V 290.28 20.80 13.438 0.060 740.68
W 247.77 20.19 10.440 0.058 782.68
X 240.54 17.06 14.498 0.279 793.40
Y 274.26 20.72 15.440 0.295 821.90
Z 276.36 19.32 10.848 0.299 811.10
Z1 311.79 22.77 4.686 0.298 720.23
Z2 293.90 22.32 4.464 0.297 756.12
Z3 288.82 21.54 4.194 0.297 740.23
Z4 265.15 20.47 5.260 0.295 790.23

39 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 21. Physical properties of finger millet extrudates

Trial Expansion Apparent Capacity, WAI, OAC, WSI, Hardness, Crunchiness

run ratio density, kg/h g/g % g/100g N

A 2.83 206.3 15.47 4.80 204 23.94 11.5 19

B 2.52 336.2 10.32 4.73 188 30.87 45.6 19
C 2.46 313.5 10.51 4.32 182 34.94 42.3 13
D 2.57 275.8 12.31 5.09 184 27.51 31.0 18
E 2.58 190.3 9.64 4.31 214 35.67 13.8 15
F 2.46 139.3 8.46 2.38 479 54.66 6.55 11
G 2.92 142.8 10.12 4.09 337 38.25 6.8 27
H 2.48 229.8 13.20 5.46 242 22.43 15.2 27
I 2.61 183.6 10.29 4.31 269 34.84 7.5 19
J 2.95 161.3 10.88 4.44 215 29.42 17.6 17
K 2.97 146.4 13.45 2.84 233 47.23 10.5 21
L 3.09 147.1 12.12 1.39 410 62.80 8.5 16
M 3.08 150.1 15.12 2.99 224 43.75 13.2 22
N 2.67 195.8 9.99 2.29 253 55.05 8.0 21
O 2.70 154.9 11.30 1.94 343 53.58 7.7 16
P 2.86 201.4 11.60 3.53 245 42.86 11.8 17
Q 2.98 151.5 13.15 1.65 355 57.57 12.6 15
R 2.98 165.8 14.82 2.69 337 48.05 8.9 15
S 2.99 154.9 12.42 1.83 376 54.86 12.7 19
T 3.17 161.1 14.10 5.09 227 26.70 12.8 32
U 3.08 136.1 10.47 1.62 525 60.26 7.7 13
V 3.07 124.8 9.20 1.45 453 61.67 6.5 16
W 3.11 173.7 14.57 2.62 285 47.38 13.7 17
X 2.74 118.2 12.11 1.62 304 59.59 6.2 10
Y 2.97 182.8 14.05 5.29 210 25.15 12.3 25
Z 2.92 129.2 10.32 1.96 384 52.63 9.0 16
Z1 2.95 143.1 13.49 4.37 216 32.18 8.2 25
Z2 3.03 176.7 15.47 5.66 208 24.31 16.0 20
Z3 2.98 199.6 10.79 5.15 201 26.96 13.7 31
Z4 2.54 133.6 7.94 1.48 200 65.21 11.6 22

40 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 22. Nutritional and anti-nutritional properties of finger millet extrudates

Trial run Total Free Urease activity, Polyphenol, Phytic

antioxidant, phenol, μ mole NH3/ g % acid,
µmol trolox/g mg/100g mg/100g
A 12.23 117.21 1.252 0.338 83
B 10.86 100.38 2.274 0.114 128
C 10.25 102.46 2.671 0.116 74
D 11.03 156.46 0.333 0.241 74
E 12.99 171.41 0.915 0.236 77
F 18.46 268.64 1.296 0.254 371
G 14.8 164.10 0.454 0.153 77
H 13.27 148.95 0.497 0.230 82
I 13.71 181.49 0.857 0.166 316
J 13.09 132.74 0.759 0.103 315
K 13.66 127.79 0.491 0.237 278
L 43.29 620.97 2.950 0.209 266
M 12.58 116.92 0.946 0.163 278
N 14.03 164.67 1.249 0.174 317
O 38.89 486.31 2.967 0.163 264
P 13.03 153.03 2.840 0.148 285
Q 34.05 383.23 1.965 0.115 265
R 37.51 459.18 2.142 0.184 265
S 35.97 456.08 2.939 0.204 264
T 10.65 104.72 1.041 0.143 318
U 36.11 492.13 2.051 0.142 269
V 34.52 502.46 2.362 0.181 265
W 37.81 463.85 2.141 0.158 276
X 43.59 571.38 2.708 0.191 296
Y 12.39 132.85 1.839 0.325 292
Z 36.02 452.90 1.754 0.386 272
Z1 13.66 139.85 1.534 0.346 278
Z2 10.22 153.95 0.723 0.324 291
Z3 37.9 100.49 0.691 0.339 294
Z4 34.54 466.59 0.567 0.490 277

41 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


The results obtained on physical, nutritional and anti-nutritional properties of extrudates of

pearl millet, pearl-millet-soy combination (60:40), finger millet, barnyard millet, rice, wheat
and maize are presented in Tables 17 to 26. As evident from Tables, expansion ratio varied
from 2.5 to 4.5, 1.7 to 2.7, 2.5 to 3.2, 2.08-4.56, 3.21-4.63, 2.28-4.03, and 2.30-4.99,
respectively of pearl millet, pearl millet-soy combination (60:40), finger millet, barnyard
millet, rice, wheat and corn. It is thus clear millets hard expansion ratio less than cereals.
Among millets, pearl millet had better expansion properties than finger and barnyard millets
but it decreased with soy addition.

The apparent density ranged between 73 and 274, 247 and 962, 118 and 336, 71.3-349.7, 75-
235, 122.4-348, and 61-352, respectively of pearl millet, pearl-millet-soy combination
(60:40), and finger millet, barnyard millet, rice, wheat and corn. Addition of soy increased
the density of the product manifold.

Water absorption index values varied from 3.7 to 6.2, 2.9 to 3.6, 1.4 to 5.6, 4.18-6.23, 4.93-
6.66, 3.14-5.22, 2.72-4.89, respectively of extrudates of pearl millet, pearl-millet-soy
combination (60:40), and finger millet, barnyard millet, rice, wheat and corn.

The water solubility index varied from 8.6 to 32.1, 8.6 to 28.6, 22 to 65, 2.18-12.94, 8.08-
31.71, 8.08-28.5, 13.98-40.61 g/100 g, respectively of extrudates of pearl millet, pearl-millet-
soy combination (60:40), and finger millet, barnyard millet, rice, wheat and corn. The WSI of
finger millet extrudate was significantly higher than the rest.

The antioxidant and free phenol content of pearl millet extrudates varied from 8.2- 20 µmol
trolox/g, 155-315 mg/100g respectively. On addition of soy to the pearl millet (60:40), the
corresponding values were found to be 17-25 µmol trolox/g, and 240-405 mg/100g. The
finger millet extrudates had antioxidant content 10-43 µmol trolox/g and phenol content of
100-620 mg/100g. Results showed that addition of soy increased the antioxidant and phenol
contents of the product. In comparison to pearl millet, finger millet had significantly higher
quantum of antioxidants and phenolic contents.

42 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 23. Physical properties of extrudates from barnyard millet

Trial Expansion Apparent Capacity, WAI, WSI, OAC,

run ratio density, kg/h g/g g/100g %
A 4.31 90.9 1.85 4.589 4.096 245.5
B 3.58 163.0 11.91 5.360 3.685 222.9
C 3.00 175.3 15.30 5.287 7.171 238.5
D 3.04 197.2 17.88 5.969 3.881 249.1
E 4.32 96.7 16.99 5.774 4.179 227.3
F 4.11 71.3 9.48 4.594 12.948 445.5
G 4.49 74.2 11.37 5.098 7.478 279.2
H 2.07 378.3 18.00 6.215 4.300 239.5
I 4.03 81.0 10.23 4.355 10.679 336.8
J 4.03 117.5 16.97 5.715 7.378 227.5
K 2.70 216.0 12.49 5.570 2.187 239.0
L 4.10 100.1 12.96 6.196 4.167 272.0
M 4.05 111.8 11.76 5.122 4.192 245.9
N 3.87 126.4 14.67 4.299 11.023 392.3
O 2.08 349.7 15.26 5.856 3.383 242.6
P 4.39 95.8 15.04 5.438 7.058 373.5
Q 2.92 364.3 15.26 5.975 4.396 245.6
R 3.53 144.0 16.56 6.231 4.092 230.0
S 4.27 91.3 13.68 4.182 3.497 226.8
T 4.48 82.6 15.12 4.463 4.382 251.2
U 4.36 71.3 14.97 4.744 7.093 359.0
V 3.90 72.4 11.61 4.191 10.657 365.8
W 3.84 114.5 13.11 5.323 2.988 246.9
X 4.09 72.4 17.49 5.080 6.753 325.6
Y 3.75 123.1 12.38 4.833 3.280 230.5
Z 3.82 135.3 21.86 5.451 4.187 248.6
Z1 3.78 128.9 13.63 5.150 3.479 244.4
Z2 4.56 94.2 11.07 5.355 8.557 262.3
Z3 4.24 102.3 10.94 5.719 3.493 236.5
Z4 3.69 91.3 10.39 4.637 12.314 353.9

43 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 24. Physical properties of extrudates from milled rice

Trial Expansion Apparent Capacity, WAI, WSI, OAC,

run ratio density, kg/h g/g g/100g %
A 4.51 126 11.46 4.986 14.85 229.324
B 4.07 175 10.77 5.771 16.91 218.991
C 3.90 192 10.81 5.921 11.00 220.618
D 4.07 147 11.53 5.566 21.94 219.546
E 4.78 123 9.21 5.936 20.19 219.361
F 4.41 075 8.55 4.842 31.71 265.902
G 4.72 106 11.89 5.591 24.10 232.671
H 4.16 124 12.88 5.968 18.47 224.777
I 4.49 114 9.96 5.226 27.08 244.930
J 4.71 093 11.80 6.118 18.44 239.523
K 3.71 225 12.29 5.512 11.22 217.245
L 4.41 129 11.14 5.628 19.04 228.9
M 4.41 114 12.16 6.038 19.94 237.4
N 4.40 108 11.88 4.930 30.83 262.0
O 4.31 136 13.15 5.711 18.94 227.2
P 4.51 110 10.49 5.490 19.86 228.6
Q 3.44 226 11.16 5.947 13.85 218.6
R 3.21 212 14.52 6.669 13.07 234.0
S 4.50 110 15.69 5.401 14.61 243.4
T 3.54 235 10.98 5.835 18.10 239.1
U 4.51 112 11.44 5.822 19.94 267.3
V 4.63 116 10.63 5.901 20.53 250.6
W 4.45 117 11.70 6.307 20.77 244.5
X 4.26 113 12.69 5.940 15.98 238.8
Y 3.80 185 8.91 6.418 10.71 216.8
Z 3.45 213 17.54 6.197 8.08 214.0
Z1 3.72 167 13.42 6.271 13.52 213.2
Z2 3.59 199 17.55 6.099 13.64 211.1
Z3 3.44 197 9.61 6.325 10.01 211.4
Z4 3.73 135 9.55 5.998 16.05 235.4

44 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 25. Physical properties of extrudates from wheat flour

Trial Expansion Apparent Capacity, WAI, WSI, OAC,

run ratio density, kg/h g/g g/100g %
A 3.04 250.5 12.60 4.449 14.04 212.8
B 2.65 348.8 9.17 4.840 9.99 215.7
C 2.73 279.1 10.54 4.814 10.63 219.5
D 2.77 321.9 10.09 5.224 11.75 217.9
E 2.93 281.9 9.01 5.220 11.89 224.3
F 4.03 122.4 7.52 4.100 21.26 255.6
G 3.53 229.1 8.85 3.633 16.79 224.6
H 2.73 249.7 11.11 4.152 12.67 218.5
I 3.61 175.3 9.47 3.744 17.49 216.1
J 3.03 236.0 11.96 3.796 16.19 211.9
K 2.28 349.2 12.53 4.691 8.08 210.3
L 3.17 269.1 11.58 3.793 16.16 214.8
M 2.71 301.2 10.06 4.301 12.84 216.1
N 3.63 154.2 8.78 3.845 26.48 220.8
O 2.38 323.8 11.53 5.042 9.95 227.3
P 3.88 161.3 8.35 4.701 13.09 232.6
Q 2.68 367.3 13.42 4.333 14.39 236.1
R 2.84 373.0 12.15 4.090 16.66 225.2
S 2.72 329.9 11.52 3.991 26.13 206.5
T 3.15 310.6 11.16 3.101 24.46 220.7
U 3.29 233.8 10.49 4.253 21.42 209.7
V 3.50 208.0 11.07 4.368 27.82 211.1
W 3.19 251.1 10.40 4.242 22.21 209.7
X 3.64 163.3 15.08 4.032 23.90 224.2
Y 2.97 274.4 9.90 4.022 26.54 220.3
Z 2.81 301.9 12.87 4.051 14.59 226.3
Z1 3.20 188.7 13.71 3.923 27.68 226.0
Z2 3.32 221.7 12.65 4.103 29.55 221.0
Z3 2.94 295.1 10.69 4.248 27.00 225.7
Z4 3.68 144.2 12.05 4.292 27.43 241.0

45 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 26. Physical properties of extrudates from maize flour

Trial Expansion Apparent Capacity, WAI, g/g WSI, OAC,

run ratio density, kg/h g/100g %
A 4.36 99 15.25 4.06 25.27 264.8
B 3.42 181 14.88 3.90 16.03 211.9
C 2.99 218 13.80 4.25 16.16 230.7
D 3.54 170 15.96 4.19 17.44 201.4
E 3.73 90 14.64 4.02 26.49 301.3
F 3.54 104 7.92 3.12 37.36 314.3
G 4.37 84 9.92 3.76 30.43 290.3
H 3.62 132 18.72 4.10 17.62 223.8
I 4.63 69 14.64 3.91 25.37 295.1
J 4.51 97 15.36 4.15 21.47 234.0
K 2.20 427 16.68 4.89 12.15 234.1
L 3.95 117 17.64 3.91 20.12 241.5
M 4.13 84 16.08 4.16 27.11 258.9
N 4.21 75 14.88 3.00 41.99 368.3
O 3.70 141 17.52 4.37 18.68 210.7
P 5.07 61 14.64 3.29 37.12 316.2
Q 2.87 233 20.76 4.06 19.12 233.9
R 2.40 352 22.68 3.83 17.01 222.3
S 4.29 105 20.28 3.88 20.65 212.4
T 3.66 162 16.44 4.16 19.22 224.7
U 4.12 80 12.84 3.21 35.69 301.4
V 4.31 83 14.28 3.92 28.06 156.3
W 4.26 85 16.75 3.83 28.91 247.0
X 3.61 78 11.04 2.72 40.61 374.0
Y 4.28 82 14.76 4.23 19.60 253.8
Z 2.86 268 16.20 3.82 13.98 211.4
Z1 4.32 90 17.16 4.21 18.04 235.6
Z2 4.31 89 14.64 4.38 18.58 266.7
Z3 4.62 93 16.20 4.13 19.90 235.1
Z4 4.99 62 17.76 3.22 35.79 304.5

46 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Presence of anti-nutritional factors reduced digestibility and bio-availability. Hence, anti-

nutritional properties of extrudates were measured in term of urease activity, polyphenol
content and phytic acid. The values of urease activity, polyphenol content and phytic acid of
pearl millet extrudates were determined as 0.14-1.8 μ mole NH3/ g, 0.33 to 0.55%, and 112-
143 mg/100g. The corresponding values of pearl-millet extrudates were evaluated as 4.1-18.6
μ mole NH3/ g, 0.05-0.45%, 717-998 mg/100g. However, the finger millet extrudates had
urease activity 0.33-2.96 μ mole NH3/g, polyphenol content 0.10-0.49%, and phytic acid
content 74-371 mg/100g. Urease activity and phytic acid contents revealed higher quantum of
anti-nutritional factors in the finger millet extrudates as compared to pearl millet. Addition of
soy led to significant increase in anti-nutritional factors but extrusion processing led to
significant reduction in these factors.

4.1.2 Modelling extrusion process parameters using artificial neural networks

In this study, an attempt was made to model the principal extrusion process parameters
namely capacity, density and expansion ratio using artificial neural networks (ANN) in view
of their non-linear relationship with feed moisture content, feeder speed, screw to feed ratio
and barrel temperature. Artificial neural network (ANN) is one of the soft computing
techniques which follow the cognition process of a human brain to solve complex problems
for which the characteristic of the process are difficult to describe using deterministic or
stochastic equations. The main advantage of neural network is its flexible functional form and
universal functional approximation property which means that a neural network with a single
hidden layer and sufficiently large number of neurons can well approximate any nonlinear
relationship between input and output variables.

The multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network sometimes called Back Propagation (BP) network
(Figure 2) is probably the most popular ANN architecture used in engineering problems
mainly in case of non-linear mapping. MLP network consists of an input layer, a hidden layer
and an output layer. The input nodes receive the data values and pass them on to the hidden
layer nodes. Each hidden node receives the input from all input nodes after multiplying each
input value by a weight, attach a bias to this sum and pass on the results through a non-linear
transformation to the second hidden layer or the output layer. The MLP neural networks are
normally trained using a supervised training algorithm.

47 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Fig. 2: Fully connected three layer MLP network for modeling density parameters of
pearl millet

The general form of the MLP output produced by a network consisting of p input nodes, q
hidden nodes and one output node can be written as

where denotes the process parameters. and denote the activation function at hidden and
output layer respectively. is the weight attached to the connection between input node
and the node of hidden layer, is the bias at the input layer, is the weight attached
to the connection from hidden node to the output node and is the bias at the hidden
layer. This MLP model is represented with p: q: 1. The prediction performance of fitted MLP
models were evaluated on the basis of coefficient of determination and root mean
square error (RMSE).

Experimental data from this study were used to train and test MLP neural network models
with single hidden layer. A total of 30 data were generated using response surface
methodology (RSM) for different feed moisture content, feeder speed, screw to feed ratio and
barrel temperature. The data set were randomized and 80 per cent of data were used for
training process and rest 20 per cent observations were used for testing and validation
purposes. The number of neurons in input and output layers depends on explanatory and
dependent variables. Therefore, one and four neurons were used for output and input layers
respectively. The number of hidden nodes was varied from 2 to 10 with basic cross-validation
method. In this study different activation functions were tried for MLP network but sigmoid

48 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


activation function both at hidden and out layers provided the best results. The best fitted
model for each process parameter for different crops along with model adequacy measures is
presented in Table 27. After fitting of models, sensitive analysis was also performed in order
to rank the explanatory variables. This analysis suggested that barrel temperature does not
significantly influence the capacity parameters. Hence, rest three variables were used as input
nodes for estimating capacity parameter. High R2 and low RMSE clearly reveal that
expansion ratio and capacity parameters have been adequately modeled using MLP neural
network while high RMSE for density parameters suggest more investigation for obtaining
suitable MLP model. Figure 3 shows plot of observed and predicted value using the best
fitted MLP model for expansion ratio for finger millet.

Table 27. Prediction performance of MLP network for different extrusion parameters

Parameter MLP Model R2 RMSE

Pearl millet
Capacity 3-4-1 0.943 0.764
Density 4-6-1 0.732 24.410
Expansion ratio 4-8-1 0.758 0.240
Finger millet
Capacity 3-4-1 0.618 1.595
Density 4-9-1 0.625 39.047
Expansion ratio 4-7-1 0.793 0.192
Capacity 3-7-1 0.746 1.266
Density 3-8-1 0.685 92.627
Expansion ratio 4-7-1 0.725 0.128

Fig. 3. Measured and predicted value of expansion ratio for finger millet

49 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


4.1.4 Rheological Studies

Creep-recovery is a static rheological method in which an instantaneous stress is applied to
the sample and the change in strain is measured over time. A creep phase is followed by a
recovery phase in which the applied stress is removed. Viscoelastic materials exhibit a non–
linear response and due to their ability to recover some structure by storing energy, show a
permanent deformation which is less than the total deformation applied to the sample.
In the present study creep-recovery experiments were performed on a dynamic rheometer
(Anton paar, MCR 52, Austria) equipped with a parallel plate geometry (50 mm diameter). A
small piece was taken from the dough (raw bajra dough, steamed dough and roasted bajra
flour dough), loaded between the parallel plates of the rheometer and subjected to stress
within LVEP range (creep) followed by recovery phase (recovery, zero strain).

Rheological model
Parameters readily available from the creep-recovery curves are the maximum creep
compliance Jc,max and the maximum recovery compliance Jr,max, measured at the end of the
creep and recovery phase, respectively. They also provide us with steady state ad elastic
compliance to the equation. The share of elasticity to the creep compliance as well as viscous
share of creep is also derived from the equations mentioned as follows:
Creep phase equation:

Recovery Phase:

Creep Test: Gamma





γ 0.5




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 s 1,000
Time (s)

Fig. 4. Recovery phase

50 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


The creep deformation itself is a combination of three types of deformation: instantaneous

elastic, retarded elastic and viscous deformation. When compliance increases linearly with
time, the region of steady state flow is reached. The recovery phase can be divided into
instantaneous elastic recovery and retarded elastic recovery (Fig. 4).
Steady state deformation is reached when the creep deformation is mainly governed by
viscous flow which is seen as a linear increase of the creep curve. Also, the viscous flow
deformation cannot be recovered in the recovery phase. For this purpose the maximum creep
compliance (Jc,max) and the maximum recovery compliance (Jr,max) obtained at the end of the
creep and recovery phase, respectively, were measured and compared.

Table 28. Rheological properties of processed pearl millet dough

Creep phase Raw pearl millet Steamed pearl millet Roasted Pearl millet
parameter dough dough dough
τo (Pa) 20 75 60
Jmax(1/Pa) 0.00044 0.000158 0.0000589
Jo(1/Pa) 0.000080 0.0000696 0.00000405
Jm1(1/Pa) 0.000228 0.0000592 0.00003613
Jm2(1/Pa) 0.000115 0.0000284 0.00002271
Jm3 (1/Pa) 0.000074 0.0000154 0.00000369
λ1(s) 221.54 219.05 191.55
λ2(s) 28.593 35.485 32.558
λ3(s) 5.8469 6.572 8.1844
Rxy 0.99999 0.9999 0.9998
St. dev. 3.5677E-7 2.578E-7 8.1595E-8
γo(%) 0.16052 0.5221 0.02437

It can be seen from the results that the zero shear stress (τo) increases in proportion to the
gelatinization, i.e., in roasted flour with low level of gelatinization shear stress was 60 Pa
while in steamed dough, the corresponding value was 75 Pa. The recovery phase properties of
the steamed and roasted pearl millet dough are quite similar except for mean retardation time,
λ1 in both creep and recovery phase. This indicates that during the instantaneous and retarded
elastic phase, roasted dough shows varied elasticity. The results also indicate that upon
gelatinization, the share of elasticity to the final creep properties increases markedly.

51 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 29. Rheological properties of processed pearl millet dough

Recovery phase Raw pearl millet Steamed pearl millet Roasted Pearl millet
parameter dough dough dough
Jo (1/Pa) 0.000055 0.000062 0.0000142
Jm1 (1/Pa) 0.0000720 0.0000475 0.0000260
Jm2 (1/Pa) 0.0000307 0.0000179 0.000074
Jm3 (1/Pa) 0.0000215 0.0000115 0.0000037
λ1 (s) 347.0 391.0 7793.3
λ2 (s) 55.235 55.363 78.166
λ3 (s) 10.412 8.3479 13.141
R2 0.99993 0.99984 0.9929
St. dev. 2.8158E-7 2.6611E-7 1.0125
Jeo=Je 0.000179 0.000139 0.0000515
Jv 0.000260 0.000139 0.0000748
Je/Jmax (%) 40.82 88.45 87.31
Jv/Jmax (%) 59.18 11.55 12.69

The pasting properties of different millets are presented in (Table 30). Retrogradation of
blends was significantly lower in extruded samples. Increased proportions of bran also
resulted in lower setback. The bulk density of the extruded blends was greatly increased
(0.48-0.5g/cc) than raw samples (0.30-0.38 g/cc). The crude protein content was not
significantly different for raw and extruded wheat bran and flour blends.

Extrusion resulted in gelatinization of the starch granules of the flours, which is indicated by
the complete absence of intact starch granules in the SEM micrographs. When compared to
raw grain flour, the surface of extruded flour was rough, irregular, flaky, had cavities and
shapes of cells varied from hexagonal/pentagonal to roughly circular, while raw flour showed
clumpy, even, smooth, around to oval shapes surface which was free from pores, cracks, or
fissure and relatively thick (Fig 5). Studies showed that external and internal structures of
flours have an impact on the water absorption of flours. Hence, the treated flour, which
featured a larger surface area, allowed more space for the storage of water molecules by
hydrogen bonding and/or dipole formation. This effect improved the water solubility, water
retention capacity and swelling capacity.

52 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 30. Pasting properties of raw and extruded flour

Sample Factors
Peak time Pasting Holding Breakdown Final Set back Set back
+viscosity temperature Strength viscosity viscosity from peak from





































































100% -912.7

















































Sample Sample Sample %

100% 75% 50% 25%
Peak Final Peak Final Peak Final Peak Final
viscosity viscosity viscosity viscosity viscosity viscosity viscosity viscosity
Maida Raw 146.4 2126 - - - - - -
Wheat Raw 127.2 231.6 257.9 500.3 800.8 852.1 857.8 1361
Extruded 144.7 171.9 205.8 318.6 348.3 598.7 780.7 1170
Ragi Raw 428.6 1500 643.5 1931 927.4 1942 1192 2011
Extruded 419 381.8 126.5 160.6 178.3 317.8 475.5 887.5
Sorghum Raw 1261 2173 1251 2031 1253 2020 1448 1902
Extruded 241.4 185.1 169.9 217 232.5 428.1 543.8 955.8
Barley Raw 1102 2148 1271 2184 1283 1978 1292 1958
Extruded 230.1 220.8 202.6 400 305.6 678.5 616.1 1162

53 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Raw barley Extruded barley

Raw ragi Extruded ragi

Raw sorghum Extruded sorghum

Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of extruded flours

4.1.5 Effect of moisture content and whey protein on phase transition behaviour of
barnyard millet flour
The behaviour in terms of glass transition temperature (Tg) and melt temperature (Tm) was
determined using phase transition analyzer (PTATM, Wenger Manufaturing, Sabetha, KS,
USA). Results revealed that glass transition and melting temperature consistent decreased
from 98.6 to 67.4°C and 178 to 153.1°C respectively (Fig. 6) with increase in moisture
content from 12 to 28 (% w.b.). Increase in moisture content led to an increase in free volume
and decrease in the viscosity of the system and thus resulted in to decrease in glass transition
and melt temperatures.

54 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Fig. 6. Effect of moisture content on phase transition behaviour of barnyard flour

However, glass transition and melting temperatures exhibited consistent increase from 71.1 to
99.3°C and 144.1 to 199.7°C, respectively, (Fig. 7) with increase in whey protein content in
the blend from 5% to 20%. Whey protein concentrate being hydrophilic in nature, increased
the thermal stability of matrix due to increased intermolecular interaction between various
starch–proteins–water molecules. Because of this increased molecular interaction, there was
increase in glass transition (Tg) and melt temperatures.

Fig. 7. Effect of whey protein on phase transition behaviour of barnyard millet flour

55 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


4.2 Product Development

4.2.1 Pusa Pearl Puff

Extrusion processing of flour blend composition consisting of pearl millet, QPM and green
gram suiting the nutritional requirement of children of age group 5–15 years was carried out.
The proximate composition of the formulation was determined as: moisture- 10±1.0% (w.b.),
crude protein 13.24%, fat 4.11%, carbohydrate 70.76%, fibre: 1.91%, ash 1.89%, iron 5.12
mg/100 g, zinc 3.09 mg/100 g, phytic acid 521 mg/100 g, total polyphenols 325 mg/100 g.
During extrusion, effect of feed moisture content, barrel temperature and screw speed was
evaluated on product responses like expansion ratio, bulk density, hardness, crispness, phytic
acid. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to investigate the effects of extrusion
conditions on the process and product responses.

The Expansion Ratio (ER) of the extrudates varied from 3.06 to 4.78. The effect of the
extrusion variables on ER is shown in Fig. 8. The response surface plot (Fig. 8) indicated that
increased screw speed led to a significant increase of ER at lower temperatures, whereas the
effect was reduced at higher temperatures. The curved surface on the surface plot also
reflected the significant quadratic effect of barrel temperature. Expansion ratio of extrudates
increased with barrel temperature before it reached a critical level after which ER declined.
At high levels of temperatures and lower moisture contents, there was significant reduction in
product ER. These conditions led to decreased starch gelatinization as well as less steam
generation, causing less expansion ofSoftware
Design-Expert® the product.
Design-Expert® Software Factor Coding: Actual
Factor Coding: Actual Expansion ratio
Expansion ratio Design points above predicted value
Design points above predicted value Design points below predicted value
Design points below predicted value

X1 = A: Feed moisture (%)

X1 = B: Screw speed (RPM)
X2 = C: Temperature (oC) X2 = C: Temperature (oC) 5
Actual Factor Actual Factor
B: Screw speed (RPM) = 400.00 A: Feed moisture (%) = 16.00
4.5 4.5
Expansion ratio

Expansion ratio

4 4



140.00 19.00
132.00 18.00
17.00 140.00 500.00
124.00 132.00
16.00 450.00
116.00 15.00 124.00 400.00
C: Temperature (oC) 108.00 14.00 A: Feed moisture (%) 116.00
C: Temperature (oC) 108.00 350.00 B: Screw speed (RPM)
100.00 13.00 100.00 300.00

Fig. 8 Effect of extrusion variables on product expansion ratio

56 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


The apparent density of extrudates varied between 140 and 275 kg/m3. The response surface
plots (Fig. 9) show that product density increased with increasing feed moisture, whereas
decreased with increasing screw speed and barrel temperature. Low density, a desirable
characteristic of expanded products, was obtained at low feed moisture, high screw speed and
barrel temperature. Increasing temperature caused a decrease in density of the extrudate.
Higher temperature provides a higher potential energy for flash-off of super-heated water
from extrudates as they come out from the die. With higher barrel temperatures, the
Design-Expert® Software
extrudates exiting the die lose more moisture and become lighter in weight.
Factor Coding: Actual
Density (Kg/m3)
Design points above predicted value Design-Expert® Software
Factor Coding: Actual
Design points below predicted value
Density (Kg/m3)
Design points above predicted value
X1 = A: Feed moisture (%) Design points below predicted value
X2 = C: Temperature (oC) 260 X1 = B: Screw speed (RPM)
Actual Factor X2 = C: Temperature (oC)
B: Screw speed (RPM) = 400.00 240
Actual Factor
A: Feed moisture (%) = 16.00 240
Density (Kg/m3)

Density (Kg/m3)
160 160

140 140

19.00 140.00 450.00
140.00 18.00 132.00
132.00 124.00 400.00
17.00 116.00
124.00 16.00 350.00 B: Screw speed (RPM)
116.00 15.00 108.00
A: Feed moisture (%) C: Temperature (oC) 100.00 300.00
C: Temperature (oC) 108.00 100.00 13.0014.00

Fig. 9 Effect of extrusion conditions on apparent density of extrudate

The hardness of extrudates ranged from 1.93 to 5.50 N. Low hardness, which is also a
favored property of extrudates, was observed at low feed moisture, high screw speed and
barrel temperature. Response surface plots (Fig. 10) showed that hardness decreased with
decreasing feed moisture content, and with increasing screw speed and barrel temperature.
The hardness of expanded extrudates is associated with expansion and cell structure of the
product. Increasing feed moisture content decreased the expansion ratio of the product. This
might be due to the reduced expansion caused by the increase in feed moisture.

57 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Design-Expert® Software


Factor Coding: Actual
Hardness (N)
Design-Expert® Software Design points above predicted value
Factor Coding: Actual Design points below predicted value
Hardness (N)
Design points above predicted value X1 = B: Screw speed (RPM)
Design points below predicted value
X2 = C: Temperature (oC) 4.5
X1 = A: Feed moisture (%)
X2 = B: Screw speed (RPM) Actual Factor
4.5 A: Feed moisture (%) = 16.00 4
Actual Factor
C: Temperature (oC) = 120.00 4

Hardness (N)
Hardness (N)


2 2

1.5 1.5

500.00 19.00 500.00

450.00 18.00 140.00 450.00
17.00 132.00
400.00 16.00 124.00 400.00
15.00 116.00 350.00 B: Screw speed (RPM)
B: Screw speed (RPM) 350.00 14.00 A: Feed moisture (%) C: Temperature (oC) 108.00
300.00 13.00 100.00 300.00

Fig. 10 Effect of extrusion variables on product hardness

Fig. 10 represents the variations in number of peaks (more peaks implies more crispness)
during compression as a function of process conditions. There was decrease in number of
peaks with increase in extrusion temperature and moisture content (Fig. 11) whereas
increased with screw speed (up to about 400 rpm). Increased extrusion temperature resulted
in more expanded structure and soft texture. A well expanded extrudate had soft texture and
Design-Expert® Software
Design-Expert® Software
Factor Coding: Actual
thinner cell walls than a denser product and less expanded product. Factor Coding: Actual
Crispness (No. of peaks)
Crispness (No. of peaks) Design points above predicted value
Design points above predicted value Design points below predicted value
Design points below predicted value
X1 = A: Feed moisture (%)
X1 = A: Feed moisture (%) X2 = B: Screw speed (RPM) 460
X2 = C: Temperature (oC) 460
Actual Factor
Actual Factor C: Temperature (oC) = 120.00
Crispness (No. of peaks)

B: Screw speed (RPM) = 400.00

Crispness (No. of peaks)



340 340

320 320

140.00 19.00 500.00 19.00

18.00 18.00
132.00 17.00 450.00 17.00
124.00 16.00 400.00 16.00
116.00 15.00 15.00
C: Temperature (oC) 108.00 14.00 A: Feed moisture (%) B: Screw speed (RPM) 350.00 14.00 A: Feed moisture (%)
100.00 13.00 300.00 13.00

Fig. 11 Effect of extrusion variables on product crispness

Micro-structure of the extrudates

The effect of extrusion operating conditions on the structure of the extrudates is shown in
Figs 12 through 14. Fig. 12 shows that increase of moisture content caused the thickening of
the cell walls of extrudates resulting in more rigid structures. The increase in screw rpm
during extrusion cooking of extrudates had an opposite effect in extrudates microstructure.

58 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


(a) (b)

Fig. 12 Microstructure of extrudates as affected by feed moisture content (a) X = 13%,

(b) X = 19%

As shown in Fig. 13 that with increase in screw speed, the cell wall of extrudates become thin
and there were decrease in the pore size of snacks. It may be seen from Fig 14 that the
extrudates made at 100°C had less air cells and thick cell wall whereas the extrudates made at
128°C had more uniform air cells and thinner cell wall. However, with further increase in
extrusion temperature to 140°C, there was decrease in air cells and increase in cell wall
thickness. It was thus be inferred that extrusion at 128°C resulted into a more desirable
microstructure of the product.

(a) (b)

Fig. 13 Microstructure of extrudates as affected by screw rpm (a) 400 rpm, (b) 500 rpm

59 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 14 Microstructure of extrudates as affected by extrusion temperature (a) 100 °C,

(b) 128 °C (c) 140 °C

Anti-nutritional factors
Anti-nutritional factors such as phytic acid and total polyphenols (as tannic acid equivalent)
were significantly reduced from 521 (raw formulation) to 378 mg/100 g, and 325 to 290 mg/
100g, respectively by extrusion cooking. Phytic acid, which was significantly higher in raw
mixture, had an overall reduction of nearly 38% after extrusion cooking whereas total
polyphenols decreased by 12%. It was observed that moisture had positive effect whereas
temperature had negative effect on phytic acid content in the extrudate. Thus, by decreasing
the amount of feed moisture and increasing the barrel temperature, phytic acid could be
reduced in the extrudates.

Results of the regression analysis for different process and product responses are shown in
Table 31. The regression models for expansion ratio, bulk density, hardness and crispness
were highly significant (P ≤ 0.01), with a high coefficient of determination (R2 ≥0.90).
Although relatively lower R2 was noted for SME (0.78), their regression models were
significant (P≤ 0.05). Moreover, none of the models showed significant lack of fit (P ≥ 0.05),
indicating that all the second-order polynomial models correlated well with the observed data
and were statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05).

60 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 31. Regression coefficients for process and product responses

SME WAI WSI Expansion Bulk Hardness Crispness
(W h/kg) (g gel/ g (g /g) ratio density (N)
of dm) (kg/m3)
Intercept 105.40 6.92 12.62 3.89 169.9 2.75 418.22
Feed moisture −2.47 −0.086** −0.36*** −0.41*** 26.9*** 8.2*** −53.26***
Screw speed 5.96** 0.041 0.157 0.359*** −12.59*** −4.2*** −1.91
Barrel temperature −4.29* −0.255*** 1.465*** 0.22** −210*** −1.9** 6.29
Feed moisture × feed 2.01 −0.065** −0.160 −0.22 14.95** 0.21* −20.77***
Feed 2.19 −0.006 0.019 −0.22** −3 −.15 0.25
moisture × screw
Feed 1.24 0.0013 0.059 −0.30 −3 −2.4 −1.50***
moisture × barrel
Screw speed × screw −1.38 0.034 0.109 −0.21 9*** 1.7 −6.62
Screw speed × barrel −0.89 −0.006 −0.03 0.01 1 0.02 −0.75
Barrel −0.58 0.019 −0.27*** −0.20** 4*** 0.19* −7.86
temperature × barrel
R2 0.80 0.87 0.89 0.89 0.97 0.94 0.917

P-value for model 0.47 0.01 0.23 0.16 0.28 0.07 0.376
lack of fit
SME- Specific mechanical energy; WAI- Water absorption index; WSI – water solubility index; Significant at
P≤0.01, **P≤0.05, *P≤0.1

The process optimization was done by setting goal i.e., obtain maximum expansion ratio,
minimum bulk density and hardness but maximum crispness, lowest phytic acid and total
polyphenols. The response surface contour plots for different product responses were
superimposed (Fig. 15).

Optimum solution point was found to be 13% feed moisture, 470 rpm screw speed and 128oC
barrel temperature. At the optimized extrusion conditions, product quality was determined, as
ER: 4.56, density: 139.88 kg/m3, hardness: 1.88 N, crispness: 440, phytic acid: 377.31
mg/100 g, total polyphenols: 302.12 mg/ 100 g, protein: 13.02%, fat: 5.26%, carbohydrate:
73.13%, fibre: 3.07%, ash: 2.59%, iron: 5.24 mg/100 g, Zn: 3.13 mg/100 g.

61 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Design-Expert® Software
Factor Coding: Actual Overlay Plot
Overlay Plot

Hardness Protein: 13.210
ER: 4.990
462.50 Zn CI Low: 2.868
phytic Acid Protein CI High: 13.210
Zn Iron: 5.113 Iron: 5.021
Total Phenol FMC CI High: 16.100
WAI Zn: 3.045 Zn CI High: 3.045
Iron CI High: 5.113 FMC: 16.100
B: R

WSI 375.00 Zn CI High: 3.045

Crispness Iron CI Low: 5.021L CI High: 67.140
Crispness: 400.000
BD: 275.000
X1 = A: MC Hardness: 5.520
X2 = B: R Zn: 2.868
Actual Factor ER: 3.060
C: T = 128.62 287.50
phytic Acid CI High: 387.000
L CI High: 67.140
Protein CI High: 13.210
Protein CI Low: 13.140
Protein: 13.210
10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50 25.00


Fig. 15 Optimization of extrusion process

Seasoning of snacks
The developed extruded snack had bland taste. To suit the consumer taste, seasoning was
applied to the snacks. For seasoning application, oil addition was necessary. Addition of oil
was done in two ways: by frying in the oil and by oil spray. After oil application by both
methods, seasoning was applied. Three different seasonings namely, tomato (S1), spicy mint
(S2) and hing-jeera (S3) were used. Product acceptability was determined through sensory
evaluation and compared with similar market product. Sensory evaluation (Table 32) showed
that the overall acceptability of all the products with different flavours had high acceptability
although it was less than market sample.

An extensive survey was carried out on acceptability of Pusa Pearl Puff (Fig. 16). It was
appreciated by all age group people. Acceptability among kids was very high (Fig. 17).
Nutritional composition presented in Table 33 indicated better quality of developed product
than commercial sample.

Table 32. Mean sensory score values for commercial and seasoned extruded snacks
Extruded samples Sensory attributes
Appearance Taste Flavour Overall
Commercial snacks 8.1 ± 0.01 8.4 ± 0.03 8.2 ± 0.04 8.6 ± 0.03
S1 7.8 ± 0.03 8.2 ± 0.05 7.9 ± 0.06 8.3 ± 0.02
S2 7.6 ± 0.04 8.0 ± 0.07 7.9 ± 0.01 8.1 ± 0.06
S3 7.5 ± 0.07 7.9 ± 0.09 7.7 ± 0.02 8.1 ± 0.01

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(a) (b)
Fig. 16 (a) Pusa Pearl Puff (b) Pusa Pearl Puff fortified with capsicum powder

Fig. 17. Feedback photographs

Studies were also conducted to find the acceptable levels of incorporation of functional
ingredients in Pusa pearl puff. It was observed that inclusion of 10% carrot powder, 2%
bittergourd powder, and 5% aonla powder in pearl puff was organoleptically acceptable.

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Table 33. Nutritional composition of Pusa Pearl Puff and its comparison with
commercial product
Nutritional composition Commercial snacks Pusa Pearl Puff
per 100 g (Kurkure)
Energy, kcal 533.33 486.15
Total fat (g) 40.00 22.63
Total carbohydrate (g) 53.28 58.43
Protein (g) 6.66 12.19
Crude fibre (g) -------- 2.16
Ash (g) -------- 1.48
Iron (mg) 1.00 5.11
Zinc (mg) -------- 3.10
Moisture (g) ------- 3.11

4.2.2 Ready-to-eat Product from Maize-Rice-Aonla

Central composite design was used to evaluate the effects of independent variables, namely,
barrel temperature (383-403 K), screw speed (300-400 rpm) and feed moisture content (22-
28.2% db) on product responses (bulk density, hardness, colour, expansion ratio and vitamin
C). A blend of maize flour, rice flour and aonla in the ratio 80:10:10 was used as the
ingredients for extrusion that would provide the vitamin C enriched ready to eat food product
for children (6-16 year age group). Sensory analysis was carried out using the 9 point hedonic
scale for selected extruded product for colour, texture (hardness) and overall acceptability.
The regression model developed was significant with the coefficient of determination, R 2
greater than 0.78. Barrel temperature and screw speed significantly influenced (P < 0.10) the
expansion ratio, bulk density, and vitamin C. The barrel temperature and moisture content for
colour and hardness of the product were significantly different (P< 0.05). On the basis of
organoleptic evaluation, the product extruded at 393 K barrel temperature, 350 rpm screw
speed and 25% (d.b.) feed moisture content was of the most acceptable quality.

4.2.3 Pusa Pearl Pasta

Popularity of the pasta in India is growing at a faster pace. There are more than 30 pasta
brands available in the country. These pasta products are made of wheat semolina which is
poor in micro-nutrient contents. Since micro-nutrients deficiency (especially iron and zinc) is

64 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


reported to cause enormous loss throughout the world. Hence, pasta rich in iron and zinc and
low in gluten load was thought to be was developed using a blend of wheat semolina and
pearl millet flour. The effect of addition of functional ingredients on pasta quality was also

For development of pasta, Indian specification BIS: 1485-(2010) was taken into
consideration. The important factors taken into account were: thickness of pasta, particle size
of flour, blend composition, and role of extrusion process parameters. To determine the effect
of thickness of pasta especially with respect to its structural integrity after cooking, specially
fabricated concentric double cylinder type dies having thicknesses 0.5 mm, 0.75 mm and 1
mm were used to get cylindrical hollow products. It was found that after cooking the pasta of
0.5 mm thickness was losing its integrity quickly, even though it was getting cooked faster.
However, pasta of 1 mm thickness was taking longer time to cook. Therefore 0.75 mm
thickness was considered suitable whereby it was taking moderate time to cook and was able
to retain its post cooking structural integrity.

Pasta was initially prepared using 100% pearl millet flour of different particle sizes. The
stability of the pasta was very poor as almost all the samples got crumbled (as shown in Fig.
18) on completion of cooking. Thus it was amply clear that it was not possible to make pasta
from 100% pearl millet flour of any particle size. However, pasta made from 546-460 μm
particle size had slightly better stability than other samples and better micronutrient content
and hence further work was carried out on flour samples of particle size 546-460 μm.

Fig 18. Effect of particle size on integrity of pasta after cooking

Therefore pasta was prepared using different combinations of suji and pearl millet flour viz
100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60. It was observed that up to 50:50 composition, the
structural integrity of pasta were retained after cooking (Fig. 19). Therefore, further studies
were conducted on 50:50 combination.

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Fig. 19. Pasta prepared from different proportions of pearl millet and suji

The effect of extrusion process parameters (barrel temperature, feed moisture content, feeder
speed and screw:feeder speed) on quality of pasta was determined using CCRD design in
Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The barrel temperature (T) varied between 60 and
90°C, moisture content (M) from 25 to 35%, feeder speed (F) from 8 to 16 rpm and
screw:feeder speed (S) from 8 to 12. The cooking loss varied from 5.3 to 8.3%, and moisture
content of cooked pasta from 63 to 70%. Effects of temperature and moisture content on
cooking time and cooking loss is shown in Fig. 20.

Fig. 20 Effect of temperature and moisture content on cooking loss and cooking time

Optimization of process variables was done through numerical optimization technique with
the goal to minimize the cooking loss and time but maximize the swelling index and
hydration capacity. The optimum process variables were determined as 70°C temperature,
30% moisture content, 12 rpm feeder speed, and 10 screw:feeder speed. The product thus
prepared has protein content of 10.96%, ash 0.81%, fat 0.65%, phenols 71.7mg/100g,
swelling index 175 g water/100g, swelling capacity 2.08, cooking loss 5.57%. Sensory
evaluation of the pasta prepared at optimum condition showed it as acceptable product when
compared with wheat based market pasta. Since pasta has to be consumed after cooking, the
post-cooking nutritional evaluation of the product was carried out and was found that
nutritional as well as anti-nutritional factors decreased by about 10% only.

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Nutritional composition of product developed at optimum condition is presented in Table 34.

It is evident that micronutrient contents were better in developed product than commercial

Table 34. Nutritional composition of Pusa Pearl Pasta and its comparison with
commercial product

Compositions Pearl Maggi Bambino Sunfeast Tasty treat

pasta (100%WS) (100%WS) (75.7%WS) (100%WS)

Energy (kcal) 364 301 357 225 356

Protein (%) 12.34 10.60 12.00 8.30 10.11
Fat (%) 1.43 2.90 1.00 2.60 1.66
Ash (%) 0.73 NR NR NR NR
Carbohydrates (g) 75.33 58.20 75 49.7 74.84
Iron (mg/100g) 8.91 NR 3.00 NR NR
Zinc (mg/100g) 2.93 NR NR NR NR
Calcium (mg/100g) 21.66 NR 3.00 NR NR
Vitamin C 4.94 NR 0 NR NR
Fibre (g) - 3.10 3.00 2.10 NR
Sugar (g) - 2.30 6.00 6.00 2.30

4.2.4 Pusa Breakfast Cereal

Initially, effects of ingredients addition on extrusion characteristics of corn were evaluated
and thus a blend composition was decided based on physical acceptability of the product.
Subsequently the effect of process parameters on product quality was assessed and finally a
product Pusa Breakfast Cereal was developed. Effect of addition of finger millet on properties of corn based extrudate

The expansion ratio of extrudate increased up to 5% addition of finger millet, beyond which
it was found to be decreasing on further addition of finger millet (Fig. 21). Bulk density
decreased up to 5% addition of finger millet and increased on further addition (Fig. 21). It
was also observed that up to 30% addition of finger millet, the expansion ratio and bulk
density could be obtained in the acceptable range for breakfast cereal. But colour of the
extrudate started darkening on addition of 25 and 30% finger millet. As evident from Fig 21,

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L value decreased with addition of finger millet. However, physically dark colour of the
extrudate dominated on addition of 25% or more finger millet. Hence, addition of 20% finger
millet was considered optimum.

Fig. 21 Effect of finger millet addition on properties of corn extrudate Effect of addition of carrot powder on corn and finger millet based extrudate
Carrot powder was added in the corn and finger millet mixture at varying levels. Expansion
ratio was almost not affected up to 6% carrot powder addition but with further addition, it
decreased rapidly, Fig. 22. Bulk density increased with addition of carrot powder. This was
obvious as the bulk density of carrot powder was higher than maize and finger millet flour.

Addition of carrot powder imparted color to the extruded product. It was observed that “a-
value” increased (Fig. 19) with increase in carrot powder in the sample, indicating increase in
redness of the product. Based on physical condition of the sample, as well as expansion ratio
and a-value, addition of 10% carrot powder was considered optimum. Thus ingredient
composition of 72% maize, 18% finger millet and 10% carrot powder was finally selected for

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making breakfast cereal. However, at pre-optimized extrusion condition, the shape of the
product was not properly round. Therefore, the effect of temperature, screw speed and
moisture content was again evaluated on this selected ingredient composition.

Fig. 22 Effect of carrot powder addition on properties of extrudate Effect of extrusion process parameters on properties of extrudates of selected

ingredient composition

The effect of moisture content was determined at the pre-determined optimum condition of
temperature (125°C) and screw speed (461rpm). It was found that with increase in moisture
content from 13.9 to 15.5%, expansion ratio increased but bulk density decreased (Fig. 23).
However, with further increase in moisture content, expansion ratio decreased and bulk
density increased. Therefore, moisture content of 15.5% was considered appropriate for
extrusion of mix.

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Fig. 23 Effect of moisture content on expansion ratio and bulk density of extrudate Effect of temperature, screw speed and moisture content on properties of corn,
finger millet and carrot based extrudate

Effect of moisture content

Effect of moisture content on expansion ratio, bulk density and colour vaue is shown in Fig.
24. While expansion ratio decreased with increase in moisture content, bulk density
increased. Colour of the extrudate, as evidenced by a-value, increased up to 15.5% moisture
content and decreased thereafter. This indicated appropriateness of 15.5% moisture content
for extrusion of the mix.

Fig. 24 Effect of moisture content on properties of extrudate from selected mix

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Effect of temperature
Expansion ratio of the extrudate from selected mix increased with increase in temperature
from 100 to 120°C and then no change was observed with further increase in temperature up
to 140°C (Fig. 25). Bulk density too decreased up to increase in temperature from 100 to
120°C but again increased with further increase up to 130°C. Colour (a-value) of the
extrudate too increased up to 120°C. Thus temperature of 120°C was considered more
appropriate for extrusion of the selected mix.

Fig. 25 Effect of temperature on properties of extrudate from selected mix

Effect of screw speed

Expansion ratio increased whereas bulk density decreased with increase in screw speed (Fig.
26). Colour (a-value) too decreased but physically no perceptible change was observed in the
colour of the sample up to 400 rpm. Also, comparing a-values in Figs 21, 22 and 23, it was

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inferred that a-value above 10 indicated good desired colour of the extrudate. Thus extrusion
of selected mix at 400 rpm was considered appropriate.

Fig. 26 Effect of screw speed on properties of extrudate from selected mix

Based on above findings, breakfast cereal product was made at 15.5% moisture content,
120°C temperature and 400 rpm screw speed using selected mix of composite flour.
However, uniform shape product could not be obtained. This could possibly be due to
composite size of flour. Hence, uniform size of flour was undertaken and its effect of
uniformity of product was evaluated.

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Effect of particle size on extrudate properties

The expansion ratio of the extrudate increased with decrease in particle size. As evident from
Fig. 27, expansion ratio sharply dropped for composite flour particle (0.295 mm). Bulk
density was found minimum for particle size 0.358 mm and maximum for composite flour.
Physically, no change in uniformity of extrudate between 0.358 and 0.273 mm particle sizes
was observed.

Fig. 27 Effect of particle size on properties of extrudate from selected mix

Hence, the final product was made with selected mix having particle size 0.273 to 0.358 mm
and extrusion parameters of 15.5% moisture content, 120°C temperature and 400 rpm screw
speed. The product obtained was of uniform round shape, desired colour, expansion ratio and
bulk density.

Based on above studies, a ready-to-eat functional food (Fig. 28) was developed as breakfast
cereal from quality protein maize (QPM)-finger millet-carrot powder blend through extrusion
processing. The carrot powder provided natural attractive colour to the product. It is round in
shape and has very soft texture. It could be consumed with/without milk. The product has
been rated highly acceptable on organoleptic evaluation by people of different age groups.
The moisture content in the product is about 3%. The snack is rich in micronutrients like Ca,
Fe and Zn. Apart from micronutrients, it has carotenoid content of about 1.5 mg/100g.

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Fig. 28 Pusa Breakfast Cereal

Table 35. Amino acids composition of the QPM and non-QPM based product

Amino acid Non-QPM based product QPM based product

(nmole/g) (nmole/g)
Asparagine 12.17 13.67
Glutamine 26.81 28.94
Serine 8.16 8.29
Glycine 10.97 14.91
Cysteine 2.54 3.49
Arginine 16.20 15.56
Alanine 4.18 4.29
Tyrosine 3.68 4.37
Proline 5.61 9.56
Valine 8.66 10.92
Tryptophan 80.97 124.46
Phenylalanine 5.64 5.58
Leucine 17.07 15.22
Lysine 3.31 4.80
Threonine 5.62 6.75

The bowl life of the product was found to be 4 min. The glycemic index was found to be 67,
ie in the medium range. The amino acid contents in products from QPM and non-QPM based
products were also determined (Table 35). The higher contents of essential amino acids

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(lysine, tryptophan etc) indicated better protein quality of QPM products. Nutritional
comparison of the product with commercial sample is shown in Table 36.

Table 36. Nutritional comparison of the breakfast cereal with silmilar commercial
Particulars Composition per 100 g
Breakfast cereal Corn flakes
Energy, kcal 382 377
Carbohydrate, g 82.5 88.8
Protein, g 9.6 6.0
Fibre, g 3.4 0.5
Ash, g 2.4 -
Fat, g 1.5 0.6
Iron, mg 3.0 14
Calcium, mg 122 -
Total carotene, mg 2.9 -
-carotene, mg 2.0 -

4.2.4 Pusa Vita

Pusa Vita was developed in powdered as well as granular form using finger millet/pearl
millet and/or soybean. The product was formulated keeping in view the requirement of
diabetic and obese persons. The ICMR (1991) guidelines in respect of RDA requirement of
these groups were followed. The product was prepared through hot extrusion process. The
process parameters were optimized. The water solubility index of the product was given
major emphasis in optimization process.

Fig. 29. Pusa vita in powder and granulated forms through extrusion processing

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The product can be consumed by mixing in milk. The taste of the product can easily be
customized to suit the different age-group people. It is gluten free product. Proximate
composition of the product is given in Table 37.

Table 37. Proximate composition of Pusa Vita

Energy, kcal 359.2

Protein, % 18
Fat, % 6.5
Ash, % 3.2
Crude fibre, % 3.5
Carbohydrate, % 56
Fe, ppm 0.792
Ca, ppm 17.26
Zn, ppm 0.16
Mg, ppm 10.17
Cu, ppm 0.06
Mn, ppm 0.67
Na, ppm 6.56
K, ppm 36.12

4.2.5 Horse-gram a potential legume and prebiotic functional ingredient for improving
functionality, texture and sensory quality of millet based extruded snack

Horse-gram an underutilized legume has huge potential in snack industry due to its high
phytochemical content, protein, iron, calcium and hypo-glycaemic effects. Sorghum, barley
are equally high in fibre, resistant starch, phenolic and prebiotic component known to be
beneficial for gut health. A formulation combining these in an extruded snack, has immense
potential for developing a snack suitable for lowering cholesterol and in managing diabetes in
Indian context. The effect of different extrusion variables (feed formulation, moisture and
temperature) on sorghum-barley puffs fortified with horse gram was evaluated. Three
composite blends of sorghum and barley, namely (SB1, SB2, SB3) with horse-gram were
subjected to four different extrusion variables, viz. high temperature, high moisture (HTHM),
low moisture (HTLM) high temperature, high moisture (LTHM); and low temperature and
low moisture (LTLM) conditions. The effect of extrusion on phenolics, antioxidant activity

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and WSI is shown in Table 38. Among the variables, composite blend (SB2), HTLM (120°C,
18% feed moisture), resulted in a product with lowest bulk density (51.00), highest expansion
volume (3.45), water absorption index WAI (4.76) and water solubility index WSI (20.76).
The treatment also increased the total phenolics (189.04 FAE mg/100g) by maximizing the
release of bound phenolic. High functional quality in terms of ferric reducing antioxidant
capacity (7.56 μmol TE/g), Fe content (211 ppm), calcium content (56 ppm) and pasting
properties including final viscosity (428.1BU), pasting temperature (61.69°C) confirmed
these parameters as good indicators of quality and guide to process optimization. Descriptive
analysis of extrudates, registered high scoring for a typical peanut flavour, due to addition of
horse-gram in all three blends. Under this perspective, extrusion at HTLM is a promising
option for development of healthy millet-legume based snack.

Table 38. Effect of extrusion on phenolics, antioxidant activity and WSI

Parameter WAI WSI Free phenol Bound phenol Total phenol

(mg FAE/100g) (mg FAE/100g) (mg FAE/100g)
Native SB1 2.14 3.273 76.02 58.33 134.35
flour SB2 2.28 3.602 85.86 58.78 144.64
SB3 2.19 3.511 102.94 57.50 160.44
HTHM SB1 6.32 11.45 57.10 47.75 104.85
SB2 6.50 13.37 57.55 46.04 103.60
SB3 6.30 14.83 63.81 41.41 105.23
HTLM SB1 4.71 23.28 104.86 45.46 150.32
SB2 4.85 20.52 107.45 48.05 155.50
SB3 4.75 20.68 131.78 49.28 181.06
LTHM SB1 6.16 12.04 62.69 37.16 99.85
SB2 5.34 15.68 63.50 43.45 106.95
SB3 6.61 12.65 83.65 44.83 128.49
LTLM SB1 5.26 20.53 91.52 23.36 114.89
SB2 4.58 23.52 99.38 34.39 133.78
SB3 4.36 22.14 112.97 44.05 157.02

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4.2.6 Buckwheat- amaranth bites - Gluten free, low diet snack for celiacs

A healthy nutritious gluten free, snack, based on buckwheat and amaranth us has been
optimized on new co-rotating, long barrel length extruders with high screw speed of 190 rpm,
temperature of 170°C and moisture content of 12%. The formulation has immense potential
for celiac patients, suffering from gluten allergy. The snack has low glycemic index (54),
high mineral and protein content and is ideal for health freaks and diabetic patients.
Buckwheat- amaranth bites, thus are rightly suited for celiac market.

4.2.7 Sorghum functionalized with fenugreek through extrusion processing

Sorghum and fenugreek possess biologically active phytochemicals that may significantly
impact health. They possess hypoglycemic principles which make them ideal food for
patients suffering from diabetes. Sorghum is high in dietary fiber, is gluten free, low in
glycemic index and an ideal food for celiac patients. It has moderate phenol content as
compared to pearl millet and finger millet along with comparatively better storage quality.
Whitish colour of sorghum is favourable for organoleptic qualities as there is no chance of
any colour interference. Moreover, its matrix is suitable for functionalization or colour

The effect of incorporation of fenugreek powder (0.5-3%) on extruded snack from sorghum
extrudates were evaluated for their physical properties moisture retention, expansion ratio,
bulk density, water solubility, water absorption index, glycemic index, α-glucosidase activity
and overall acceptability. There was significant increase in total phenolics, antioxidant
activity and decrease in glycemic index with incorporation of fenugreek powder. Results
strongly indicate addition of fenugreek powder can increase the functionality of extruded
sorghum snack for developing low glycemic food for weight watchers and diabetic people.

4.2.8 Sauté Pasta

Novel nutritious pasta suited to modern lifestyles has been developed using legume and
coarse millets. The product coined as ‘Saute pasta’ based on cold extrusion and uses pre-
gelatinized millet flour and legumes for higher functionality; improved swelling index and
low gruel loss. The ‘Saute pasta’ is low in glycemic index, has high fibre, mineral and protein
content and antioxidants than conventional semolina based pasta available in market. It is a
convenient food, ready to eat (2 min) with good sensory and textural properties, ideal for
dietetics, and diabetic patients.

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5. Storage of Developed Products

5.1 Storage of Pusa Pearl Puff

An expanded ready-to-eat extruded snack (Pusa Pearl Puff) was developed under optimized
conditions i.e., 13% moisture content, 470 rpm, 128oC temperature for school going children
(5-15years) as per ICMR guidelines using pearl millet, QPM and green gram (60: 30:10).
Twenty five grams of developed snacks sample were fried in vegetable oil (about 100 g) in a
frying pan at 155±5°C for about 35 s. After frying, the product was taken out from the oil.
The fried sample was immediately mixed with seasoning (2 g seasoning in 50 g of snacks)
with tomato seasoning (supplied by Symega, Ernakulam Kerala, India)

The seasoned snack was packed in Aluminium laminated polyethylene packages (50 µm
thickness, having water vapour permeability 4.9*10-7 with and without
nitrogen flushing. These samples were stored under accelerated storage condition (38±2°C,
90% RH) for the period of 60 days, until off smell was perceived on package opening. The
product quality were monitored and analysed in every 15 days interval for moisture, texture,
FFA, peroxide value and sensory qualities.

5.1.1 Moisture content

Table 38 represents the effect of packaging material and storage period on the moisture
content of the extruded snack. Packaging material was found to have a significant effect on
the moisture content of the snack. A consistent increase in moisture contents of snacks was
recorded during the storage period. In the LDPE packed snack, the moisture content
increased from 3.1 to 5.2% whereas in Al laminated packets (60 and 50 µm thickness), the
increase was from 3.1 to 4.1%. Snacks packed in laminate pouches absorbed less moisture
during storage due to the less water vapour permeability of the aluminium foil.

Storage period was found to have a notable effect on the moisture content of snacks. The
mean moisture content of the snacks at the beginning of the storage was 3.1% which
increased significantly to 4.46% after the storage period of 90 days. The interaction effect of
packaging material and storage time on moisture content of the snacks was also found to be
significant (P≤0.05).

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Table 39. Effect of packaging materials and storage days on moisture content and phytic
acid of extruded snacks
Storage days Moisture content (%) Mean
P1 P2 P3
0 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10
15 3.20 3.10 3.10 3.13
30 3.50 3.20 3.40 3.36
45 4.00 3.50 3.50 3.66
60 4.30 3.80 3.60 3.90
75 4.80 4.00 3.90 4.26
90 5.20 4.10 4.10 4.46
Mean 4.01 3.54 3.54

5.1.2 FFA and PV

The packaging material and storage period tangibly affected free fatty acid and peroxide
value of stored extruded snacks (Table 39). Packaging manifested a conspicuous effect on the
FFA. The FFA was higher in the snack packed in LDPE pouches, than the laminate pouches
as evident from Table 39. Kaur (2005) too reported that formation of FFA was higher in
cookies stored in LDPE as compared to those stored in aluminium laminates. This could be
due to the fact that aluminium laminates protect biscuits against light, which acts as catalyst
for oxidation.

Storage period also had perceptible effect on the FFA contents of snacks. There was a
significant increase in the FFA with storage days. The increase may be attributed to the
increase in the moisture content of the sample leading to the fat hydrolysis. Singh et al.
(2000) too found increase in free fatty acid content of soy-fortified biscuits with storage
period and ascribed the increase to the fat hydrolysis. It has been su gge st ed that in fried
snacks if FFA > 1%, product is not fit for consumption (Erickson and Frey, 1994). However,
no off/rancid smell in the snacks was observed in the study despite FFA being 1.54% after 90
days of storage.

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Table 40. Effect of packaging materials and storage days on FFA and PV of extruded
Storage FFA (% oleic acid) Mean PV (meq/kg of oil) Mean
days P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
0 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
15 0.42 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.48 0.38 0.40 0.42
30 0.55 0.44 0.42 0.47 0.52 0.48 0.46 0.49
45 0.68 0.57 0.53 0.59 0.96 0.87 0.86 0.89
60 0.79 0.69 0.67 0.72 1.25 1.42 1.25 1.31
75 1.06 0.96 0.92 0.98 2.10 1.74 1.81 1.88
90 1.54 1.22 1.19 1.32 2.42 2.10 2.09 2.20
Mean 0.77 0.66 0.64 1.15 1.04 1.03

Peroxide values (PV) measure the content of hydroperoxides and are used as indicators of
lipid oxidation (Gray, 1978). The peroxide value of the extruded snack samples increased
significantly (P≤0.05) from 0.5 to 2.35 meq/kg during storage of 90 days (Table 39).
Peroxide value increased with increase in storage period. But the product quality remained
well during 90 days storage, which was further verified through sensory evaluation. The
peroxide level of <5 meq/kg of oil (Unger, 2008; FAO 2010) has been suggested to be
acceptable for consumption of product. However, the finding was not in line with the Tiwari
et al. (2011), who found that that if the peroxide value of snacks (prepared with rice broken
and legume) increased more than 2 meq/kg of oil, then product developed a slight rancid
smell affecting its sensory quality. However, in the present study, no rancid smell was
observed in the product up to 90 days even though the value of PV was more than 2 meq/kg
of oil. It was also inferred from the study that the better quality of the product can be retained
in Al laminated packets than LDPE as revealed by the FFA and the PV values.

5.1.3 Texture of snacks

Crispness and hardness are important sensory attributes for expanded products on
which the consumer acceptability of the products depend. It is therefore important to control
these properties during processing and storage.
The packaging material and storage period both had significant effect on crispness
and hardness of snacks (Table 40). The value of crispness (no of peaks) and hardness (peak
force) varied from 441 to 330 and 1.96 N to 1.54 N.

81 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 41. Effect of packaging materials and storage days on crispness and hardness of
extruded snacks
Storage Crispness (no. of peaks) Mean Hardness (Peak force), N Mean
days P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
0 441.00 441.00 441.00 441.00 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96
15 432.00 439.00 435.00 435.33 1.91 1.93 1.93 1.92
30 416.00 434.00 423.00 424.33 1.83 1.89 1.90 1.87
45 402.00 427.00 418.00 415.67 1.76 1.86 1.88 1.83
60 370.00 410.00 415.00 398.33 1.62 1.81 1.82 1.75
75 347.00 405.00 408.00 386.67 1.59 1.78 1.80 1.72
90 330.00 401.00 402.00 377.67 1.54 1.73 1.76 1.68
Mean 391.14 422.43 420.28 1.74 1.85 1.86

The higher loss in crispness and hardness was observed in case of LDPE packed snacks
(33.63% in crispness whereas 27.27% in hardness). This is mainly due to gain in moisture
content. Same reason was also cited by Primo-Martín and Van-Vliet (2009).

The crispness and hardness of the snacks were found to be high throughout the storage period
in Al laminated packets whereas in case of LDPE, a noticeable drop was observed after 60
days, which was primarily due to more gain in moisture content.

5.1.4 Microbial quality

The data presented in Table 41 reveals the influence of packaging material and storage period
influenced on the microbial quality of extruded snacks. The total plate count on nutrient agar
were found as 53x102 cfu/ g, 50x102 cfu/ g and 52x102 cfu/ g, the yeast and mould counts
were 352 cfu/ g, 346 cfu/ g and 314 cfu/ g in the extrudates packed in LDPE, Al-laminated
packages of thicknesses 60 µm and 50 µm, respectively after 90 days of storage. As per
Indian standard, the standard total bacterial count/g (cfu/ g) should not be more than 50,000
in ready-to-eat protein rich extruded snacks (ISI, 1980). The studies indicated that the
extruded snacks packed in the 3 selected packaging materials had microbial load within the
permissible limits at room temperature throughout the storage period, which showed the
stability of the product as snacks. Packaging material had no significant effect on the
microbial quality (TPC and yeast and mould count) of snacks, however, growth was observed
more in snacks packed in LDPE than the laminate packed snacks.

82 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 42. Effect of packaging materials and storage days on microbial quality of snacks

Storage Total Plate Count Mean Yeast & Mould Count Mean
days (cfu/ g) (cfu/ g)
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
0 ND ND ND 102 104 105 103.7
15 25x 102 25x 102 24 x 102 24.6x102 146 185 164 165.0
30 27x 102 29x 102 28 x 102 28.0x102 186 210 245 213.7
45 37x 102 35x 102 30 x 102 34.0x102 260 290 280 276.7
60 39x 102 38x 102 34 x 102 37.0x102 285 255 293 277.7
75 48x 102 45x 102 43 x 102 45.2x102 305 283 310 299.3
90 53x 102 50x 102 52 x 102 51.6x102 352 346 314 337.3
36x 102 35x 102 2.9x102
233.7 239 244.5

Storage period showed significant effect on the microbial population of snacks. The storage
mean total plate count increased from 24.6x102 cfu/g to 51.6x102 cfu/g and yeast and mould
from 103.7 cfu/g to 337.3 cfu/g after 90 days of storage. The increase in microbial load might
be due to a corresponding increase in moisture content during storage.

5.1.5 Sensory attributes

It is clear from Table 43 that the sensory attributes decreased during storage. The decrease
was noticeable after 75 days in all the packages. The snacks packed in LDPE showed
relatively rapid deterioration between 60 to 90 days of storage and had a significant softer
texture (Table 43), as also evidenced by objective measurement of texture. This was mainly
due to gain in moisture content of about 2% by the product. The product nature become
soggy gradually (Taoukis et al., 1988) if the moisture is gained by the products from air.
According to Tiwari et al. (2011), the moisture gain >1.5% is not suitable for crispness in
case of storage studies of dried snacks. Moisture gain in LDPE packed sample exceeded this
limit of moisture content on 75th day.

83 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 43. Sensory scores of snacks rated by the sensory panel

Packaging Storage period, days
environment 0 15 30 45 60
Without nitrogen 8.29  8.14  7.45 7.18 7.12ab
With nitrogen 8.29  8.14  7.45 7.18 7.12ab
Without nitrogen 8.17  7.12  7.03abcd 4.87d 4.95bcd
With nitrogen 8.17a 7.85a 7.09abc 6.95bcd 4.77d
Without nitrogen 8.03  7.40  7.24ab 7.05ab 7.00ab
With nitrogen 8.03  7.51a 7.36ab 7.22ab 7.10ab
Without nitrogen 8.34±0.09 8.28a±0.16 8.21±0.14 7.86c±0.22 7.22±0.13
With nitrogen 8.34±0.07 8.31a±0.05 8.29bc±0.17 7.95ab±0.19 7.29d±0.22
Without nitrogen 8.27±0.06 8.19±0.13 8.25a±0.11 8.20b±0.06 8.18c±0.21
With nitrogen 8.27±0.03 8.25c±0.05 8.28ab±0.10 8.23±0.07 8.20±0.13
Overall acceptability
Without nitrogen 8.20  8.15  8.11 5.05abc 4.93c
With nitrogen 8.20abc 8.17abc 8.15abc 7.10abc 5.03ab

However, the sensory parameters like appearance, taste, texture as well as overall
acceptability of snacks were found acceptable throughout the storage period of 90 days in all
packaging materials. The crispness and sensory scores decreased with increase in storage
period in both with and without nitrogen packages, however the decrease was less in nitrogen
flushed pack. Other sensory attributes that is, appearance, flavour, spice, and overall
acceptability indicated decreasing trend during entire storage period. Overall sensory
attributes of products in nitrogen flushed packages were higher than without nitrogen

The flavour score of the products did not change significantly up to 45 days in case of
nitrogen flushed samples but changed significantly (P≤0.05) on 60th day and was found to be

84 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


unacceptable by the panelists. However, flavour of samples packed without nitrogen flushing
was found to be unacceptable on 45th day of storage. Scores for spiciness, crispness, salt
intensity and lingering in both of the packaging techniques did not differ significantly
throughout the storage period. Irrespective of the packaging environment, scores for overall
acceptability on day 0 was significantly (P≤0.05) different from 45th and 60th days of storage.

5.1.6 Storage life of snacks

Sorption characteristic of snack was determined at varying relative humidity levels and have
been presented in Fig. 26. Using sorption curve (Fig. 26), water activity of the snack
corresponding to initial and critical moisture contents was calculated as 0.219 and 0.228,

Fig. 30 Sorption isotherm of snacks

From above values of water activity, predicted storage life of snack at ambient condition was
calculated using Eq. 1.

θw = …(1)

where, θw is time (days) required for the moisture content of the snacks to increase from an initial
value of Xpi (kg water per kg dry solids) to its critical value Xpc (kg water per kg dry solids).

The other parameters of Eq. 1 like, water vapour permeability of the package, effective area
of package, saturated vapour pressure as well as initial and critical moisture contents are
given in Table 43. The predicted storage life of snack without nitrogen flushing was
calculated as 254 days whereas with nitrogen flushing was found to be 294 days.

85 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Table 44. Predicted shelf life of the snack

Packaging Kp Ap P* aw Xi Xc θa θp
environment (kg.m-2 day-1 (m2) (Pa) (day) (day)
0.201 0.025 0.034 45 254
nitrogen 4.9*10-7 0.015 6539
With nitrogen 0.228 0.025 0.035 60 294

5.2 Storage of Pusa Pearl Pasta

The pasta was prepared using 50:50 blend composition of pearl millet flour and wheat
semolina. The upper limit of particle size of the ingredients was kept as 460 µm. Pasta was
prepared using twin screw extruder (BTPL make, Kolkata, India). The extruder operating
condition was set as 71oC barrel temperature, 12 rpm feed speed, and 120 rpm screw speed.
A concentric double cylinder type die was used to get a cylindrical hollow product with wall
thickness of 0.75 mm. The pasta was dried at 50oC for 90 minutes (up to moisture content of
10%), cooled and then packed in biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) packaging
material of 100µm thickness having water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) 7.71g/m2day.
Packets containing 55±3 g of pasta sample were stored at ambient condition, (32.95±8.75oC
(max), 17.6± 12.1oC (min) and 79±19% RH) for 6 months. The stored pasta was withdrawn
at the intervals of 1 month up to 6 months. Each time a new packet was opened and analysed
for physical properties (moisture content, water activity, textural properties), free fatty acid,
peroxide value and sensory evaluation.

5.2.1 Moisture content of pasta during storage

As per the Indian standard [BIS: 1485-(2010)], moisture content of pasta should not be more
than 12%. During the storage period, a consistent increase in moisture content of pasta was
recorded (Fig. 27) but was limited within 12%. It increased from 8.87% to 11.90% at the end
of 6 months of storage period. Analysis of variance (Table 44) revealed that storage period
had significant (P≤ 0.05) effect on moisture content of pasta. The gain in moisture content
was due to hygroscopic nature of product, permeability of the packaging material and storage
environment (changes in temperature and relative humidity. The results showed that moisture
content (<12%) of pasta packed in BOPP packaging material was within the permissible limit
throughout the storage period.

86 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


14 Moisture content (%wb) 0.70

Water activity

Moisture content (%wb)


Water activity
11 0.60


8 0.50
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Storage period (days)

Fig. 31. Effect of storage period on moisture content and water activity of pasta

Table 45. ANOVA for moisture content, water activity, FFA, and PV of pasta
Source Water activity
(% wb) (%) (meq/kg of oil)
F value 207.05S 86.22S 115.50S 36.09S
Error df 12 12 12 12
Error MS 0.01975 0.000119 1.13587 0.001386
LSD 0.25 0.0194 1.896 0.0662
Pr>f <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

5.2.2 Water activity

Water activity is an important means of predicting and controlling the shelf life of food
products. The water activity of pasta increased significantly (P≤ 0.05) from 0.51 to 0.66
(approximately 30% increase) during the storage period of 6 months (Fig. 1). The increase in
the water activity may be due to hygroscopic nature of the product, permeability of packaging
material and changing outside environmental conditions (temperature and relative humidity).
As per California Food Safety Law (2012), rice noodles are not acceptable when the water
activity is above 0.85.

5.2.3 Microbial analysis of pasta

Despite increase in moisture content and water activity in pasta, no microbial growth was
detected. The total plate count, yeast, mould, E. Coli, Salmonella, and Shigella were not

87 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


detected during the entire storage period of 6 months. This showed that pearl millet pasta
remained microbiologically safe.

5.2.4 FFA and peroxide value of pasta

Storage period had noticeable effect on free fatty acid, and peroxide value of pasta samples.
A significant increase in the FFA, PV and fat acidity was observed with storage period (Fig.
28). At the end of 6 months of storage period, free fatty acid content in pasta increased from
0.48% to 0.82%. A gradual increase in fatty acids, caused by enzymatic hydrolysis of the
lipids has also been reported by Chaiyasit et al. (2007) with increase in the storage period.
Also, Kaur et al. (2012) reported that FFA of cereal bran enriched pasta increased with
storage period, but the values remained in the acceptable range because of which, the taste,
flavour and acceptability of pasta was not much affected. Manthey et al. (2008) reported that
the FFA content increased from 1.90 to 2.36% during refrigerated storage of pasta.
PV of stored pasta increased from 2.10 to 5.79 meq/kg of oil with increase in storage period.
The peroxide value of pasta <10 meq/kg of oil has been suggested to be acceptable for
consumption of product (

Characteristically, FFA and PV were found to be correlated with moisture content of pasta
(Fig. 28). Kaced et al. (1984) too suggested that hydrolytic action of lipases appeared to
increase with increase in flour moisture during storage of pearl millet.

0.9 FFA (%) 6

PV (meq/kg of oil)
PV (meq/kg of oil)

FFA (%)



0.3 1
8.87 9.49 10.13 10.46 11.54 11.67 11.90
Moisture content (%wb)

Fig. 32. Effect of moisture content on free fatty acid and peroxide value of pasta

88 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Although, there was increase in FFA, and PV values during storage period but no rancid or
bitter taste in the product was noticed as observed by sensory evaluation report of the

Non-significant effect of storage period was noticed on liking of pasta in terms of

appearance, texture, taste, colour and overall acceptability. At the end of 6 months of storage,
the sensory score for appearance, texture, taste, colour and overall acceptability of pasta was
rated as 7.00, 7.00, 8.00, 6.80 and 7.65, respectively indicating well acceptable product.

5.2.5 Kinetics of quality changes in pasta during storage

Kinetics of changes in quality of the pasta during storage was studied using zero order
reaction. The estimates of the parameters of zero order reaction along with coefficient of
determination and standard error are presented in Table 45. Higher correlation coefficient and
lower standard error values were used as the basis to judge the adequacy of the reaction. It
was observed that all the deteriorative changes (moisture content, water activity, FFA, PV, fat
acidity) in pasta during storage followed the zero order reaction kinetics with high
coefficients of determination (> 0.79) and low standard errors.

Table 46. Estimated kinetic constants for quality parameters of pasta

Parameters R2 Standard error Pr> │t│
(per days)
Moisture content 0.017 0.95 0.0009 <0.0001
Water activity 0.001 0.79 9.2E-05 <0.0001
FFA 0.002 0.87 0.0002 <0.0001
PV 0.022 0.96 0.0009 <0.0001
Fat acidity 0.101 0.96 0.0046 <0.0001

5.3 Storage of Pusa Breakfast Cereal

The Pusa breakfast cereal was packed in laminated polyethylene package (50 µm thickness,
having water vapour permeability 4.9*10-7 Packets containing 20±1 g of
product were stored at ambient condition, (32.95±8.75oC (max), 17.6± 12.1oC (min) and
79±19% RH) for 6 months. It was observed that the moisture content of the product varied
between 3 and 5.5%, FFA from 0.281 to 0.359%, and carotenoid content between 4.083 and

89 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


1.406 mg/100 g. A drastic reduction in carotenoid and lycopene contents indicated low shelf
stability of functional component (Table 46). However, FFA and moisture content values
showed the stability of the product.

Table 47. Changes in breakfast cereal during storage period

Storage Moisture FFA, Carotenoid Lycopene Colour
period, content, % (mg/100g) (mg/100g) L a b
month % (wb)
0 3.893 0.281 4.083 0.918 70.1 8.6 39.8
1 5.443 0.359 2.602 0.382 70.9 7.8 37.6
2 5.379 0.280 2.561 0.333 64.6 7.1 31.7
3 5.195 0.277 2.373 0.318 63.3 6.6 33.4
4 5.192 0.285 1.922 0.302 64.0 6.5 33.0
5 5.200 0.290 1.406 0.256 62.3 6.1 27.0

6. Development of Human Resources

Four trainings of 3-days duration each were organized during November 2015, December
2015, January 2016 and February 2016. Details of participants of each training program are
given in tables hereunder. The participants belonged to Bihar, Delhi, Goa, Haryana, J&K,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand.
Professionally, participants were students (graduate/post graduate) from different universities
(GBPUAT, Pantnagar; Narendra Univerity, Faizabad; Delhi University; GNDU, Amritsar;
SLIET, Longowal; ITM, Gwalior; Vanasthali University; AIBTM, Greater Noida; Gautam
Budh University, Greater Noida); faculty (Delhi University, Bilaspur University; Amity
University; PDKV, Akola), and entrepreneurs. Few entrepreneurs have entered into
agreement with IARI for commercialization of products developed by the institute.

In addition, 15 post-graduate (MTech/PhD) students of IARI have completed/pursuing their

research work on extrusion processing. Two students from Gautam Budh university,
Vanasthali university, and IP University have also pursued their research work on extrusion
processing in our division.

90 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Training I: Development of Functional Food Products through Extrusion Processing (5-

7 November 2015)

S. No. Name Address Phone/E-mail

1 Antara Malik Lado Sarai, New Delhi 8527323206/
2 Atul Yadav villege-kamas post-gonday 09795973121/
3 Faneesh Talwar New Arpit Vihar, Janta road 07838109222/
near remount depot field,
Saharanpur, U.P.
4 Itisha Gahrana 310/3, Prem Nagar, Old 9582225167/
Gurgaon Road,Gurgaon
5 Kundan Kumar Ranjeet Nagar , New Delhi- 9311493935/
6 Pargat Singh Sangrur (Punjab) 09814016546/
7 Rewa Kulshreshtha Bilaspur 08224805740/
8 Sakshi Sharma Pusa Campus, IARI, New 09810379442/
Delhi, 110012
9 Wasim Akram Sant Kabir Nagar, UP 09818711050/
10 Vikas Punj Subzi Mandi, Delhi 9818196301/
11 Vishal Pal Meerut 9927502402/
12 Suraj Vats New Delhi 9968350001
13 Dr. Dipti Sharma C-2, Plot no-50, Gyan 8882412795/
Khand-II, Indirapuram,
14 Sambhaji Pandurang Goa 09421219616/
15 Rakesh Kumar Uttam Nagar, New Delhi 09654815767

91 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Training II: Advances in Extrusion Processing of Food (7-9 December 2015)

S. Name Address Phone

1 Akhilesh Kumar D 83 Govindpuram Ghaziabad (U P) 9868915022

2 Suman Pandey Room no. 23, Gandhi Bhawan, 7500113314

Pantnagar, Uttarakhand
3 Ayon Tarafdar Room No. 106, Shivalik Bhawan, 9719029260
GBPUAT, Pantnagar, UK
4 Chetna Chugh 20/137 sarai no 393 near Mahavir 8901589593,
Mandir main bazaar Bahadurgarh 9467921995
5 Dr. Riti Thapar Kapoor C-46, Sector-26, Noida-201301 9871248536
6 Mohd. Kamal House No.-8/1 Peer Baba basti Jaitpur 9654044181
Ext. Badarpur
New Delhi-110044
7 Mahima Khanna 35/8, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi 9818846739
8 Nishant Akela H. No. 119, Sector 2C, Vasundhara, 9711473860
9 Bhosale Tushar AIBTM, Knowledge Park 3, Greater 9579060004
Mahadeo Noida
10 Sumit Kumar Mandi Shyam Nagar, Dankaur Station, 9910120402
11 Nitin Babanrao Civil Colany, B/H Bus stand, At. 9423731081
Mehetre Post.Tq. Deulgaon Raja Dist. Buldana
443204 (M.H.)
12 Vipin Kumar Fafrana, Modinagar, Ghaziabad 9696602445
13 Ms. Alka Singh Vanasthali University, Rajasthan 9532791767
14 Narendra Kumar IIMR, Pusa 8006846042
15 Shravan Kumar Vill. +Po. Alai, Distt. Nagaur, 09414433445
Rajasthan 341012

92 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Training III: Development of Functional Ingredients for Extrusion Processing (11-13

January 2016)

S. Name Address Phone

1 Vishal Goel B -37, Street No. 4, Kanti Nagar Extn. 9013490236
Delhi 110051
2 Sudesh Rani Nangloi, Delhi 9818491968
3 Pramod Sharma B22, Modi Pon Colony, Modinagar, Distt 9219615155
Ghaziabad 201204
4 Pankaj Chaudhary Vill. Mahadewa Bujurg Post- 9454118873
Anandnagar Dist. Maharajganj 273155
5 Abhinav kumar Matribagh colony, Pilibhit 8267953237,
6 Shiwanand Pandey Vill. & Post- Sonkhar Bansi 9454326575
Dist. Siddharth Nagar 272153 (U.P.)
7 Udit Kumar H. NO. 148, Village and Post Kota, 09627165418
Block Baliakheri, District Saharanpur,
U.P – 247551
8 Sangita Sen Bharat Nagar, New Friend’s Colony, 9871348636
New Delhi
9 Deepti Varma I-35, Krishi Kunj, P.O. Inderpuri, IARI, 9990959507
Pusa Campus New Delhi
10 Jitendra Singh B-96, Okhla Phase 2, New Delhi 9999020803
11 Komal Arora Villa no. 287, Block A Omaxe city, 09958018286,
Sector- 8, Sonepat, Haryana 7027701017
12 Sushma Singh D23, IARI, Pusa 25843383
13 Nishi Singh 418-F Pocket-2 Mayur Vihar Phase-1, 9871826843
14 Santosh Sharma DCP INDIA PVT. LTD. Village 7027704555
Akbarpur , Barota
15 Rajesh Kumar House No. B5, Vikas Enclave, Prem 9818514409
Nagar 3, Kirari Delhi 110086
16 Neetu Kaushik A44, Alok Park, Modinagar 201204, 9897401099
17 Parveen Sachdeva 131, CESCRA, IARI, New Delhi 110012 9560183776
18 Changchuk Lamo Room No 125, Gandhi Bhawan, 9568989679
GBPUAT, Pantnagar, UK
19 Ranjna Sirohi Room No 21, Gandhi Bhawan, 9927724422
GBPUAT, Pantnagar, UK

93 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


Training IV: Extrusion Processing-Technology and Business Development (22-24

February 2016)

S. Name Address Phone

1 Shalini Singh Flat number-36, Saryu Appartment, 8588979441
Sector-4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, U.P.
2 Rishikesh Begusarai, Bihar 8577801257
3 Bharat Singh Gaurav Tyre Agency, Siyana Road 09719818477
Aurangabad Distt- Bulandshahr, Uttar
4 Sailesh Pratap Singh 186, White Gunj, Sandi Road, Hardoi 9839901218
241001 Shailesh.pratapsingh@redif
5 Randhir Singh Vill. Kankpura, Po. Sohanria, Distt. 09839435589
Deoria (UP) 274408
6 Kuldeep Kumar Vill+Po. Narsan Kalan Distt Haridwar, 7503993420
7 S Manish Yadav I-249, Janak Vihar, I.A.R.I Pusa Campus, 9013786144
New Delhi-110012
8 Kumari Neha Ayachigram, Bairia Bus Stand, 7696532439
9 Vinod Kumar Sahu Patel Pul MG Complex, Sidhi 486661 8959026601
10 Rishi Ram Meena Plot No. B-146/A, Shiksha Vihar, 9829279597
Jagatpur, Jaipur 302017
11 Sangeeta Chawla F-7/42, Sec. 16, Rohini, Delhi 9891729106
12 Rakesh Kumar Singh Village –Itarhi, Post –Kaithi, Distt- 9968288915
Kaimur, Bhabhua , State-Bihar, Pin-
821109 m
13 Mohd Ishfaq Bhat Room No 130, Shivalik Bhawan, 9045909328, 9596209307
GBPUAT, Pantnagar
14 Rajeev Chawla F-7/42, Sec. 16, Rohini, Delhi 8750976464
15 Rita Pal F-111 Fourth cross street Techoma Estate 8882763122, 8882574241
Delta- Ist, Greater Noida
16 Vikash Kumar Teacher colony charitravan, Buxar, 9128921433,
(Bihar) 8539834719
17 Dr. Arvind Kumar Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi 9968070769
18 Prerna Singh House No. 62,DA SFS Flat, Sectopr 2, 7042801937
Pkt 1, Dwarka, New Delhi

94 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


List of students submitted Thesis at IARI on extrusion processing

1. Chikkanna, G S. 2015. Development of Vitamin C enriched RTE Snack Using
Cereals and Aonla through twin screw extrusion. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis submitted
to Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
2. Prakash, Om. 2013. Development of Breakfast Cereal Product Using Quality Protein
Maize. Unpublished M.Tech. thesis submitted to Indian Agricultural Research
Institute, New Delhi.
3. Tiwari, Ajita. 2012. Development of Iron and Protein Rich Low Cost Pearl Millet
based Snack through Twin Screw Extrusion. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis submitted to
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
4. Gorrepati Kalyani. 2012. Development of Extruded Product using carrot, pulse and
maize blends. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis submitted to Indian Agricultural Research
Institute, New Delhi.

List of students continuing their thesis work at IARI on extrusion processing

1. Sharmila Suresh Patil. Impact of extrusion processing on selected cereals and
legumes: antioxidant and rheological insights for new product development. Ph.D.
thesis, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
2. Sandeep Popatrao Dawange. Development of corn based flaked products as breakfast
cereal. Ph.D. thesis, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
3. Om Prakash. Twin Screw Extrusion of Pearl Millet: Characterization and Product
Development. Ph.D. thesis, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
4. Pankaj Kumar. Modified functionality of Finger millet through Extrusion for
development of ready to eat Chapatti. Ph.D. thesis, ICAR-Indian Agricultural
Research Institute, New Delhi.
5. Shaghaf Kaukab. Development of Reconstituted Rice. M. Tech. thesis, ICAR-Indian
Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
6. Krishnakumar, P. Development of Barnyard millet based Nutri - Functional Snack
Food. Ph.D. thesis, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
7. Shahzad Faisal. Development of extruded maize - soya- apple pomace snack food.
Ph.D. thesis, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
8. Amita Vairat. Ph.D. thesis, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
9. Arun Kumar T. V. Development of sorghum based snack food through extrusion
processing. Ph.D. thesis, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

95 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


10. Kirti Ramesh Jalgaonkar. Development of pearl millet based pasta as functional food.
Ph.D. thesis, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

List of students from other Universities continuing their thesis work with help of
our extrusion facilities
1. Sheikh Bazila. M. Tech thesis, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi
2. Alka Singh. PhD thesis, Banasthali Vidyapeeth
3. Abhigya Mishra. M. Sc. thesis. Gautam Budh University, G. Noida
4. Sujata. M. Tech thesis, IP University, Delhi

7. Infrastructure generated

Twin Screw Extruder Micro-fluidizer

Phase Transition Analyzer MAP Machine

96 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


UPLC Spectrofluorometer

Laboratory developed under the project

97 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


8. Economic viability of the extruded snack for market acceptability

Economic study or estimates of the cost of production provides valuable information for
assessing the efficiency of the production process and the profitability and competitiveness of
the production of different commodities. Hence, the economic study of production of Pusa
Pearl Puff using manufacturing plant of 100 kg/h capacity was undertaken. Three hundred
working days with 2 shifts per day was assumed. The following considerations were made:

Plant and machinery

The equipments required viz raw material bin, balance, cleaning unit, grinder, blender,
extruder, dryer, coating pan, packing machine were considered with investment of 10.73

Capital investment estimation

For estimation of capital investment for installation of the plant, fixed capital cost and working
capital were considered. Fixed capital Investment was calculated from direct and indirect cost as
shown in Table 33.
iii. Fixed capital Investment (FCI) = Direct cost + Indirect cost
= 1,609,500.00+ 375,550.00 = Rs 1,985,050.00

Table 48. Estimation of direct and indirect cost

i. Direct cost Purchased equipment cost
Equipment erection 536,500.00
Piping 1,073,000.00
Instrumentation 107,300.00
Electrical 107,300.00
Building 53,650
Utilities 268,250
Storage 268,250
Site development 53,650
Total direct cost 1,609,500.00
ii. Indirect cost Design and Engineering 214,600
Miscellaneous 53,650
Contingency 107,300
Total indirect cost 375,550.00

98 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


iv. Working capital

Working capital is an additional investment needed above the fixed capital to start up and
operate the plant to the point in which income is earned.

Working capital = 5% Fixed capital = Rs 99,252.50

Total capital investment = Fixed capital + Working capital
= 1,985,050.00 + 99,252.50 = Rs. 2,084,302.50
Estimation of total production cost (TPC)
It includes manufacturing cost as well as general expenses. Manufacturing costs included direct
production cost, fixed charges, and plant overhead cost. Under general expenses usually
administrative cost, distribution and sale cost, and research and development costs were

Manufacturing cost
Direct production cost

It included raw material cost, operating labour, supervision charges, utilities, maintenance and
repair, and laboratory charges.
i. Raw materials cost

The plant output capacity of 100 kg/h. Consider the loss of material under the different unit
operation (impurity in grains, milling losses, losses during extrusion) is 20% of raw material
From material balance using pearl millet:corn:green gram= 60:30:10
Annual raw materials cost = Rs 11,160,000.00 /annum
ii. Operating labour =10% total production cost = 0.10 TPC
iii. Direct supervision = 10% operating labor = 0.01 TPC
iv. Utilities = 10% total production cost = 0.10 TPC
v. Maintenance and repair = 4% FCI = 0.04 x 1985050.00 = Rs 79,402.00
vi. Laboratory charges = 10% operating labor = 0.01 TPC
Direct production cost = i + ii + iii + iv + v +vi = 11,239,402.00 + 0.22 TPC

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Fixed charges
i. Depreciation = 30 % Fixed capital investment = 0.30 FCI
ii. Capital charge = 1 % Fixed capital investment = 0.01 FCI
iii. Insurance = 1 % Fixed capital investment = 0.01 FCI
Fixed charges = i + ii + iii = 0.32 FCI = Rs 635,216.00
Plant overhead costs
Plant overhead costs = 30% operating labor = 30% (10% TPC) = 0.03 TPC
Manufacturing cost = Direct production cost + Fixed charges + Plant overhead costs
= 11,874,618.00 + 0.25TPC
General expenses
i. Administrative cost = 3% TPC =0.03 TPC
ii. Distribution and selling cost = 4% TPC = 0.04 TPC
iii. Research and Development cost = 5% TPC = 0.05 TPC
General expenses = i + ii + iii = 0.12 TPC
Total production cost (TPC) = Manufacturing cost + General expenses
TPC = (11,874,618.00 + 0.25 TPC) + 0.12 TPC
TPC = Rs 18,848,600.00 /year
Annual production rate of extruded snack = 100kg/h x 16 h/day x 300 days /year
= 480,000 kg/year
Profitability measurements
Unit product cost = Total product cost/ annual production
= 18,848,600.00 /480,000 = Rs 39.26/kg
Selling price of snacks with a minimum profit of 10% = Rs 43.18 /kg ̴ Rs 43.00/kg
Total income = (480,000 kg/year x 43.00 /kg) = Rs 20,640,000.00 /year

(i) Gross earning and net earning

Gross earning = Total income - total production cost
= 20,640,000.00 - 18,848,600.00 = Rs 1,791,400.00
Assume the income tax rate is 35%,
Net annual earning = Gross earning - Income tax
= Rs 1,791,400 (1- 0.35) = Rs 1,164,410.00
(ii) Return on investment (ROI)
ROI = Net profit/Total capital investment
= (1,164,410.00 / 2,084,302.50) x 100 = 55.86%

100 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


(iii) Payback time

Payback time is defined as the period required recovering the original investment outlay
through the accumulated net cash flows earned by the project.
Payback period = Fixed cost investment/(Net annual earning+Depreciation)
= 1,985,050.00/(1,164,410.00+ 595,515.00) = 1.13 years
(iv) Break-even analysis
To calculate the total revenue and total cost, unit product cost of p = Rs 39.26 /kg, product
selling price (AVC) of Rs 43.00 /kg, were considered. The break-even point was calculated as:
635,216.00 + 39.26q = 43.00q
where, q is the quantity of product/ output produced (kg).
3.32q = 635,216.00 kg or q = 169,843.85 kg
Thus the break-even capacity of production was found to be 169,843.85 kg, i.e., to achieve no
profit no loss condition there is a need to produce at least 169,843.85 kg product per year. This
break even production is 35.38% of the plant capacity. The break-even production capacity at
35.38 % indicated that there is good profit margin. The suggested project has a return on
investment (ROI) of 55.86 % and payback period of 1.13 years. Hence, the suggested project
is financially feasible.

9. Establishment of a Food Processing Plant by KAD Bioresource Pvt. Ltd. at the

Bawana Industrial Area, New Delhi
M/s KAD Bioresource Pvt. Ltd. has 2 MOUs with ICAR-IARI, New Delhi for the
products Pusa vita (extruded product) and soy nut (roasted product). The firm has set up
a small plant in Bawana Industrial area, New Delhi during the year 2015.

Food Processing Plant Established by KAD Bioresource Pvt. Ltd.

101 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


10. Consolidated account of allocation, release and expenditure in NAE project

Year Budget Head Allocation and release (Rs) Expenditure in Balance
Allocation Carry over Release Total Rs
2011-12 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
2012-13 15000000.00 Nil 15000000.00 15000000.00 1499517.00 483
2013-14 Works Nil 483.00 Nil Nil Nil Nil
2014-15 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
2015-16 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
011-12 11300000.00 Nil 11300000.00 11300000.00 10086115.00 1213885.00
2012-13 17500000.00 1213885 16286115.00 17500000.00 17370729.00 129271.00
2013-14 Equipment 1000000.00 129271.00 870729.00 1000000.00 4210468.00 -3210468.00
2014-15 - -3210468.00 Nil -3210468.00 Nil -3210468.00
2015-16 3200000.00 -3210468.00 3200000.00 -10468.00 Nil -10468.00
2011-12 500000.00 Nil 500000.00 500000.00 482523.00 17477.00
2012-13 2850000.00 17477.00 2832523.00 2850000.00 2848539.00 1461.00
2013-14 1944.00
contingencies 2850000.00 2848056.00 2850000.00 1057266.00 1792734.00
2014-15 2750000.00 1792734.00 1375000.00 3167734.00 1176931.00 1990803.00
2015-16 1760000.00 1990803.00* 1760000.00 1760000.00 1627514.00 132486.00
(*Opening balance of Rs 1990803.00 has been adjusted while sending the remittance by the Council. Therefore, it is not taken as opening balance.)

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Action taken report on review of draft final report of NAE

S. Comments Compliance report

1 Copies of published papers/articles may be Copies of published papers/articles have
enclosed at the end of the report been included as per suggestion.
2 The objective was w.r.t protein quality; the Amino acid analysis in the breakfast
results/achievements need to be reported cereal was carried out which is included
on bioavailability of pro vitamin A, iron in the report at page No. 67. Presence of
and zinc. essential amino acids indicated better
protein quality. Anti-nutritional factors
were also evaluated (page no. 34, Tables
17, 19 & 21). Decrease in anti-nutritional
during extrusion revealed increase in
bioavailability of protein and
micronutrients. Although this objective
had been suggested by the NIN,
Hyderabad & was to be carried out by
them. Due to technical reasons, the
Education Division (ICAR) did not agree
for partnership of NIN in the project in the
last meeting when project was approved
rather it was suggested that the work
could be taken up on outsourcing basis.
Previous PIs Dr R K Pal and Dr C. Kaur
made efforts to get work done on
outsourcing basis but that could not be
possible. The facilities for the work as
proposed in the project were not available
anywhere in India except NIN, to the best
of knowledge of project team.
3 While the functional foods developed for It is mentioned at page No. 49, 65 (last
targeted population, mention is not made para), 67 (1st para), 68, 69, 70. The final
in the report which food for which composition and nutritional value are
population like diabetic, children etc, the mentioned at page No. 48-70 in
final composition and nutritional value, subsections 4.2.1 to 4.2.8.
with respect to protein quality,
bioavailability of pro vitamin A, iron and
4 Evaluation of protein quality & Protein quality was measured through
bioavailability of pro vitamin A in amino acid analysis which is included in
extruded products is not included. This the report at page No. 67. Anti-nutritional
aspect is most crucial for study as the data factors were evaluated (page no. 35,
would reveal any benefit in pro vitamin A Tables 17, 19 & 21) and their decrease too
bioavailability, iron and zinc from revealed increase in bioavailability of
extruded products. Comparative study protein and micronutrients.
having not conducted, recommendations
as to the products benefit for targeted
population cannot form scientific basis.

109 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi


5 No firm/entrepreneur is mentioned who M/s KAD Bioresourse Pvt. Ltd. has set up
has set up or took loan for setting up pilot a plant at Bawana Industrial Area, New
plant for any product developed under the Delhi. A photograph of the plant has been
program. Though 2 patents are filed in included in the report.
2012. Of the 7 listed firms MOUs were
signed in 2012 and 2013 except one firm
in 2016. The status of those signed in 2012
and 2013 must be incorporated in the
6 What topic or aspect in included in which Lectures on extrusion processing are
course at what level, Master’s/PhD, may delivered in the course “Post Harvest
be included in the report. Processing of Cereals, Pulses and
Oilseeds (PHT611)”. The course is
offered at PG level. Both M. Tech. and
PhD students register in the course.
7 The photographs of commercially Photographs of the products are shown in
packaged product developed. For a pilot subsections 4.2.1 to 4.2.4 (Page Nos 48-
scale processing is required besides 68). Pilot plant proposed in the project
showing the complete process line. was not approved in the project. So the
products were developed using lab
8 There are several abbreviations used in the LIST of Abbreviations have been
report which may be elaborated. included as per suggestion.

110 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

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