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The case of Janet Redmond Mercereau

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The case of Janet Redmond Mercereau

The essay focuses on American woman Janet Redmond Mercereau who was found guilty

for the murder of her firefighter's husband, Douglas Mercereau, in New York City. Janet was a

secondary teacher in Tottenville. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison on December 2nd,

2007, under which the jury found her guilty of the incident. While the police refused to mention

anybody, the authorities investigated the death of Fire Marshal Douglas Mercereau, who on

Sunday morning was found in his house dead, having been shot three bullets, and his wife Janet

suspected of the crime. According to police, three bullets were fired at his head while he slept,

and evidence was hidden two hours before the 911 call. Previously it was noticed that the couple

frequently argued about the wife's weight. When Redmond lawyer Mercereau tried to keep the

high school teacher's statements from cops, booze disclosures came to light.

Despite living in the same house, the couple experienced marital problems due to the

strange post. After the killing of Douglas, Janet, his wife, claimed that her husband's wounds

were smothered, but when the cops arrived, the wounds of Mercereau were healed, and blood

under Redmond's fingernails was discovered (Yaniv, 2009). From the record, Redmond-

Mercereau fired a shot at 6:00 a.m. Her dead husband stripped him of his clothes and threw them

with a few showers in the washing machine. His two young children slept in a different room

when the incident was taking place. As noted earlier, the couple were always arguing about the

wife’s weight, and this was the reason which triggered the event. For years Douglas described

his wife as strong and broad and hired an hourly lawyer after the 9/11 attacks. Mercereau is also

fascinating in that he has hired a gang to teach his future wife how to use the weapon before they

get married.

According to Mercereau Redmond lawyer Mario Gallucci, there was a key to the front

door and footprints but no evidence of forced entry (Yaniv, 2009). He said that he was turned on

by Mercereau's bombing work, which he referred to as investigative crimes. Mallucci also claims

that Redmond-Mercereau helped him to arrange his husband's funeral. Despite a shaky case,

Janet Redmond-Mercereau, 39, was found guilty of the death of Douglas Mercereau. She

remained silent all the time deafeningly, and her lawyer insisted that she was innocent. The

killing was a terror tragedy, according to Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta. He was

supported by the two young girls of the couple, aged 5 and 6, respectively. After the hearing

process, Redmond-Mercereau was found guilty and imprisoned for 25 years in June. The

children are cared for by the brother of the victim. The jury spent four and a half days

deliberating. On Wednesday, they announced 9-3 losses in second-class killings. The judge

asked for more time to examine them when they left the Supreme Court of Richmond County as

they said nothing.

It was confirmed that on 2 December 2007, Douglas Mercereau was shot and killed by

her wife while sleeping inside their Tarring Street home Oakwood. Redmond-Mercereau claimed

that she slept with the couple's daughter during the assassination and that intruders killed her

husband. According to the prosecution, there were no footprints found in the house, which

excluded the possibility of a break-in. The widow had been calling cops for hours while clearing

the crime scene. A few inches away, the fire department was fired, and the gun bloodied. The

murder weapon, on the other hand, was almost perfect and, according to detectives, it was stored

in the cloakroom.

Janet Redmond-Mercereau was recognized as her former husband's mugger, Firefighter

Marshal Douglas Mercereau (40). The jury could not decide for almost three days. After the

verdict was read, Brother Jim Mercereau went out of the Supreme Court of St. George and said,

"It's good." When the verdict was read, he sighed and drew his family's attention. According to

the pre-woman of the jury, she was a criminal with no effect on her handcuffs. Her lawyers

claimed that the conviction was overturned and called it the first battle. Her two young daughters

were taken to another room to sleep with her rising husband, a 12-year-old veteran. Prosecutors

called him a "vulcano," accusing him of letting his weight build-up before his death (Yaniv,

2009). The two daughters of the couple, who were five and six years old and well done at the

time of their murder, were cared for by the brother of Brian Mercereau.

Janet Redmond-Mercereau left the courtroom after learning about her husband's murder

last fall. The court made every effort to make a fair judgment on both sides and recognize the

assassin of Douglas. Only the presence of one eyewitness provided proof: That is the assassin.

Nobody claimed in 2007 that Oakwood Supervisory Fire Marshall Douglas Mercereau was

murdered. Additionally, a murder weapon was discovered on the premises. Cops discovered his

9mm service revolver a few meters away from the crime scene. He lived on Tarring Street with

his wife and two young daughters and had three bullets in his head.

However, there were no fingerprints on the weapon. There is no evidence linking any of

the suspects to the murder. Prosecutors have a body and the weapon that killed him, and the jury

selection for Janet Redmond Mercereau's trial begins on Wednesday. As evidence, District

Attorney Yolanda Rudich described "the entire circumstance" of a former Tottenville English

secondary school teacher accused of murdering her husband in his sleep on December 2, 2007

(Yaniv, 2009). Prosecutors claim Ms. Redmond-Mercereau repressed her husband because she

received too many weight-related gifts during her turbulent wedding. Mrs. Redmond-Mercereau

allegedly removed her clothes and threw them into the washing machine, according to


Mercereau was found guilty of locating a woman accused of the assassination of the

marshall's husband. She claimed she had no idea who in December 2007 shot Douglas

Mercereau in her bed, but she discovered the truth after wearing earplugs in her daughter's room.

She admitted that her husband abused her verbally after gaining weight because of a thyroid

problem that contributed to his death. Mercereau was a firefighter and a father who, according to

her family, only wanted to spend time with her daughters Melanie and Renee. The jury's decision

was declared final in the declarations. On the other hand, the healing process continues. This

senseless murder "broke our families," as Redmond-Mercereau and others have said, leaving

them without parents and two young girls. The matter was difficult to prosecute, as there was

almost entirely circumstantial evidence, but District Attorney Daniel M. Donovan believes the

only person to have committed the crimes was Ms. Redmond-Mercereau.



Yaniv, O. (2009). NY Daily News - We are currently unavailable in your region. Daily


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