Hinduism Essay Answers

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Module 9

Mahayana Buddhism

I. Course Outcome: CO8: The learner demonstrates understanding of the elements of

Theravada Buddhism.

II. Learning Outcome/s: LO1: Analyze the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs,
practices, and related issues of Theravada Buddhism.

III. Time Frame: 2 Hours


I. A. Essay: Critical Thinking

Scale Description
Facts are consistently detailed/precise and very relevant. Uses correct spelling and
5 points
grammar effectively almost all the time. Addresses the question completely.
Most facts are detailed/ precise and relevant. Uses spelling and grammar with
4 points considerable accuracy and effectiveness. Addresses the question but left out few
Lacks few substantial details and examples to support ideas. Spelling and grammar
3 points
require moderate editing. Addresses the question but provided few details.
More specific details and examples are needed to support opinions. Spelling and
2-1 points grammar require considerable editing. Addresses the question, but in very few

1. What aspect of Mahayana Buddhism make it more appealing than Theravada Buddhism?

- Mahayana Buddhism promotes the enlightment of all beings, not just the individual. Mahayana
places more emphasis on chanting rather than silence and mindful meditation which Theravada
Buddhism is known for.

B. Comparison
Directions: Make a comparison of Mahayana Buddhism from Theravada Buddhism by
completing the table below.

View on Mahayana Buddhists believe that Theravada Buddhists believe that
Siddhartha Buddha and bodhisattvas can help once the Buddha died he
Gautama/Buddha intervene in others' lives and help disappeared. They believe that
them on their spiritual journey. miracles are possible and that
However, they still do not have the performing miracles should be
status of a god. discouraged unless they assist the
path to enlightenment.
Concept of Bodhisattva A bodhisattva refers to anyone A bodhisattva refers to anyone
who has generated bodhicitta, a who has made a resolution to
spontaneous wish and become a Buddha and has also
compassionate mind to attain received a confirmation or
Buddhahood for the benefit of all prediction from a living Buddha
sentient beings. that this will be so.

Sacred Scriptures Mahayana Buddhism reveres the Sacred text in Theravada

Tripitaka as a sacred text, but adds Buddhism consists strictly of the
to it the Sutras, which reflect Tripitaka, or Pali Canon. The
distinctively Mahayana concepts. tripitakan is the earliest collection
Most of the Mahayana Sutras, of Buddhist teachings and the only
which number over two thousand. text recognized as canonical by
Theravada Buddhists.

Worship and Observances Worship in Mahayana tradition Worship in the temple includes
takes the form of devotion to chanting the Three Refuges and
Buddha and to Bodhisattvas. Precepts and the scriptures, giving
Worshippers may sit on the floor offerings in front of an image of
barefoot facing an image of the Buddha, lighting candles,
Buddha and chanting. Mahayana burning incense, meditating and
Buddhist also bring gifts but show listening to sermons. Temples are
devotion to bodhisattas as well. centres for study and worship for
the whole community.
Subdivisions/Sect Mahayana Buddhism is strongest During the reign of the emperor
in Tibet, China, Taiwan, Japan, Ashoka (3rd century BCE), the
Korea, and Mongolia. Mahayana Theravada school traveled to Sri
Buddhism is not a single group but Lanka, where it divided into three
a collection of Buddhist traditions: subgroups, known after their
Zen Buddhism, Pure Land monastic centers as the
Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism Mahaviharika, the Abhayagirika,
are all forms of Mahayana and the Jetavaniya.
C. Poster Making
Directions: Make a poster regarding Mahayana Buddhism’s beliefs. You will be graded by using
the rubric below.



Organization The concept was clearly and creatively conveyed. 15

Content The illustrations were appropriate to the theme. 10

Visual presentation The idea was clearly presented based on the 10

pictures and words used.

Total: 35

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