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Are You Desperate For Money?

By Bob Doyle

Do you feel like you’re desperate for money…like that if you don’t figure out a way to
make money right now that your entire world is going to collapse around you?

Believe me, I know exactly what you mean, and I know how you feel. But I also know
that the feeling of desperation does not serve you in any way, and until you can get rid of
that feeling, you’re not going to be able to allow yourself to receive the abundance you

Now, I’m assuming by now that you’ve gone through enough of our material to have a
basic understanding of the Law of Attraction and how it works. If not, I’ve provided links
to all the sample chapters, as well as several pieces of audio that you’ve already had
exposure to. Please familiarize yourself with this information, and consider it a part of
this product.

Now if you’re convinced that you just cannot make money, I need to tell you something
extremely important, and it’s an absolute fact: You’re Wrong. If you’re listening to this
right now, it means you have access to the Internet. And if you have access to the
Internet, then you have so many countless avenues for generating revenue, that it truly
boggles the mind.

Now this may sound more like Internet Marketing talk than Law of Attraction talk, but I
have to tell you that even if you know nothing about marketing, even if you don’t have a
product of your own, or even any ideas currently, there is a WEALTH of opportunity for
you to begin generating income for yourself, AND it can be fun – AND it can be
completely in alignment with your purposes and passions.

Now it is not the purpose of this audio program to teach you Internet Marketing
strategies. I’m simply letting you know that if your perception of reality is that you
cannot make money, then I’m simply saying that you haven’t yet looked in the right
places – or more accurately, you haven’t attracted the appropriate resources.

And why is that?

The reason is that you have the majority of your focus on what you perceive to be wrong
with your financial situation. All your thoughts are on the money you don’t have, and
how desperate your situation is. And the Law of Attraction – which is a completely
impartial physical law by the way – DEMANDS that if that is your predominant vibration
– this vibration of lack – then you can ONLY attract more lack.

Now even if you’re not fully on board with the Law of Attraction yet, just think about
how this shows up on a more practical, real world level. If all of your money is on your

Copyright 2005, Boundless Living.

lack, all you’re doing is putting out fires. You’re stressing about how you’re going to
make your next dollar – how you’ll possibly pay your bills, and so on. When all of your
brain power is being used to worry and stress, you simply will not be in a position to
think creatively in terms of more positive options for generating and attracting income.

I mean it’s hard to entertain the idea of starting a new business for yourself built around
things you love doing or learning about, when you associate starting a business with
needing money that you don’t have right now, just to pay the most essential bills.

So you try to find ANY way to make more money in traditional ways. Maybe you work
longer hours, or you take a second or third job. While to many, this sounds like a logical
way to do things, you are only strengthening the vibration you have about the LACK of
money you are experiencing. You tell yourself, “I need to work this much harder because
I NEED more money”. Your vibration is that you don’t have – and so you can only
attract MORE of “don’t have”. Even if you’re not convinced of the truth of the Law of
Attraction, take a look at your own experience and see if that doesn’t ring true.

The fact of that matter is that thousands and thousands of people are generating millions
of dollars doing what in essence, is very little work. They are doing what they love; they
bask in the feeling of the wealth that it brings, and they continue to attract more
opportunity to do what they love, and along with that, more wealth.

So now is a good time to talk about resistance. Again, if you’ve gone through all the
resources that we’ve provided since you signed up for the sample chapters, you already
know about resistance. But in case you haven’t, resistance is really the ONLY thing that
stands between you, and what you desire. It is a real system of energy. You can’t see it,
of course, it’s like gravity. But you CAN feel it. In fact, it’s the feeling that lets you know
it’s there.

So when I tell you that you can work less and make infinitely more, what are your
immediate thoughts? Something like, “yeah, RIGHT!”…or worse? Well THAT is
resistance. It’s resistance to the idea that you can actually love what you’re doing and
attract an infinite supply of wealth. And with that system of energy in place, you are not
in any kind of “magnetic” state to attracting wealth. It’s a physical impossibility.

This resistance could have originated any number of places. It could be the result of your
environment growing up, things you learned from your parents or teachers who had that
belief, or similar influences. If you’re surrounded by that on a daily basis, then why
WOULDN’T you adopt those beliefs? However, if you want things to change, you have
to be willing to look around and see that there are countless people who “beat the odds”,
and probably had it worse than you, and rose to great heights.

So how did they do this? Was it luck? No way. If you listen to their stories, you’ll
understand that there was a tremendous amount of inspired action that took place in order
for them to elevate themselves. And they had a vision. It was a vision that was so

Copyright 2005, Boundless Living.

inspiring that they simply would not look at any other option, but to make it a reality.
That is what YOU must do as well.

These people not only have a vision, but they immerse themselves in it. Every aspect of
it. They are very clear on how they’re going to feel when they’ve accomplished that goal,
and they bask in that feeling every moment of every day. In short, they are powerfully
activating the Law of Attraction in their lives. As a result, they attract circumstances,
people, and yes, inspired ideas, all of which result in the realization of their dreams.

Now a person desperate for money may have something of a vision, or a dream – but
instead of basking in the feeling of the dream having come true, they are generally – at
least on some level – telling themselves why they cannot have what they want – why it’s
impossible, or too much work. They are simply perpetuating a lie they’ve been telling
themselves so long that it’s a belief, and it’s a deep one.

Well beliefs CAN be changed. And any belief that keeps you small and does not serve
you SHOULD be changed, and MUST be changed, if you’re going to allow the Law of
Attraction to work in the way that you desire.

Remember: The Universe is Infinitely abundant. Just look up at the night sky some time
if you need a reminder. Abundance is our natural state. The only reason we don’t
experience it, is that we resist it at either conscious levels (like those people who belief
that wealth is bad), or at a subconscious level, like those who want wealth so badly
because their whole lives are about the lack of it.

So what can you do – right now – about that resistance?

Well, the first step is to – at least for a few minutes – get your mind OFF of what you
don’t want in your life, and create an inspiring vision for what you DO want. You
absolutely must allow yourself to dream big – HUGE – without any thought whatsoever
about how it would occur. Use the technique of playing with the concept of having an
infinite supply of money already – what would you do on a day to day basis. What would
really light you up? Where would you live? What relationships would you have? What
stuff would you have? All of that. You have to inspire yourself! And if you can’t do that,
then you can skip to the next step.

While you’re having all these thoughts, you’re no doubt going to start experiencing these
feelings of resistance I’ve been talking about. The voices in your head saying, “You can’t
have that. How could that possibly happen?” Or “You don’t deserve that.” That’s
energetic resistance in the form of self-talk, and you’ll notice that there are very definite
feelings associated with it…and it’s those feelings that are doing the attracting in your
life…so if you can change those feelings, you can change what you attract.

By now, again, if you’ve read the e-mail we’ve sent you, you should be familiar with
EFT, or the Emotional Freedom Technique. It’s a simple process – certainly not the

Copyright 2005, Boundless Living.

ONLY one on earth, but my current favorite – that works to eliminate those feelings of
resistance as they come up.

Now although EFT is a quick process, it’s going to take persistence, especially if you
have a great deal of deep-running resistance. Some members of the Wealth Beyond
Reason just completed a 30-day EFT total clearing on their abundance issues. Some of
these people were total EFT skeptics. Some felt no changed for the first couple of weeks,
and then suddenly, their lives were totally changed. I tell you this so that you’ll not only
give EFT a try, but also not stop until you make progress. If you’ve never used the
process before, yes, it can seem a bit weird…but it makes no difference to the result
whether you believe in the process or not, so that’s a definite plus.

So I’m telling you that if you’re desperate for money, then you are actually resisting
money – and I’m telling you exactly what you can do, starting TODAY, to begin
eliminating that resistance. And while I’m not suggesting that my suggestion is the only
suggestion that can possibly help you, I am suggesting that if you choose not to even try
what I’m suggesting – despite the fact that I have volumes of evidence that it makes a
difference – then that is simply another manifestation of resistance.

It’s interesting that some folks, no matter how desperate they are for money, will not take
even the simplest suggestions for doing something about it. They’ve become self-
identified by this inability to attract money. If they were suddenly ABLE to attract
money, then on a subconscious level, they are probably asking themselves, “Who would I
be?” and that can be scary…especially if you haven’t thought through who you’d LIKE
to be. Again, this is a case of putting all your attention on where you appear to be, rather
than creating and living into a vision of what would truly delight you!

I promised you practical steps for doing something about your desperate situation with
regards to money. So here they are:

1. Make sure you’ve gone through the resource material that we have sent you with
regards to the Law of Attraction in general, if you feel you’re not up to speed on
what the Law of Attraction is about.
2. Create some parameters for the life you truly DO desire. Don’t make a list of
“don’t wants”, like “I don’t want to be in debt”, unless you immediately follow
that up with a list of what you DO want, like “I bask in the glow of financial
freedom”. The more you can word this list of wants and desire in the present, the
better off you’ll be. Remember that trying to think logically and “realistically”
will not serve you. You must dream as big as you can. The fact is, you have your
dreams for a very specific reason. They are yours to claim.
3. Learn to release any feelings of resistance that come up as a result of making your
desire list. Download the EFT manual from the link we’ve provided on this page
and learn the technique.
4. If you haven’t done so already, listen to the “EFT and Abundance” teleseminar
we conducted with Brad Yates. We’ve provided a link to this seminar on this page
as well. For that matter, do it again even if you’ve listened already. Absolutely

Copyright 2005, Boundless Living.

participate by tapping along…otherwise, don’t be surprised when you feel no
5. Do this procedure on a regular basis and trust your feelings more than your head.
If you get an idea “out of the blue”, at least give some thought to acting on it.
Also, allow the Universe to flow your desire to you, without trying to second-
guess it, or resist it. For example, someone might actually offer you money. Your
ego may scream “Don’t take it, you’re not a charity case”, but the moment you do
that, you’re resisting the very thing you’re wanting to attract. Don’t say, no thank
you to the Universe, because you’re in effect, reversing or canceling the order you
just placed for effortless abundance.
6. Allow the Universe to deliver on its own timetable. So what does this mean? I’ve
heard some people say that it means that the Universe decides when you get what
you want…but the fact is, there’s no “governing body” that says, “sorry you can’t
have this for another month.” However, the Universe WILL respond completely
appropriately to your vibration. If you express your desire with some kind of
caveat like, “and it must come in 2 days”, then you’re just filled with all KINDS
of resistance! What you’re really vibrating there is that you don’t trust that it will
come at the appropriate time, so it had better be 2 days – because that’s when you
“need” it, all of which is enveloped in a feeling of “lack”. That’s a distinction that
I hope you’re now able to see.

So I hope you’ll do all those things.

Now for those who heard me talk about all the opportunities online to earn money with
no web site and all of that, I’ve created a short document that outlines just one of
countless ways to do that. I’m not selling or promoting any product, by the way, though
there are many to choose from that go in much greater depth into the process that I’m
talking about, so if you’re interested in any that I’ve used, you can let me know – but I
want to keep the integrity of THIS product clean, and not fill it will links to products not
related to the Law of Attraction. This document, by the way, outlines a process for
creating revenue streams that is so basically simple, that I’m teaching it to my teenage
daughters! And it has NOTHING to do with joining any kind of business opportunity like
MLM or network marketing of any kind.

You’ll find the link on this page, titled, “Creating your first Internet Revenue Streams”. If
you’re reading the PDF version of this audio, then you’ll find the file already attached.
Remember, this is not intended to be a course on all the resources described. You can
learn about how each component works by studying the information at each site. There’s
nothing you need to purchase to learn, though as mentioned, there are plenty of products
available the will teach you how to streamline the process. And again, I’m only including
this to illustrate that there ARE answers and methods out there. You simply need to allow
yourself to attract them.

In closing, let me say this. Simply listening to this audio, while it may motivate you to
some degree, is not any kind of replacement for taking action. The steps I’ve listed here
are not difficult, and they aren’t even that time-consuming. If you find yourself making

Copyright 2005, Boundless Living.

excuses as to why you can’t or won’t take these simple steps, I hope you can take a step
back far enough to see that you are actually demonstrating to yourself, the very resistance
I’m talking about, and see that if this is a pattern in your life, then it would fully explain
why you are where you are right now, wherever that might be. Then, I hope you’ll muster
up the incentive and commitment to begin the first steps mentioned here and then not
stop – ever – until you see the evidence of your desires being attracted.

Obviously, this program just touches on the basics of what is covered in the Wealth
Beyond Reason program, but in essence, these are the steps that you must take to
manifest your desires. Identify them, know what they feel like, and eliminate any
resistance you have toward them.

Have fun! It’s all about having fun!

Copyright 2005, Boundless Living.

Creating Your First Revenue Stream On the Internet

By Bob Doyle

As mentioned in the audio file that accompanies this program, this document is not
intended to be a complete education on and Google Adwords. However
we do want to illustrate conceptually, how you can easily create multiple revenue streams
for yourself for mere pennies, with just a little self-education on these two tools. is kind of an online “shopping mall” for digital products – mostly e-

books. The topics covered are – well, they cover just about everything you can imagine.

Right now, go check out what I mean. Point your browser to
and click the “Go Shopping” link along the left of the page.

Each of these products has an “affiliate” program built in. This means that if you create a
“Clickbank ID”, which is free to do, you can promote any and ALL of these products
using a special “affiliate link”. Anyone who discovers these products as a result of
clicking your link who then purchases generates a commission for YOU that is paid
directly by Clickbank every two weeks.

Commission rates for these products go as high as 75%!

But if you don’t have a web site, how can you promote these links?

Google Adwords ( is a service of the Google search

engine folks. If you’ve ever done a Google search, you’ll notice ads that appear on the
right side of the page in addition to the search results in the main part of the page. These
ads are relevant to the terms used in the search. For example, if you do a search on “Law
of Attraction”, you may not see us show up in the main body of the search results, but
you WILL see links to our program in the “ads” section along the right.

Anyone can place ads on Google Adwords. The way you pay for these ads is “per click”,
which means that you only pay for those ads if someone actually clicks on them. When
you sign up for Google Adwords, you can create as many ads as you want for as many
products as you want, and you “bid” on the cost you want to be charged per click. It can
be as low as 1 cent, or much higher, depending on the number of others competing for the
“keywords” you’ve associated with your ads (see the Google Adwords page for
instructions for actually creating your ad and choosing keywords.)

Back to Clickbank. How do you choose the right products to promote?

Personally, I recommend finding products that correspond with your personal interests. If
you like Gardening, look for gardening related products that are selling well, and pay a
generous commission.
To determine this, go back to Clickbank and click the “Promote Products” link along the
left of the page, and browse through the categories. Products listed under each category
will be listed in order of their popularity. You know the products at the top of the list sell
well! The commission paid for each product will be listed. Clicking the link associated
with the commission rate will pop up a window with the link you need to promote that
product with your Clickbank ID already plugged in!

Just copy the link provided, and THAT’s the link you can use with Google Adwords.

Obviously, there will be issues of competition over at Google Adwords, and you need to
keep your eye on how often your link is shown, and definitely put a cap on how much
money you spend on each campaign per day. When you’re starting, start small. Your ad
may not appear often, but you won’t be risking a lot of money either. When you start
generating commissions, you can be a bit more aggressive, and add more and more

That’s the basic idea. Once you read the documentation at the Clickbank and Google
sites, you’ll have a clearer idea of how it all works.

Further, Clickbank is just ONE of MANY sources of products you can promote through
affiliate links, and Google Adwords is jus ONE pay-per-click service. You can do some
searching around to find others.

The point I want to communicate is just how easy it is to get into business online quickly,
even if you don’t have a web site or any kind of “e-mail list” to promote to.

And yes, there are tools out there that make this kind of business more of a science and
more exact. I’ve used some of these, and if you’d like, I can make recommendations –
but you can get started with just what I’ve told you here.

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