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A Tick () the correct

The Medieval period extended fro
(a) eighth century to sixteenth century (b) elghth century to nineteernth century
( eighth century to seventeenth century (d) elghth century to elghteenth century
2. Cartography is the art of making
(a) buildings (b) carts
( maps (d) pots


3. Archives are the places where
(a) historical documents and records are stored
(c) food grains are stored
(b) modern books re stored
(d) its are
4. The Sikhs were a religious group of grown for sale
(a) Punjab
(c)Maharashtra (b) Assam
5. The most famous sculpture of the Chola
period is of Haryana
(a) Peacock
(c) Natraja (b) Goddess Lakshmi
(d) Lord Vishnu
B. Fill in the blanks:
1. The history of the world is divided
2. The Medieval period lasted for
about medieval and
3. The ancient Greeks referred
to the Indians years. periods.
4. Sufi philosophy preaches or people of the indus.
5. The study of old among men.
inscriptions is knownn asas
6. A is a record of the rule of
the king and life at
C. Match the columns: court
Column A
1. Tughluqnama
Column B
2. Rajatarangini (i) Kalhan
3. Prithviraj-Raso (i) Al-Beruni
4. Kitab-al-Hindi (ii) Amir Khusrau
5. Akbarnama (iv) Abul Faz
(v) Chand Bardai
D. Answer the following
questions briefly:
What is the medieval period?
2. Name the important
foreign travellers and writers who visited India
3. What are archival records? during the medieval period.
4. Why are the inscriptions important to reconstruct the
5. Who was Tansen? history?

E. Answer the following questions in detail:

1. Write a note on major political developments in India in the
medieval period.
2. Discuss about the changes in Hinduism during medieval period.
3. Differentiate between archaeological and literary sources of information.
4. Write a short note on the chronicles of medieval India.
. How are travelogue an important literary source?

6 Why are inscriptions and coins useful to historians?

Why do historians not rely extensively on court chronicles?

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