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Unidirectional transmission in 1D nonlinear

photonic crystal based on topological

phase reversal by optical nonlinearity
Cite as: AIP Advances 7, 025203 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4976013
Submitted: 06 December 2016 . Accepted: 24 January 2017 . Published Online: 10 February 2017

Chong Li, Xiaoyong Hu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong


A perspective on topological nanophotonics: Current status and future challenges

Journal of Applied Physics 125, 120901 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5086433

Nonlinear topological photonics

Applied Physics Reviews 7, 021306 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5142397

Perspective: Photonic flatbands

APL Photonics 3, 070901 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5034365

AIP Advances 7, 025203 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4976013 7, 025203

© 2017 Author(s).
AIP ADVANCES 7, 025203 (2017)

Unidirectional transmission in 1D nonlinear photonic

crystal based on topological phase reversal
by optical nonlinearity
Chong Li,1 Xiaoyong Hu,1,2,a Hong Yang,1,2 and Qihuang Gong1,2
1 StateKey Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics and Department of Physics, Collaborative
Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Peking University, Beijing 100871,
People’s Republic of China
2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Extreme Optics, Shanxi University, Taiyuan,

Shanxi 030006, People’s Republic of China

(Received 6 December 2016; accepted 24 January 2017; published online 10 February 2017)

We propose a scheme of unidirectional transmission in a 1D nonlinear topolog-

ical photonic crystal based on the topological edge state and three order opti-
cal nonlinearity. The 1D photonic crystals consists of a nonlinear photonic crys-
tal L and a linear photonic crystal R. In the backward direction, light is totally
reflected for the photons transmission prohibited by the bandgap. While in the
forward direction, light interacts with the nonlinear photonic crystal L by optical
Kerr effect, bringing a topological phase reversal and results the topological edge
mode arising at the interface which could transmit photons through the bandgaps
both of the photonic crystal L and R. When the signal power intensity larger than
a moderate low threshold value of 10.0 MW /cm2 , the transmission contrast ratio
could remain at 30 steadily. © 2017 Author(s). All article content, except where
otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4976013]

Nonreciprocal transmission is fundamental to information processing in the all-optical networks.

It has potential applications similar with the electrical diode. The main approach of nonrecipro-
cal transmission is using the magneto-optic effect,1–3 optical nonlinearity4–9 and spatiotemporal
modulation.10–15 However, Little material has magnetic response in optical frequency range and
spatiotemporal modulation always needs external electrical modulation, meanwhile the processing
speed would be impeded by the external electrical networks. Optical nonlinearity is still a promising
way to realize the all-optical networks. An optical diode based on optical nonlinearity could make
light transmitting uni-directionally without external modulation. Topological invariance plays a more
and more important role in modern physics with the discovery of new materials, such as topological
insulators. Topologically-protected edge states in photonic crystals have great potential applications
in fields of integrated photonic circuits and ultrahigh-speed information processing chips due to their
unique properties of topological protection, elimination of backscattering and immune to structural
disorders.16,17 Various schemes have been proposed to demonstrate topological edge modes in pho-
tonic crystals, such as using 1D dielectric photonic crystals,18–20 1D lattice of evanescently coupled
optical waveguides,21,22 diatomic chains of plasmonic nanoparticles,23,24 2D photonic crystal made
of ferromagnetic garnet rods25–30 or high-dielectric cylinders,31,32 honeycomb photonic lattices,33–36
and three-dimensional gyroid photonic crystals.37,38 Though topological edge state in 2D and 3D
topological system could transport uni-directionally, it requires complex design and fabrication pro-
cesses. This has greatly restricted the practical applications of topological edge modes in integrated
photonic devices and integrated circuits. Topological edge state still exists in 1D topological sys-
tem39 and if combining optical Kerr effect in 1D topological photonic crystal, we could realize

Corresponding author, email: xiaoyonghu@pku.edu.cn

2158-3226/2017/7(2)/025203/7 7, 025203-1 © Author(s) 2017

025203-2 Li et al. AIP Advances 7, 025203 (2017)

unidirectional transmission by reversing topological phase without the requirement of magnetic

response, external modulation and high degree of fabricating technology.
Here, we propose a way to realize unidirectional transmission in 1D nonlinear photonic crystal
heterostructures based on topological phase reversal. The photonic crystal heterostructure consisted
of two constituent one-dimensional photonic crystals L and R, as shown in Fig. 1. Dal Lago et al.
have pointed out that topological edge modes can exist in the interface of a photonic crystal het-
erostructures when the topological properties of two constituent photonic crystals on each side of the
heterostructure interface were different.40 Photonic crystals L was constructed with two nonlinear
materials, A and B. Photonic crystals R was constructed with two linear materials, C and D. In the
linear region, the bandstructure of photonic crystals R was designed to be a wide forbidden gap,
and the gap of photonic crystals L was nearly closed. Meanwhile, the topological properties of L
and R were designed to be the same. When the light signal illuminating from right to left, the wide
forbidden gap in photonic crystals R stopped the light. Topological edge mode didn’t exist as the
topological properties were the same in two photonic crystals. However, when the light illuminat-
ing from right to left, the third-order nonlinear optical Kerr effect of photonic crystals L would be
triggered because the gap in L was nearly closed, and thus the Bragg destructive interference of
photons was weak. The third-order nonlinear optical Kerr effect of photonic crystals L could make
the gap to be changed from nearly closed to totally closed and then re-opened. In this way, two
bands around the gap would reverse, resulting in the topological phase reversal. Then the light could
transmit by the topological edge mode from left to right. In this design light with sufficient power
would transmit only in one direction. Indeed, thus optical reciprocity based on nonlinearity has a
limitation when applied in optical isolators for the arbitrary backward-propagation noise caused by
dynamic reciprocity, pointed by Y. Shi et al.9 Besides, it still has potential application in optical logical
One-dimensional photonic crystal was composed of alternatively placed high- and low-dielectric
constant materials. The constituent photonic crystal L had a configuration of (A0.5 BA0.5 ),4 i.e. there
were four period units, and each period unit was composed of a B layer sandwiched in the center of
an A layer. The refractive index nA was set to be 2.40 and nB was set to be 1.50. The thickness d A
of the A layer was 945 nm and The thickness d B of B layer was 1008 nm. The constituent photonic
crystal R had a configuration of (C0.5 DC0.5 ),4 i.e. there were four period units, and each period unit
was composed of a D layer sandwiched in the center of a C layer. C and D were selected to be
the amorphous silicon and silicon dioxide, respectively. The refractive index nC was set to be 3.46
(such as amorphous silicon) and the nD was set to be 1.46 (such as silicon dioxide). The nonlinear
2. 2.
refractive index of each layers we used was set as n2A = 2.1 × 10−8 cm W , n2B = −2.0 × 10−8 cm W ,
n2C = n2D = 0 cm W . As a reference, one may fabricate A layers using gold- and iron-nanoparticles
dispersed in barium titanate (nano-Au:(nano-Fe:BaTiO3 ))41 and B layers with polycrystalline ITO
film covered with graphene42 to satisfy the linear and nonlinear refractive requirements. The thickness
d C was 792 nm and d D was 923 nm. Imakita et al. have pointed out that the long-wavelength edge of

FIG. 1. The scheme of unidirectional transmission device. It consists of a nonlinear photonic crystal L and linear photonic
crystal R.
025203-3 Li et al. AIP Advances 7, 025203 (2017)

the linear absorption band of amorphous silicon was around 750 nm (corresponding to the frequency
of 400 THz).43
First, we calculated the linear transmission spectrum of each photonic crystal (Fig. 2(a) and 2(b)
show the structures), within the frequency range from 25 to 250 THz, by using the finite element
method, and the calculated results are shown in Fig. 2(c). The black curve depicts the transmission in
photonic crystal L only, and the red one indicates that of photonic crystal R only. Both the fundamental
and high-order photonic bandgaps appeared in the transmission spectrum. Five photonic bandgaps
were obtained for both constituent photonic crystals. The position of each gap in L is in one-to-
one correspondence with that in R, for the effective optical path length of each period unit of the
constituent photonic crystal L, nA d A + nB d B , is approximate to that of the constituent photonic crystal
R, nC d C + nD d D . This guarantees that the constituent photonic crystals L and R have same number of
photonic bandgaps in the frequency range from 25 to 250 THz, and the center positions of the same
level photonic bandgap in the constituent photonic crystal L are very close to that of the constituent
photonic crystal R, which is confirmed by the calculated photonic band structures of one-dimensional
constituent photonic crystals L and R, as shown in Fig. 2(d). The fifth dip of photonic crystal L in
Fig. 2(c) appears not really obvious, for the fifth gap of photonic crystal L is designed to be nearly
closed, of which the central wavelength is 1540 nm.
Choi et al. have pointed out that the existence of a topological edge mode in a one-dimensional
photonic crystal heterostructures could be predicted from finding the total sum of the Zak phase
below the nth bandgap of two constituent photonic crystals, i.e.
(−1)n exp(i θmZak
) (1)

where m is an integer (m=1,2· · · n-1), θm

is the Zak phase of mth band.44 Xiao et al. have pointed
out that condition of a topological edge mode formation in the interfacial region of two different one-
dimensional photonic crystals was simply Z Lc + Z R =0, where Z L (Z R ) was the surface impedance
of the corresponding bandgap of the one-dimensional photonic crystal on the left-hand (right-hand)
side of the interface. And they have found the sign of Z L is the same with (−1)n exp(i n−1m=1 θ m ).
P Zak 45

We also calculated the Zak phase θ of each pass band by using the relation
Zak 34

 π/Λ " #
θm =
ε(z)um,K (z)∂K um,K (z)dz dK

−π/Λ unitcell

FIG. 2. Transmitting the light through the single PhC L (a) and the single PhC R (b) both with 4 periods. (c) The transmission
curves of single PhC L and R are represented as black and red lines respectively. The fifth gap of PhC L is nearly closed while
that of PhC R is sufficiently wide. (d) The bandstructures of PhC L (left panel) and R (left panel). The magenta rectangle
indicates a bandgap with positive sign of topological phase, and the blue one indicates that with negative sign. The black
numbers (0 or π) represent the Zak phase of each bands. The green numbers are the indexes of band gaps.
025203-4 Li et al. AIP Advances 7, 025203 (2017)

where m is the level of the photonic bandgap, ε(z) is the function of permittivity in space, um,K (z) rep-
resents the Bloch eignfunction of electric field at the mth photonic passband with a Bloch wavevector
K. The calculated results are shown as the black symbols on curves in Fig. 2(d). The topological
property could be presented by the sign of surface impedance of bandgap, or the total sum of the
Zak phase of the pass bands below the target photonic bandgap calculated by (−1)n exp(i n−1 m=1 θ m ).
P Zak

Easily, we could judge the sign of this topological property, marked in Fig. 2(d) by the different
colors. The magenta rectangle indicates a bandgap with positive sign, and the blue one indicates that
with negative sign. Corresponding to the figure, we could predict there is a topological edge mode in
the gap 1, and the edge mode can’t exist in the gap 5 without nonlinear effect.
Next, we demonstrate the Unidirectional transmission in the 1D nonlinear photonic crystal het-
erostructures with operating wavelength of 1540 nm (corresponding to a frequency of 194.8 THz).
First, we illuminated the light from right to left, as Fig. 3(a). We calculated electric-field distribution

FIG. 3. Light from the right direction (backward) cannot transmit through the device (a) while the one from the left direction
(forward) can transmit (b). The electric field in 1D photonic crystal heterostructure in the backward (c) and forward (d)
condition. The transmission spectrum of the 1D photonic crystal heterostructure in the backward (e) and forward (f) condition.
(g) Comparison of the PhCs bandstructures in the backward (upper panel) and forward (lower panel) condition around
194.8 THz. The topological phase reversal results the appearance of topological edge state making the transmission state from
OFF to ON.
025203-5 Li et al. AIP Advances 7, 025203 (2017)

of the one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal heterostructures at the frequency of 194.8 THz
by using the finite element method, shown in Fig. 3(c). It is very clear that the electric-field distri-
bution was mainly reflected at the right facet, with very little penetrating to the photonic crystal L.
The yellow shade in the figure represents photonic crystal L and the blue one represents photonic
crystal R. The calculated transmittance at 194.8 THz (1540 nm) was as low as 1.6% in this forbidden
input condition. We calculated the transmission spectrum with this right input condition, depicted
as Fig. 3(e). The spectrum was similar to the one in Fig. 2(c) with five gaps arising. However, a
sharp peak appeared in the first gap, which is right the topological edge mode mentioned before. The
topological edge mode in the third gap was hard to observed for the width of third gap in PhC R was
too narrow. There was no edge mode in the fifth gap, for the topological property signs in the two
crystals were the same, indicated by Fig. 2(d). Since the frequency of input signal was chosen to be
194.8 THz, light was forbidden by the photonic crystal hetero-structures in the right input condition,
or called backward condition.
Then, we consider the forward condition, i.e. input the light from left to right, as Fig. 3(b).
As mentioned before, the PhC L was composed of nonlinear materials. When the light was illumi-
nated from the left facet, the refractive indexes of material A and B were changed by the third-order
nonlinear optical Kerr effect. In details, the nonlinear refractive index of material A was positive
2. 2.
and negative for material B, i.e. n2A = 2.1 × 10−8 cm W , n2B = −2.0 × 10−8 cm W . According to
the third-order nonlinear optical Kerr effect, ∆n = n2 · Ipump , and we made the proportion d B /d A to
be the same with n2A /n2B . Thereby, with the same pump light, the effective optical path length
nA · dA + nB · dB would be invariant, ensuring the central position of bandgap invariant. Mean-
while, the fifth band gap of PhC L would be closed and re-opened, that is, reversing the two bands
around the gap and changing the topological property signs from positive to negative. The bands
reversing was depicted in Fig. 3(g). The upper (lower) panel shows the partial bandstructures of
PhC L and R around gap 5 in the backward (forward) condition. Calculated results indicated the
bands around fifth gap reversed in PhC L but unchanged in PhC R, thus making topological edge
mode to be supported in the fifth gap with forward input condition. The calculated electric-field
distribution of the nonlinear photonic crystal heterostructures at the frequency of 194.8 THz was
plotted in Fig. 3(d), and fields were obviously confined around the interface of two photonic crys-
tals, indicating the topological edge mode to be supported. Similarly, the transmission spectrum
with the forward input condition was calculated as Fig. 3(f). Compared to the Fig. 3(e), which is
in the backward input condition, a sharp peak appears in the fifth gap. The transmittance at 194.8
THz arrives to 75%, increased by 47 times (1.6% in the backward condition). Thus, we success-
fully made the light transmitting uni-directionally in the one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal
At last, we discuss the performance of the unidirectional transmission device. Since the uni-
directional transmission is based on the combination of third-order optical Kerr effect and the
topological edge mode. Signal power is an important factor for the contrast ratio of the forward
and backward transmittance. In the forward condition, we increased the input power from 0 MW /cm2

FIG. 4. (a) The transmission spectrum in forward condition with an input power intensity increased from 0 MW /cm2 to
12.5 MW /cm2 . The peak raises without position shift until 10 MW /cm2 . (b) The transmission comparison of the forward
condition (black rectangle points) and the backward condition (red circle points), indicating that light was all prohibited in the
backward condition and could transmit steadily when the power upper than 10 MW /cm2 in the forward condition.
025203-6 Li et al. AIP Advances 7, 025203 (2017)

to 12.5 MW /cm2 with the transmission spectrum results depicted in Fig. 4(a). The transmittance grew
up with input power intensity increased from 0 MW /cm2 to 10.0 MW /cm2 for the fifth gap of the PhC
L was broaden wider continuously with the increased refractive index change, both of material A and
B in PhC L. Besides, all the transmission peaks located at 1540 nm wavelength except the one of 0
MW /cm2 for the reason ∆nA · dA + ∆nB · dB is zero so that the position of bandgap would not move.
Such a condition could be realized by choosing the material B with negative nonlinear refractive
index and an elegant design of d A /d B . With the gap broaden, calculation shows the topological edge
state would be generated more easily, guiding more energy to transmit. But the transmission would
be saturate when the power arrived a higher level, which is 10.0 MW /cm2 in our calculation. When
the gap of PhC L getting wide enough, the factor affecting the transmittance is no longer the gap
width but the intrinsic ability of topological edge mode. The coincidence of the black and magenta
lines in Fig. 4(a) shows the saturation started from 10.0 MW /cm2 . The Fig. 4(b) gives the contrast
results of transmittance in forward and backward conditions with varied input power. Below the
saturation power 10.0 MW /cm2 , the transmittance contrast grew higher with increased power and
got steady after the saturation power. Actually, the backward transmittance always kept low enough,
below 2.5%, in our calculation. The steady transmittance of both forward and backward condition
after saturation power is a big advantage for application. In our design, the contrast ratio reached at
least 30 steadily after 10.0 MW /cm2 of input power.
In conclusion, by combining the optical Kerr effect with topological edge state in photonic crystal
heterostructures, with little power to reverse the topological phase of bandstructure, we realized
uni-directional transmission with a high and steady contrast ratio of 30. Our work gives a possible
application of topological edge states and a new way to realize all-optical diode which could response
in optical communication channel above Tbit/s but without introducing magnetic material and external

This work was supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China under grants
2013CB328704 and 2014CB921003, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants
11225417, 61475003, 11134001, 11121091, and 90921008.
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