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Name: Mai Thao Nhi

Student ID: BABAIU18149
Introduction to Business Administration

T he kind of leadership that can create the best achievement for the business
is still a controversial wonder to mankind. The democratic leadership
makes the environment at work more coequal and participative. However,
it also brings some problems that can be solved by the autocratic leadership. The
definition, some strengths and examples from autocratic leadership will be listed in
the passages below.
How can we define autocratic leadership? It is an operational style that
involves making managerial decisions without consulting others. In other word,
leader’s orientation is the succeed key of a business, and it is leader that takes all
the responsibility for the results in the future.
An autocratic leadership can avoid the worthless conflict and time -
consuming. Some kinds of employee only concern about the tasks they are
assigned and the salary they get equivalent to the amount of working hours. Some
can only follow the managers’ requirement without considering or hesitating.
Therefore, the whole business cannot rely on their decisions or subjective opinions.
At least, autocratic leadership can reduce the time for making decisions and debate
between the chiefs and irresolute and apathetic employees. On the other hand, the
workers may give some suggestions that bring them private advantages but the
company. They do not have an objective vision as well as conceptual skill to come
to an important decision. Simultaneously, they are not willing to take the
responsibility for their saying and judgement.
What is more? While democratic leadership keeps stability, the boss –
centered one creates miracle. We cannot be forward to the common ideas for the
emergency. We cannot listen to a single individual to present their traditional and
basic opinion. In business we need creativity, accuracy and speed. In this
technological era, per second can make difference. What we are really waiting for
is a united direction and timely decision. Business administration is not a
competition for the most beloved leaders. The best company is the one executed by
the discerning autocratic dictatorship.
Let’s review some examples in various fields all over the world. First of all,
the incredible movement in Singapore can show the power of authoritarian,
reflected by Ly Quang Dieu’s operation and policies. He subducted the opposite
side, constrained the development of Democracy Party, prioritized for his family

members to hold all the crucial positions in state apparatus as well as other fields.
Thus, after a dozen of years, Singapore becomes one of developed countries with
the fabulous universities, the cleanest place, the most transparent in the world, ….
Steve Jobs, a leader who always ask for keeping secret absolutely and loyalty from
the employees. Despite the fact that he is arrogant and extraordinary, he still owes
a discerning vision, stable determination and exceptional understanding about
human’ want and need. He established the most valuable enterprise in the world
and set up new measurement for technological design. The most outstanding
technological innovator, Elon Musk, is an imperfection. He has radical demand
and unrealistic deadlines for workers. Otherwise, he is the only one who is able to
change the surface of the world through some kinds of industrial majors such as
space, energy and transportation.
All in all, each type of leadership can bring us specific advantages and
weaknesses. In my opinion, autocratic one can make the big leap in development
and expanding, which regarded as the most appropriate leadership for some certain
types of business.

---------------------------- THE END ----------------------------

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