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Name: Secret ID:

Super Her o D screiption.

S Age:


Eyes :


Father: Mother:

p Siblings:

l Fighting: Reasoning: gd 10

Super Her o Char acter istics.

EX 20
Agility: In 40 Intuition: gd 10

Strength: RM 30 Psyche: in 40
a Endurance: rm 30 Karma (R+I+P): 60

Health (F+A+S+E): 120 Karma Pool:

s Origin of Power:

Group Affiliation:

Super Her o Biogr aphy.


Legal Status:


Popularity: Resources:

spider-Sense: Am Buzzing, cannot be blindsided and may make defensive actions if he makes a successful power FEAT. Intuition remains same in battle. If sense is nullified, Intuition is as listed and
all Agility FEATs are at -1cs.
-Wall-Crawling: Am
Web slinging Can move
-Leaping: Ex, up to 3 areas
-Resistance to Falling: Up to 50 feet

Spider-Camouflage: In ability to blend into his surroundings, including his clothing, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them.

Venom Strike: In ability to temporarily paralyze his enemies by simply touching them with his hands. Victim must make a Red Endurance FEAT vs. paralysis for 1-10 rounds

venom Burst: A Large Burst ofEnergy Does In (40) up to 3 areas but can only be used once per round and leaves him exahusted for a round.

Quantum Control allows a veritity of abilities Starts at Shift 0 and can be upgraded from there

-Time Control** Can only be used once per round and only one at a time
Speeding up time surrounding him/herself permitting a Lightning Speed of this Power's rank.
Slowing down time in the area, allowing him/herself Multiple Attacks of this Power's rank.
Slowing down death or injury at Power's rank.
Pause: The Hero may pause time for all but himself. Passengers stunt, the Hero may extend the people who may take actions to his allies.

First Action: The Hero may use this power to be the first to perform an action, similar to a Fast Attack

-Gateway can only be used once a day to travel to but the reurn trip is easier requires a Intuition feat to succeed can be inturupted
Travel to any point in space, time or dimension.
Location requires a green FEAT
Time a yellow FEAT
Dimensions a red FEAT


Web-Shooters: a device on each wrist that fire a web-like chemical formula. The webbing is of Incredible (40) material strength in the round it is fired, and hardens into
Monstrous (75) strength in the next round. This webbing is used for travel (three areas/round), for restraining opponents, for temporarily
blinding them, and for creating a variety of objects: Web Shield: Monstrous (75) material strength. • Web Parachute. • Web Hang Glider: Typical (6) air speed. Web Missiles: Excellent (20) Blunt
Attacks damage with a three-area range.

spider-Tracer: a small homing device shaped like a spider that sets off Spider Sense if within a mile of the tracer. He can track these tracers with Amazing (50) accuracy up to a mile away.
Spider-Light: Spider-Man has a small
belt-light that projects a spider symbolas a means to intimidate his opponents. The light is of Good (10) intensity.
Taser Web: Deals ex 20 Damage per round and inflict Paralis. Target must mage a successful Endurance feat to break contact.
Web Gauntlet: Gloves made of Webs + 1Cs of damage

Omni dimensional Credit Card depending of the feat roll a radom sum of money will be abalivable that day.
Red Feat 100K
yellow Feat 10k
Green Feat 1000


Cooking + 1cs when using skill that involve cooking

German +1cs Reason when speaking or understanding german
Sharp Weapons +1CS to hit with swords, daggers and spears (unless thrown).
Does not include Claws and other natural extensions
Thrown Weapons +1CS to Agility for Spears, disks, shurikens, snowballs, etc.

Meta Knowledge: Has a understanding of the Marvelverse

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