Assignment 4

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SRMIST Examination Reform Workshop

March , 2021

Session 4: Reforms in Laboratory experiments

Assignment 4

Name: _____________________ Department: __________________

Total Marks :15

1. Select an open ended experiment of your choice for a lab course and write the objective
for it?(2)
Conduct a fatigue test for the given material and draw the S-N curve.

2. Write the background and the resource materials required for this experiment.(2)
Fatigue is a very common mode of failure for materials and has been studied for centuries.
Fatigue occurs every day in objects that we are familiar with. For example, airplane wings
fatigue thousands of cycles on every flight and bridges fatigue every time a car drives over
them. However, just because a material is undergoing fatigue does not mean that it will
always break. In fact, engineers run careful experiments so that they can be sure that
things will not break due to fatigue while we are using them.
Paper clips of different shapes, sizes and materials are the resource materials required
for this experiment which is available easily at low cost.

3. Mention whether the selected experiment has different methods or techniques to

conduct .If yes, list or write the methods (2)
The experiment can be performed without and with heat treatment (quenching in
different medium air, water, oil) for different angles, different materials, different shapes
and sizes

4. Comment on whether the students will be able to change the experimental set up or
design of the experiment. If yes, what are the changes that can be adopted in the
experiment? (2)
The students can change the experimental set up. Instead of using hand, they can device
a set up for conducting the experiment. They can vary the conditions of treatment and
study the fatigue.

5. Are there different ways to perform analysis for this experiment? If yes , list them.(2)
They can plot the graph for various loading conditions for various materials and perform
the analysis which material will be suitable for which application.

6. Write the rubrics for this experiment as per the AICTE format. (5)

Rubrics for assessing the assignment (15)

Performance Criteria PI Proficient Acceptable Need Improvement

(11-15) (6-10) (0-5)

.Articulate the problem 2.1.1 Well Defined Objective Well defined Unable to define the
statement and identify objective objective clearly
the objective of an Background explanation is
open ended experiment clear Background Background
(4) explanation is clear explanation is not
Define the background
and resource materials

Identify different 4.2.1 Able to justify and Explanation given Explanation given for
experimental set up, elaborate on for experimentation experimentation is
alternate designs and experimentation setup is satisfactory not satisfactory
different ways of
analysis (6) Able to justify whether the Able to justify Unable to justify
experiment will lead to whether the whether the open
multiple designs or not experiment will lead ended lab leads to
to multiple designs multiple designs and
Able to give reasons different ways of
whether the experiment will Able to give reasons analysis
lead to different ways of whether the
analysis experiment will lead
to different ways of
Articulate Rubrics 10.1. Able to write rubrics as per Rubrics written is not Rubrics written is not
effectively (5) 2 AICTE format as per AICTE format as per AICTE format

Descriptors are well defined Descriptors are not Descriptors are not
specific to the experiment specific to the specific to the
experiment experiment
Performance indicators for
each review are appropriate Performance Performance
indicators are not indicators are not
appropriate appropriate

Analyze the stress level Standard procedure was Standard procedure Standard procedure
of the material and followed and sufficient data was followed but has not been followed
assess the fatigue available for the analysis. insufficient data for in collecting the data
strength or no of cycles Plotted results are clear and the analysis. on stress levels.
it can withstand understandable. Plotted results are Insufficient data for
Able to perform the analysis clear and but not the analysis.
to obtain the fatigue understandable. Plotted results are not
strength. Able to perform the clear and
analysis to obtain the understandable.
fatigue strength. Analysis cant be

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