Activity 1: Reflection Paper

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John Leo R.

Española Date: May 15, 2021

Philippine Literature Score/Rating:
Activity No. 4
Activity 1: Reflection Paper
Directions: Write what you had learned from the topics above.
After reading the module regarding prose I have so much learned on it. It’s so
interesting and it captivated me by its lessons I can get on it. We all know that Prose is
a form of language that has no formal metrical structure. It applies a natural flow of
speech, and ordinary grammatical structure, rather than rhymic structure, such as in the
case of traditional poetry. I have decerned that in everyday that I normally speech is
what we called spoken in prose and most of people think and write in prose form. Prose
comprises of full grammatical sentences which consist of paragraphs, and forgoes
aesthetic appeal in favor of clear, straightforward language. It can be said to be the
most reflective conversational speech. And guess what thing flashback into my mind
while I reading is that I thought for a seconds about the differences of the primary three
forms of literature which are a poetry, drama, and proses. Hence, As a student I
typically encounter these forms of literature for most of what I read and write about in
school, it made me realized that it’s so important for me to study more regarding that to
be able to recognize them and know their key characteristics. In addition to the forms of
literature particularly in prose there are common types of prose, first it is a non-fictional
prose in which prose is a true story or factual account of events or information is non-
fiction. Textbooks, newspaper articles, and instructions manuals all fall into this
category. And second is that a fictional prose which it is a literary work of fiction. This is
the most popular type of literary prose, used in novels and short stories, and generally
has characters, plot, setting, and dialogue. Both of these common types of prose have
been helping me to see clearly how the categories that are under of non-fictional and
fictional prose made its structures and organized in order for its purposes in forms of
literature. Thus, I also realized that prose as a form of literature has influenced and built
me so much that it became my way of thinking and feeling toward the appreciation of
the beauty of life. I’m obsessed of reading different forms of literature that’s why it has
great contribution in me as a student. In fact, many things opened up in my mind since I
was started getting involved in literature. It shapes me as human being, many life
lessons I have been acquired from different authors and also I will say the truth that
Philippine literature lies within the innermost seat of my heart. No one could ever take it
away from me. It means that I am Filipino in thought, words and in actions is the result
of my experiences of literature in my life.
Activity 2: Essay Writing
A. Directions: Write a descriptive essay of the topic, “Can you imagine the world
without laws and restrictions?” your essay must compose of 2 paragraph and it
should have a title.

Anarchy would be all there is

I think life without rules and restrictions is one which is not worth living. I'm a
eldest child who has always been bound by rules even I am a boy. That is how my
parents have brought me up. Maybe for the same reason I used to feel that my parents
were strict when I was small, but now I fully understand it's importance. Following rules
doesn't necessarily mean you are an introvert or maybe that's the way people see you
these days. I agree in certain situations rules cannot be followed, but that should not
stop us from following it during other times. Rules make us a complete individual. Can
you imagine a life where there are no rules and restrictions such as traffic rules(there
would be at least 50% increase in road accidents), a school without rules (it would a fish
market as all our teachers used to quote often in class), rules at home(it still exists in
few homes atleast), rules in armed forces (that is one of the reasons I like them),rules at
government offices and hospitals (because of those rules only we are able get our work
done at least late, imagine without them we would never ever get our work done unless
you have money in excess). These are few examples, there are many such cases
where rules are absolutely necessary. Maybe my generation people feel that what I
have mentioned is irrelevant in today's scenario, but I strongly believe that rules are
what that made our previous generations lead a good life and give us an opportunity to
continue the legacy. Try to follow the rules and you will see the new you who is far more
better than the present you.
In life without laws and restrictions expect that we would witness a mass
extinction of culture, arts, and collective knowledge which allowed for us to achieve
such high living standards such as civility, tolerance, and restraint. Life expectancy
would drop dramatically since there would be very few doctors and no government
organizations to manage public health. Eventually with such violence and disarray,
people would crave and yearn for order. In this atmosphere people would start forming
tribes, gangs, and collectives were people would have certain jobs to perform. Anyone
outside the tribe would be labeled as “the other” and violence against other tribes would
become institutionalized in order for the tribe to be safe. Gang and tribal warfare would
become the status quo for awhile until eventually one group was strong enough to
recapture the old country and borders that descended into chaos. History shows this
group is most likely going to be authoritative and deny people representative
government. So to sum up what I said no rules and restrictions would lead to anarchy
and hyperindividualisn which would lead to mass violence, disorder, and a state of
misery. These conditions would make people form collectives in order to escape the
chaos. These collectives would go to war with each other until eventually one would be
victorious and establish a new nation which was most likely authoritative and anti-

B. Directions: Write a reflective essay of the moment when you felt discouraged and
disappointed by something that someone said. Your essay must compose of 2
paragraphs and it should also have a title.

My high school best friend

When I was highschool I remember this time that I have been in one of my
biggest disappointments in life. I had a best friend and I treated him almost like a
brother, his name was Paul. He was one of the top students in our school and he also
known in our school for being multi-talented because he was singer, dancer, and
representative for math and science competitions. We were just same age level and
almost have the same passions. In this point let me start to tell you how we met. This
was what happened before when we had never met before. I only encountered him for
the first time during enrollment day for upcoming grade 10. That time I didn’t have
anyone with me when I went to school to enroll. I was little surprised when I entered in
school and saw too many students were enrolling on the first day of enrollment. When I
was about to enroll myself, I forgot to bring a ballpen that was the thing strictly required
of school to be used for enrollment. During that time every student lined up in order and
were waiting to be acknowledged to fill out the enrollment form and when I was the next
one to fill out on it. I still haven’t borrowed a ballpen because I ashamed to borrow from
somebody who has, thus I almost panicked about who I could borrow a ballpen from.
Fortunately, there was a student behind me and immediately lent me his ballpen. I was
feeling embarrassed then because I didn’t know what to do. However, I was thankful
that there was someone immediately respond to lend me his ballpen. After that I gave
him thank for that I was able to fill out the enrollment forms because he lent me his
ballpen. At the same time I asked what his name was, he answered me that he was
Paul. And then he also began to ask me if I was new at this school and I said yes. In
this point where we started exchanging questions with each other within a few hours as
we finishing enrollment. After a few hours we were both finally enrolled and it came to
pass. Next week was when the class will begin, I was so excited to meet my new
classmates and new teachers.

After a week, the day I have been waiting for has come, I woke up early and
prepared myself for admission. A few minutes later, I arrived at school and searched for
my room. A moment later, I saw Paul and he saw me too. He called me and he said that
we would be classmates, I was so glad and feeling excited because we have met again
and moreover we would become classmates. After a few months, we became best
friends due to he was the one I always talk with and help one another to answer our
school activities. Aside from that, we always participated in whatever competition was at
school although he was the one who often got higher reward than me, we were both still
happy with each other in whatever we have achieved. A few months passed and all the
fun that had happened changed when he had a new friend and according to those who
said their assumption was that I was insulting Paul and I didn’t know how to get along
with him that were some reasons why he didn’t pay much attention to me anymore
whenever I noticed him. The next day he came to me and told me that I was destroying
his reputation to other people, and at the same time he immediately asked why I was
jealous of him since I couldn’t beat him before in any competition. I tried to explain
immediately but he immediately walked away from me. I used to wonder and I thought if
I had done these bad things to him but I had strong feeling that I had done nothing
wrong with him before. I used to be annoyed with him for why he became like that. I was
so discouraged to befriend him again because of what he said. I used to think that he
would be my symphatizer in everything, he would leave me too at the end. What the hell
he became was. That day I felt myself utterly dissapointed because I really treated him
almost like a brother and he was the only one I can tell with whenever I have a problem
and now he is gone he has left me. Hence, I was really hurt so bad by this incident.
After a few days later, I began to ignore him, I also had no intention of apologizing to
him then, and I no longer even recognize him as a friend, because I was so
disappointed, not only because I lost that my brother but also because of what other
students were saying about me. Their assumption was that I was worthless friend, since
I haven’t been a real friend to Paul. However, I just ignored them because I knew the
truth better. People say a lot of things and most of them are discouraging for the other
person. A little bit of discourage can shatter years of hard work of that person. I mostly
didn't mind what people said. People said it was my golden quality which outshined
every time I was in these situations. The skill of moving on or ignoring the bad part of
the day is God gifted to me. As a supporter of peace I felt that it was always good to see
the brighter side of the situation.

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