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Language and context

The relationship between language and context. First I will explain little bit about language, In Oxford
Dictionary, language can be defined as the system of communication in speech and writing that is used
by people of a particular country or area. Now we move to the context, context is the identification of
the meaning of a text or the language. So the relationship between language and the context is we use
the language based on the area and with who we used the language. It also means that in the
communication, speaker should be able to implement the word choice in the appropriate
context. For example: In the restaurant we want to order some food we will use this kind of
language “Excuse me, can I order please?” another example if we work in the market we will
use “Excuse me, what can I do for you?”. We can see the used of the language must be based
on the context where we are.

2. Language and age

We can see the relationship between age and language from two perspectives: the first is during
lifespan of an individual. Example: when we still young we will follow the language that used in our
family, and when we getting older our language also influenced from outside like, in the school and
other outside environment. The second perspective is the language of different cohorts of individuals
living within a speech community. It means that the language used will be different according the age of
the speaker and the community that they attend. Example: In Bali, when we as a university students
come to the village for KKN in the village’s office we will use different language with the language that
we usually use in campus because we talk with older people in the village.

3. Age and Ethnicity

Let me explain about language first According to Seken (1992) said that language is a system of symbols
vocally and arbitrarily produced by means of which members of a community communicate with each
other. We continue to the Ethnicity, according to Trudgill (2011) ethnicity is a social-psychological
process which gives an individual a sense of belonging and identity. So the relationship between both of
them is the language used will be different based on the ethnic. The language used will be based on the
ethnic who use the language. For Example African American English said “ Lef”, “Des”. And Mainstream
American English said “Left”, Desk”. From those words we can see the difference. Different Ethnic will
influence the language. We can see in Bali, people from Negara say “Kajo” and People from Buleleng will
say “Kije” which that word has same meaning in Balinese Language. Those are the language influenced
by ethnicity.

4. Language And Gender

gender concerns to the psychological, social and cultural differences between man and woman.
Sex is biological or anatomical differences between male and female. Language and gender refer to the
use of language between males and females. For example: Women mostly use tag in questioning and
man mostly do direct questioning Women “you are very handsome boy, it’s impossible that you don’t
have girlfriend. From that statement actually woman asking question to the man. Man usually like this
“do you have boyfriend?”. We can see the differences the language use in questioning between man
and woman. Another example is about topic of conversation between man and woman. Woman usually
talk about, skincare, gossiping, etc. and man mostly talk about sport, politic etc.

5. Sociolinguistics is concerned with how language use interacts with, or is affected by, social factors
such as gender, ethnicity, age or social class. Sociolinguistics is very important for me because of some
reasons. The first is, we can understand how we speak in various social context. For example, if we
speak with people from different county or different ethnic we will feel confidence because we already
know there is no bad and better language after learn sociolinguistics. The second is sociolinguistics
teaches us about real-life attitudes and social situation. It means that after learn sociolinguistics we will
understand the society and how to face it. The third is we can appreciate each other. After we learn
sociolinguistics we will more appreciate other people because we have learned that people from
different society will have their own language style.

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