1 - Social Media Review

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Nicolas Deboeuf Assignment #1 

: Article Review

Kaplan, Andreas M., and Michael Haenlin. "Users of the world, unite! The
challenges and the opportuniti es of social media." Business Horizons
2010: 53, 59-68. Print.

This article titled ”Users of the

world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media” defines what is behind the

term social media and how companies may use it. The authors present an explanation for

businesses on the challenges and opportunities offered by social media.

The article starts with the historical background of social media and then clearly

defines the terms two terms: Web 2.0 and User-generated content. The first term is defined

as a new generation of Web services and applications with an increasing emphasis on human

collaboration; the second one is defined as a “term applied to describe the various forms of

media content that are publicly available and created by end-users” (Kaplan, and Haenlin 53,

59-68). Convinced that social media is a mix between Web 2.0 and User generated content,

the authors then provide a new definition: “Social Media is a group of internet-based

applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that

allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content” (Kaplan, and Haenlin 53, 59-68).

The article then provides an in depth-classification of social media: “collaborative

projects, blogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual games worlds, and

virtual social worlds” (Kaplan, and Haenlin 53, 59-68). For each social media, a degree of

media richness (the ability of the media to mix text, audio, video) and a degree of social

presence (the ability for a web user to project himself virtually on social media) is given. For

instance, virtual social worlds are considered as high on both social presence and media

Nicolas Deboeuf Assignment #1 : Article Review

Finally, the article lists ten techniques that companies should follow to make their

integration on social media a success: five recommendations about using social media and

five best practices about being social. It is important to choose a social media that matches

your target and that can be well integrated in your actual communication campaign. Also it

is important to stay active, honest, and humble in order to interest your target.

My overall impression is that the authors have used a relevant and logical

methodology to what is social media and what it is not. Well written and using an

understandable terminology, this article contains the basics to understand why social media

may be interesting for firms.

The article gives, from corporate perspectives, the beginnings of a reply to questions such as:

which social media should we use social media; what is it possible to do on social media; how

are we supposed to communicate on it. Each argument is referred to a concrete example.

Another strength is that the article remains accurate even if the authors say: “Social

media is a very active and fast-moving domain.” Since the article was written new services

such as “Foursquare” appeared, though most of the examples given are still relevant and the

prediction that the social media are extending beyond the PC and that usage of social network

on Smartphone will jump are becoming true.

However, the main weakness of this article would be that, the authors present social

media as an easy way to get new customers, by giving successful examples: Nokia, Procter &

Gamble, Cisco, Coca-Cola, etc. What the article does not say is that those companies have

already a large number of customers that helped them to create buzz on the Web. Also, the

article is not clear on the fact that being on social media is just the first step to succeed, and

that companies will need a creative concept to build a strong social presence and reach

more customers.
Nicolas Deboeuf Assignment #1 : Article Review

Also, because this article only focuses on the opportunities offered by social media, it is

important for businesses to consult other articles that provide more information concerning

the marketing aspects, return on investments (ROI), why they should use or not social

media, and also about the risks of using social media for their company.

We can relate project to that article with the fact that social media would be a great

way to reach our two goals: create a separate identity for the foundation and promote our

fundraising event and build awareness. The questions are: what will be our social media

concept to make our social presence effective? Which social media should we use? Which

part of the Rock Hill population can we reach with social media?
Nicolas Deboeuf Assignment #1 : Article Review


Kaplan, Andreas M., and Michael Haenlin. "Users of the world, unite! The
challenges and the opportuniti es of social media." Business Horizons
2010: 53, 59-68. Print.

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