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Name: ……………………………………… Paper: T#3 (Phase-4) Date: 14-06-2021

Roll No. ………… Section: ……………..… Syllabus: Full Book Total Mark: 100
Class: 2 Year Test Session Time: 02:00 Hours Subject: Physics

Q.No.1: Choose the Best Answer. Cutting and Over Writing is not allowed (100)

1. If Vrms=10√2 then peak
10v 20v 40v 10 / √2
voltage V0 is
2. At high frequency RLC
Pure Resistive Pure Capacitive Pure Inductive
series circuit shows the R-L Circuit
Circuit Circuit Circuit
behavior of
3. The power dissipated in
a pure inductive or Maximum Minimum Moderate Zero
capacitive circuit is
4. At high frequency, the
current through a
Small Infinite Zero Large
capacitor of A.C. circuit
5. 100µF capacitor is
connected to an
alternating voltage of
24V and
35Ω 31.8 Ω 30.5 Ω 40 Ω
frequency 50Hz. The
reactance of the
capacitor is
6. In an A.C. circuit with Lags Behind Leads The Leads The
capacitor only the o o In Phase With o
current Voltage By 90 Voltage By 90 Voltage Voltage By 270
7. The most common
source of alternating Transformer Motor Battery A.C. Generator
current is
8. At resonance frequency
the impedance of RLC Maximum Zero Minimum Infinite
series circuit is
9. At resonance frequency
the impedance of RLC Maximum Zero Infinite Minimum
parallel circuit is
A changing electric flux
Electric Field Magnetic Field Field Both (A) & (B)
creates a
11. Force experienced by a
unit positive charge Electric Field
placed at a point in an Capacity Electric Potential Magnetic Field Intensity
electric field is known as
The force per unit charge Electric Field Electric Flux
Electric Potential Electron Volt
is known as Intensity
13. An electric field cannot
Alpha Particles Electrons Protons X-Rays
14. B/W Two
Near Two Oppositely
Near A Positive Near A Negative
The electric field will be Oppositely Charged Charged Parallel
Point Charge Point
uniform Bodies Metal Plates
15. When a surface is held
Infinite Maximum Negative Zero
parallel to E then flux is
16. SI unit of electric flux is -1 2 2 -2 -1 -2 2 None
NC m Nm C N M C
17. Three capacitors of
capacitance 1µ farad
each are connected in
0.03 µf 1/3 µf 3 µf None
Their equivalent
capacitance is
18. Through metallic
conductor the current is Photons Neutrons Positive Charges Electrons
because of flow of
19. The charge per unit time
through any cross-
section of a conductor is Current Electric Power Capacitance None
20. If 1 ampere current
flows through 2m long
conductor, the charge
flow 1C 3600 C 7200 C 2C
through this conductor
in 1 hour will be
21. The graphical
representation of Ohm’s Hyperbola Straight Line Ellipse Parabola
law is
22. The resistance of a
meter cube of a material Resistivity Conductance Conductivity None
is called its
23. A wire of uniform area of
cross section “A”, length
“L” and resistance “R”
is cut into two equal Is One-Fourth Becomes Half Doubles Remains Same
parts. The resistivity of
each part
24. The current through a
resistor of 100 Ohm
when connected across a 0.45 A 2.2 A 220000 A 200 A
source of 220 V
25. The temperature
coefficient of resistance (Rt-R0)/R0t (Rt-R0)/R0 (Rt+R0)/R0t None
26. Three resistors of
resistance 2,3 and 6
Ohms are connected in 1 Ohm
3 Ohm 5 Ohm 11 Ohm
parallel the equivalent
resistance will be
27. Three resistances 5000,
500 and 50 Ohms are
connected in series
10 mA 1A 10 A 100 mA
555 volts main. The
current flowing through
them will be
28. Why should different
To Decrease To Increase
resistances be added in To Divide Voltage
Voltage Voltage None Of These
series in a circuit
29. The tolerance of silver
5℅ ±20℅ ±10℅ ±5℅
band is
30. If the resistance in three
successive arms of
balanced bridge is 1,2
and 36
0.14 Ω 0.05 Ω 72 Ω 18 Ω
ohms respectively, the
resistance in the fourth
arm will be
31. Two lines of magnetic Can Never Cross Can Cross Each Always Cross Each
force Each Other Other Other
32. If a charge of one
coulomb moving at right
angle to a magnetic
field with a velocity of
one meter per second
One Henry One Gauss One Weber One Tesla
experiences a force of
one Newton , the
magnetic induction is
said to be
33. One tesla is equal to -1 -1 Nam -1 -1 -1
1/ NA m NA m NA m
Magnetic Flux
Weber is unit of Magnetic
Magnetic Field Density Magnetic Flux
35. When a charged particle
moves through a
Direction Of
magnetic field, the
Energy Mass Speed Motion
effect of the field
changes the particle’s
36. When a charged particle
is projected
perpendicular to
Ellipse Circle Helix Spiral
magnetic field its
trajectory is
37. Two parallel wires
carrying current in Neither Attract
Cancel Each
opposite direction ------- Nor
Repel Other’s Effect Attract
- Repel
-------- each other
38. If the fingers of right
hand show the direction
of magnetic field
and palm shows Torque Voltage Current Induced Emf
direction of force then
thumb points for
The grid in CRO Control The Control The
Number Of Brightness Of
Deflect The
Electron Spot On The Both A&B
Beam Of Electron
Accelerated By Screen
40. Electromagnetic
induction is the
phenomenon in which an
Coil Is Moved In Coil Is Placed In Coil Is Placed In Coil Is Moved In
emf is induced in the coil
Electric Field Electric Field Magnetic Field Magnetic Field
due to the change of flux
through it when
41. According to Faraday’s
law of electromagnetic
the induced emf in a coil Ε=-N∆Фx∆T Ε=-N∆Ф/∆T Ε=-∆B/∆T NONE
can be mathematically
expressed as
42. The current flowing
through a coil due to
Resistance Of The ALL
induced emf in Area Of The Coil Magnetic Flux
it depends upon
43. The statement “the
direction of an induced
current is
such as to oppose the
Biot Savert Law Gauss’s Law Faraday’s Law Lenz’s Law
cause which produces it
“is known
Henry is the unit of Self-Inductance
Inductance Only Both (A) And (B) Induced Emf
45. The energy stored in an 2 2 2
2l/I LI /2 LI All
inductor is given by
46. A 50mH coil carries a
current of 2A. the energy
0.1 J 10 J 100 J NONE
stored in
its magnetic field is
The motional emf
Length Orientation Magnetic Field All
developed in a conductor
depends upon
48. A generator is device Mechanical
that converts Wind Energy Energy In To Heat Energy Into Solar Energy Into
Electrical Energy Electrical Energy Electrical Energy
49. Which one of the
following is not present Armature Magnet Slip-Rings Commutator
in A.C. generator
50. The negative sign in the
expression ε=-vBL
shows that the
45 180 0 90
angle between the
direction of L and (VxB)
51. Which one of the
following is a ductile Copper Lead Wrought Iron All Of Them
52. If stress increased
beyond elastic limit of
the material , it becomes Plasticity Yield Strength Elasticity
permanently changed,
this behavior is called
The maximum stress Permanent Ultimate Tensile
Yield Strength Plastic Strength
that a material can Stress Strength
withstand is called
The value of stress
beyond which a body is Maximum Stress Plastic Stress Yield Stress Minimum Stress
permanently deformed is
55. With rise in temperature,
the conductivity of semi- Increases Decreases Decreases
Decreases Linearly
conductor Exponentially Linearly Exponentially
56. A vacant or partially
Conduction Band Valence Band Covalent Band None
filled band is called
57. Narrow forbidden energy
gap between the
conduction and valence 100eV 50 eV 0 eV 1 eV
band of a conductor is of
the order of
58. A substance which has
empty conduction band Semiconductor Transistor Insulator Conductor
is called
A semi-conductor in its P-Type Extrinsic Intrinsic
extremely pure form is Semiconductor Semiconductors Semiconductors
60. When a silicon crystal is
doped with a
pentavalent impurity,
N-Type Transistor P-Type None
doped semiconductor is
61. -6 -4
4 6 10 To 10 -6 -4
The value of resistivity 10 To 10 Ohm 10 To 10 Ohm
(Ohm None
of semiconductors is of m m
the order of m)
62. The substances with
conductivies between
-10 -20 -1 Super Conductors Conductors Insulators Semiconductors
10 and 10 (Ωm)
are called
The ratio of applied
Young’s Modulus Bulk Modulus Shear Modulus Tensile Modulus
stress to volumetric
strain is called
64. When a p-n junction is
reverse biased , the Widened Normal Narrowed All Of Above
depletion region is
65. Base of the transistor is
very thin of the order of -2 -4 -6 -8
10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m
66. A potential barrier of 0.7
V across p-n junction Silicon Germanium Indium Gallium
made from
In npn transistor current Collector To
Emitter To Emitter To Base Base To Collector
does not flow in the Emitter
direction from
68. Photo diode can turn its
Nano Sec Micro Sec Milli Sec Sec
current on and off in
69. Gain of inverting op-amp
in the R1=infinity and Α 1 0 -1
Gallium Arsenide Gallium
A light emitting diode is Gallium Arsenide All Of Above
Phosphide Phosphide
made from
71. Plank’s Quantum
J.J.Thomson Rutherford Bucherer Einstein
concept was used by
72. Absorption power of a
0 1 Infinity 0.5
perfect black body is
73. Rest mass of a photon is -27 Very Small Zero Infinite
1.6x10 Kg
74. In photoelectric effect,
Wave-Nature Particle Nature Both (A) & (B) All Of Above
light exhibits
75. The amount of energy
required to eject an Threshold
Work Function Pair Production Photoelectric Effect
electron from a Frequency
metal surface is called
76. The maximum kinetic
energy of emitted Frequency Of Intensity Of
Polarization Of Light NONE
photoelectrons Incident Light Incident Light
depends upon
77. The number of Inversely Directly Inversely
photoelectrons ejected Proportional To Proportional To Proportional To
is Intensity Of Intensity Of Frequency Of
Incident Light Incident Light Incident Light
78. If a particle of mass m is
moving with a speed v,
then the de- λ = h/mv λ = 2h/mv λ = h/2mv None
Broglie wavelength
associated with it will be
79. The de-Broglie Inversely
Proportional To Its Proportional To Directly Proportional
wavelength of a particle Proportional To
Momentum Its Energy To Its Momentum
is Its Momentum
80. According to the
uncertainty principle, the
∆X∆T≈h ∆X∆T≈1/h ∆X∆P≈h ∆X≈∆Ph
relation between
position and momentum
is given by
81. The numerical value of
ground state energy fot E1= -13.6 eV E1=13.6 eV E1=-5.6 eV NONE
the hydrogen atom
82. th
The energy of the 4 -2.51 Ev -0.85 Ev -13.6 Ev NONE
orbit in hydrogen atom is
Wavelength shorter than
Ultra Violet Gamma-Rays Infra Red Radiation ALL
violet is called
Radiation with Infra Red Ultra Violet
wavelength longer than X-Ray ALL
Radiation Radiation
red light is called
85. The excited atoms return -5 -8 -3
10 Sec 10 Sec 10 Sec None
to their ground state in
86. X-ray photons cannot They Are Their Energy Is
Their Rest Mass Is They Are Charge
produce pair production Electromagnetic Less Than
Zero Less
because Waves 1.02mev
Quality of X-rays Filament Of Accelerating Nature Of Target
depends upon Both (B) & (C)
Current Voltage Material
88. The residing time of
atoms in meta stable
105 Sec 1010 Sec 10-3sec
state in case of laser 103 Sec
The potential required to Ionization Absolute
remove an electron from Excitation Potential
Critical Potential Potential Potential
the atom is called
90. According to Bohr, the
angular momentum of
h/2𝜋 h/2𝜋n 2𝜋/nhr nh/2𝜋
an electron in the
allowed orbit is given by
91. X-rays are radiation of High Energy High Frequency Low Wavelength All Of Above
92. A particle having the
mass of an electron and Antiproton Gamma Rays Photon Positron
having the charge of a
93. Mass of proton is -31 -31 -19 -27
9.1x10 Kg 1.67x10 Kg 1.6x10 Kg 1.67x10 Kg
94. Charge on an electron is -17 -34 -24 -19
1.6x10 C 1.6x10 C 1.6x10 C 1.6x10 C
95. 1 amu is equal to -24 -19 -34 -27
1.66x10 Kg 1.66x10 Kg 1.66x10 Kg 1.66x10 Kg
96. Extremely penetrating
Neutron Alpha Particles Beta Particles Gamma Particles
particle are
97. 1 amu is equal to 9.315 Mev 93.15 Mev 2.224 Mev 931.5 Mev
98. Sub atomic particles are
Photons Leptons Hadrons All Of Above
divide into
99. Alpha particles are Electron Photons Hydrogen Nuclei Helium Nuclei
100. Decreases
The rate of decay of Decreases Varies Inversely
Is Constant Linearly With
radioactive substance Exponentially With Time

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