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Name : Fuad bin Mohamed Akhiruddin

Student I.D : 2009797975



1. Decision making is the process by which managers identify and resolve problems and capitalize on
Answer : True

2. The first step in the decision-making process is the clear identification of opportunities or the diagnosis of
problems that require a decision.
Answer : True

3. Alternatives refer to the results the organization wants to attain.

Answer : False

4. The use of focus groups would be most appropriate in the generating alternatives stage of the decision-
making process.
Answer : True

5. When decisions are made in response to situations that are unique, unstructured, or poorly defined, they
are called nonprogrammed.
Answer : True

6. The BCG matrix is constructed by using market growth rate on one axis and industry growth rate on the
other as indicators of the firm's strategic position.
Answer : True

7. In general, as group size increases, rules and procedures become more formalized.
Answer : True

8. The participation aspect of group decision-making usually leads to lower member satisfaction.

Answer : False

9. Brainstorming enhances creativity and reduces the tendency of groups to satisfice in considering
Answer : True

10. Groupthink is an agreement-at-all-cost mentality that results in effective group decision-making.

Answer : False

11. Motivation is a psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction.
Answer : True

12. At the top of Maslow's hierarchy are the self-esteem needs of individuals.
Answer : True
13. Food, water, air, and shelter are all security needs and form the lowest level in Maslow's hierarchy.
Answer : True

14. Esteem needs include the desire for friendship, love, and a feeling of belonging.
Answer : False
15. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, self-actualization needs are met by personal feelings of
achievement and self-worth and by recognition, respect, and prestige from others.
Answer : False

16. According to the Two-Factor Model, motivator factors are related to job content, or what people actually
do in their work, and are associated with an individual's positive feeling about the job.
Answer : True

17. Working conditions, company policy, and salary are examples of motivator factors in the Two-Factor
Model of motivation.
Answer : True

18. Equity, or fairness in the workplace, has been found to be a major factor in determining employee
Answer : True

19. According to Herzberg's two-factor model, the first step in motivation is to eliminate dissatisfaction.
Answer : True

20. Working conditions, company policy, and salary are examples of motivator factors in the Two-Factor
Model of motivation.
Answer : True

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