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Marroquin Chiza, Claudia Paola
Evaluation in English Language Teaching
Angulo Montoya, Eduardo Wilson


1. Write a personal definition about evaluation, assessment and testing. Use a short
paragraph for each definition. (5 pts.)
It’s the teacher’s judgement, which is based on criteria and evidence. This is in aim to
provide an overall mark for each student. Through the evaluation is achieved to know
whether the standards are met or not, for this reason the focus is only on the final product,
as this is its priority, it is a summative process. Another characteristic is that the guidelines
and criteria to be graded are established only by the evaluator.

Is a complex and more complete process in the field of education, as it is concerned with
the development and improvement of student performance. In other words, it is in
responsible for defining the areas to be enriched, providing information about the errors and
how to solve them, thus achieving a formative process in which quality is important. In
addition, there is a reflective gap between evaluator and evaluated that allows for the
establishment of criteria.

These are the tools used to determine whether the knowledge studied was realized or what
was learned. This is achieved through the application of different tests, which are then
measured and graded using established criteria.

2. Name different types of tests you know. (5 minimum) (5 pts.)

Language Aptitude Tests
Are designed to measure capacity to learn a foreign language and ultimate success in that
Proficiency Tests
Are designed to measure people’s ability in a language that includes all aspects such as
listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Placement Tests
The objective is to correctly place a student into a course or level.
Diagnostic Tests
A test to diagnose specific aspects of a language. In addition, to measure students’ strengths
and weakness to fix their weakness and to determinate how much more they still need to
Achievement Tests
Their purpose to stablish how successful individual students, group of students or the
courses themselves and to know if the objectives were achieved.

3. Give an example of Self - evaluation by writing a short paragraph. (5 pts.)

For example, when we hand in a group portfolio with all the evidence of the unit's work,
the teacher asks them to answer individually to certain questions like

Do you think you have contributed ideas to the group? How?

Does the portfolio show unity and collaboration of all members?
What difficulties did you encounter during the preparation of the portfolio?
Do you think you need to improve on something?
Through this type of questions, I believe that the teacher makes the student self-evaluate
and be honest with himself/herself, as well as realise the mistakes he/she has made and
improve them.

4. Write a personal definition for each of the following evaluation types set up by
MINEDU. Use two short paragraphs for each type. (5 pts.)

Formative evaluation
Formative evaluation aims to encourage students reflect on their learning through
introspection and metacognition. Thanks to this process we can get students to meditate on
their strengths, difficulties and needs; to then reflect correct and finally achieve an
autonomous and independent learning performance.
Another important point to mention is that formative evaluation focuses on evaluating in
specific contexts, thus connecting learning with experience and achieving a greater
engagement in the management of their learning.
Summative evaluation.
Generally, this tye of evaluation is given at the end of an academic cycle or unit, depending
on the teacher, to evaluate the knowledge that has been acquired over a period of time and
compare it with establised standards and report on the achievement that has been obteined.
This process is the most common in any type of educational institution, as it is carried out
to ensure that students have met the demands placed on them by the system.
Aspecto/criterio Nivel 1 Nivel II Nivel III
El modelo no El modelo El modelo
manifiesta manifiesta poca manifiesta
Originalidad y originalidad y ni originalidad y originalidad y
creatividad creatividad. creatividad. creatividad.
(1 punto) (5 puntos)
(3 puntos)
El modelo no El modelo muestra El modelo muestra
muestra manejo del escaso manejo del un buen manejo
Manejo Del
idioma en el idioma en el del idioma en el
documento. documento. documento.
(1 punto) (3 puntos) (5 puntos)
El modelo ha sido El modelo ha sido El modelo ha sido
escrito por el escrito por el escrito por el
estudiante en forma estudiante en forma estudiante en forma
incorrecta y no adecuada y no correcta y guarda
Estilo propio
guarda coherencia guarda coherencia coherencia con las
con las demás con las demás demás actividades.
actividades. actividades. (5 puntos)
(1 punto) (3 puntos)
El estudiante El estudiante El estudiante
muestra desinterés muestra poco muestra interés en
en la presentación interés en la la presentación del
del documento. presentación del documento.
( 1 punto ) documento. ( 5 puntos))
(3 puntos )
Puntaje máximo: 20 puntos

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