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In few sentences, can you tell us what is your study all about?

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes
you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. And this
stress affects the academic performance of students. That is why we wanna know what are the stressors
that affects the academic performance.

What is your motivation in this study? Or why did you choose this topic?

The students who are experiencing stress because of this online class and of course the negative effects
of this stress to them. For this reason, we would like to conduct this study so that we will know the
factors of stress, effects of stress and manifestations so could suggest a program that will teach about
the coping mechanism strategies in stress.

According to stupart 2017. If the students are unable to plan or complete their school works on a set
period of time. They feel more stressed and overwhelmed that affects them academically.

What is the significance of your study?

See the chapter 1.

What limitations did you encounter?

We experience limitations when it comes to resources or financial matter. Because there were times
that we think of going to school to see some papers of the former students as our reference so could
improve our paper, but the problem is we don’t have money to pay for the transportation.

What methods or Sampling technique did you employ?

We’ll be using the purposive sampling method because the number of respondents in this study, which
are the STE students, are very manageable. A purposive sample is a non-probability sample that is
selected based on the characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. Thus, it is also
known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling,

How will your study contribute to the existing body of challenge?

We all know what is stress, but some us don’t know what are the factors of stress and how it affects the
students. For this reason, our study will contribute in determining what are the common stressors that
affects them academically and we may suggest a coping mechanism strategy in stress that came from
proven studies and literatures.

What theories or concept did you use?

We use the transactional theory of fokman and lazaru wherein they define stress as a direct transaction
of individual to stress. But we focused on Hans Selye’s concept of stress wherein he defined stress as
body’s response to the demand of change. Considering that students are not accustomed in doing things
in online class setup compared to face face classes. Stress is the students response to the changes.

What variables did you use?

We use the independent and dependent variable. The students’ stress is the independent variable or the
cause of our study. While effects in academic performance is the dependent variable or the effect.

Did you bridge any gap from your study?

We all know what is stress, but some us don’t know what are the factors of stress and how it affects the
students. That is why in this study we want to know the common stressors that affects the academic
performance of the students in online class. Which is new and timely, since e-learning is part of a new
normal today.

Why you choose the quantative design method?

We choose quantative design method concluding that this approach qualify the problem by way of
generating numerical data that can transformed into usable statistics.

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