Chapter 3

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Chapter 3, Problem 1° [1] SBo0imarks Show allsteps: (EI Problem ‘The work breakdown structure (WBS) for building a house (levels 1 and 2) is shown below: = Se | ec 2) Add two level-3 activities to each of the level-2 activities to provide more detail to the WBS. b) Select one of your level-3 activities and add two level-4 activites below i. Step-by-step solution Step1 013 A AWork Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a tiered depiction breaking a general project down into ‘smaller sub-projects. It is useful in establishing the project's objectives. It breaks a very large project into major sub-components and divided further into more detailed ‘components and finally into a set of activities and their costs. Work breakdown structures are organized into levels. with each preceding level adding another level of detail to the preceding level activities. Comment Step2013 A (a) Adding level-3 activities to level-2 provide more detail on individual activities of the project by breaking down larger steps into smaller and more manageable components: House Site Prep Masonry Carpentr Plumbin Finishin Fang emit | soa | | arise | | tue | | wood] fouston} Jrostan} sewess | insta! [reach Comment step2oi3 ~ O} Adding level-4 activities to a level-3 activity again increases the subproject specificity by again breaking down larger steps into smaller and more manageable components: House Site Prep Masonry Carpente Plumbin Finishing, rom fa} Lee] [ae] [ese] Eel el cel [ice] oad Lee} Lae) (sed bd Lea bese) Lesa Et \ co Grouting Toilet and oy Caulking Porcelain Chapter 3, Problem 2P [1 2B00imaro Show allsteps: EB 5 Problem James Lawson has decided to run for a seat as Congressman from the House of Representatives, District 34. in Flonda. He views his &-month campaign for office as a major project and wishes to create a work breakdown structure (WBS) to help control tne detalied ‘scheduling, So far, he has developed tne following pleces of the WBS. bPicture 3 Help Lawson by provising details wnere the blank lines appear. Are there any other major (level- 2) activities to create? Iso, add an ID no. 1.6 and insert them. Step-by-step solution step tora ‘The Work Breakdown Structure (WES) divides a project info major subcomponents and further vides into more detalles components. The frst Ieve! represents the major task in a project. The ‘second level represents the sub tasks required to accomplish the major task Comment step 2014 Consider the following information LEVEL | LEVEL ID NUMBER ACTIVITY 10 Develop political campaign 11 Fund-raising plan Li 12 113 12 121 122 1.2.3 13 131 132 133 134 14 ‘Paperwork compliance for candidacy | 141 142 15 Ethical plan or issues Sd tesa} fs] fenfen) tof ero} fen] to fenfes) uofes)as Table 1: Details of scheduling a political campaign Comment Stepdot4 A ‘The WES in table 1 represents a project to conduct a political campaign. Hence, tne major task Is. {0 develop pollical campaign, There are five Subtasks In the WBS need lo be defined. Complete the WBS in table 1 as shown below. TEVEL] LEVELID ACTIVITY I Develop political campaign 2 ‘Fund-raising plan 3 Formulate « plan for fundraising 3 ‘Conduct a meeting with sponsors about the campaign: 3 Raise the funds 2 ‘Develop a position on major issues 3 Tentify the major issues that voters are concer 3 2. Prepare an agenda to address on major issues 3 123 Hold a meet with the voters and deliver agenda on issues z iS Staffing for eampaign 3 13.1 ‘Seta recruitment process to hire candidates 3 13.2 “Hire experienced candidates, 3 133 “Train the candidates about the campaign 3 134 ‘Assign the work to conduct campaign for each candidate 2 14 Paperwork compliance for candidacy 3 141 Ensure paperwork following the legal procedure 3 1.42 Submit the papers within the official date 2 s Ethical plan or issues 3 151 Develop an ethical plan considering the ideas of staff Table 2: Complete WBS to develop political campaign Comment Step 4oi4 ~ ‘Thus, WES schedules the required tasks that helps to delwer a project according to the need of an organization. Chapter 3, Problem 3P [1] 9Bookmanis ‘Show all steps: CD Problem ‘The City Commission of Nashville has decided to build a botanical garden and picnic area in the heart of the city for the recreation of its citizens. The precedence table forall the activities required to construct this area successfully is given. Draw the Gantt chart for the whole: ‘construction activity. TIME (IN IMMEDIATE CODE) AcTiVITY DESCRIPTION HOURS) | PREDECESSOR(S) Find location; determine A. | Planning 20 None resource requirements 5 | Purchasing | Requisition of lumber and sand 6 Planning | Excavation | Dig and grade 100 | Planning ‘Saw lumber into appropriate D | sawing 30 Purchasing sizes Position lumber In correct E | Placement 29 | Sawing, excavation locations F | Assembly | Nail lumber together 10 Placement Put sang in and under the | ina 20 | Assembly ‘equipment H | Outnl Put dirt around the equipment 10 | Assembly i 1 | pecoration | Put 9°85 al over the garden, 30 infil out landscape, paint Step-by-step solution Step 10f2 ‘summary: N City commission has planned to construct a picnic area through developing botanical garden in the main part of tne cy. Ills part or the recreation activily of the city government omcials. The ollowing are the plan data for construct botanical garden: [Activity code] Activity [Time in hours Immediate Predecessor(s) A Planning 20 [None B ‘Purchasing oo fa c Excavation 100A D Sawing 30 |B E ‘Placement 20 |cD F ‘Assembly 10 |E G Infill 20 |r H (Outiill 10 |F 1 Decoration 30 -|GH Based on the above data, Gantt chart has been prepared for the whole construction activity. Comment Step 2012 Gantt chart for the whole construction activity 1D 20 30 40 S06) 7 $0 9 100 110 120 130 140 150 140 170 180 190 Hours, Here, activity “A” (planning) is beginning activity. Activity 8 (purchasing) and C (Excavation) will siartafter completing activity A. Activity D (sawing) will start after completing the activity B (purchasing). Activity E (placement) will siart after completing both activities C (excavation) and D (sawing). Aclivity F (assembly) will start after completing activity E (placement). Activity G (infil and H (out ‘i) will start after completing activily F (assembly). Activity | (decoration) wil start ater completing the activities G (intit) ang H (out tl) ‘The total number of hours required to complete the construction is 200 hours, which is determined based on the Gantt chart Problem Retero he table in Problem 2) Draw tne AON network fore construction activity b) Draw the AOA netvork forthe construction activ Problem ‘The City Commission of Nashulle nas deciged to bull botanical garden and picnic area inthe heart ofthe cy for tne ecreallon of is clizens, The precedence table for ll the actives Fequited fo construc is area successtully fs given. Draw te Gantt chart forthe whole construction act TIME (IN IMMEDIATE cope | activity DESCRIPTION Hours) | PREDECESSOR(s) Find location; determine A. | Pranning 20 | None resource requirements 8 |Purcnasing | requistion ot umber ane sana 60 | tanning | excavation | Dig ana grase 100 | Pranning ‘Saw lumber into appropriate D- | Sawin 30 | Purchasi % | sizes ms E | Ptacement | Postion umber in corect 20 | Sawing, excavation locations F Assembly | Nail lumber together 10 | Placement linen Put sand in and under the 20 | assemoy ‘equipment Hout | put ict around the equipment 10 | Assembly Put grass allover ihe garden, 1 | Decoration 30 in, oun landscape, paint Step-by-step solution step tots A Introduction: ‘pain ofa network is tne sequence ot acinites staring from the intial event to tne nal event roceesing in tne direction of arows. The duration of a paths the SUM ofthe actvmies coming along ine path Comment step2ot3 A Given information: Immediate | Hamediate Code | Activity |Time (in hours) predecessor predecessor code A_| Planning 20 ‘None : B_ [Purchasing] 60 Planning A [Excavation 100 Planning A D_| Sawing 30 Purchasing B E__ | Placement 20 sawing, Excavatiol C.D F__| Assembly 10 Placement E Gc | mal 20 Assembly F H__| Outfitl 10 Assembly F 1 [Decoration] 30 Infill Outil [GH ‘Activity on node: “The Activity on Node (AON) isthe network diagram in which the nodes designate actwies 60 30 B -}——»| D 20 A Cc E 100 20 ‘Comment step sors ~ Activity on Arrow: “The Activy on Arrow (AOA) the network diagram in which he arrows designate actives, Chapter 3, Problem 5P- [] 6Bookmerc Show allsteps: (aD Problem Draw the activiy-on-node (AON) project network associated with the following activities for Can Betterton’s construction project. How long should it take Cart and his team to complete this, project? What are tne crttcal patn actvities? ACTIVITY | IMMEDIATE PREDECESSOR(S) | TIME (DAYS) A = 3 5 A 4 c A 6 D 8 6 e 8 4 F c 4 Ss D 6 4 Be 8 Step-by-step solution Step tors ~ Project scheduling is used in project planning and coordination, by using Progam Evaluation ‘and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM). Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) is a network based scheduling procedure “This technique is used to plan, schedule and control different projects such a5 ‘construction Works, design and Installation of systems, maintenance work, and research ‘and development processes. Comment Step zor ‘Consider the following data provided in the question: Activity Immediate Time (days) predecessor (5) xt|ca ott ca] | efor) eafeaf | Comment Stepsors ~ “The actvily-on-nade project network for mentioned data is prepared 2s shown below: Project network Comment step4ors Now, calculate the length of each path by adding the time required for completion of each ‘activity present in 2 path. Comment Step 5015 Path ‘Completion time ABDG 3o4-546 = 19 ABET 3e4H8= 19 Critical path showing completion time ‘The path having the largest completion time is considered as the critical path. From the above | calculations itis clear that path A-C-F-H has the ogest completion time. Therefore, path A-C-F-H_ Wal is considered to be the critical path. a “The lenath of the entical path would determine completion time ofthe project. Therefore, Person (C and his 2am would require 21 days fo complete the project and the ciftical activites ar@A, C, FH Chapter 3, Problom 6P [] towmak Show an stepe: EI Problem Given tne activites whose sequence is descnived by the folowing table, craw the appropiat= acivty-on-artow (ACA) network agar, 2) Whion actives are onthe ental pain? What the length ofthe ential path? activity | IMMEDIATE PREDECESSOR(S) | TIME (DAYS) A — 5 a A 2 © A 4 D> 8 5 e a 5 F © 5 6 BF 2 4 > a f oH 5 Step-by-step solution step torr ~ [A project requires planning, scheculing and contol or successful completion win a short me a low cost. The jobs or actives in a project shouldbe scheduled based on their Interdepencence. Some actives can be slared only when ciner actvlles are completed. So, Is necessary to calculate te total tme of the project, start me and thish te anc aso Kentty crical activites. Comment Step 2017 © Constr tne telowing inormation about the 2eties Aelivity] Predecessor | Duration x ss 5 B a z € a 7 D 5 5 E E 5 F © 5 S EF z D 3 T GH 5 Now, craw a network alagram a falls Bp Figure 1: Network diagram ofthe actwties Comment Step soir ~ Determining the project schesule: In order to determine ine project schedule the planned starting time and ending time foreach aciuty nas to be caleuated as below: |n order to find he cca path which s the longest pathn the network calculate the start and ‘ena tes withthe formulas below alist star (ES) = Max (BF ofall immediate predecessors) Eales Finish (EF) = ES* activity ime Latest Finish (LF) = Min (LS ofall immediate following atvitis) Latest stat (LS) = LF ~ Activity time ‘Slack! the lenotn of he ime an actvty can be detayea witcut detayng ne entire project. Slock=LS ~ ES or LF ~ EF “The actives wih 2orasiack are calle ine erica actives and are sa to be onthe tical pan. comment step acorn © Now calculate the ES, EF, LF, LS and siackby apalyng ine above formulas as follows: (Essie [feat tyne ar i fisek ee ee fees so Te 5 fa [poses 65-5 [-65.65 ee ee Be sé - sa [nator Foa-ce 68.8 Ero [ose eT “The activity times areas flows, Step 5017 ~ at ose feo ey cs 1. ActivitPredecessor___| Time [Early start [Early finish late start _| Late finish |Stack 2A - 5 5) 3 o s|_o 38 A 2 5| 7 6 alt acc A 4 5] 5) 5] | 5. 8 5 7| | @ wpa 5 le 8 5 7 2 9 sal 7 c 5 3] 14) 9 ul 8/6 EF 2 14 16| 14] 16] 0 oH 3 2 35) 33] a6) 4 101 oH 5 | 16 21 16| nl _o Comment Step 607 ~ The activities whose slack Is zero are called critical activities. Therefore, trom the above table the critical path is A-C-F-GH. Comment Step 7of7 A The length of the critical path is 5+445+2+5= 21 days, Chapter 3, Problem 7P [\] 2Bookmarts Showalll steps: CED Problem Using AOA, diagram the network described below for Lillian Fok’s construction project. Calculate its critical path. How long is the minimum duration of this network? ACTIVITY | NODES | TIME (WEEKS) | ACTIVITY | NODES| TIME (WEEKS) J 12 10 N a4 2 K 13 8 ° 46 7 L 24 6 P 35 5 M 23 3 Step-by-step solution Step 1 of2 A Activity on Arrow(AQA) is technique used for scheduling the project using diagram. The activities are wntten on arrows and shown according to predecessors and successor. Comment Step 2012 ~ ‘The activity J starts at event 1 and ends at event 2 Similarly, activity K starts at event 1 and ends at event 3. Show this by marking these activities on arrow and depict the time taken by them. ‘The arrow depicts the start and ending of activity. Similarly, depict the starting and ending of each activity for their corresponding events as shown below in the figure: T=10 Figure 1: Depicting AOA diagram Critical path is the path, which if followed will take highest amount of ime io complete a project. ‘Therefore, determine the various paths leading to completion of activities from start to finish. Those various paths are as follow: Path 1 = Path2=1-35 Path 5= 1-345, Calculate the total time taken by each path by adding the time taken by each activity in that path. So, time taken by path 1 is: 10+6+7 = 23 weeks ‘Similarly: Path 2 = 13 weeks Path 3 = 22 weeks Path 4 = 18 weeks Path 5 = 17 weeks ‘Therefore, its critical path is J-L-O and time is 23 weeks. Also, the minimum duration is the lowest time taken to complete the whole process. ‘Therefore, minimum duration Is 13 weeks for path K-P-O. Chapter 3, Problem 8P [| SBootmarks Show all steps: IND Problem Roger Ginde is developing a program in supply chain management certification for managers. Ginde has listed a number of activities that must be completed before a training program of this nature could be conducied. The activities, immediate predecessors, and times appear in the accompanying table Daicture 4 2) Develop an AON network for this problem b) What is the ertical path? ©) What is the total project completion time? ) What is the slack time for each individual activity Step-by-step solution Step 1of7 A ‘The critical path analysis is useful to determine the project completion time and the amount of time an aciivity can be delayed without delaying an entire project. Comment Step2017 ~ Consider the following information: ACTIVITY] IMMEDIATE __ | TIME (DAYS) PREDECESSOR A - 2 B - 5 Cc - 1 D B 10 E A.D 3 FE Cc 6 G EF 8 Table 1: Activities and their estimates Comment Stepdoi7 A @) Draw an Activity on Node (AON) network diagram as shown below: Figure 1: AON network diagram In the AON network diagram, each activity is denoted by a node. The arrows represent the relationship between each activity. Comment Swep4or7 ~ (b) Apath that consumes the maximum duration among all the paths is said to be a critical path. Identify the critical path trom figure 1 as shown below: Path 1: A-E-G=2+3+8= 13 days Path 2: B-D-E-G=5+10+3+8=26 days Path 3. C-F-G 14+6+8= 15 days ‘The path 2 consumes maximum duration among all the three paths. Hence, the critical path is Comment Step 5017 A (ec) ‘The duration of the critical path is considered to be the project completion time. Calculate the project completion time from the critical path as shown below: B-D-E-G=5+10+3+8=26 days Hence, the project completion time is [26 days)

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