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The #WSLCB's #LCB's latest and greatest bullshit:

Nobody needs to be a Certified Peace Officer (and they are not) because they are Reserve Officers.
This is just such a complete line of crap it's unbelievable.

Overview from Expert Witness Frank Giese:

Washington legalized Cannabis because the State was broke AF in the early ‘00’s. He knows the
paralegal who worked on 502. He knew there were retroactive layoffs going down because the
State was so damn broke.

For these folks trying to set up shops they knew the odds of failure was 72% with no fiscal bailout
plan and a lot of investors who put in to the shops for 502 got burned but the State still got the
money from this because of the applications. Build it and then we *MIGHT* give you a license, LOL.

All 502 was and is, is a way for the State to avoid going belly-up. They hate MJ as noted by the 10
Senators and they hate blacks too, as is obvious.

A reserve officer cannot act as a Certified Peace Officer in the way they are claiming.

I. First of all,
RCW 41.24.430
Reserve officers—Eligibility for benefit.
A reserve officer shall not receive a retirement benefit under this chapter unless he or she
completes at least three years of service after July 23, 1995.

…… so they will stick to the lie and say that the "reservists" at LCB are entitled to benefits because
they have +3 years service but in reality they are just regular employees. It's ridiculous.

A true Reserve Officer must contribute a portion of their own money to obtain benefits. You ask
these Agents whether or not they are required to do so.

II. Second, Stop and think about this:

If all of this were true why would Robbie Satterly avoid giving me that damn CJTC letter until I
railed on him -- he was due for a damn DEPOSITION remember?  Yah he thought he could get one
over on us. Not gonna happen.

Odds are it won’t be long before Robbie Raveica leaves too -- you know, the other white guy who
got BLEA training when Agent Jung was begging for it. See he knows his BLEA training is worth
about as much as the used toilet paper he wiped his ass with this morning so if I were him I would
totally jet to another legit LE Agency, DUH.

Also at no point in time during Agent Jung’s lawsuit to get BLEA was “Reservist” ever mentioned yo.

So riddle me this: Why leave if it's all kosher as a Reserve Officer?

Because. It. Isn't.


III. Third, even if that were even true then they stepped on their collective Ying-Yangs because
nothing in RCW 43.101 that spells out LCB officers as reserve officers. The only "reserve officer"
definition I was able to find was under RCW 10.93.020 (5)

"A reserve peace officers is an individual who is an officer of a Washington law enforcement agency
who does not serve such agency on a full-time basis but who, when called by the agency into active
service, is fully commissioned on the same basis as full-time peace officers to enforce the criminal
laws of the state"

Simple question. If the are "certified" and "commissioned", then who certified? "Reserve peace
officer" or "limited authority peace officer" are both "peace officers" and can only get that status by
being certified with the CJTC, which Counsel for Defendants so vehemently stated in the bogus case
in which a ringer Judge acted as if she got paid off to rule against Agent John Jung who wanted BLEA

Said Judge is now on the Supreme Court.

Case closed lol

V. Fifth,

Again, no peace officers working for WSLCB since 2012 as told to us by the state AG and CJTC can’t
certify them as peace officers.
So if Horton was a “peace officer” of any kind while under the WSLCB and had the authority of that
designation on this case, and likely not part time, the LCB would not need to ask one of the peace
officers on the scene (in this instance from the Washington State Patrol) to verify the authorization
card in the “…Medical Marijuana Database MJM System”.

Here is that statute for that database from the 2015 bill, SB 5052:

“(1) The department must contract with an entity to create, administer, and maintain a secure and
confidential medical marijuana authorization database that, beginning July 1, 2016, allows:
(d) Appropriate local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement or prosecutorial officials who are
engaged in a bona fide specific investigation of suspected marijuana-related activity that may be
illegal under Washington state law to confirm the validity of the recognition card of a qualifying
patient or designated provider;”

So even WSLCB knew their agents were not “appropriate” law enforcement to raid medical
cannabis patient’s personal grows, yet they went ahead did it anyway.

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