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Case 1:21-cv-00890-SEB-DLP Document 23 Filed 06/16/21 Page 1 of 17 PageID #: 132

United States District Court

Southern District of Indiana
Indianapolis Division

ABI Attachments,Inc.,
Case No. l:21-CV-890

Riser Arena Specialists, Inc.,

Robert D. Riser, Individually and as
and James Kiser,

Defendants'Answer to Plaintiff's Complaint

Defendants, Riser Arena Specialists, Inc., Robert D. Riser, The Riser Family

Trust, and James Riser (collectively, "Defendants" or the "Risers") provide the

following Answer and Affirmative Defenses to the Complaint of the Plaintiff, ABI

Attachments, Inc. ("Plaintiff or "ABI"). Except as expressly admitted herein,

Defendants deny each and every allegation of the Complaint, including, but not

limited to, all titles, headings, or un-numbered paragraphs purporting to seek relief

or re-stating or summarizing allegations.

Parties, Jurisdiction, and Venue

1. ABI is an Indiana corporation with its principal place of business in

Mishawka, Indiana.

ANSWER: Defendants are without sufficient knowledge or

information to enable them to form a belief as to the truth of the
allegations contained in this paragraph, and therefore deny those
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2. KAS is a Texas corporation with its principal place of business in

Gainesville, Texas.

ANSWER: Defendants admit that Riser Arena Specialist, Inc. is a

Texas Corporation, but deny the reminder of paragraph 2.

3. Bob is an individual and a resident of Texas.

ANSWER: Defendants admit the allegations of paragraph 3.

4. The Trust is a trust formed under Texas law and administered in Texas.

ANSWER: Defendants admit the allegations of paragraph 4.

5. Jim is an individual and a resident of Texas.

ANSWER: Defendants admit the allegations of paragraph 5.

6. Bob, Jim, and the Trust make up all the shareholders of KAS. Bob is

the trustee of the Trust, and Bob and Jim are the principal officers of KAS. In this

Complaint, KAS, Bob, Jim, and the Trust are sometimes collectively referred to as

"the Riser Parties."

ANSWER: Defendants admit the allegations of paragraph 6.

7. This action arises under the trademark laws of the United States and

related state law claims, including but not limited to the Lanham Act, Indiana

common law, breach of contract, and the Indiana Trade Secrets Act.

ANSWER: Defendants admit that Plaintiff has asserted claims under

the trademark laws of the United States and related state law claims,
including claims arising under the Lanham Act, Indiana common law,
breach of contract, and the Indiana Trade Secrets Act, but deny
liability under any of those claims. Unless specifically admitted.
Defendants deny the allegations contained in paragraph 7.
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8. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this case under 15

U.S.C. § 1121, 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(b), as well as supplemental jurisdiction

under 28 U.S.C. § 1367.

ANSWER: Defendants admit that this Court has subject matter

jurisdiction of this case. Unless specifically admitted. Defendants deny
the allegations contained in paragraph 8.

9. This Court also has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this case

under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 because there is complete diversity of citizenship between

Plaintiff and Defendants and the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000.

ANSWER: Defendants admit that this Court has subject matter

jurisdiction of this case. Unless specifically admitted. Defendants deny
the allegations contained in paragraph 9.

10. This Court has personal jurisdiction over the Defendants, and venue is

proper in this district, because the Riser Parties consented to this Court's jurisdiction

and venue under Section 20 of the Product Lines Purchase Agreement discussed more

fully below.

ANSWER: Defendants admit the allegations of paragraph 10.

11. The Court also has jurisdiction over the Defendants because the Riser

Parties have caused harm in the State of Indiana, because some of the conduct

complained of in this Complaint occurred in the State of Indiana, and because, upon

information and belief, the Riser Parties do business in the State of Indiana.

ANSWER: Defendants admit that they do business in the state of

Indiana, but they deny the remaining allegations made in this
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General Allegations

12. On or about September 30, 2016, ABI entered into a Product Lines

Purchase Agreement with the Riser Parties. A true and accurate copy of this

agreement is attached as EXHIBIT 1.

ANSWER: Defendants admit that on or about September 30, 2016,

Defendants and ABI engaged in a transaction involving the execution
of several documents comprising a single agreement, and they further
admit that the Product Lines Purchase Agreement attached to the
complaint was one of the documents comprising the overall agreement.
Unless specifically admitted. Defendants deny the allegations
contained in paragraph 12.

13. Under the Product Lines Purchase Agreement, ABI acquired various

assets and intellectual property defined more fully in the agreement, including the

trademark consisting of and incorporating the term DRAGMASTER® ("the Mark"),

and also including the "Product Lines together with all specifications, shop drawings,

blueprints, records and intellectual property rights relating to the Product Lines."

ANSWER: Defendants admit that, as a part of the September 30,

2016, transaction, the trademark DRAGMASTER was assigned to ABI
under the terms of the Product Lines Purchase Agreement and the
other documents signed as a part of the transaction. Defendants are
without sufficient knowledge or information to enable them to form a
belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations contained in this
paragraph and therefor deny those allegations.

14. The "Product Lines" are defined in the Product Lines Purchase

Agreement to include, among other things, the Riser DragMaster and Riser Edge.

ANSWER: Defendants admit the allegations of paragraph 14.

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15. Although the Riser Parties retained rights to the name "Riser," all other

intellectual property rights associated with the Product Lines belong to ABI. These

products are now produced by ABI and not by any of the Riser Parties.

ANSWER: Defendants admit that the rights assigned by the Riser

Parties to ABI are as set out in the Products Lines Purchase
Agreement. Defendants further admit that ABI is now producing
products subject to these assigned rights, and Defendants are not.
Unless specifically admitted. Defendants deny the allegations of
paragraph 15.

16. But the Riser Parties have utilized the "specifications, shop drawings,

blueprints, records and intellectual property rights relating to the Product Lines"

they sold to ABI to design, manufacture, and market knockoff products.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 16.

17. For example, the Riser 1000 Series is substantially similar to the ABI

DragMaster in at least 11 respects, as illustrated below:

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 17.

18. In marketing materials, RAS refers to its products as "redesigned,"

indicating the Riser Parties based it on ABI's intellectual property rather than

developing the product from scratch.

ANSWER: Defendants admit that they have, on occasion, referred to

Riser Arena Specialist Products as having been "redesigned." Unless
specifically admitted, Defendants deny the remaining allegations of
this paragraph 18.
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19. In other marketing materials, KAS has promoted its parts sales

business by promoting "replacement parts for new and old drags both" and

specifically targeting those who own "an older Kiser Drag."

ANSWER: Defendants admit that in marketing materials, KAS has

offered replacement parts for new and old drags both. Unless
specifically admitted. Defendant deny the allegations of paragraph 19.

20. All intellectual property relating to anything constituting an "older

Kiser Drag" was sold to ABI under the Product Lines Purchase Agreement.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 20.

21. As with the DragMaster, the Kiser 200 Series is substantially similar to

the ABI Edge, as illustrated below:

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 21.

22. Upon information and belief, the Kiser Parties may be developing other

knockoff products using intellectual property that belongs to ABI.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 22.

23. The decision by the Kiser Parties to give their products a generic number

rather than a distinctive name is calculated to trade on ABI's goodwill and unfairly

use the Mark in promoting KAS products as a "redesigns" of ABI products.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 23.

24. In fact, KAS has even used the same background music in some of its

promotional videos that ABI uses in some of its promotional videos. Compare with (ABI).

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ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations contained in paragraph


25. The Mark is the subject of United States Trademark Registration No.

4,044,235 for use in connection with equipment used for grooming and maintaining

equestrian arenas, namely, arena drags.

ANSWER: Defendants admit that the trademark for the mark

DRAGMASTER is the subject of United States Trademark
Registration No. 4,044,235, for use in connection with equipment used
for grooming and maintaining equestrian arenas. Defendants are
without knowledge regarding the remaining allegations of this
paragraph, and therefore deny those allegations.

26. ABI has attained significant goodwill among customers in the United

States and around the world. The Mark and the goodwill of the business associated

with it are of inestimable value to ABI.

ANSWER: Defendants are without sufficient knowledge or

information to enable them to form a belief as to the truth of the
allegations contained in paragraph 26, and therefore deny those

27. ABI displays the Mark on its products, product literature, and

advertising materials in order to assure customers that they are buying genuine ABI

products and services, which customers have come to recognize as representative of

ABI's superior quality, service, and reliability.

ANSWER: Defendants are without sufficient knowledge or

information to enable them to form a belief as to the truth of the
allegations contained in paragraph 27, and therefore deny those

28. Through its advertisements and other communications, the Riser

Parties are deceptively and unfairly trading on ABI's Mark.

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ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 20.

29. For example, representatives of KAS have referred to certain KAS

products as a redesign of or a replacement for the ABI DragMaster.

ANSWER: Defendants are without sufficient knowledge or

information to enable them to form a belief as to the truth of the
allegations contained in paragraph 29, and therefore deny those

30. ABI has not licensed the use of the Mark to any of the Riser Parties.

ANSWER: Defendants admit the allegations of paragraph 30.

31. The Riser Parties know of ABI's rights to the Mark, and they are

willfully using the Mark to advertise, distribute, and sell competing products that

have no affiliation with ABI.

ANSWER: Defendants admit they are aware of ABI's rights to the

Dragmaster trademark, but deny the remaining allegations contained
in this paragraph.

32. This unauthorized use of the Mark and the associated false and

misleading advertising, which are used in interstate commerce, are likely to cause,

and have caused, confusion that Defendants' products are somehow endorsed by or

affiliated with ABI.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 32.

33. The conduct of the Riser Parties has caused and is causing irreparable

damage to ABI's reputation and the goodwill associated with both the Mark and the

other intellectual property acquired under the Product Lines Purchase Agreement.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 33.

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34. Defendants' conduct is willful.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations contained in paragraph


35. ABI has no adequate remedy at law.

ANSWER: Defendants are without sufficient knowledge or

information to enable them to form a belief as to the truth of the
allegations contained in paragraph 35, and therefore deny those

Count I- Breach of Contract

36. ABI reasserts the allegations of Paragraphs 1-34.

ANSWER: Defendants reassert their answers to the allegations of

paragraphs 1-34.

37. In breach of its obligations under the Product Lines Purchase

Agreement, the Riser Parties have misappropriated intellectual property they sold to

ABI and no longer own, using it to design and promote knockoff products.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 37.

38. In further breach, the Riser Parties have sabotaged the goodwill they

sold to ABI by attempting to trade on the "DragMaster" name and to target owners

of"older Riser Drags."

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 38.

39. ABI has complied with all its obligations under the Product Lines

Purchase Agreement.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 39.

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40. ABI has incurred damages caused by the Kiser Parties' breaches of

contract that are expected to exceed $75,000.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 40.

41. In fact, money damages will not adequately remedy ABI for these

breaches because the harm caused by the Kiser Parties is irreparable.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 41.

42. Under Section 10(a) of the Product Lines Purchase Agreement, ABI is

also entitled to recover from the Kiser Parties all of ABI's legal fees and other

expenses incurred as a result of the Kiser Parties' breach of contract.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 42.

Count II- Misappropriation of Trade Secrets

43. ABI reasserts the allegations of Count I.

ANSWER: Defendants reassert the answers to the allegations of

Count I.

44. The Kiser Parties have misappropriated, by improper means, ABI's

proprietary information, including but not limited to the "specifications, shop

drawings, blueprints, records and intellectual property rights relating to the Product


ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 44.

45. The "specifications, shop drawings, blueprints, records and intellectual

property rights relating to the Product Lines" qualify as trade secrets.

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ANSWER: Defendants are without sufficient knowledge or

information to enable them to form a belief as to the truth of the
allegations contained in paragraph 45, and therefore deny those

46. The Kiser Parties' misappropriation of trade secrets entitles ABI to

recover lost profits, punitive and treble damages, costs and attorneys' fees, and

injunctive relief.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 46.

Count III- Lanham Act Violations

47. ABI reasserts the allegations of Counts I and II.

ANSWER: Defendants reassert the answers to the allegations of

Counts I and II.

48. Defendants' willful, intentional, unlawful and unauthorized use in

commerce of the Mark constitutes a violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1114(1).

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 48.

49. ABI is entitled to recover actual and treble damages, an accounting for

Defendants' profits, attorneys' fees, and the costs of this litigation according to 15

U.S.C. § 1117, as well as injunctive relief under 15 U.S.C. § 1116.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 49.

Count IV- False Designation / False Advertising

50. ABI reasserts the allegations of Counts I through III.

ANSWER: Defendants reassert the answers to the allegations of

Counts I through III.

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51. Defendants' intentional, unlawful, and unauthorized use in commerce

of the Mark, and Defendants' false advertising, as described above, is likely to cause

confusion, mistake or deception as to origin, sponsorship, or approval of Defendants'

products and therefore constitutes false designation of origin and false advertising in

violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a).

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 51.

52. ABI is entitled to recover actual and treble damages. Defendants'

profits, ABI's attorneys'fees, and the cost of this litigation—all according to 15 U.S.C.

§ 1117, as well as injunctive relief according to 15 U.S.C. § 1116.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 52.

Count V- Unfair Competition

53. ABI reasserts the allegations of Counts I through IV.

ANSWER: Defendants reassert the answers to the allegations of

Counts I through IV.

54. By engaging in the conduct described above. Defendants have knowingly

engaged in the unlawful passing off of their products as being ABI products or

otherwise affiliated with ABI—all in violation of the common law of unfair

competition in the State of Indiana.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 54.

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55. Defendants have also engaged in willful misappropriation of trade

secrets for the sole purpose of causing economic harm to ABI—also in violation of

Indiana's commons law of unfair competition.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 55.

56. ABI is entitled to recover actual and punitive damages for Defendants'

unfair competition.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 56.

Count VI- Common Law Trademark Misappropriation

57. ABI reasserts the allegations of Counts I through V.

ANSWER: Defendants reassert the answers to the allegations of

Counts I through V.

58. The conduct of Defendants described above violates and infringes ABI's

common law rights in the Mark in violation of the common law of the State ofIndiana.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 58.

59. ABI is entitled to recover actual and punitive damages for Defendants'


ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 59.

Count VII- Unjust Enrichment

60. ABI reasserts the allegations of Counts I through VI.

ANSWER: Defendants reassert the answers to the allegations of

Counts I through VI.

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61. Under the Product Lines Purchase Agreement and its ancillary

agreements, ABI has paid the Riser Parties more than $1.6 million.

ANSWER: Defendants admit the allegations of paragraph 61.

62. These payments have conferred a benefit on the Riser Parties.

ANSWER: Defendants admit the allegations of paragraph 62.

63. Due to the Riser Parties' actions, ABI has not received an adequate

benefit in return, unjustly enriching the Riser Parties at ABI's expense.

ANSWER: Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 63.

Affirmative Defenses

Defendants, subject to further investigation and discovery, and expressly

reserving their right to supplement their affirmative and other defenses, allege the

following affirmative and other defenses. By setting forth these defenses. Defendants

do not assume the burden of proving any fact, issue or element of a cause of action

where such burden properly belongs to ABI.

1. Some or all of ABI's claims fail to state a claim for which relief may be


2. Any use by Defendants of a trademark assigned to ABI has been fair use.

3. ABI is barred from recovery based on its unclean hands, in that the purpose

of the pending litigation is to suppress fair competition by Defendants.

4. ABI is barred from recovery based on its failure to mitigate its damages.

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5. ABI's request for a jury trial is improper, as ABI agreed to waive its right

to a jury trial with respect to the resolution of any dispute, whether

sounding in contract, tort or otherwise, in connection with the Product

Lines Purchase Agreement, all as set forth in the Promissory Note which is

a part of the transaction at issue.

Prayer for Relief

Wherefore,the Defendants respectfully request the Court to enter judgment

in their favor and against ABI on all claims, award Defendants the costs ofthis action,

including their reasonable attorneys' fees incurred, and grant all other appropriate


Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Robert G. Devetski

Robert G. Devetski (13957-71)
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
201 South Main Street, Suite 400
South Bend, Indiana 46601
Telephone: (574) 233-1171
Facsimile: (574) 237-1125

Dwight D. Lueck (14294-49)

E. Sahara Williams (36282-49)
BARNES & Thornburg LLP
11 South Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Telephone:(317) 231-7713
Facsimile: (317) 231-7433

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Attorneys for Defendants, Riser Arena

Specialists, Inc. Robert D. Riser, Individually
and as Trustee of The Riser Family Trust, and
James Riser

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I HEREBY CERTIFY that on June 2021, I electronically filed the

foregoing with the Clerk of the Court by using the CM/ECF system, which will send

a notice of electronic filing to:

James M. Lewis
Michael J. Hays
Tuesley Hall Konopa LLP
212 E. LaSalle Ave., Suite ICQ
South Bend, IN 46617

/s/ Robert G. Devetski

Robert G. Devetski



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